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It would be terrible to have to hack up a cow on a beautiful day like this, but I'm not gonna lie, hacking up a cow sounds like fun, too!

Mary Poehnelt was a contestant on Season 11 of Hell's Kitchen. She was the runner-up of that season.

Season 11[]

Episode 1/2[]

Main article: Episode 1101 - 20 Chefs Compete Part 1
Main article: Episode 1102 - 20 Chefs Compete Part 2

When the chefs arrived in Los Angeles, Ramsay surprisingly told them to meet him in Las Vegas. Arrived there, they were greeted by showgirls, got on a double-decker bus for a tour of the city, and eventually got tricked in believing they would go on a Las Vegas 4D experience. However, they arrived in front of a live audience, where Ramsay was waiting for them.

During the Signature Dish Challenge, Mary was the ninth person from the red team to have her dish judged by Ramsay and went up against Christian. When she began to describe her dish, Ramsay plugged his ears as her voice was way too soft. She served a pan-seared duck breast with red wine and orange reduction, but her duck was not cooked properly and still had raw fat, which Ramsay retorted that she definitely butchered her dish. She lost the round to Christian.

The red team eventually won the challenge 5-4, and they were rewarded with a night out in Las Vegas, meeting Celine Dion, and get VIP tickets for the latter's show. When she entered the presidential suite at the Caesars Palace, Mary said it was gorgeous, and revealed that she never went to Las Vegas before and that even the air was smelling good as they must manufacture delicious smelling air. When they came back from their reward, she showed the blue team their picture with Celine Dion.

The next day, during prep, Mary acknowledged that the red team was screwed because of Gina's confused state.[1] When both teams were lined up, she was excited to see Jean-Philippe come back as the maître d'. During dinner service, she was on the fish station with Gina. When Ramsay called the first ticket, Gina asked her where the spatula to flip the scallops was, but she was annoyed as Gina was not knowing what she was doing, reminded that she has not been there all day, and could not believe she wanted to cook scallops. Later, she was annoyed when Gina was constantly asking Nedra for a time, telling her to shut up. After Gina was kicked out, she managed to serve a lot of appetizers, along with Nedra. At one point, when Jessica took more than three minutes to slice her lamb, she got annoyed and said it was not rocket science. An hour and a half into service, she was dedicated to the garnish station after Susan and Danielle were kicked out, and after Ramsay sent entrées without garnish, she was told to fire new potatoes urgently, which overwhelmed her as she had to work two stations at once. She was helped by Amanda, but she struggled to keep up when the female customer who ordered the chicken came to the pass and told her garnish was missing. Finally, she succeeded to send the missing potatoes to the pass. She rallied to help the red team to serve all their remaining tickets, and the red team won the service.[2]

Episode 3[]

Main article: Episode 1103 - 19 Chefs Compete

The next morning, some soldiers from the US army came in Hell's Kitchen, went to the dorms, and gave a very brutal wake-up call to the chefs by screaming and yelling to get up. When the teams were challenged to climb up the wall, Mary stayed on top of the wall to help her teammates getting over. The red team managed to get 31 lobsters in their bucket, compared to the blue team's 37, but fortunately for them, that was only the first part of the challenge.

During the Lobster Cleaning Challenge, Mary was paired with Amanda. Together, they scored at least one point, and the red team eventually won the challenge 11-8. They were rewarded with a day on an 85-foot luxury yacht, a master sushi chef preparing them lunch, and a massage.

During dinner service, Mary was on the appetizer station with Danielle. Before tickets entered, she motivated her team, saying they would do good. On her first attempt at the risotto, she said she needed seven minutes, and declared that despite being a butcher, she could cook circles around anybody, while adding that she was determined to show Ramsay she knew her flavors. However, her risotto was rejected as she put too much white wine in it. Ramsay asked her how much wine did she put, which she answered that she just put a few spoons, so he ordered her to reduce it. She was disappointed, and started over, but was taken over by Danielle. On their second attempt, there was still too much white wine in it, and they were helped by Ja'Nel. After receiving her help, their risotto was deemed delicious by Ramsay, and she celebrated with Ja'Nel. The red team was eventually kicked out of the kitchen after a lot of mistakes. Both teams were named joint-losers, and they were asked to nominate two people each for elimination. During deliberation, she was considered by Jessica and Ja'Nel, but she retorted that she bounced back from her mistakes.

Mary was the red team's second nominee for elimination, with Danielle being the first, and they joined Jeremy and Christian from the blue team. During her plea, she stated that she fought back, and she survived elimination.[3]

Episode 4[]

Main article: Episode 1104 - 17 Chefs Compete

Back in the dorms, Mary acknowledged that surviving elimination was a wake-up call for her, and added that she could not be nominated again as she would likely go home without being ready to.

The next morning, all the chefs went outside for the next challenge and saw Ramsay, dressed in a running suit, and a lot of runners waiting in front of a start/finish line. He introduced the HK3K Service Challenge, and when he asked for a volunteer from each team to run the course, Mary did not raise her hand but was chosen anyway. She acknowledged she was out of shape but hoped to redeem herself in some way. During the race, she was much slower, being the last runner, and acknowledged it was really hard while adding she was tired. Finally, she gave a checkpoint, much to Cyndi's relief. She was still struggling to keep up and was still running when the runners started to enter the dining room. She finally arrived after service began, very exhausted, and asked for someone to catch her up. She said that she did not let her team down as she ran the whole course, but added that she was exhausted, before being comforted by Amanda.

