“ | Don't tell me that I don't care. I care about food more than I care about my family. | ” |
Tiffany Johnson was a contestant on Season 10 of Hell's Kitchen. She ranked in 9th place.
Season 10[]
Episode 1[]
- Main article: Episode 1001 - 18 Chefs Compete
The eighteen chefs arrived to Hell's Kitchen via SUVs and police escort, and as they walked in, Sous Chef Scott told the chefs he shaved his head to prove his commitment to Ramsay and showed a picture of him with a full head of hair, before deciding to shave the chefs' heads. After two chefs got their heads shaved, really Sous Chef Scott's friends, the latter was about to shave Danielle's head until Ramsay stopped him and told her to get back in line. He told the chefs to get in the kitchens to cook their signature dishes.
During the Signature Dish Challenge, Tiffany was the second person from the red team to have her dish judged, went up against Guy, and wanted to prove she was not some ditzy blonde who looks good and thinks she has what it takes. She made lamb schnitzel with a rosemary maple-infused lamb gloss, Ramsay told her to touch the top of her dish, and said it was like a wet diaper. He added that she made a lamb chop crispy and drenched in sauce, and although she argued that she poured the sauce in hurry, Kimmie was confused what went through a blonde bitch's head like herself. After, Ramsay called her dish disgusting, and she nor Guy scored that round. The red team eventually won the challenge 5-3, and they were rewarded with a steak meal at the patio cooked by Season 3 winner Rock Harper and Season 6 winner Dave Levey.
During dinner service, Tiffany was at the dessert station. When Roshni struggled on the scallops, she commented that they were not hard to cook, and when Christina was forced to redo the Wellington pastry, she called out 15 minutes on the refire. When Christina served Wellingtons with raw pastry, a fed-up Ramsay shut down the red kitchen. Despite this, the red team won the service as they served all their appetizers compared to the blue team’s zero.[1]
Episode 2[]
- Main article: Episode 1002 - 17 Chefs Compete
During the Scallop Challenge, Tiffany saw that Barbie was not helping them collect scallops, and commented that an extra set of hands would have been nice before calling Barbie a bitch before telling her to dig. She was paired up with Barbie, and after the latter put greens on their plate, their first attempt was accepted. After, they got their second attempt accepted, and when the women were leading over the men, she derided the men for sucking. Eventually, she and Barbie got their third attempt accepted, it was the winning point, and the red team won the challenge 6-2. They were rewarded with a trip to Catalina Island with Ramsay on board a yacht, and a zip lining experience. When the women walked past the men during their punishment, she mockingly knew that they were going to have a great day while the men were going to have a shit day as it was not even a hard challenge to win.
During dinner service, Tiffany was on the garnish station. When she expressed concern about missing scallop pieces, Barbie ignored her and placed eight pieces on the tray. So, she decided to send up the incomplete order to throw Barbie under the bus and accused her of not knowing how to count. When Barbie sent up two portions of overcooked scallops, she accused her of sinking them, and when the latter struggled more come entrées, she pissingly suggested they fire four sea basses for insurance. However, after Ramsay saw the fired sea bass, she revealed that she told the women to do it, but he reminded her that fish had to be cooked to order, although she felt it was not her fault. After getting kicked out of the kitchen, she completely lost it back at the dorms as she screamed profanity before knocking her water bottle off the counter.
Both teams were named joint losers, and they were asked to nominate two each. During deliberation, a pissed Tiffany wanted to see dinner service completed, and angrily told Barbie to go the fuck home as the women did not want her around. Later, she agreed with Dana to nominate Roshni in order to see Barbie go home.
Tiffany was not nominated that night, and revealed to Ramsay that they all unanimously voted Barbie as the first nominee.[2]
Episode 3[]
- Main article: Episode 1003 - 16 Chefs Compete
The next day, Tiffany was awoken by Barbie's loud dishwashing and stomping, and eventually, she and Robyn confronted the former on her attitude as she threatened to choke Barbie out.
During the Immigrants Lunch Service Challenge, Tiffany was on the salad station with Roshni. She was seen getting the salads ready, the red team got their orders finished first, they were sent to help the blue team, and they won the challenge. They were rewarded with a trip to San Diego with a safari trip and got to fly in a private jet. During the reward, she compared a rhino to Clemenza.
During dinner service, Tiffany was a waitress. She was not seen that night, the red team lost the service, and they were asked to nominate two people for elimination.
