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I'm a baaad bitch.

Nedra Harris was a contestant on Season 11 on Hell's Kitchen. She ranked in 8th place.

Season 11[]

Episode 1/2[]

Main article: Episode 1101 - 20 Chefs Compete Part 1
Main article: Episode 1102 - 20 Chefs Compete Part 2

When she was waiting for the Hell's Kitchen bus, Nedra declared she would be on top, and when it arrived, she claimed that the top must be waiting for her. Then, Ramsay surprisingly told the chefs to meet him in Las Vegas. Arrived there, they were greeted by showgirls, got on a double-decker bus for a tour of the city. During the ride, she got highly annoyed by Gina's constant screaming and yelling and said she was ready to throw her ass off the side of the bus. When they went near the Caesars Palace welcome board, she felt like a superstar when her picture was shown on the big screen. Then, the chefs got tricked into believing they would go on a Las Vegas 4D experience. However, they arrived in front of a live audience, where Ramsay was waiting for them.

During the Signature Dish Challenge, Nedra was the second person from the red team to have her dish judged by Ramsay and went up against Sebastian. Before Ramsay would taste her dish, she requested a prayer before he would bust her balls. She prayed while holding Sebastian's hand. When Ramsay asked her what she said in the prayer, she answered that she requested Lord not to let Ramsay bust her balls, making everybody laugh. After, she presented her double-grilled potatoes with rosemary-glazed lamb, which Ramsay praised for being cooked perfectly. On Sebastian's turn, she was asked to taste his corn dogs, but she found it disgusting and spat it out. She won the round over Sebastian, to which she celebrated.

The red team eventually won the challenge 5-4. They were rewarded with a night out in Las Vegas, meeting Celine Dion, and getting VIP tickets for the latter's show. When she met Celine Dion, Nedra was super excited as she looked like an angel and so beautiful. When she arrived in Hell's Kitchen, she was ready to get in and start cooking. Later, she got annoyed and disbelieved that Gina brought a puppet in Hell's Kitchen and gave an ultimatum to Gina, saying that she should get out of there before she would kick her ass and her puppet's while reminding her they were not in Sesame Street. She also added that crazy bitch Gina had to be the first person eliminated. During an intervention in the red team, she called Gina a little cuckoo.

The next day, during prep, Nedra was determined to get it together despite Gina missing in action.[1] During dinner service, she was on the appetizer station with Jacqueline. On the first ticket, she communicated well with Gina. Still, later, Gina constantly asked her for a time after she gave her five minutes the first time, annoying her as she knew how long it took to cook scallops. When Ramsay asked for a time, Gina continued to ask her that same question. When she said she needed two minutes on her risotto, she discovered that Gina already fired the scallops without her knowing it, and called her a crazy bitch for doing so. She walked with her risotto, followed by Gina and her scallops. When Gina's scallops were rejected, she was thrown under the bus by her, angering her as Gina did not have it right herself. When she asked Gina for a time, she was told off, and she acknowledged that Gina could not cook scallops to save her life while adding that Ramsay was about to find that out. When Gina sent her scallops, she sarcastically wished her luck before she brought her risotto seconds later. Ramsay told her that the risotto was delicious after Gina was kicked out. She celebrated by saying it was a big big whoop. After, she managed to serve many appetizers to the dining room, along with Mary. Later, she expressed annoyance when Jessica took more than three minutes to slice her lamb, sarcastically reminding her there were only 24 hours in a day. Moments later, when Mary was struggling to keep up, she got annoyed with Jacqueline not doing anything at all. After four of her teammates were kicked out, she helped her remaining teammates rallying to complete all the tickets. The red team eventually won the service.

While going back to the dorms, Nedra declared that she was going after Gina as the first of the red team eliminated, while adding she would vote with her two hands and counting her breasts, which she called her "hoo-has," as four.[2]

Episode 3[]

Main article: Episode 1103 - 19 Chefs Compete

Back in the dorms, Nedra said she did not want to go to sleep angry, so she decided to solve her problems by saying to Gina that she must not throw her under the bus. That led to a very intense argument between the two of them over the scallops incident. She thought that Gina said that the reason why the scallops were rejected was that the risotto was not good. When she laughed at Gina, the latter did not appreciate it, but she knew Gina was crazy. Then, she said they must cross the line while calling her bitch, which Gina did not enjoy once again. When Gina told her that she was dealing with the wrong person, she was not intimidated and said she was dealing with a crazy, deranged person.

The following day, some soldiers from the US army came into Hell's Kitchen, went to the dorms, and gave a very brutal wake-up call to the chefs by screaming and yelling to get up. After Gina announced her departure, Nedra was unsympathetic, saying that she must get out of the kitchen if she could not stand the heat. She concluded by saying that she folded like a piece of wet paper towel. When the teams were challenged to climb up the wall, she was not happy because of her weight and declared that it was not happening. However, when the soldiers flipped the wall over, revealing a shorter wall divided into blue and red sections, she was reassured. During the challenge, she took responsibility for lifting her teammates over the wall, along with Cyndi. The red team managed to get 31 lobsters in their bucket, compared to the blue team's 37, but fortunately for them, that was only the first part of the challenge.