The red team eventually won the challenge and were asked to go help the blue team finish their entrées. They were rewarded with a day at Temecula Valley's Wine Country for wine tasting and making and flew on a private jet to get there. During the ride, Mary declared the view was awesome, and after lunch, the women went to squish some grapes with their feet, while she said that she wanted to do this her whole life.

During dinner service, Mary was on the fish station with Susan. She was not seen much, except when she expressed dismay about Jacqueline's raw chicken. The red team eventually lost the service, and they were asked to nominate two people.

She was not nominated for elimination.[4]

Episode 5[]

Main article: Episode 1105 - 16 Chefs Compete Part 1

Back in the dorms, Mary apologized to Jessica after the latter was nominated for no apparent reasons.

During the Protein Identification Challenge, Mary was paired with Amanda, and they were the fourth pair to compete for the red team. While tasting, she immediately noticed the bone thicker than the chop, so she went with veal, and got it correctly on their first attempt, which made her very happy and says that "Mary the butcher" came through. The red team won the challenge 6:37-10:33, and they were rewarded with a day at Malibu, in a $15M beach house, as well as getting there in convertibles.

During breakfast service, Mary was on the smoked salmon station with Susan. She was not seen at all, but the red team lost the service as they failed to complete their tickets before the blue team, and they were asked to nominate two people. During deliberation, she was considered by Nedra for being weak, and she did not appreciate that comment. She was confused as she did not commit any mistakes, and said that she worked really hard and that she was not deserving to be nominated. Finally, she asked if they should base their nominations on overall or on that service, as they should reach a decision soon.

Mary was the red team's second nominee for elimination, with Jacqueline being the first. That decision surprised Ramsay, and during her plea, she said that she was a fighter and that she was bouncing back after making a mistake. She survived elimination.[5]

Episode 6[]

Main article: Episode 1106 - 16 Chefs Compete Part 2

While going back to the dorms, Mary was glad to know that Ramsay thought she was better than Jeremy, while considering it as a chance at redemption, and adding that she would prove herself during the next service. Later that day, during prep, she thought that she may be pregnant as her period was late and that she was nauseous. Then, she needed to go to the bathroom, so she went with a pregnancy test, being excited if she was pregnant, but also worried as she would not know her faith in the competition if she was. After a few moments, she got back in the kitchen and announced to her teammates that she was definitely not pregnant.

During the break, Mary went to the fridge to take a snack and on her way, Zach congratulated her for fighting back when being nominated. After she declared that the red team was loving her, Zach told her to not believe that. That angered her, and she asked him to shut his mouth and not talk to her anymore. She left, went back to the bedroom with her teammates while slamming the door behind her, making the men laugh. In the bedroom, she told to her teammates that the men were acting like jerks and that she was pissed because they were trying to win by taking them down.

During dinner service, Mary was on the meat station with Nedra. When the team was working on appetizers, she was annoyed by the lack of communication between Susan and Amanda, and compared the two of them to clams. When she and Nedra sent their first entrée to the pass, the pork was raw. Ramsay asked what they were doing, and when she and Nedra told their new pork was still in the pan, he was dismayed, asked if they found it funny, which she answered that she was not laughing. After being threatened with ejection if one more mistake would happen, she sent her lamb and Wellingtons, with Ramsay commenting on her slow speed, but the pork was raw, and Ramsay kicked the red team out of the kitchen.

Both teams were named joint-losers, and they were asked to nominate two people each. During deliberation, Mary apologized about the raw pork and was quickly considered by Jacqueline as an obvious nominee.

Mary was the red team's first nominee, with Nedra being the second, and they joined Dan and Ray from the blue team. During her plea, she took responsibility for the raw pork, and in the end, she was asked to give her jacket to Ramsay, along with the three other nominees. After Ramsay declared that he would do something he never did before, the episode ended as a cliffhanger.[6]

Episode 7[]

Main article: Episode 1107 - 15 Chefs Compete

Continuing from the previous episode, Mary became on probation, along with Nedra, Dan, and Ray, where she would have to earn her jacket back by the end of the following service, or she would be history. Back in the dorms, she expressed how relieved she was about still being there, and she was compared to a cat by Cyndi as she had nine lives. Then, she was determined to show that she deserved to have her jacket back by declaring that she would fight with everything she had, and she comforted Nedra by rubbing her back and convincing her that they would have their jackets back.

The next day, both teams went in the dining room, where Ramsay introduced the Chinese Dish Creation Challenge, along with the Samurai statue that was placed there. When the countdown began, everybody ran to the plate of fortune cookies that was in front of the statue, but when they arrived, it started moving, making everybody flinch and laugh. Then, Sous Chef Andi brought the red team's basket of giant fortune cookies that would be carried with chopsticks, and during the first part, Mary acknowledged that Ja'Nel and Jacqueline blew it for the red team as only four ingredients per dish were on the board instead of five. During the second part, she was in charge of the dumplings course, was paired with Cyndi, which she felt good about, but also wanted her jacket back, and wished that she could have worked on her own. She did not present their dish, but they won the round over Ray.

The red team lost the challenge 3-4, and they were punished by cleaning both kitchens for the next service, as well as making potstickers and steam dumplings from scratch, and eating balut eggs for lunch. Mary was worried because she was on her last leg, knew that if she would not get her jacket back, she would be history, and during the lunch, she did not want to eat her egg if she would make eye contact with it. During prep, she declared that she felt like puking again.

