“ | Coming in second place in Hell’s Kitchen is definitely not gonna stop me, so many doors are gonna open up. I am not one least bit upset right now, I'm walking out of here a winner. | ” |
Paula DaSilva was a contestant on Season 5 of Hell's Kitchen. She was the runner-up of that season.
Season 5[]
Episode 1[]
- Main article: Episode 501 - 16 Chefs Compete
In the series biggest turnout, thousands of chefs auditioned for Hell's Kitchen. However, only three hundred arrived at Hell’s Kitchen and met Jean-Philippe and Ramsay. Out of the three hundred, sixteen were selected to compete. Jean-Philippe began calling out the chefs chosen to compete. Paula was the sixth of the sixteen called to compete.
During the Signature Dish Challenge, Paula was the fourteenth person to have her dish judged by Ramsay. She made a butternut squash soup. Ramsay praised it for being seasoned beautifully. After the challenge, Ramsay asked both teams to decide on a team name for the opening night. She suggested sizzling spices.
When the teams were lined up, the women revealed their new team name, which was Team Saffron. It was eventually changed to Spice Racks after a request from Colleen. During dinner service, Paula was on the garnish station with Andrea. She went unnoticed that night. The red team won because of Carol's strong performance as a waitress.[1]
Episode 2[]
- Main article: Episode 502 - 15 Chefs Compete
The following day at 5:49 AM, a marching band came into the dorms and played loudly, and the chefs woke up. Sous Chefs Scott and Gloria ordered the chefs to get downstairs, and they were led outside to find Ramsay. Wanting both teams to learn how to respect their products, Ramsay had them go to their crates and gather all the scallops into their colored buckets. During the Scallop Cleaning Challenge, Paula managed to get only one out of her ten scallops approved as some of her portions were gashed. The red team lost the challenge 35-36 and they were forced to prepare a raw bar for the next service. During the punishment, she was disgusted by Lacey's carefree attitude and abandoning the team when the latter came down six hours into the punishment.
Before dinner service, Ramsay assigned Paula to run the raw bar server for the red team. At the start of service, she was seen getting her raw bar prepped. After Colleen's poor performance on the fish station, she was reassigned to the meat station with Coi. When she came back, she asked Ji how her injured ankle was, but the latter told her she wanted to focus on service. The red team lost service. When checking on Ji after service, she she wants to see the former hammer it out until Ji said she was ready to go home.
Paula was not nominated for elimination, and gave Ji an emotional standing ovation during her exit, like the rest of her team, and the blue team.[2]
Episode 3[]
- Main article: Episode 503 - 14 Chefs Compete
The following morning, the Sous Chefs woke up the contestants at 6 AM with cowbells and told them to get dressed and out the front door to the SUVs. The barely awoke chefs were driven to an unknown place. It turned out to be a meat processing plant and they took a tour of the place, with Sous Chef Scott showing them where the beef cuts were on a cow. During the Meat & Cow Challenge, Paula was the second person of her team to attempt the first part. She succeeded in correctly guessing all the cuts, and was later the third person on her team to attempt the second part. Despite her best efforts, the red team lost the challenge and they were forced to carry two large sides of beef and eat cow offal. During the punishment, she got pissed by their meal.
During the Steakhouse double dinner service, Paula was a waitress for the first seating. She took twenty minutes to send her first ticket up, which caused Giovanni to believe she did in on purpose. During the second seating, where she was at the garnish station with LA, she was not seen much. The red team won the dinner service.[3]
Episode 4[]
- Main article: Episode 504 - 13 Chefs Compete
After Carol named herself and Andrea as the red team's strongest chefs, Paula secretly knew she was the strongest and did not need the former's validation. During the Football Team & Cheerleaders Breakfast Service Challenge, she put herself on the pancake station with Coi as she was terrible with breakfast items. She feared the challenge could be her worst. Then, she and Ramsay had to tell Colleen to focus on her hash browns after the latter got distracted by the cheerleaders. When Coi struggled on pancakes, Ramsay told her to bring back the standards.
The red team won the challenge and they were rewarded with a Beverly Hills-style camping experience. That made Paula change her tune as she thought it was normal camping. During the reward, she said the reward came at a good time as the women reenergized from the competition.
During dinner service, Paula was at the dessert station. At one point, she saw Colleen get a beating from Ramsay again. Despite seeing Colleen keep her head up high, she thought the former's brain was breaking. Both teams were named joint losers and they were asked to nominate two each.