During the Lobster Cleaning Challenge, Nedra was paired with Danielle. At one point, she was worried because the blue team's bell was ringing a lot, and while she acknowledged that the women needed to push harder to finish strong, she and Danielle scored a point. When the time ran out, she rang the bell for Ja'Nel and Jessica, but Ramsay rejected their attempt as it was too late. Despite that, the red team won the challenge 11-8, and they were rewarded with a day on an 85-foot luxury yacht, a master sushi chef preparing them lunch, and a massage. During the reward, she said they were going down on the yacht, and during lunch with Ramsay, she revealed that she gave a name to her breasts, making everybody laugh.

The next day, during prep, Nedra discovered that Danielle completely butchered three racks of lamb while asking her if she knew how expensive lamb was. She gave a lesson to Danielle, saying how she should make love to the meat instead of butchering it. After, she said that she would run over Danielle if it came down to it while driving a bus a couple of times if she would not get her shit together. She concluded by saying to Danielle that if Ramsay saw that, he would cuss their asses out.

During dinner service, Nedra worked tableside. She was responsible for serving a lobster appetizer. She was not seen much, except at one point when Jean-Philippe warned her to be smooth as she was taking care of Jalen Rose's table. Later, she was called back in the kitchen by Ramsay immediately before the red team was kicked out of the kitchen after many mistakes. Both teams were named joint-losers, and they were asked to nominate two people each.

She was not nominated for elimination.[3]

Episode 4[]

Main article: Episode 1104 - 17 Chefs Compete

The following day, all the chefs went outside for the next challenge and saw Ramsay, dressed in a running suit, and many runners waiting in front of a start/finish line. When Danell Leyva was introduced as a special guest, Nedra declared he was "mucho caliente" and fine as hell. During the HK3K Service Challenge, she was confused when Susan said she had to cook her smoothies. Afterwards, she offered her help to the latter, determined to get the dishes out in time. Susan accepted her help, gave her clear instructions, and finally sent her smoothies because of her help. The red team eventually won the challenge and were asked to help the blue team finish their entrées. They were rewarded with a day at Temecula Valley's Wine Country for wine tasting and making and flew on a private jet to get there.

During dinner service, Nedra was at the dessert station. She was not seen much, except when she called Jessica a crazy bitch underneath her breath and helped Jacqueline on meat. The red team eventually lost the service, and they were asked to nominate two people for elimination. She disagreed with Jacqueline being nominee during deliberation, as she thought Jacqueline was strong as a chef and that nominating her would be a stupid thing. Moments later, she considered Jessica for lacking self-confidence. Nedra was not nominated for elimination. When Jessica stated that she felt her team was not seeing confidence in her abilities during her plea, Ramsay asked her why she thought Jessica was not a good teammate. However, she struggled a lot to answer.[4]

Episode 5[]

Main article: Episode 1105 - 16 Chefs Compete Part 1

During the Protein Identification Challenge, Nedra was paired with Jessica. They were the third pair to compete for the red team. They landed on the duck enchiladas, and because the sauce was red, she thought the protein should be read as well. She declared that her team would kill her after incorrectly guessing venison, veal, buffalo, beef, squab, quail, rabbit, and kangaroo. She sweated like two fat bitches, that she was shaking like a stripper, and that she hoped to get the next one right. They finally picked duck on their ninth attempt.

The red team eventually won the challenge 6:37-10:33. They were rewarded with a day at Malibu, in a $15M beach house, as well as getting there in convertibles, with Nedra being pleased about it. Arrived outside of the restaurant, the women got into the convertibles. Still, she struggled to enter because of her large breasts. During the reward, she tried the wakeboarding activity with Laird Hamilton. When he took his shirt off, she was infatuated by him and wished that he would rescue her at one point. When they returned from their reward, she did not believe that Jeremy was sent to the hospital only because he was not eating, referring to his size.

During breakfast service, Nedra was at the eggs Benedict station with Amanda. When the first eggs Benedict order came in, she was still really tired and dropped her tongs on the grill. She confessed that she hated the morning, and she was pushed by Ramsay, who ordered her to wake up. When she sent her first eggs Benedict, they had soggy bread, and Ramsay asked her why she was using it as there was toasted one behind her. She answered by saying, "Yes Chef." Still, he did not appreciate that answer and asked her the same question for a second time, to which she answered that she did not know they were soggy and that she had another one coming. Ramsay was discouraged and smashed the bread on the dish while Amanda urged her to bounce back. She received help from the latter, who ordered her to stop smashing the eggs. She retorted to Amanda that she was killing her. Still, Amanda did not appreciate, and because of the latter's help, her second attempt at the eggs Benedict was accepted. Later, she offered her help to Jacqueline while figuring that they must get it together because she knew that she could be eliminated if they would lose. Then, she said Jacqueline could not use a rubber spatula to flip her pancakes and asked if she had to use the bottom of her toes to flip them because she did not have a proper spatula. With her help, Jacqueline's pancakes were finally accepted.