When both teams were lined up, Mary was asked by Ramsay if she was ready to have her jacket back, which she answered she was. During dinner service, she was on the appetizer station with Nedra. Both of them succeeded to serve appetizers at a good pace, but she was nervous as Nedra already had her jacket back, and acknowledged that her time was running out. However, her risotto was deemed delicious, she got her jacket back, and Ramsay urged her to keep hold of it, with her teammates congratulating her. Eventually, the red team served all of their tickets, and the service was completed. Both teams were named joint-losers, and they were asked to nominate their two weakest chefs each.

She was not nominated for elimination.[7]

Episode 8[]

Main article: Episode 1108 - 14 Chefs Compete

Back to the dorms, Mary told Susan how glad she was about her still being there, and both of them hugged.

The next morning, both teams went to the dining room, and they were taken outside by Ramsay, who introduced the Farm Animal Challenge. Mary was extremely excited to see farm animals before Ramsay told her to not get too much excited as they would not butcher them. During the first part of the challenge, she was the fifth person from the red team who entered the pen, and she chose a lamb and couscous combination. During the second part, she was the third person from the red team to have her dish judged, her pecan-crusted lamb with couscous was raw, and she lost the round to Zach. The red team won the challenge 3-2, and they were rewarded with a day at the Aquarium of the Pacific, as VIP guests. During the reward, she participated in the penguin feeding activity, along with Cyndi and Nedra.

During the Family Night dinner service, Mary was on the meat station. When the red team moved on to entrées, she asked Jacqueline for a time, which the latter answered six minutes, and was nervous as she knew that she did not have any chances left after being nominated three times already. But, her Wellingtons were beautifully cooked, and she had good communication with her teammates during the entire service. After the red team served all of their tickets, they were asked to go over to the blue kitchen to help the men out, and when they did, she took vocal leadership by asking for times and dedicating tasks to everybody, much to Nedra's praise. She was happy about being the chef to beat while acknowledging that she was improving every day and that she would come out on top, and the service was completed. The red team won the service by a mile.[8]

Episode 9[]

Main article: Episode 1109 - 13 Chefs Compete

The next morning, both teams went to the dining room, where Ramsay introduced the Steak Creation Challenge, and during the challenge, Mary revealed that she would do a salt and pepper rubbed rib-eye with blackberry vanilla sauce, much to Ja'Nel's worry, who deemed the sauce too sweet. She was the last person from the red team to have her dish judged, presented her rib-eye with blackberry vanilla sauce, which was cooked perfectly, but criticized for having a lot of blackberries. She won the round over Ray, making her very proud to have won it for the red team and over Ray, which she deemed great.

The red team won the challenge 4-3, and they were rewarded with a day by the pool at the Wilshire Hotel, with a 360-degree view of Los Angeles, as well as a manicure and pedicure. When they walked by the entrance to go on their reward, they found the blue team carrying the cow, and Mary revealed that even though it would be terrible to do something like that on a beautiful day, she found it fun to butcher cows.

During the Steak Night dinner service, Mary was on the fish and slider stations. After Nedra sent her appetizers, she realized that she forgot to drop her sliders, and when Ramsay asked her why she did not drop it, she answered that she did not hear him. She told that she would put it at the moment, but he reminded her that they were backed up because of her, ordered her to wake up, and the red team had to start the ticket over. When she sent her sliders, they were accepted, but they were returned to the kitchen for having hair in it, and she was dismayed when Ramsay showed it to her. Then, he called a slider refire urgently, she acknowledged that it could have been her own hair, she was asked by Ramsay if that was the best she could do, which she answered not, and she was urged to give him better. Later, she really wanted her slider to be accepted as she did not want to be embarrassed about the hair incident anymore, and when she sent it, it was accepted. Moments later, she had communication issues with Amanda as the latter did not hear when she announced that her sea bass was ready, and she told Ramsay that she told Amanda and Jacqueline, and that the meat station was screwing her. When Amanda told that she did not tell that the sea bass was ready, she was annoyed as Amanda should have taken responsibility for her mistake. After four of her teammates were kicked out of the kitchen, she rallied to complete the service, along with Ja'Nel and Susan.

The red team lost the service, and they were asked to nominate two people. During deliberation, Mary was considered by Jacqueline for the hair incident, but she reminded that she refired it, and added that she could not be eliminated because she was not the worst.

She was not nominated for elimination.[9]

Episode 10[]

Main article: Episode 1110 - 12 Chefs Compete

The next day, a picture of Mary as a teenager was seen. During the Quinceañera Planning Challenge, she asked what styles of meat they liked, with Josette explaining they like steak that is medium to a well-done temperature. She cooked the chicken dish, was the fourth person from the red team to have her dish judged, and went up against Anthony. She made a butterfly chicken with a lemon cream sauce and a cauliflower purée, Brianna said it was delicious, but criticized it for being too soft. Jennifer and Josette both praised it for being flavorful, but the latter criticized it for having too much lemon, making her was worried if they would go down in flames if they didn't get the point. Despite that, she scored that round over Anthony, and the red team won the challenge 3-2. They were rewarded with a trip to Knott's Berry Farm. When the red team came back from their reward, she and Nedra danced on the dance floor.

During the Quinceañera dinner service, Mary was on the appetizer station with Amanda. When the red team was working on their first ticket, Mary told Amanda that it was three tuna and three Caesar Salads, but when the latter asked if it was three tuna, Nedra got dismayed as they had to be on the money. After Ja'Nel's station went up in flames, she dismayingly asked how it could get any worse for them. Both teams were named joint losers, and they were asked to nominate two each. During deliberation, she nominated Amanda and Cyndi for elimination.