Paula was not nominated for elimination. After Seth's elimination, she said goodbye to Lacey as the latter was reassigned to the blue team.[4]
Episode 5[]
- Main article: Episode 505 - 12 Chefs Compete
During the Asian Fusion Challenge, Paula was paired with LA on the seafood dish. During the cooking, she was forced to rethink her dish and go Japanese French fusion. They were the second pair from the red team to have their dish judged, and they went up against the pair of Ben and Lacey. They made an ahi tuna tempura with confit vegetables. While Ben did not see the fusion in the dish, the judges praised the tempura for its temperature and cook. They scored that round over Ben and Lacey. The red team won the challenge 2-1, they had their dishes featured on the the Epicurious website, and they won an Asian-inspired day which included sumo wrestling and sake tasting.
Before service began, Ramsay told Paula that her and LA's ahi tuna tempura was one of the best dishes he had ever tasted in Hell’s Kitchen, and it would be featured on that night's menu. During dinner service, she was at the garnish station with Coi. She was not seen that night. Both teams were named joint losers and LA was named "Best of the Worst" for the red team.
She was not nominated for elimination.[5]
Episode 6[]
- Main article: Episode 506 - 11 Chefs Compete
During the Bar Mitzvah Planning Challenge, Paula got nervous as they might have made the dishes too fancy for Max. When Ben talked about he was raised in a conservative Jewish family, it annoyed her. The red team lost the challenge 1-2, and she blamed Carol for not listening to their warnings on using blue cheese and got aggravated. They were punished by decorating the dining room for the next night’s service, based on the instructions of Francisco the Party Planner. During the punishment, she got annoyed with Andrea and Carol's bickering, calling it a headache as it was ruining the morale. When the blue team came back from their reward, she was not impressed that they wore sunglasses inside as they went out of style ten years ago.
During the Bar Mitzvah dinner service, Paula was at the fish station. When the red team had to participate in the horah dance as their second punishment, she snarkily said this would be the only time Max got lifted up by girls. Near the end of service, she said there was no choice but to complete service after Francisco dropped the cake. The red team lost the service and Andrea was named the "Best of the Worst". During deliberation, she felt no one stood out that night.
Paula was not nominated. While the rest of the red team went with their plan to out Andrea as the weakest performer of the red team that night, she did not and stated that Coi had the worst performance.[6]
Episode 7[]
- Main article: Episode 507 - 10 Chefs Compete
Back at the dorms, Paula agreed with Andrea about LA being weaker than Carol, due to her not showing any passion in the last few services. After Carol and LA left to be alone, Giovanni reminded her and Andrea that it was still a team effort and they must put aside their differences.
Before the Leftovers Challenge, Paula knew it would be a tough challenge as she wondered how much food they had wasted in the last couple of services. She and the red team welcomed Giovanni as their new teammate. She was the first person from the red team to have her dish judged by Ramsay and went up against Danny. She made a peppered steak and eggs with tomatoes and shallots, which was deemed nice by Ramsay. She tied that round with Danny. The red team won the challenge 3-2 and they were rewarded with a day at Hollywood Parks to see a horse race and bet on it with Ramsay.
During dinner service, Paula was at the meat station. After LA was unresponsive when Ramsay asked for the missing John Dory, she thought the former was asleep that night. Later, her Wellingtons were perfectly cooked, and Ramsay called it the best one they have served so far. She felt great to receive a compliment like that, while Carol called her the mark to beat. When Andrea and Carol argued at the end of service, she defused the argument, telling the latter to get over it. The red team won the dinner service.[7]
Episode 8[]
- Main article: Episode 508 - 9 Chefs Compete
During the Blind Taste Test, Paula realized it would not be an easy challenge after seeing Ben and Andrea miss filet mignon. She was the final person from the red team to compete and went up against Danny. For that round, Ramsay presented a minestrone soup and told them to guess as many of the ten ingredients as they could. She managed to correctly guess beans, bacon, and celery. The red team won the challenge 8-7 and they were rewarded with a photo shoot for TV Guide in the restaurant and received makeovers. During the reward, she wanted the photoshoot over the punishment.