She was not nominated for elimination.[3]
Episode 4[]
- Main article: Episode 1004 - 15 Chefs Compete
Back at the dorms, Kimmie and Tiffany were pissed that Barbie was still around, and she told Guy that the latter sucked. The next day, a group of dogs was let loose in the dorms, and their loud barking woke up the chefs, confusing Barbie. Once up, Sous Chef Scott gave them overalls to put on, and at the farm, she said she was not afraid of farm animals and could tackle a sheep if she wanted.
During the Creative Lamb Challenge, Tiffany was paired up with Danielle on the lamb chop, they were the first pair from the red team to have their dish judged by Ramsay, and went up against the pair of Clemenza and Don. She presented their anchovy and pine nut crusted lamb chop and a souffle, and despite questioning the souffle component, Ramsay deemed the dish fucking delicious, and that he would pay a lot of money to pay for that. After a tough choice, Ramsay decided to award both pairs the point. The red team eventually lost the challenge 2-3, and they were punished by washing off the paint from the sheep, eating sheep testicles, and clean up both kitchens along with prepping them for that night’s service.
During dinner service, Tiffany was on the fish station with Dana. She was not seen that night, both teams were named joint losers, and they were asked to nominate two each.
Tiffany was not nominated for elimination, and after Don's elimination, she said goodbye to Roshni as the latter was reassigned to the blue team.[4]
Episode 5[]
- Main article: Episode 1005 - 14 Chefs Compete
Back at the dorms, Kimmie told Robyn, Barbie, and Tiffany that Dana and Danielle were strong together, before believing that Christina was following the duo as Robyn felt things were going to get dirty really soon.
During the Mexican Cuisine Challenge, Tiffany cooked the soup dish, was the third person from the red team to have her dish judged, and went up against Justin. She made a crab salsa soup, it was praised for having the flavor of the crab, and she won that round over Justin. The red team won the challenge 3-2, and they were rewarded with a gourmet lunch at John Sedlar’s Rivera restaurant and received salsa lessons.
Later that night at the hot tub, Royce complained that Mexicans did not use flour tortillas, before refusing to believe that Kimmie, a Memphis girl, did not make a better taco than himself. Despite Tiffany wanting a no bitching policy, she took a big swig of wine, got drunk, and told Kimmie and Robyn what Royce said, only using his complaints to blame Danielle, Dana, and Christina. Her wrongful reveal would lead to the red team becoming fractured the next day before service.
During the Mexican Night dinner service, Tiffany was on the garnish station. When Kimmie and Dana argued about who was responsible for the steak and snapper incident, she yelled that nobody fucking cared, and ordered the two to shut up and cook. After Barbie was kicked out for using a meat thermometer to check if the chicken was cooked, she commented that cooking a chicken was as easy as taking a shit. However, she sent up burned mashed potatoes, and it led her to get kicked out as well. Both teams were named joint losers and they were asked to nominate two each.
She was not nominated for elimination.[5]
Episode 6/7[]
- Main article: Episode 1006 - 13 Chefs Compete Part 1
- Main article: Episode 1007 - 13 Chefs Compete Part 2
Back at the dorms, Tiffany said that despite Dana feeling threatened by her, she was not going anywhere and that the latter could kiss her ass. before mocking the latter’s crying as it showed weakness, and said to get the fuck out if she couldn’t handle it as it was a competition.
Before the Fashion Night Planning Challenge, Tiffany and Christina were confused about Ramsay talking about trends and French food, leaving her to think they were doing a French-themed challenge. She was paired up with Barbie on the poultry entrée, and she suggested to the latter that they grill their squab and fry their eggplant as it was Mediterranean. They were the second pair from the red team to have their dish judged, went up against the pair of Patrick and Roshni, and she presented their pan-roasted squab with both eggplant purée and fried eggplant. However, once she said the fried eggplant, the judges were not impressed as they were not looking for fried food, with Dana asking if she was in the bathroom during the menu discussion as healthy and deep-fried did not go together and even Clemenza, who liked fried eggplant, knew it was not what the fashion people were looking for. Afterwards, the dish was criticized for a messy presentation but praised for being delicious and having a nice pomegranate salad, even though it had some grease to it. When Ramsay asked who had the idea of fried eggplant, she admitted she made it, with him asking her if she wanted to eat one and put on a swimsuit afterward as Barbie knew they fucked up. They lost that round to the pair of Patrick and Roshni, and the red team lost the challenge 1-2.