She was not nominated for elimination.[10]

Episode 11[]

Main article: Episode 1111 - 10 Chefs Compete

During the Presentation Challenge, Mary announced that she would be doing a flank steak with wasabi but would slice to earn points on presentation. She was one of the three chefs from the red team to make it into the second round, was the final person from the red team to have her dish judged, and made a grilled flank steak dusted with wasabi and lemongrass. While Jennifer Garcia felt the cook of the steak missed the mark, it was praised for tasting wonderful, making Cyndi confident she could win it for the women. After, she scored a total of 90 points, the red team won 269-257, and then, Ramsay named her dish the one to be featured in People's Magazine, making her shocked and happy. The red team was rewarded with a photoshoot for Star watch and received Vitamix blenders.

During prep, Mary felt that her make up was running off her face, as were the other women. During the Private dinner service, she explained that the military had a special place in her heart as both her father and brother served in the marines at different points. She led the mushroom risotto, and while asked by Susan about using the mushroom stock, she got her course out with no problems. Both teams were named joint losers, and they were asked to nominate one each. During deliberation, she reminded Susan about the off-steak timings.

Mary was not nominated for elimination but told Ramsay that it was a tossup between the linguine and steak course.[11]

Episode 12[]

Main article: Episode 1112 - 9 Chefs Compete

Back at the dorm, Mary felt they all could have done better.

The next day, at 4:50 AM, the chefs were sound asleep as Sous Chefs Andi and James came into the dorms and woke them up with air horns and pots. While that startled Nedra and Anthony, the chefs were ordered to head downstairs, and Ramsay announced that both teams would create their own menus for that night’s service.

During dinner service, Mary was on the meat station. After Ramsay showed the red team Zach's perfect pork chop and reminding them that they have not gotten to plating yet, she was embarrassed as seeing Zach’s dish getting praise was a hard pill to swallow. When Susan was struggling on garnish, she decided to help Susan out as she could do that along with searing off her beef. However, Susan felt she was not learning anything new from her. Later, she sent up her New York striploin, Ramsay said it was cooked beautifully, making her feel nice for not just the compliment, but because none of their dishes were sent back.

The red team won the service, but their celebration was cut short as Ramsay called the dorms and told Mary to bring the entire team down to his office, making Nedra nervous as she did not know what to expect. There, Ramsay told the red team that he wanted them to have a meeting and decide who was joining the blue team after elimination as he wants that person to be both a fighter and a leader who could whip the men into shape. As all of them wanted to move to the blue team, she picked a name out of a hat, but it was not her's.[12]

Episode 13[]

Main article: Episode 1113 - 8 Chefs Compete

Continuing from the previous episode, an irate Ramsay sent the red team back into the red kitchen and gave them two minutes to discuss who was going into the blue team, yelling that he did not ask them to pull names out of a hat like a fucking game show. Mary said goodbye to Nedra as the latter was reassigned to the blue team.

During the International Cuisine Challenge, Ramsay asked Mary who she wanted to go up against, and she said Jon as he was the best chef on the blue team and would be satisfied to beat the crap out of him. After she spun the wheel, it landed on India, and their ingredients were revealed to be chickpeas, basmati rice, curry powder, lentils, and masala. During the cooking, with eight minutes left, Susan smelled something burning, and she discovered that her rice was burnt, throwing her plans through a loop. She was the first person from the red team to have her dish judged and presented her pan-seared lamb loin encrusted with masala on top of grilled eggplant purée, although she wished she had her basmati rice. However, the dish was praised for being wonderful and not overpowering, making her wonder if rice was overrated. She lost that round to Jon, and whined that she wanted a tie. The red team eventually won the challenge 3-1, and they were rewarded with a $2,000 shopping spree at Kitson, lunch at Mr. Chow’s, and brand new cookware.

During prep, Mary noticed her flat-top was not on. During dinner service, she was on the garnish station. When asked for somebody to taste her risotto for a second opinion, she told her to add more salt, before explaining she was hovering appetizers due to Susan being inconsistent before. After Ja'Nel served raw scallops, she wanted to slap the latter as she was better than that. After multiple mistakes, the red team got kicked out of the kitchen. With both teams kicked out, Ramsay told Jean-Philippe to shut down both kitchens. Both teams were named joint losers, and they were asked to nominate one each.

She was not nominated for elimination.[13]

Episode 14/15[]

Main article: Episode 1114 - 7 Chefs Compete Part 1
Main article: Episode 1115 - 7 Chefs Compete Part 2

Back at the dorms, Mary felt Zach sabotaged Nedra, but while he told the red team how badly Nedra performed that night, she called that claim ridiculous and said he should shut up, refusing to hear it from him due to his lying attitude and how he used to bully her. However, Zach told her to grow the fuck up, mocked her voice, and told her to stop whining and crying. While Cyndi praised her for standing up to Zach, she threatened to flip if Zach was in a black jacket.

During the Blind Taste Test, Mary was the first person from the red team to compete, and went up against Zach. She felt it would be a piece of cake as Zach was a moron, and wanted to beat the crap out of him. However, she could only get zucchini correct, and Zach told her that he was the top dog and numero uno. During Susan's turn, she wanted the former to kick his butt for herself. The red team won the challenge 7-6, and they were rewarded with a seafood lunch at Nobu in Malibu and horseback riding at the Santa Monica mountains, much to her excitement. As the red team walked past the blue team, she mockingly wished them well. During the reward, she called her horse, named Luna, easy, and when the red team came back from their reward, she showed Jon the pictures they took, but the latter asked her to stop rubbing it in his face.