During dinner service, Paula was at the appetizer station. Her first risottos were mushy and salty, which surprised Ramsay as she had never made a mistake like that before. She admitted she should not have made a mistake with her experience, and Ramsay told her to check on the stock if it was salty. Then, she sent up her refired risotto, which was acceptable. Still, Ramsay was stunned that she went from one way to another. When Carol struggled on meat, Ramsay warned her they could be in trouble. The red team lost the service and they were asked to nominate two people for elimination. During deliberation, she nominated Carol for a couple of poor performances in previous services and LA. However, LA accused her of being biased in her decision and knew she would not pick Andrea.
Paula was not nominated for elimination. However, she told Ramsay that they had multiple options for elimination, but an annoyed Ramsay told her he was not in the mood. After naming LA and Carol as the nominees, she admitted that Andrea's name was also discussed, but said that the latter was not her pick.[8]
Episode 9[]
- Main article: Episode 509 - 7 Chefs Compete
Back at the dorms, Paula voiced her concern that Andrea and Carol's arguing was killing the red team’s teamwork and warned them that they might be back up for elimination if it continued.
During the Red King Crab Challenge, Paula could not find where the chinois was and asked Ramsay if he could look for one. However, Ramsay chewed her for asking him that and asked if she wanted a latte. Andrea knew that was a poor decision for her to make. Even though her dish was considered for judging, it was ultimately not. After Andrea's dish failed to impress Ramsay, the latter called her down along with Danny from the blue team. She presented her crab with hazel coconut broth. It wowed Ramsay with its presentation, and it was deemed delicious. The red team lost the challenge and they were punished by cleaning both the dorms and kitchens and prep all the king crab for the next night’s dinner service. She said it sucked to clean up someone else's mess, especially the messy people. During the punishment, she did not want to hear the blue team talk about their reward.
Before dinner service, Ramsay gave both teams control of their own menus. When creating the menu, Giovanni pushed for her crab dish. During dinner service, she was at the fish station. She was not seen that night. The red team won the dinner service because they got a 54% above average rating from their customers, compared to the blue team's 39%.[9]
Episode 10[]
- Main article: Episode 510 - 6 Chefs Compete
The next day, both teams went downstairs to meet Ramsay, who asked Paula and Danny who were their weakest chefs on their respective teams. She answered Andrea. Instead of eliminating anybody, Ramsay gave her a black jacket, along with the rest of the chefs.
During the 14 Ingredients Challenge, Paula knew it was time to step up and shine. She was the third person to have her dish judged by Ramsay and presented her wine-based chicken with pasta. Although it was praised for being delicious, she lost the challenge to Ben. She was punished by participating in Delivery Day and prep for the following service. When Danny left the patio after being angry at Ben, she commented how the men took losing poorly. During the punishment, she deemed it one of the most aggravating punishments yet. Later, she got annoyed by Giovanni's attitude and warned the latter to run once she got angry. While picking up their last delivery, she noticed that they were two lobsters short of the thirty-six that were ordered, and Giovanni rushed to stop the truck as Danny was signing off on everything. The two men ran at the truck as Andrea found out they had the correct amount. Andrea ran off to tell Giovanni about it, but the latter said he was done after that. Once they returned to the kitchen, Giovanni complained that he was too old to run around, but that irritated her as she knew how to check on produce.
During prep, Paula felt they were the strongest chefs out of the sixteen that entered the competition and thought it would be an easy night. During dinner service, she was at the appetizer station with Ben. Appetizers were leaving the kitchen at a great pace because of her performance at that station. She called it a good feeling not to send out poor food because that would make her an easy target for elimination. When Ramsay chewed out Ben for cutting a chicken to check on the cook, she note how Ramsay went after the latter more than any other chef so far. With the increasing struggles of that night, she called their first night as black jackets a failure. After service was shut down, Ramsay named her “Best of the Worst” for her solid performance on appetizers and told her to nominate two people for elimination. During deliberation, she was annoyed that they could not bang anything out despite having six professional chefs. She deemed Giovanni's performance close to Lacey's, thought he and Andrea were close to how bad they were and thought Robert was teetering tottering that night. She knew she had to pick two of those three for that night.