The red team lost the service as they failed to complete their tickets before the blue team, and they were asked to nominate two people. During deliberation, Nedra was quickly considered by Amanda and Cyndi, which infuriated her, who left the conversation, went upstairs, and declared that she did not deserve to be nominated as she was not the weakest. That led Ja'Nel to ask who should be instead of her, and she immediately targeted Mary, only stating that she was weak. Amanda asked her why Mary should be nominated when there were many problems with the eggs Benedict. That question made her explode in anger.

Nedra was not nominated for elimination, despite Amanda thinking that she should have been. During Jacqueline's plea, she was accused of not flipping a pancake by the latter. When Ramsay asked her if that was true, she blamed the spatula she was using. After Mary and Jacqueline were sent back in line, she started to cry when Ramsay announced that the person who would be eliminated was way over their head, thinking that she might be that person. However, as Ramsay was announcing who was eliminated, the episode ended as a cliffhanger.[5]

Episode 6[]

Main article: Episode 1106 - 16 Chefs Compete Part 2

Continuing from the previous episode, Nedra expressed relief when Jeremy was eliminated from the winning team instead of herself. Back in the dorms, she started to cry, though that Amanda was the only one who thought she should have been nominated and said that she was not playing nice anymore. Amanda went to speak and comfort her, said that she was not holding any hard feelings on her and did not want her to have hard feelings on her. She concluded by saying that she was not giving up and that she would fight.

Later that day, during prep, Nedra told that Mary, who thought she might be pregnant, should get her shit together as she already had to worry about her own problems without dealing with anybody else's. During the break, after Mary told her that the men were acting like jerks, she could hear the men laughing, was not happy about that, and declared that she would go hammer time on them. Then, she went to see the blue team, told them not to go, attack people who were weak, refer to Mary, and add that the ones who did it could suck a big dick. She also asked the men who were the ones who attacked Mary. When the men answered that nobody did, she retorted not to say anything else until they would win a challenge. She added that they did not want to mess with her as she was Mike Tyson, which made all the men laugh, and when Zach mimicked a ringing bell, she declared that it was on. When she went back to the bedroom, she was happy as they had nothing to say, as she thought.

During dinner service, Nedra was at the meat station with Mary. When Jessica smiled when Ramsay told her to tell the team about the problems in the dining room, she acknowledged that everything Ramsay said was serious and that if somebody would laugh, they should just throw in the towel. Later, when she and Mary sent their first entrée to the pass, the pork was raw. She declared that she had another one ready and called six minutes. However, Ramsay asked what she was doing, and he handed her the tray of the table. When she and Mary told their fresh pork was still in the pan, Ramsay was dismayed, asked if they found it funny, and said that what they should have said was that they would put one more on while telling that he wanted the truth from both of them. Then, Ramsay ordered her to go into the dining room with Jessica and apologize to the table. She acknowledged that she had to own up to her shit, went to the table, apologized, and gave them five more minutes on their pork to be ready.

After many mistakes, the red team was kicked out of the kitchen, both teams were named joint-losers, and they were asked to nominate two people each. During deliberation, Nedra was considered an obvious nominee by Jacqueline, along with Mary.

Nedra was the red team's second nominee for elimination, with Mary being the first, and they joined Dan and Ray from the blue team. During her plea, she did not give any excuse. She apologized before stepping into the argument between Ray and Dan and convincing Ramsay that she wanted to be there. In the end, she was asked to give her jacket to Ramsay along with the three other nominees, and after Ramsay declared that he would do something he never did before, the episode ended as a cliffhanger.[6]

Episode 7[]

Main article: Episode 1107 - 15 Chefs Compete

Continuing from the previous episode, Nedra became on probation, along with Mary, Dan, and Ray, where she would have to earn her jacket back by the end of the following service, or she would be history. Back in the dorms, she and Mary expressed relief about still being there, and she was comforted by the latter, who convinced that they would get their jackets back by rubbing her back.

The next day, both teams went into the dining room, Nedra was desperate to have her jacket back, and Ramsay introduced the Chinese Dish Creation Challenge, along with the Samurai statue that was placed there. When the countdown began, everybody ran to the plate of fortune cookies in front of the statue. When they arrived, it started moving, making everybody flinch and laugh. Then, Sous Chef Andi brought the red team's basket of giant fortune cookies that would be carried with chopsticks, which dismayed her as she was not even able to pick small fortune cookies with chopsticks. During the first part, she declared that she would have worn three bras if she knew she had to run as she was determined to tie the bitches down.

During the second part of the challenge, Nedra was in charge of the spring rolls course and wished she had cabbage. She was the third person from the red team to have her dish judged. Her peanut Sriracha spring rolls were criticized for not being very Oriental style, and she lost the round to Barret. The red team lost the challenge 3-4, and they were punished by cleaning both kitchens for the next service and making potstickers and steam dumplings from scratch. During the punishment, she declared that she just wanted to be done so she could have a snack, but they were served balut eggs for lunch.