During the King of the Hill Challenge, Mary was the sixth person to have her dish judged by Ramsay and presented her pan-seared filet with a red wine reduction. Before tasting her dish, Ramsay recalled her poor duck breast, and while the dish was praised for a beautifully cooked filet, it was criticized for having an overpowering reduction that looked like paint. As such, she did not dethrone Jon and lost the challenge.[4] Back at the dorms, she called Zach a used car salesman as nobody was buying his claims about his dish.

During dinner service, Mary was on the fish station. At one point, Ramsay told her to put her tongue back in her mouth as she looked like a cat, but she argued that she couldn't help it. While she and Cyndi were getting appetizers out, on their next order, she was late on the lobster tails. While she apologized for the wait, she blamed Cyndi for not communicating with her as Ramsay told the latter to wake up and talk to her. The red team won the service, but Ramsay asked them to name one volunteer to move into the blue team.

After Anthony's elimination, Mary said goodbye to Ja'Nel as the latter was reassigned to the blue team. While being dismissed, she was sad to see Ja'Nel in a blue jacket as the latter was a beast.[14]

Episode 16[]

Main article: Episode 1116 - 6 Chefs Compete

During the Relay Challenge, Mary was on the third round, but felt the halibut was in la-la land and cold. On the final round, she was trying to everything her teammates forgot to do, and time was running out. However, she could not plate the chicken dishes, much to her frustration as it reflected on her the most as she was the last red chef in the kitchen. On the lamb round, she presented the red team's dish, but it was a mess due to having bitter and raw kale, and Susan could not believe she put up a mess of a dish. The red team lost the challenge 0-2, and they were punished by taking in deliveries of potatoes and onions, prep them for the Los Angeles Mission, and prep both kitchens for that night’s service. During the punishment, she was disappointed in herself as she was so much better than how she performed in the challenge, and why she could not work faster, harder, or think faster as Ramsay did. After seeing Cyndi out of breath, she left to get some water for her. While peeling the potatoes, she complained she was going to have nightmares over the sound.

During dinner service, Mary was on the meat station. After Cyndi was caught trying to cook entrées before appetizers were finished, Ramsay asked her why the former was doing that, and she said she did not know why and told Cyndi to hold off. While she tried to help Cyndi on the lobster tail refire, it came out raw, leading Ramsay to bring the red team into the pantry room, which Mary knew was not a good thing. Although both teams were named joint winners, they were asked to nominate one person each. During deliberation, she said that it sucked due to having three red chefs left, but Susan felt she deserved extra credit for growing more. However, she retorted that she also grew the most, especially since she was nominated five times before. She nominated Cyndi as she expected a lot more based on her experience, but the latter argued that she could open a restaurant if she left, while she could barely work a line.

Mary was not nominated for elimination, but when Ramsay asked her who was the weakest chef on the red team, she was voted by Cyndi, and admitted she misunderstood the explanation before deeming Susan as the weakest chef.[15]

Episode 17/18[]

Main article: Episode 1117 - 5 Chefs Compete Part 1
Main article: Episode 1118 - 5 Chefs Compete Part 2

Back at the dorms, Mary and Susan talked about getting a Brazilian wax.

The next day, Mary received a video message from her brother, and soon after, she received a visit from him and her mother. She was excited to see her mother and brother, although she missed her husband as well as he was in school. As the chefs received time with their loved ones, she received a letter from her husband, making her miss him so much. After, Ramsay announced that the final five would receive their black jackets, making her ask why he gave them all ups and downs, and she was the final chef to receive their black jacket.

During the Pressure Cooker Challenge, while most of the chefs revealed they never used a pressure cooker before, Mary revealed she owned one back home. She got short ribs, and it made her happy to get it as she secretly wanted it. During the cooking, she thought of a French beef stew for her dish, but Cyndi took notice of her tongue out as it meant she was very focused and saw it totally fly that day before telling her to put it in before she drooled all over her food. 20 minutes left, Susan kept lifting the cover off, which she knew was the one thing you should never do as the pressure dropped every time, and eventually, Susan opened it six times to her annoyance. Then, Jon complained that the steamer she was using was in his face, making it hard to see his cutting board, but she told him to switch stations, which he did with Sous Chef Andi’s help. With five minutes left, she decided to make fresh pasta as she wanted to win. When Nancy Silverton and Lesley Barger Suter came into guest judge the challenge, she revealed that the former’s books were in her previous job. When Susan's dish was criticized for having unrendered fat, she knew it would happen after the former kept lifting the cover off. She was the final person to have her dish judged and presented her beef borganion with fresh pasta. As she had faith in her dish, it was praised for having everything compliment each other.

Mary won the challenge after scoring a perfect 15 stars and was rewarded with more time with her family, which included having lunch at Wolfgang Puck’s WP24 in a private meal. As she left to change, she felt she was soaring high right now. During the reward, she called it the best reward she could have asked her as it has been a year since she saw her brother, and toasted to family. As she and her family dined, she taught her brother how to hold chopsticks. When she came back from her reward, she was glad she was not out there as she noticed everybody was not happy, before saying that dumpster diving was not on her to-do list.

Later that night, Ramsay called the dorms and asked Mary to bring everybody downstairs immediately.[16] Once downstairs, Ramsay announced there would be another team cooking against them, and warned them that they were some of the best chefs he worked with. That shocked her as they met a lot of chefs in the competition before. Ramsay announced that they would be facing off against a team of returning champions, and when Nona appeared, she said she looked up to her. As the black jackets went back to the dorms, she remarked how Ramsay never brought back previous winners before, but felt the previous winners had been out of the kitchen for a while and expressed confidence the black jackets would win. When discussing menu items, suggested a beef tartare, and Ja'Nel loved that idea. Then, the black jackets agreed with duck, but while she suggested they do it multiple ways like a confit, Susan could not see how it would fit in with the rest of the dish and that confit took a long time to make. Despite suggesting they get up early to start prepping it, Susan rejected that idea, but the rest of the chefs agreed with her.