The red team was punished by decorating the dining room ahead of the Fashion Night dinner service, hand build a runway, and making centerpieces under the guidance of a fashion producer. After hearing about the blue team’s reward, a pissed Tiffany angrily asked if they were fucking kidding her as she wanted a reward like that. During the punishment, she sarcastically told the blue team to have fun when they walked passed the red team. Later that day, she farted and burped, amusing Robyn, shocking James, and disgusting Barbie, Kimmie, and Dana. Back at the dorms, she was grateful nobody was talking about her fried eggplant when Robyn was bitching about Kimmie.[6]
During the Fashion Night dinner service, Tiffany was on the fish station. She was confident about fish as she did not want to get yelled at or kicked out that night. When the first show of models was seen, she said that if she were to drop 500 lbs and stop eating, then maybe she could become a model. Barbie tried to help her out on fish by giving her direction, but she was unappreciative even though Barbie felt she had no finesse. Then, a small argument erupted between the two when Barbie found her scallops sticking to the pan due to low heat, was fed up listening to the former, and said Barbie sucked for being unable to work on a line. As Robyn told the two to stop bitching, Barbie sent the scallops up to the pass, only for Kimmie to see they were lacking any color. That led to an irate Ramsay showing the women the poorly cooked scallops, ranted how they were still messing up on a dish they made a hundred times before, and Barbie said that she told her. However, she claimed she had no idea who cooked them, frustrating Barbie, and Ramsay refused to serve the scallops as they were a joke as she shouted profanity at Barbie. Despite that, she got the refire accepted and confidently called herself the shit. When Robyn asked her to go into the blue kitchen for more beef, she was too frightened to do it, and when Ramsay yelled at the former for thinking that, she was relieved as she made the right decision not going into the blue kitchen. Then, she asked Christina to help watch over her swordfish, but Barbie commented that it was her station, before concluding it was all strategy for her as she could let others do the work and see them fall. After, the swordfish was sent up, but one of the pieces was cold, and she did not answer Ramsay’s question on who cooked it. Christina revealed she grilled them, but when Ramsay demanded to know who oversaw fish, she still did not answer to Barbie’s annoyance as, regardless that Christina helped, it was still her station. Eventually, she told Ramsay that Christina grilled the fish and she sent them up, and after the latter refused to send up any more fish without approval, Dana accused her of not taking responsibility for her mistakes and called it fugly. The red team eventually won the service.
At elimination, Tiffany and the red team gave Clemenza a standing ovation after his passionate plea and surviving elimination.[7]
Episode 8[]
- Main article: Episode 1008 - 12 Chefs Compete
During the Dome Challenge, Tiffany grabbed monkfish and quail eggs. While she originally wanted celery root, Dana took them before she had the chance. After grabbing quail eggs, she wanted to make them work despite not wanting them originally. She was the first person from the red team to have her dish judged, went up against Justin, and was confident her dish was classy, before expressing confidence that the judges would like it. She made a tarragon couscous with brown butter sauce seasoned monkfish and quail eggs was praised for being delicious, having a perfectly cooked fish, and having the quail egg compliment the dish well despite initially seen as a curveball. She scored 6 stars, and the red team won the challenge 30-29. They were rewarded with a spa day and brand new Demeyere cookware for each of them. During the reward, she was seen relaxing in a bubble bath.
During dinner service, Tiffany was on the meat station. At one point, she put a knife to her lip before sticking it in the Wellingtons, with a disgusted Robyn accusing her of making out with them, forcing the women to start over. When Barbie asked her where the sauce for the Wellingtons was, she rudely told her to leave her alone, but then, she sent up Wellingtons that were not connected to the pastry. Before Robyn could put more into the convection oven, she got pissed and had a fit as Ramsay tried to urge her to get organized. Later, her refire was accepted, but when Ramsay asked her what would come out next, she hesitantly said a perfect Wellington. The red team won dinner service by a mile after completing both their own tickets and the blue team's tickets.[8]
Episode 9/10[]
- Main article: Episode 1009 - 11 Chefs Compete Part 1
- Main article: Episode 1010 - 11 Chefs Compete Part 2
The next day, Tiffany heard Kimmie's rap. During the Creative Steak Challenge, she went up against Justin, and their ingredients were filet, beets, carrots, zucchini, and chorizo. During the cooking, she decided to do a stuffing for her filet and was confident about something she never did before. She was the first person from the red team to have her dish judged, but her chorizo-zucchini stuffed filet immediately rose a red flag for Ramsay as it was dangerous to stuff a Rolls Royce cut, and Robyn asked if she was joking. Then, it was praised for tasting good, but criticized for being overcooked, and she lost that round to Justin. The red team lost the challenge 2-3, and they were punished by taking in a delivery of a side of beef, and prep it for Steak Night. During the punishment, she was pissed when the men walked by and called it unfair as they get to go on another shopping spree.