When both teams lined up, Nedra was asked by Ramsay if she was ready to have her jacket back, to which she answered she was. During dinner service, she was on the appetizer station with Mary. She was determined to have her jacket back as it was protecting the body, from the arms to the hoo-has. When she sent her first risotto to the pass, it was deemed delicious, making her earning her jacket back. She was extremely proud of that, and appetizers were flying out of the kitchen because of her and Mary's good performance. Later, she said that Susan should get her shit together very quickly after the latter dropped the lamb on the floor. Eventually, the red team served all of their tickets, and the service was completed.

Both teams were named joint-losers, and they were asked to nominate their two weakest chefs each. During deliberation, Nedra reminded that the fish station went down despite having two people and that Jessica threw at least ten pieces of fish in the garbage.

She was not nominated for elimination.[7]

Episode 8[]

Main article: Episode 1108 - 14 Chefs Compete

The following day, both teams went to the dining room. They were taken outside by Ramsay, who introduced the Farm Animal Challenge. However, Nedra revealed her animal phobia, to the point that she was scared of her own dog. During the first part of the challenge, she was the second person from the red team who entered the pen. She was terrified but determined to do it. Still, when she entered the pen, she was so terrified that the animals chased her. After Ramsay reminded her that she was running out of time, she finally chose a turkey and yam combination after more than five minutes. During the second part, she revealed that she would make a dish that her mother was doing: a braised turkey leg with sweet potatoes and fried yam. She was determined to perform well so her mother would not kick her ass.

Nedra was the first person from the red team to have her dish judged. She presented her turkey leg with sweet potatoes and yams, and when the dish was criticized for the presentation looking like if she took it from Captain Caveman, she retorted that she tried to make it look rusty and wanted to see how it would go against "old man Ray", referring to Ray. The dish was appreciated by John Shook for the saltiness, despite him adding that she could have cooked it a little bit longer. She won the round over Ray, her very proud as she represented her mother well. The red team won the challenge 3-2, and they were rewarded with a day at the Aquarium of the Pacific as VIP guests. During the reward, she participated in feeding the penguins. Still, she declared that she was scared shitless as she thought about when they would bite her finger.

During the Family Night dinner service, Nedra was on the garnish station. She was not seen much, but she helped her teammates to send their entrées out at a good pace, and after the red team served all of their tickets, they were asked to go over to the blue kitchen to help the men out. When they did, she mocked the men for saying that they did not need help because they did. Moments later, she praised Mary's performance, even comparing her to a lamb that had finally spoken. The red team won the service by a mile.[8]

Episode 9[]

Main article: Episode 1109 - 13 Chefs Compete

Back in the dorms, the red team was celebrating being stronger than the blue team. Still, Nedra quickly put her teammates down to Earth by saying that they should not get cocky and that they needed to be humble.

The following day, both teams went to the dining room, and when Barret revealed his shaved head, Nedra said that he pulled off a Britney Spears. Then, Ramsay introduced the Steak Creation Challenge, and during the challenge, she was paired with Susan. She revealed that she was making a raspberry chipotle sauce, which Susan felt good about, was the person from the red team to have her dish judged, and served her and Susan's filet mignon with a blackberry chipotle sauce and fresh mint. The dish was cooked perfectly and deemed delicious, and they tied the round with Zach. The red team won the challenge 4-3. They were rewarded with a day by the pool at the Wilshire Hotel, with a 360-degree view of Los Angeles, and manicure and pedicure. During the reward, she was seen getting a pedicure, with Jacqueline believing that she was the one needing it the most.

During the Steak Night dinner service, Nedra was on the appetizer station with Ja'Nel. She sent her appetizers at a good pace but was dismayed when Mary forgot to drop her ordered sliders. Later, she came to the meat station to help Jacqueline and Amanda. She wondered how hard was it to cook steak before stating that it was the easiest thing somebody could cook. When Jacqueline sent a raw filet mignon to the pass, she was kicked out of the kitchen, along with the latter, Amanda, and Cyndi. While going back to the dorms, she was furious, asked who was the driver and who was the supporter, which Jacqueline answered that she was the driver and Amanda was the supporter. She accused Jacqueline of letting Amanda fail. Then, she wanted to explain something, but Amanda interrupted her, and that led to an intense argument where Amanda admitted her mistakes. She claimed that she wanted to fix the mistakes.

The red team lost the service, and they were asked to nominate two people for elimination. While going back to the dorms, Nedra called the two people that were on the meat station, referring to Jacqueline and Amanda, the obvious nominees. She revealed that they were kicked out of the kitchen during deliberation because of the steaks constantly being raw. Then, she considered Jacqueline for constantly having a laid-back leadership when assigned as the driver of a station.

Nedra was not nominated for elimination, and while being dismissed, she targeted Amanda for becoming a weak chef on the red team.[9]

Episode 10[]

Main article: Episode 1110 - 12 Chefs Compete

The next day, a picture of a teenage Nedra was shown with a teddy bear. During the Quinceañera Planning Challenge, she cooked the pasta dish, was the third person from the red team to have her dish judged, and went up against Ray. After seeing Ray's dish, she said she had her dish in the bag and presented her grilled shrimp with an herb marinade. While it was praised for having perfectly done shrimp, she lost that round to Ray.