Paula named Giovanni as her first nominee, and Andrea as her second. After elimination, everyone was in bed sleeping at 2:14 AM,, but a phone call from Ramsay woke up everybody. Ramsay ordered everyone back downstairs, with their jackets on, immediately. She wondered what was going to happen after that call. Once downstairs, Ramsay stated he was very disappointed in their poor performance and asked how could the final six perform so poorly that night. Afterwards, Ramsay announced that after that night, he was shutting down Hell’s Kitchen, ending the episode in a cliffhanger.[10]
Episode 11[]
- Main article: Episode 511 - 5 Chefs Compete
Continuing from the previous episode, Ramsay announced he was shutting down Hell’s Kitchen, much to the shock and disappointment of the final five. However, Ramsay revealed that they would be leaving for Atlantic City to visit the Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa for a few days. Everyone was shocked and relieved by the news. Ramsay said the final five would leave for the hotel tomorrow as he hoped they would see what was at stake. Ramsay urged the chefs to keep their eyes open on their trip because once they returned to Hell's Kitchen, they would be in the final push of the competition. The following morning, the final five left Hell’s Kitchen and drove down to the airport, where a private jet was waiting for them. Later that night, they arrived in Atlantic City, and the jet turned to show them the hotel. They made their way to the Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa, where they met Michael Facenda, the Director of Marketing. The following day, the chefs were given a tour of the hotel by Facenda. Then, Facenda reminded them of the grand prize one of them would win, even showing the construction site of what their restaurant would be. That sparked inspiration in all of them, and some began to envision their restaurants on the spot. For the rest of the day, the chefs relaxed at the hotel.
Later that evening, the chefs went to the SeaBlue restaurant for dinner. They met VP Food and Beverage Nicholas Kurban and Executive Chef Ron Ross and spoke with them. A few minutes into dinner, Robert excused himself from the table and left, which Andrea noticed. The other chefs did not know that Robert was not feeling well and was having chest pain. The local paramedic came to check on Robert, and she recommended he leave for the hospital. The other chefs expressed concern for his well-being. Later that night, Robert called Ben and informed him he was at the hospital, saying he had chest pains and the medic was not sure if it was a heart attack. Robert said he would be staying at the hospital overnight, and Ben relayed the news to the other chefs. That disheartened Paula as she wanted Robert to continue the competition as the four chefs wished the latter well. At 11:35 pm, the remaining four chefs returned to Hell’s Kitchen but were still concerned about Robert's status.
A few days later, Robert came back but announced he was leaving the competition due to his heart condition. Robert said goodbye to the other chefs, hugging each of them as they gave him a standing ovation. When Ramsay announced that the winner of the Borgata Signature Dish Challenge would win immunity, Paula realized how vital the challenge was as it was a guaranteed spot in the final three. When there was three minutes left in the cooking, she said she had a clear idea and wanted to show the Borgata she could cook. She was the third chef to have her dish judged by Ramsay and presented her smoked salmon ceviche. It was deemed delicious and had great seasoning. Also, Ramsay felt it was seared instead of overcooked as she feared, much to her relief. She lost the challenge to Andrea.
During dinner service, Paula was at the meat station. At one point, Ben needed her help on what was on order and later, she asked Andrea for a time to send her Wellingtons. Andrea revealed she needed four minutes on her salmon, but Ramsay told her to send her Wellingtons despite the former's slow performance. She sent up beautifully cooked Wellingtons to the pass. It was thanks to her strong performance on meat that allowed the final four to serve half of their entrées to the dining room. After service, Ramsay asked the team to nominate two people for elimination, apart from Andrea.
Despite her decent performance, Paula was the second nominee for elimination, with Ben being the first. Ramsay was shocked about her nomination, and when he asked why, Andrea claimed it was her lack of communication. Before she could get through her plea, Ramsay sent her back in line and she survived elimination.[11]
Episode 12[]
- Main article: Episode 512 - 4 Chefs Compete
Back in the dorms, Paula told Andrea that she needed to bounce back after her poor performance that night.
During the Taste It Now Make It Challenge, Paula used halibut, sea scallops, water, and white wine, in order to recreate Ramsay's Italian Fish Stew. While she was in the top two with Danny, she lost out as he used fish stock for his dish, and she did not. Her punishment was to work with Jean-Philippe in polishing the crystal ware, shampooing the carpets, and prepping for that night’s service. During the punishment, Andrea's negative attitude rubbed her the wrong way, but knew that Andrea's continuing stress would be better for her own performance.
During dinner service, Paula was on the fish station. At one point, she slowed down during the entrées stage, but managed to bounce back quickly. She was later seen making fresh Wellingtons, along with Danny, after Andrea miscounted them during prep. After service, the team was asked to nominate one person who should be going home.
She was not nominated for elimination. [12]
Episode 13[]
- Main article: Episode 513 - 3 Chefs Compete
Immediately after elimination, Paula received a surprise when her mother and sister came to visit, which sparked her motivation back up.