The next day, Tiffany was one of the chefs that listen to Robyn vent about her teammates, and felt they should go fuck themselves as they did not own the room. During prep, she half assed on prepping the onions, with Barbie calling her out on her lack of standards, and told Sous Chef Andi about her thick onion slices. After being called out, she accused Barbie of being a kiss ass, and sarcastically wished the latter luck in winning while a bitchy Robyn agreed with her. Then, she called Barbie the head bitch in charge and wanted to break something over the latter’s head, but Kimmie told her they had no time to argue and Christina agreed.[9] Before service began, she was happy when Kimmie came back into the kitchen despite suffering a serious burn.
During the Steak-Family Night, Tiffany was on the appetizer station with Dana, and cooked the pizzas. At one point, Ramsay noticed a young girl waiting for her pizza, and chewed her out for her slow performance, but she hated cooking for children and did not care what their opinions were. When she sent up her first attempt, Ramsay and Sous Chef Andi found one side to be burnt, and he angrily ordered the red team to get a grip. Then, Robyn accidentally hit her in the head with the pizza spatula, and Barbie started to wonder why she was a chef as she showed not to care. So, Barbie decided to jump in and help on the pizzas, but she hated Barbie’s look and said she could not stand the latter’s attitude. Eventually, Barbie got her attempt accepted, but she annoyingly told her to get off her high horse as she sucked at cooking. Later, she tried to redeem herself with the blinis, but cooked too slow for Ramsay’s liking, leaving him accusing her of looking fast asleep. When Dana showed concern about the state the blinis were in, she rudely told her off, and Barbie felt she showed no respect for the food, before adding on that the only thing she was passionate about was a cigarette. After, she served inconsistent blinis, the women were forced to start over, and Ramsay ordered more than one of them to make blinis. So, Barbie decided to jump in again, but like last time, she did not appreciate the help, and had it with the former. Despite that, Barbie’s attempt was accepted, but while the former took Ramsay’s compliment, she snapped. As service continued, she and Barbie started arguing over garnishes, leading Ramsay to call it a sad situation before calling the three men from the blue kitchen over to the red kitchen to help. However, the red team was soon kicked out of the kitchen after multiple mistakes.
Both teams were named joint losers, and they were asked to nominate two each. During deliberation, Christina suggested Tiffany as the women’s first nominee for her constant screaming at Barbie as it was both unprofessional and unacceptable on Family Night, and even felt the two would break into a fistfight. Kimmie went with her as well for the burnt pizzas. However, she believed Barbie was the weakest chef in both performance and attitude.
Tiffany was named the red team's first nominee for elimination, with Robyn as the second, and they joined Patrick and Royce from the blue team. During her plea, Ramsay asked her if she cared, but when she argued it was the cattiness that sucked, Barbie felt that she did not care about anything. However, that led to her telling off Barbie and that she sucked on a station by herself, but when Ramsay asked her how much she cared on a scale of one to ten, she hesitantly said a nine. She survived elimination, and after Patrick was eliminated, she said goodbye to Robyn as the latter was reassigned to the blue team.[10]
Episode 11[]
- Main article: Episode 1011 - 10 Chefs Compete
During the Craps Challenge, Tiffany called the blue team fucking idiots after seeing their weird ingredient list. She rolled a C, and she picked chicory, much to Christina’s dismay. As the red team had normal ingredients, she was confident they had it. Dana presented the red team's herb-crusted rack of lamb on top of crispy roasted Brussel sprouts and braised endives and chicory. Ramsay praised the cook of the lamb for being perfect but criticized the Brussel sprouts for being a disappointment as they were too crunchy.
The red team lost the challenge, and they were punished by slow roasting pork for a pulled pork special ahead of the following service, which would take 12–15 hours. Back at the dorms, a pissed Tiffany said she wanted to go to Vegas very badly, and during the punishment, she was very comfortable with the pig they were prepping, with Kimmie noticing that it was the happiest she saw her, but Dana felt she was acting creepy around it.