The red team eventually won the challenge 3-2, and they were rewarded with a trip to Knott's Berry Farm. When the women walked past the men during their punishment, Nedra mockingly wished them luck. Ja'Nel wanted to go on the scariest roller coaster during the reward, but when she saw the rides, she was scared and asked if there were drops on the ride when Ja'Nel picked one. When the women came back from their reward, she and Mary danced on the dance floor.

During the Quinceañera dinner service, Nedra was at the meat station. When Amanda asked if it was three tuna, not paying attention to the order, she got dismayed as they had to be on the money. When she asked Amanda if she needed help, the latter responded no. Still, she knew Amanda did not have it and decided to pitch in without the latter's knowledge. When Amanda sent up another tuna, it was ice cold. Ramsay asked her who seared it, and Amanda said she was responsible for it. Pissed by that, she said that Amanda was on thin ice and that the tuna that was sent up was not the one she seared as Ramsay grew more frustrated. Then, Amanda said that she seared it, and she got it, much to Ramsay's annoyance, and told her to back off. Then, she dropped the refire to the ground, blamed Amanda for causing her to drop it by bumping into her. After a frustrated Ramsay asked Amanda who oversaw appetizers, she claimed she was before pushing her away, and she decided to step off and let Amanda sink by herself. On entrées, she said that despite appetizers being fucked up, she felt entrées were in the bag. Unfortunately, she sent up dry chicken. When Ramsay ordered her to get it together, she revealed that she had another one. When it was sent up, Ramsay sternly warned her that he would not allow any more dry chicken but praised the refire for being perfect.

Both teams were named joint losers, and they were asked to nominate two each. During deliberation, Amanda said that the only other person that fucked up more than herself was Nedra. Still, she argued that she had two different-sized chickens and accidentally sent the wrong one up. That led Amanda to accuse her of not admitting to her mistakes and hoped to god she was the next to go.

She was not nominated for elimination.[10]

Episode 11[]

Main article: Episode 1111 - 10 Chefs Compete

Back at the dorms, Susan felt she was breaking out in pimples due to the stress of the competition, and Nedra used her grandmother's method of putting an egg to the former's face.

During the Presentation Challenge, Nedra claimed that she herself would be better suited for collecting the ingredients after seeing Susan struggled. Ramsay and Jennifer Garcia questioned her decision to stuff her salmon despite claiming that she liked it. Her dish was not picked for tasting. The red team eventually won the challenge 269-257. They were rewarded with a photoshoot for Star watch and received Vitamix blenders. During the reward, she was shocked Ramsay came to join them.

During prep, Nedra felt nervous as they were only given a five-second warning about a private dinner service. During the Private dinner service, she led the lobster linguine course and agreed with Ray for seven minutes. She poured more water into the pot for the pasta. Still, Cyndi was dismayed when she saw it was cool water as they needed a rolling boil to cook the pasta and called it the biggest rookie mistake she has seen in her cooking career. The water was not boiling fast enough, forcing Cyndi to cover it with another pot to speed it up. When Ramsay discovered the situation, he angrily demanded foil to cover the pot so it would boil in thirty seconds. She bitterly admitted that she messed up big time on boiling water. However, she caught up and got her course out. After Susan kept asking the blue team for more time, she told the latter to get it together.

Both teams were named joint losers, and they were asked to nominate one each. During deliberation, Cyndi felt it was a choice between Susan and Nedra. Still, she refused to go up even though Cyndi called the pasta mistake an amateur move. However, she argued that Susan was more of a weak link than herself.

Nedra was named the red team's nominee and was joined by Ray and Zach from the blue team. She claimed to come a long way during her plea, admitted to her rookie move, and felt she finished strong. She survived elimination after being sent back in line. Still, Ramsay warned her if she did not give him the service of a lifetime, she was history. While being dismissed, she was pissed that Susan took the easy way out to get rid of her.[11]

Episode 12[]

Main article: Episode 1112 - 9 Chefs Compete

While going back to the dorms, Susan hoped for Nedra not to hold any hard feelings towards her. She said she had no time for her bitches and their shit before collapsing into her bed. Susan hoped they could start tomorrow on a clean slate before going to her and asking if they were still friends. However, even though Susan noted that the two became very close from the start, she did not want to be associated with someone who was failing, as she ranted about how everybody picked on her. After Susan left, she disappointingly felt she and her used to be close.

The next day, at 4:50 AM, the chefs were sound asleep as Sous Chefs Andi and James came into the dorms and woke them up with air horns and pots. While that startled Nedra and Anthony, the chefs were ordered to head downstairs. Ramsay announced that both teams would create their own menus for that night's service. As the chefs went back to the dorms to begin planning, Ramsay told her to have her presence on the menu, and she knew she had to come up with something good. As the red team worked on their menu, Susan shot down her citrus salad along with her weird sea bass idea. When she suggested a weird scallop dish idea, Susan said she had no idea how that could work. Frustrated that her team was not agreeing to her choices, she told them to kiss her whole hoo-ha, but Susan felt her ideas were all over the place until she left the group and called them fake. However, she decided to return as she refused to give up until one of her dishes was on the menu before suggesting gumbo. However, Susan felt the dish was overindulgent and did not make sense, especially when she suggested using hen in it. However, she claimed she could make gumbo sexy and criticized her team's decisions on the menu but decided to let them sink and see what Ramsay liked.