During the 100 Portions Challenge, Paula made an olive oil poached sturgeon with crispy potatoes, crème fresh and a salad. She won the challenge after receiving 76% of the votes. Her reward was a full Hollywood makeover and a special surprise that would be revealed the following day. She rode in a limousine with Jean-Philippe and spoke with him on their personal life. She got a haircut, manicure, and pedicure, which gave her a big confidence boost. The next morning, she and Ramsay left in a limousine, when he revealed that they were going to a live taping of Good Day LA for a cooking demo, much to her excitement. On live TV, she and Ramsay did a cooking demo for a salad.
During dinner service, Paula was on the appetizer station. She was the first person to run the pass. She stumbled on the first ticket due to nerves, but managed to pick it back up. Moments later, Sous Chef Gloria sent up her first quality control test by sending up a squash purée instead of a carrot purée. She failed to notice the mistake and Ramsay urged her to take it more seriously. Her next quality control test came when Sous Chef Scott sent up a spinach soup instead of a water crest soup, but she managed to correctly catch the mistake. She continued her strong leadership up on the pass, and most of the appetizers were sent out to the dining room. After service, Ramsay asked each contestant to choose one of their teammates who they think would not deserve to be in the finals.
Paula voted for Andrea and received no votes. She was the first person announced to go in the finals and was later joined by Danny.[13]
Episode 14/15[]
- Main article: Episode 514 - 2 Chefs Compete
- Main article: Episode 515 - Winner Announced
After elimination, Paula and Danny were introduced to their biggest test, which was to create their own restaurants. She was given the red kitchen. Back in the dorms, she and Danny celebrated with champagne, but woke up the next morning hungover. Despite that, she already had most of her ideas thought out.
During the planning stages of her restaurant, Paula met with Hell's Kitchen architect Jon Janavs to discuss her restaurant ideas. One of her ideas was to have real candles on the walls, and refused to have any pink as she hated that color. Later, she met Sous Chef Gloria and went over her simplistic menu. Before leaving for Atlantic City, she reunited with her mother and sister, who would be supervising the construction, and gave them instructions on what her vision were. During the plane trip to Atlantic City, she was reminded of her TV appearance as part of the previous challenge's reward and her rivalry with Danny. When she made it to the Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa, she got into contact with her loved ones, but was disappointed to find that most of her original decisions were changed.
During the Final Menu Challenge, Paula made her wild mushroom salad with arugula and a Sherry mustard vinaigrette for her first sample dish, Chilean cilantro broth with mussels, clams, and shrimp as her second, and roasted black sea bass with parsnip purée and kale as her third. While she won the first round, she lost the following two to Danny, therefore the challenge 1-2.
The next day, Paula reunited with her former teammates. Because she lost the challenge, she was forced to be left with the last pick. First, she picked Andrea, then LA, and was left with Lacey at the end, much to her dismay.[14]
Back in the dorms, Paula, along with Andrea and LA, expressed concern for Lacey due to her poor attitude in the past. During prep, she explained to Lacey about her crème brulée dish, but Lacey managed to curdle the initial batch. That angered her and she contemplated whether or not she should keep Lacey around. During the sample tasting, she presented her homemade pasta with eggplant caviar appetizer, her halibut with pearl onions and pancetta entrée, and her banana crème brulée dessert to Ramsay. While her pasta dish was praised, Ramsay warned her about the danger of the halibut being dry as the halibut on the sample plate was dry, and said that her crème brulée looked more like scrambled eggs, due to it being one of the initial batches Lacey wrecked earlier. Later, she showed Ramsay her "Sunergy" restaurant, which was praised for having subtle colors and looking comforting.
During dinner service, when Paula called out her first order, no one on her team responded initially, and later, she went over to Lacey's station to try and help her, but Ramsay warned her that her kitchen would run behind if she did that and told her to be more vocal at the hotplate. After Andrea burned the scallops for the scallop salad, Ramsay told her to get a strong standard going. Later, she was called over by Andrea after the latter was struggling with the halibut dish. She became more vocal on Andrea while still waiting for the halibut, but Ramsay noticed it took three overcooked halibuts to do so. Moments later, she sent LA over to help Lacey on the garnish station because the latter was struggling. Two hours into service, her team finally found a good rhythm and was calling out orders louder. While Danny finished service before her, she did not care as she wanted to finish her final service on a high note.