During prep, Mary was ready to smear duck blood all over her eyes when it came to butchering the duck. That led Susan to deem her a completely different person when around meat, and got nervous, while Jon wanted to get the duck legs ready for the confit as they too5k 4 hours in the oven. When the duck confit was not cooking fast enough, which Susan knew would happen, she realized they had to take the confit off their dish. She presented the black jacket’s steak tartare, and Ramsay told them to add more heat to the dish despite having a strong plating style. Then, she presented the black jacket’s pan-seared duck breast with celery root purée, but told Ramsay that they were missing the duck confit for the hash, much to his dismay as Susan was not hopeful about their chances. When an upset Ramsay asked the black jackets if that was the best they could do, Ja'Nel was embarrassed, especially when it was revealed that the duck breast was bland. After getting their second attempt ready, she hoped Ramsay would like it now, which he did.

During dinner service, Mary was on the meat station. Jon told her off for trying to help him, but told Jon to let Mary work on two pans with him. When Jon sent up perfectly cooked scallops, Ramsay gave her the credit for, to the former's annoyance. Later, Ramsay wanted her high-pitched squeak to become a proper voice for the black jackets, but her attempts at leadership almost made Cyndi’s ears bleed. However, she did not care if it sounded stupid and wanted to have her voice heard, but when Ja'Nel told her to calm down, she admitted to talking a lot, which Jon responded with no shit. When Susan struggled on risottos, she came to help her, and it allowed the former to get their next order out. When Ramsay tried to call out the next order, he asked her not to stare at him as she was spooking him, and compared her to something from The Shining. While she wanted to continue their momentum, their orders were accepted. After Cyndi's lamb came out raw, she begged her to get it together, and once service was completed, she felt that despite their ups and downs, it was a great night.

The black jackets lost the service after receiving a 93% approval rating compared to the champion's 95%, and they were asked to nominate two people for elimination. During deliberation, Mary considered Cyndi, but when the latter disagreed with that notion, she reminded her about the raw lamb even though she did not want to see anybody go home.

Mary was not nominated for elimination, but Cyndi and Susan considered her a weak chef as the latter claimed she backed down when the pressure came along with being too nice. However, she argued that she spoke her mind and did what needed to be done. While being dismissed, she said that despite some people seeing her as a weak chef, she was bringing it every day, before calling herself a threat.[17]

Episode 19[]

Main article: Episode 1119 - 5 Chefs Compete Part 3

Back at the dorms, Susan tried to make peace with Mary over what she said at elimination, but she was frustrated as she could have been called down thanks to Susan and Cyndi deeming her the weakest chef. Then, she lets out her frustration on how she has been called the weakest chef two nights in a row and having her growth ignored by her teammates, but when Cyndi reminded her that she was not even up fighting for her spot, she retorted she could have been. While Susan tried to sympathize with her dilemma, Cyndi retorted that Ramsay was looking for the MVP of the black jackets, not who had the most improvements, only for her to yell how it sucked to have been nominated four times in a row at the beginning. After that argument, she knew she was a contender in the competition and wanted to forget about what happened at the beginning of the competition, before knowing that Ramsay saw the same.

During the 10 Portions Gourmet Burger Challenge, Mary made a short rib burger with pancetta rougefurt relish in a poname bun as short rib was succulent. Later, she saw Ja'Nel's jalapeno going black on one side on the grill. When discussing her dish to the judges, she used the words rich and creamy a lot. She lost the challenge to Jon and was punished by doing all of Jean-Philippe’s daily chores, and prep the kitchen for that night’s service. During the punishment, she complained that there were only three of them to get the dining room ready, and called it insane as they struggled to get the iron on. Later, she felt she knew what she was doing until Ja'Nel noticed a tablecloth out of place, but told the latter to chill as they can figure it out.

During dinner service, she was on the fish station. At first, she was getting appetizers out at a strong pace, making her feel they were doing a good job for only one team. However, she soon sent up a slider with no meat in one and having greasy buns, which stunned Cyndi. While she tried to get back together, Ramsay told her to calm down as her knickers were getting twisted, although she claimed that going commando in the kitchen was dangerous as he told her to focus. When she sent up her refire, the patties were dry, Ramsay asked her if that was acceptable in Caesars Palace, and Cyndi dreaded the thought of getting kicked out in black jackets. While Jon wanted her to be with him unless service was fucked up, she had Susan walk her third attempt, although she did not know if it was one order or two. Fortunately, the third attempt was accepted, and appetizers were leaving at a steady pace. Now moving onto entrées, she was disappointed with her performance so far but was ready to put out great fish. However, she sent up a Dover sole that was steamed on one side, and burned on the other, with Jon on fearing that her being behind was going to fuck his performance up. Despite that, she got her refire accepted. When Susan tried to call out entrées before appetizers, she asked what the former was thinking.

After service, Ramsay asked the final five to name two people for elimination. During deliberation, Susan named Mary her nominee for being overwhelmed, although Cyndi was more upset about the Dover sole she presented. However, she argued that those mistakes did not make her a weak chef, especially since she was not the only chef that made mistakes that night, before reminding Ja'Nel how she should know when a risotto gets overcooked by taste.