During prep, Cyndi noticed Nedra only doing the gumbo very slowly, but she argued that while you can teach a monkey how to tie a shoe, you could not teach it to make a shoe. Then, she hoped Ramsay would like her gumbo as he worked hard on it all day, while Susan hoped it to be the best gumbo Ramsay has ever eaten if it took a lot of prep time. When Ramsay asked them the first problem they could see, Cyndi felt it was the gumbo. That angered her, but it turned out it was not the problem.

During dinner service, Nedra was at the fish station with Cyndi. She was seen slowly cooking the scallops, much to Ramsay's irritation. While the red team was still waiting on her for the scallops so they could complete their first order, she was able to get them up. Ramsay told her to give Cyndi something to do as the latter had nothing on their next order. Still, she did not give anything for Cyndi to do, making Susan asking why this was happening. Eventually, Susan openly told her to talk to Cyndi, which Ramsay appreciated. Still, she argued that she was only focused on her dishes and did not care what her teammates were doing. Despite that, she got the second appetizers out, and the red team was serving a string of appetizers alongside the blue team.

The red team won the service, but their celebration was cut short. Ramsay called the dorms and told Mary to bring the entire team down to his office, making Nedra nervous as she did not know what to expect. There, Ramsay told the red team that he wanted them to have a meeting and decide who was joining the blue team after elimination as he wants that person to be both a fighter and a leader who could whip the men into shape. Everybody wanted to relocate to the blue team, they drew a name out of a hat, and her name was not picked.[12]

Episode 13[]

Main article: Episode 1113 - 8 Chefs Compete

Continuing from the previous episode, an angry Ramsay sent the red team back into the red kitchen and gave them two minutes to discuss who was going into the blue team, yelling that he did not ask them to pull names out of a hat like a game show. When Ja'Nel asked Nedra if she still wanted to go, she said she did as she did not mind it and was hoping to step it up for the blue team so she could get to both the black jackets and the grand prize. Susan told Ramsay that she was moving into the blue team with their decision finalized, and Ramsay granted her wish. After she put on a blue jacket and joined her new teammates, Ramsay urged her to help the blue team as they needed it. As the chefs were dismissed, Jon welcomed her to the bluesers. Still, she said she would not lose as she refused to do punishments and hoped the men could get it together before calling her blue jacket a steppingstone to getting a black jacket.

During the International Cuisine Challenge, Nedra wanted to go up against Ja'Nel they landed on Thailand. She was dismayed as she never cooked Thai food before. Their ingredients were kaffir lime, lemongrass, mango, coconut milk, and jasmine rice. She hoped she could produce something good with ingredients she could not pronounce. While she revealed she was doing deep-fried calamari during the cooking, she was nervous but was confident she could pull something out of her ass. While she believed that the men needed to win something, Zach reminded her that she needed to win something. She was the second person from the blue team to have her dish judged and presented her deep-fried calamari with Thai curry. Ramsay immediately questioned it as calamari was not common in Thailand. While the dish was praised for having properly cooked food, Dana Bowen could not taste any distinct flavors. When Ja'Nel's dish received praise, she got annoyed and could only ask really in the confessional and lost that round to the former. When Zach struggled to pronounce bok choy as bok chewy, she got annoyed and called him a douche when he fully admitted he never made Japanese food before.

The blue team lost the challenge 1-3, and they were punished by taking in wine deliveries, cleaning the stemware, cut limes and lemons, and prep both kitchens for that night's service. After hearing the red team's reward, Nedra complained that she could have used $2,000 to buy a new bra despite being a recession. After, Ramsay welcomed her to the blue team, but she argued that the men were why they lost the challenge and refused to lift a wine box. During the punishment, Jon was not happy to see her not pulling her weight in either the challenge or the punishment. Later, she felt there was no communication in the challenge and called the men dysfunctional. Still, an annoyed Zach compared her to Charlie Brown's teacher before making an impression of the said teacher as she continued to complain.

During prep, Nedra was nervous as she had twiddle dee and twiddle dumbass, referring to Anthony and Zach, prepping her station, and called them stupid as hell. She felt that her station was not set up properly and tried to organize Sous Chef James' help. However, Jon felt she was dragging before service even began. Ramsay saw she was all over the place before asking why she was the only one not ready. However, she accused her team of not prepping her station correctly but refused to let it get to her head.