When service ended, Paula was visited by her mother and sister who congratulated her on a job well done. Later that night, she, along with Danny, went to Ramsay's office, where Ramsay praised her for her excellent performances in the competition. After that, she stood in front of a door, knowing it would open only if she was the winner. After waiting nervously for Ramsay's countdown to end, she turned the handle, but her door did not open.
Paula became the fifth runner-up of Hell's Kitchen, and took her defeat graciously, congratulating Danny for his victory and admitting that she was going to have a lot of opportunities in the future due to ranking in second place on the show.[15]
Nomination History[]
Week 1 | Win |
Week 2 | Safe |
Week 3 | Win |
Week 4 | Safe |
Week 5 | Safe |
Week 6 | Safe |
Week 7 | Win |
Week 8 | Safe |
Week 9 | Win |
Week 10 | BoW |
Week 11 | Nominated |
Week 12 | Safe |
Week 13 | Safe |
Finale | Runner-up |
Season 10[]
Episode 16[]
- Main article: Episode 1016 - 6 Chefs Compete
Paula returned to Hell's Kitchen as part of a team of returning runner ups. She was joined by Russell (Season 8), Jay (Season 7), Kevin (Season 6), Bonnie (Season 3), and Virginia (Season 2). When she appeared, Robyn admitted how much she respected her and asked if she could have a job if Hell’s Kitchen did not work out.
During dinner service, Paula was on the meat station. After overhearing Ramsay yelling at the black jackets, she told Russell that she was glad not to be in their shoes. Later, she sent up perfectly cooked Wellingtons, but when Russell started calling the girls sweethearts, she asked if he was going to be the douchebag who called women that. That led to Russell restraining himself from saying that word in front of her. The runner ups won service over the black jackets.[16]Post Hell's Kitchen[]
- After her appearance on the show, Paula returned to 3030 Ocean in Fort Lauderdale, before moving to 1500 in Miami Beach as an Executive Chef, along with fellow contestant Ben, until it closed in 2014.
- She later returned to 3030 Ocean as an Executive Chef, until August 2015.
- She worked along with Season 13 Winner LaTasha at 3030 Ocean.
- She worked along with Sous Chef Andi at Ocean Reef.
- Since then, she has been a chef and consultant after launching Paula DaSilva Culinary.
- She later opened up a Miami restaurant called the Artisan Beach House.
- She is currently the Executive Chef at the Burlock Coast Seafare & Spirits at the Ritz-Carlton Fort Lauderdale, since Fall 2017.
- She is married to a pastry chef and they share two kids.
- She is the first contestant to be of Brazilian origin to enter the competition.
- She is the first runner-up to receive a positive review for her signature dish.
- She is the first runner-up that had her sole nomination voided and rejected in some form.
- She and Danny are the second pair of finalists to come from the same state (Florida), following Heather and Virginia (Season 2).
- She is the second contestant, and first female contestant, whose input directly resulted in an elimination, with Coi.
- She is the last female runner-up to lose to a male winner, until Megan lost to Trenton in Season 20.
- (About Colleen) "These cheerleaders were so cute, you know, it's when they get older and more annoying."
- "I love it when people wear sunglasses inside a building. That was so like, ten years ago. Take them off."
- "My mother, when I was little, made my whole room pink. Like everything was pink. I fucking hate pink!"
- "I still make mistakes, and I think a lot of that is due to the added stress that chef puts on stations. That's what Chef Ramsay's doing, he's creating a challenge, that's what this competition is."
- (After being named runner-up) "Danny, congrats man, you deserve this. Coming in second place in Hell’s Kitchen is definitely not gonna stop me, so many doors are gonna open up. I am not one least bit upset right now, I’m walking out of here a winner."
External links[]
Paula DaSilva on Instagram
Hell's Kitchen Season 5 |
Staff |
Gordon Ramsay (Head Chef) • Scott Leibfried (Blue Team Sous Chef) • Gloria Felix (Red Team Sous Chef) • Jean-Philippe Susilovic (Maître d'hôtel) |
Contestants |
Coi Burruss • Ji-Hyun Cha • Colleen Cleek • Lacey D'Angelo • Paula DaSilva • Giovanni Filippone • Andrea Heinly • Robert Hesse • Wil Kocol • Seth Levine • LA Limtiaco • J Maxwell • Charlie McKay • Carol Scott • Danny Veltri • Ben Walanka |