Mary was named the first nominee, but as they failed to decide between Susan and Ja'Nel, Ramsay called the three women down. During her plea, Ramsay deemed her performance a disaster and asked what happened, but she claimed she bounced back and kept fighting. She survived elimination, and while being dismissed, she said the only thing that matter to her was Ramsay’s opinion.[18]

Episode 20[]

Main article: Episode 1120 - 4 Chefs Compete

While going back to the dorms, Mary was praised by the other chefs for her fightback, but she knew she had so much left to give and was ready to fight for her life in the final four before expressing disappointment in her poor performance as she has not had a poor service in a long time. However, while she told the others that she understood why they voted for her, she still felt she was not weak, which Cyndi took in annoyance, especially when she felt everybody, but the latter, would deem Susan the weakest if Ramsay asked.

The next day, Mary was paired up with Jon in a puzzle challenge, and while the two initially struggled, they got their puzzle competed first. However, it was not the real challenge as Ramsay announced the Taste It Now Make It Challenge. During the challenge, she knew she had an advantage due to being a butcher, as she was around meat cuts, and believed the main protein was bison. She also used butternut squash and parsnip. 10 minutes left, she tasted the demo dish again, but felt it was lamb instead of bison, and hoped it was finished on time. While the lamb was raw, she decided to plate it as she felt it was the correct protein regardless. During the judging, she knew her lamb was raw but was confident that she could win with the other ingredients. However, she lost the challenge as she did not get the correct protein, venison, but Ramsay was more disappointed in her as he thought she was going to nail the protein. She was punished by participating in moving day, which included moving all the unneeded mattresses and furniture out of the dorms and into the truck. During the punishment, she felt humiliated by her poor performance, and later, she disgustingly found someone’s thong in the women’s bedroom.

During prep, Cyndi returned from her reward, but Mary was not in the mood to look at her purchases as they needed help. Before dinner service, she felt they were under a lot of pressure due to the risks of only two people making it, and the fact they had to run the pass. During dinner service, she was on the garnish station. During Jon's turn, his lack of vocalness on the pass led to a communication breakdown, and she knew they needed a leader. She soon served burned garnishes, Jon told her the mistake, and she got the refire accepted. She was the final person to run the pass and refused to let her nerves get the best of her before calling out the order very vocally, which Jon felt was an appropriate time to use her squeaky voice. Then, she rejected Jon’s scallops for looking burnt and feeling rubbery, and while Ja'Nel was excited to see her being empowering, the latter felt she was acting like a tyrant at the same time as she rejected Cyndi’s risotto for being cold. As she wanted to show Ramsay she could lead, both Cyndi and Jon got their refires accepted, and then, Sous Chef Andi sent up a Wellington stuffed with lamb instead of beef. However, she caught the mistake due to the size of the portions, and knew her beef due to being a butcher, while Cyndi now saw her as a strong competitor. As the final order was completed, she felt she did the best out of everybody, and that she redeemed herself from earlier that day. After service, Ramsay asked the final four to come up with a plea on why they deserved to be in the final two.

When the final four came downstairs, Ramsay asked them why they deserved to be in the final two, and Mary called herself a talented chef and would make a great Executive Chef for Ramsay. After Cyndi's elimination, she was named the first finalist, much to her excitement, and did not think she would have made it. Ramsay praised her for being a strong competitor that has taken off, and even though he admitted he did not think she would last the first three dinner services, she changed him into a believer.[19]

Episode 21/22[]

Main article: Episode 1121 - 2 Chefs Compete
Main article: Episode 1122 - Winner Chosen

Continuing from the previous episode, Ja'Nel was named the second finalist, and after Jon left, Ramsay hugged the two finalists as she told off the people who underestimated her. Then, Ramsay remarked how fitting that the final two were both women as that season was the year of the women, and after reminding them that one of them would become the winner, he suggested they enjoy the moment and celebrate, before telling them to pack their bags as they were leaving for Las Vegas immediately. Later, the final two met Ramsay at the private jet, and during the trip, they toasted to the milestone. During the trip, Ramsay jokingly asked her how many glasses would it take for her voice to deepen, and while she felt she was getting close, Ja'Nel felt it was getting higher. Then, she called making it to the final two incredible as she came in as the underdog, and despite getting nominated by her team multiple times, she never gave up and had full confidence in winning. After, Ramsay told the final two to start thinking about their menus which included four appetizers, four entrées, and two desserts with the goal of having it represent themselves. She was assigned Sous Chef Andi, but when Ja'Nel openly wanted to show Ramsay her range of flavors, she felt the latter thought more about herself than anybody else.

At Vegas, the final two’s personal concierge escorted them to their own Villa for the evening. After, the two broke off to think about menu items, and for Mary, she felt good to finally put her ideas on paper. The next day, the Sous Chefs arrived and the final two met with their respective partners for advice. After, a knock on the door occurred, and when they opened the door, a Roman Centurion appeared with a message from Ramsay. The message told the two to be prepared to meet a very important person from the Caesars Palace family, and once outside, Ramsay introduced the final two to Caesars Palace President Gary Selesner, and she asked if she was royalty for meeting him. Selesner congratulated the final two for making it this far, and then, Ramsay revealed there was one more surprise in store. After driving to the Paris hotel, Ramsay took them to Gordon Ramsay Steak, and she was in awe by the gorgeousness of the restaurant, and then, Ramsay called over Season 10 winner Christina to meet with them. Ramsay told the final two that he was giving them a chance to speak with a previous contestant that nailed it in her season. As the women sat down for dinner, Christina asked if they thought about their brigades yet as she herself had to think who she could trust in her team, while also evaluating the strong from the weak and reminded them that the first pick was crucial, and they should not pick their best friend like a kickball game. She took the insight very well as it was crucial before service began, and after dinner, Ramsay came back with presents for the two, their head chef jackets.