During dinner service, Nedra was on the appetizer station. She was looking for her ingredients, and while Zach told her where they were, she moved slowly to the point he felt she was painting a picture like fucking Picasso. Then, she sent up a risotto with too much salt, frustrating Jon as Anthony knew that mistake would slow down entrées. Anthony felt she was not adding anything to the blue team. Knowing they needed a leader, Anthony asked Zach to help her out with cold appetizers. Then, she got the refire accepted, to her relief. However, she pushed Zach away from the appetizers, Ramsay asked her why Zach cannot do the cold starters. While Zach explained that she did not need help, that still confused Ramsay. While she wanted to cook, Ramsay explained that if he was in the blue team, she would be kicked off appetizers and reassigned to garnish, while somebody with a pair of balls would jump onto appetizers before showing everybody her disorganized and messy station. She yelled that she would get it together. While Zach tried to help her get reorganized, she retorted that she did not need any help even after Jon warned her he would take over appetizers if she were not in control. Despite all that, the blue team was able to send out their next order. However, multiple mistakes got the blue team kicked out of service. With both teams kicked out, Ramsay told Jean-Philippe to shut down both kitchens.

Both teams were named joint losers, and they were asked to nominate one each. During deliberation, Nedra asked Zach who he felt the weakest chef was, and while the latter said her, she argued she was not weak. However, Jon reminded her how she screwed them on appetizers, and Zach reminded her about her disorganized station during prep, but she refused to listen to them as she felt Zach and Anthony sabotaged her. However, Zach bluntly said they were not the red team and were not scared by her attitude. When she refused to go up for elimination, Zach said she was, leading her to leave the group in anger.

At elimination, Zach told Ramsay that the blue team had a consensus, but Nedra argued that they did not, even after Jon told Ramsay how disorganized she was on appetizers. When she once again accused Anthony and Zach of sabotaging her station, the latter argued that they did not as he did not touch her station until during service. Still, when she claimed Zach was a liar, the latter said he was not and sarcastically stated that it was all their fault except for hers. When a frustrated Ramsay asked the blue team who was the weakest chef, she said Zach, but the latter and Jon said her, leading to her to go off on another rant. Having heard enough, Ramsay called her down and was joined by Susan from the red team. During her plea, she felt her decision to jump into the blue team should be reason enough for her to stay. She was eliminated for her poor performance on appetizers and refusal to accept her mistakes, even though Ramsay praised her for her fight back. During her exit interview, she received a retrospective montage of her time in the competition.

Ramsay's comment: "Nedra wore a red jacket and a blue jacket. But after tonight's performance, I knew that she wouldn't be wearing a black jacket." [13]

Episode 21/22[]

Main article: Episode 1121 - 2 Chefs Compete
Main article: Episode 1122 - Winner Chosen

Nedra was one of the ten chefs that returned for the final dinner service. After Jon and Anthony, she was Mary's third pick and was followed by Michael and Dan. Back at the dorms, while Dan claimed he was strong on meat, she hoped he meant it during service.[14]

During prep, Nedra was pissed when Dan left the kitchen, called him a dickwad, and threatened to put her foot up his ass if he did not come back. During dinner service, she was on the appetizer station with Anthony. At the start, Jon asked her for the scallop garnish, and she wanted to do what she could to get appetizers out as she was a bad bitch. However, she sent up a bland salad. Ramsay asked her why she did not taste it before bringing it up. She could only apologize before getting her refire accepted. Then, she did not respond to the next order until Michael and Jon told her to pay attention. Mary wondered if she made a mistake putting her on appetizers. Forty-five minutes into dinner service, Mary asked her how long for the order. Still, she responded that she would have to wait a minute, even though Mary felt five minutes have gone by. Then, a fire erupted on her station to Mary's dismay, and Anthony accused her of struggling like two fat bitches. However, he admitted he did not know what that analogy meant. After, her dish was rejected for lacking salt. Michael asked what she was doing as she was supposed to be a Rockstar on appetizers. To make things worse, Ramsay informed Mary that her short ribs were cold in the middle, and the latter gave her one more chance before she was kicked out. Thankfully, she got the refires accepted, to her relief as she did not want to let Mary down. After Dan got kicked out of the kitchen, she was reassigned to meat but had no idea what his temperatures were on the steaks. Despite that, she told Mary that she would be ready in one minute, and the latter sent out an incomplete table. Unfortunately, all the steak she sliced was overdone, and she grew frustrated over the mess Dan left her. Thankfully, she found a decent serving to send out. Mary eventually lost the finale to Ja'Nel.[15]

Nomination History[]

Week 1 Win
Week 2 Safe
Week 3 Safe
Week 4 Safe
Week 5 Nominated
Week 6 Safe
Week 7 Win
Week 8 Safe
Week 9 Safe
Week 10 Nominated
Week 11 Win
Week 12 Nominated

Post Hell's Kitchen[]

  • After her appearance on the show, Nedra became Executive Chef at Werner's Prime Steaks & Seafood before leaving to start her own chef business.
  • She offers meal prep, sells her own spice mix called "Pootie Spice," and has cooked for several celebrities.
  • She moved from Detroit and now lives in Houston, where her business is based in.