During dinner service, Tiffany was on the fish station. At one point, her scallops were cooked perfectly, leaving her giving herself a pat on the back, and Ramsay praised the red team for their smoothest performance on appetizers thus far. On entrées, she accidentally sent up a cod when sea bass was on order, frustrating Barbie as her five pieces of meat were meat and asked her how she could not tell the difference between the two fish. While she said “oh shit” by her mistake, a frustrated Ramsay ordered her to get the fucking sea bass in, but when she was cooking cod again, Ramsay accused her mind of being somewhere else if she made the same mistake twice. Despite that, she finally got a sea bass out, and the red team was able to complete the order. Later, she was one of the four red chefs that came in to help the blue team, and after calling them pathetic due to being disorganized in all aspects, she and Brian had an argument. The red team won the service.[11]
Episode 12/13[]
- Main article: Episode 1012 - 9 Chefs Compete Part 1
- Main article: Episode 1013 - 9 Chefs Compete Part 2
Back at the dorms, Tiffany and Brian were still sore over what happened that night when the former belittled the latter, but while she was not sympathetic over Brian’s complaints, he said that she sucked, and it was a personal punishment to see her face. Then, Justin reminded her that when the blue team came over into the red kitchen, they did not push the women out of their stations, but she ignored him, leading him to call her out of her mind.
During the Wing Eating Challenge, Tiffany was one of the four chefs to compete against Joey Chestnut for $500, and while Dana hoped that she could eat wings as fast as she could drink beer, she felt like she could hurl as the wings were too much. Eventually, Chestnut won as the chefs only had seven wings left. During the Blind Taste Test, she was the third person from the red team to compete and went up against Clemenza. She was only able to guess walnuts correctly, and the red team lost 6-7. They were punished by participating in Delivery Day, as well as unboxing all their peppercorns, grind them by hand and mortar, replace the fryer oil for both kitchens, and prep potatoes. After hearing the blue team’s reward, she was upset that they lost, and was very jealous. During the punishment, when a delivery of ice came in, she wanted a personal assistant and wanted somebody to shoot her before spilling a bag of ice onto the floor.
Later that day, a truck horn blared, annoying Tiffany as she thought the red team was done with delivery day. However, Barbie opened the box to reveal a tablet, and after pressing play, it opened a prerecorded message from Ramsay. Then, Ramsay announced that he was giving both teams a chance to have their own menus for the following night’s service, and gave them one hour to create a menu with three appetizers, three entrées, and three desserts. During prep, she, along with Christina, said that Kimmie’s sauce tasted more like Jack Daniels and honey. When Barbie was very slow cleaning the mussels, she sarcastically thanked her for the help for two and a half hours, and accusing her of doing it on purpose. With time nearly running out, she asked Christina and Dana to taste her potatoes, but the two felt they were very crunchy. However, she claimed they were done, felt that she knew what fine dining was, and had nothing to worry about.[12]
During dinner service, Tiffany was on the garnish station and had her potato gratin on the menu. After Kimmie overcooked her ribeye, she felt that the former should not be here if she failed at cooking easy food. Later, Ramsay caught her about to cook fish garnish on a dirty pan after scraping it clean, and Dana called her gross. Then, Ramsay said it really told him something when a chef could not be bothered to grab a fresh pan for new garnishes, and Barbie called it gross that she used a dirty pan when there were two million pans in the restaurant. Then, one red customer complained her potatoes were raw, James sent them back, and as Ramsay called it a first in his career by having the women touch them, she got fed up, and asked if they could get service done without getting yelled at. Then, Ramsay accused her of not caring, but she argued that she cared about food more than her family, while Dana reminded her about the crunchy potatoes five hours ago. While the red team were on their final two orders, she had no idea how long the potatoes could take to reheat, frustrating Christina as they were her item. Then, Sous Chef Andi called her out on her poor attitude and being the sloppiest cook she saw in her life, and when she falsely apologized, Sous Chef Andi kicked her out of service and put Dana on garnish. While going back to the dorms, she was upset that her teammates made her look like an idiot.
Both teams were named joint losers, with Ramsay reminding Tiffany about the raw potatoes, and they were asked to nominate two each. During deliberation, Dana considered her for the potato fiasco, but while she argued she was set up, Dana knew that nobody sabotaged her as it was her fault. After Christina and Barbie nominated her, she said there was no point, before picking Kimmie and Barbie as she felt the latter’s attitude sucked and had no place being in the competition.
Tiffany was named the red team's first nominee, with Barbie as the second, and they joined Robyn and Clemenza from the blue team. During her plea, she felt she was a valuable teammate and had no problems helping her team out, before tearing up that she wanted to stay despite fucking up on the potatoes. However, Ramsay questioned her natural desire and passion, warning her she was not standing out. She was eliminated for her poor performances, poor attitude, and lack of passion. During her exit interview, she did not believe she would be eliminated that early, underestimated how hard Hell’s Kitchen was, and felt she would have made final two, before apologizing to Ramsay for not being the leader he wanted her to be.
Ramsay's comment: "The most passionate I ever saw Tiffany was moments ago when she was already on her way out. That was just too late." [13]
Nomination History[]
Week 1 | Win |
Week 2 | Safe |
Week 3 | Safe |
Week 4 | Safe |
Week 5 | Safe |
Week 6 | Win |
Week 7 | Win |
Week 8 | Nominated |
Week 9 | Win |
Week 10 | Nominated |
Post Hell's Kitchen[]
- After her appearance on the show, Tiffany returned to cooking in a restaurant in her hometown of Warren, Vermont.
- She got married and is now known as Tiffany Gross.
- She is the only contestant from the state of Vermont.
- She is the only contestant to this date who was kicked out of the kitchen by a Sous Chef.
- She is the second contestant to get into a confrontation with Sous Chef Andi, following Elise (Season 9).
- She did not come back for the last dinner service of the season as supposed to, so Patrick took her place.
- "By coming to Hell's Kitchen, I'm trying to prove that I'm not just some dumb, ditsy blonde who... looks really good."
- (to Barbie) "Dig, bitch."
- (When the red team is in the lead for the Scallops Challenge) "Ladies, one. Ladies, one. Men, ehhh! Men, ehhh! You suck."
- (to Barbie) "There's TWO fish that had to go fuckin' out — one out to the fuckin' pass and one out to the fuckin' table! You fuckin' get that shit? You fuckin' idiot!"
- (About Barbie) "You fucking idiot! Like, go the fuck home! Nobody wants your bitchass here!"
- (About Barbie) "Get off your fucking high horse, you're not good at cooking, UGGGH, fucking hate her!!"
- "I'm sorry that Dana feels threatened by me, but I'm not going anywhere so she can kiss my ass!!"
- (About Barbie) "Don't fucking talk to me, don't fucking look at me, just get out of here. Don't fuck with me BITCH!!!"
- "I care, on a scale of 1 to 10, like a 9."
- "I really hate cooking for children, kids don't know what fine dining is, so their opinions really don't matter to me. I really don't like kids at all."
- "The blue team is pathetic, the whole blue kitchen was in disarray. There's nothing organised or together, clearly they have a problem cooking and communicating."
- Dana: "I don't think they're gonna take that." Tiffany: "Who cares, Dana?"
- "Can we just fucking get done, without getting yelled at like all you had to do is take my potatoes and put them into a pan!!! Like it's not hard!!"
- "Barbie is the weakest person on this team and I've just had it Barbie's attitude!! We're here to cook we're not here to make faces like (imitates facial expressions)."
- (To Barbie) "It'd be one thing if you could fucking cook on a line first before fucking running your mouth!!!"
- (To the blue team) "GO FUCK YOURSELVES!!!"
- "Barbie knows everything. She knows how to fucking cook everything, you know, she's the HBIC, yeah!! You know fuck that bitch!!"
- "Dana, she thinks she knows it all but I know what fine dining is so I shouldn't have anything to worry about!!"
- (To Ramsay) "Don't tell me that I don't care. I care about food more than I care about my family."
- (After getting kicked out by Sous Chef Andi) "Hey, look at Tiffany. Let's make fun of her. I don't care about anything, apparently, so, what the fuck? Y'all just made me look like a fucking idiot. Bye."
- (After being eliminated) "I never thought I'd be kicked out of this competition this early. I feel that Hell's Kitchen is a lot harder than I thought it would ever be. Wish I could've made it to the top two, I tried my hardest. Chef Ramsay, I'm sorry I didn't prove myself as a leader tonight but, I know that I am and you know, hopefully one day he'll see that."
External links[]
Tiffany Johnson on Twitter
Hell's Kitchen Season 10 |
Staff |
Gordon Ramsay (Head Chef) • Scott Leibfried (Blue Team Sous Chef) • Andi Van Willigan-Cutspec (Red Team Sous Chef) • James Lukanik (Maître d'hôtel) |
Contestants |
Robyn Almodovar • Justin Antiorio • Chris Carrero • Clemenza Caserta • Patrick Cassata • Dana Cohen • Roshni Gurnani • Tavon Hubbard • Tiffany Johnson • Barbie Marshall • Brian Merel • Danielle Rimmer • Don Savage • Briana Swanson • Guy Vaknin • Royce Wagner • Kimmie Willis • Christina Wilson |