  • She is the third contestant to get eliminated after their first service with a new team, following Melissa (Season 3) and Melissa (Season 8).
    • She is also the only one to date who did not switch teams by reassignment.
    • She is also the first contestant not named Melissa on the show to accomplish this.
  • She, Ray, Dan, and Mary (Season 11) are the only four contestants to received the "on-probation" phase from Ramsay.
  • She is the eighth contestant, and the sixth female contestant, who switched teams without making it to the black jackets, following Melissa (Season 3), Lacey (Season 5), Robert (Season 6), Scott (Season 7), Melissa (Season 8), Natalie (Season 9), and Roshni (Season 10).
  • She is the sixth contestant who received a retrospective montage of her run without making it to the black jackets, following Rachel (Season 2), Robert, Sabrina (both from Season 6), Carrie, and Natalie (both from Season 9).


  • "Chef, can we pray before you bust my balls?"
  • (Telling about her prayer) "Lord, please don't let Chef bust my balls."
  • "This crazy bitch Gina, I am ready to throw her ass off the side of the bus."
  • (After seeing Gina with her puppet) "Bitch, who brings a puppet in Hell's Kitchen?"
  • (To Gina) "Bitch, you better take you and that puppet and get the fuck out of here before I fucking kick you and that puppet's ass! This is not Sesame Street!"
  • "The first to go is definitely gonna be this crazy bitch Gina."
  • "He should've pick ME to go in the cube. I could've just laid against the glass with my who-ha's and just put everything in the bag."
  • (To Gina) "Gina don't throw throw me under the bus, yo shit ain't right!"
  • (To Gina) "Let's press the bell, bitch. Because we can argue!"
  • (To Gina) "Don't mess with heavyweight, and you a lightweight."
  • "I'm looking at Jacqueline, she's not doing a damn thing right now!"
  • "Oh my god, this bitch is cutting the meat up for 6 hours now. Bitch, there is only 24 hours a day!"
  • "Oh HELL NO!"
  • "Ha Ha! A BIG BIG WHOOP!"
  • "I don't like to go to sleep angry. So I needed to get off my chest, so don't, at the end of the day, don't throw me under the bus!"
  • (About Gina quitting) "Man, right on the team challenge. This stupid bitch backs out. Bitch, you're gonna back out during the competition? If you can't stand the heat, get out the kitchen. That bitch folded like a piece of wet paper towel!"
  • "If I knew we had to run today, I would have put on three bras to tie these bitches down!"
  • "You gotta make LOOOOOOVE to the meat!"
  • (About Zach mispronouncing bok choy) "What the fuck is Bok chewy? You mean Bok choy fool."
  • (About Zack mispronouncing soy sauce) "You see, that's what I'm saying."
  • (About her Thai-inspired dish losing) "Really? Really? Like, really? What? Come on! Like, seriously? What the fuck, really? Okay, whatever."
  • (To a 4-Cover Red Table) "Hi, how all y'all doing? I'm Nedra and I undercooked your pork, so it's going to be about 5 more minutes. I do apologize. Thank you for being so patient."
  • "Susie and Annie!" (indicating her breasts)
  • "I'm voting with two hands, and my who-ha's two too, so that's four all day."
  • (After being eliminated) "Hell's Kitchen is a roller coaster ride. You go from being nervous. To mad. To being happy. And mentally, it's crazy. I made a couple of mistakes. But nobody can say, 'Oh, she didn't fight.' All my life, I had to fight. Even coming here, I had to fight to come here, so I'm not gonna let one thing defeat me."
  • "Whatever I can do to push out these apps, I'm gonna do it. I'm a "baaad" bitch."


External links[]


  1. (March 12, 2013). "Episode 1101 - 20 Chefs Compete Part 1". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 1.
  2. (March 12, 2013). "Episode 1102 - 20 Chefs Compete Part 2". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 2.
  3. (March 19, 2013). "Episode 1103 - 19 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 3.
  4. (March 26, 2013). "Episode 1104 - 17 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 4.
  5. (April 2, 2013). "Episode 1105 - 16 Chefs Compete Part 1". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 5.
  6. (April 9, 2013). "Episode 1106 - 16 Chefs Compete Part 2". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 6.
  7. (April 16, 2013). "Episode 1107 - 15 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 7.
  8. (April 23, 2013). "Episode 1108 - 14 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 8.
  9. (April 30, 2013). "Episode 1109 - 13 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 9.
  10. (May 7, 2013). "Episode 1110 - 12 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 10.
  11. (May 13, 2013). "Episode 1111 - 10 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 11.
  12. (May 13, 2013). "Episode 1112 - 9 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 12.
  13. (May 23, 2013). "Episode 1113 - 8 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 13.
  14. (July 25, 2013). "Episode 1121 - 2 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 21.
  15. (July 25, 2013). "Episode 1122 - Winner Chosen". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 22.
Hell's Kitchen Season 11
Gordon Ramsay (Head Chef) • James Avery (Blue Team Sous Chef) • Andi Van Willigan-Cutspec (Red Team Sous Chef) • Jean-Philippe Susilovic (Maître d'hôtel)
Gina AloiseRay AlongiJacqueline BaldassariBarret BeyerDanielle BoornAmanda GiblinNedra HarrisSusan HeatonMichael LangdonJessica LewisJeremy MaddenMary PoehneltAnthony RodriguezChristian RosatiSebastian RoyoDan RyanJon ScallionCyndi StanimirovJa'Nel WittZach Womack