Later that night, the final two made it back to Hell’s Kitchen for a little bit of relaxation, when suddenly the phone rang, and Ramsay told them they were going on another overnight trip, making Mary calling that day ridiculous. Arriving at a local train station, a conductor led them to what was supposed to be their train, but she compared it to the train station from Harry Potter. On their way, the final two reunited with their loved ones, her mother and husband, and was happy to see them again. After, the conductor led them to the entrance to the train, but after entering the hall, they arrived in a stage with a large audience cheering for them. There, Ramsay admitted to the final two that they were not there to catch a train, but instead, it was time for their final challenge.

During the Final Menu Challenge, Mary deemed it a big deal as it was one step closer to winning the prize, and during the cooking, she was confident to keep her dishes simple, choosing to make a simple a traditional steak frites. On the cold appetizer round, she made an ahi tuna tartare with sesame oil, but while it was praised for a nice texture, it was criticized for the oil component as it weighed the dish down, and she lost that round to Ja'Nel. On the hot appetizer round, she made sweet potato gnocchi with creamy chanterelle bacon sauce, and it was praised for its seasoning, and the use of sweet potatoes due to moving into autumn, but the gnocchi itself was criticized for tasting dense. Despite that, she scored that round, and felt she was in Ja'Nel’s grill. On the fish entrée round, she knew what David Lefevre said was important as he had a Michelin star. She made a Chilean sea bass with Nappa cabbage, but while it was deemed great along with having a sexy presentation, she lost that round, to her dismay as Lefevre called her dish sexy. On the chicken entrée round, she made a seared chicken breast with crispy skin, it was deemed gorgeous and that it tasted great, and she scored that round, making her happy to still be in it. On the beef entrée round, she made seared New York striploin with polenta sticks, and Jeffery Frederick deemed it a flawless dish by technicality, based on the meat temperature, while calling it an exceptional dish. However, she lost that round, and lost the challenge to Ja'Nel 2-3.

After the challenge, the final two reunited with the former contestants, although Mary called their appearance creepy due to gathering behind her. Because she lost the challenge to Ja'Nel, she was forced to have the final pick. Before Ja'Nel made her first pick, she knew Jon and Cyndi were the top two picks, but while she wanted the latter more due to working with her more, Ja'Nel picked Cyndi as her first pick after a difficult decision. After, she immediately picked Jon as her first choice for never giving up, as his victory in the King of the Hill Challenge showed, and picked Anthony as her second, before hoping she did not get either Dan or Zach as she wanted Ja'Nel to have those idiots. Much to her relief, Ja'Nel picked Zach, and she herself picked Nedra and Michael as her third and fourth respectively. While she was left with Dan as her final pick overall, she was stoked to tell her team what to do, but before leaving, Ramsay handed her and Ja'Nel an envelope each for them to read as it contained instructions that could impact their performance in the final service. However, Ramsay told the two not to open them until they returned to Hell’s Kitchen.

Returning back to Hell’s Kitchen, Ja'Nel and Mary opened their envelopes in the confessional, and both were shocked that the letter gave each of them an opportunity to trade one member from their brigade with somebody from the other’s brigade, but they only had until the doors open to do so. The two met in the bedroom to discuss the letter, and she was too uneasy with Dan as the latter was full of himself and could sink her, before expressing a desire to trade him for Cyndi. However, Ja'Nel did not want Dan on her team at all, and told her she was happy with her brigade, much to her dismay. Later that night, she met with her team and asked what their strengths were in the kitchen, but while Dan claimed he was strong on meat, Nedra hoped he meant it during service. Then, she asked Dan to be a team player with no attitude, but the latter ignored her, and then, Jon told her how Dan would ignore everybody’s input. However, Dan rudely told Jon to suck it, while she asked her team to respect her as a lot was on the line.[20]

The next day, Mary did not think in a million years she would sit as a finalist, but as she fought hard that season, she was ready to prove why she deserved to be Ramsay’s next head chef. During prep, Dan asked her how to make compound butter, which worried her as his attitude not only sucked, but he was acting like a dunce as he moved too slow for her liking, and a frustrated Jon asked how the former could be making it look so complicated, before deciding to take over the compound butter. However, Dan called that bullshit, and told her and Jon to suck it, while she warned the latter that she would not hesitate to kick people out as she was not babysitting anyone. With only 15 minutes left until Ramsay’s arrive, she pushed her team to get their dishes out on time, but when she told Dan to watch the sauce, he criticized her voice for making him envy the dead, and compared it to a bag of cats as she rejected his initial New York striploin. Then, Dan had enough and walked out of the kitchen, only to return later. However, Dan's return was not met with praise as she called him a two-faced jerk, but knew she had better things to do than yell at his face, before declaring she was watching Dan like a hawk. When Ramsay looked at her sample dishes, he deemed her entire menu delicious, with the short rib ravioli being the best of them all, and she knew there was one service in between herself and her dream job. Before service began, she expressed her trust in her team as they would make her successful.

During dinner service, Mary tried to combine two tickets together for four orders of scallops, but that only confused them until she reread it, and even then, they did not respond to her callout until she asked them again, before calling herself the commander. When Nedra did not respond to her, she wondered if she made a mistake putting the former on appetizers, and later, she asked Nedra how long for the order, but the latter responded that she would have to wait a minute, even though she felt five minutes have gone by. Then, a fire erupted on Nedra’s station to her dismay, she rejected the latter's dish for lacking salt, and as she yelled at them to pick it up, an annoyed Dan wanted her to stop. To make things worse, Ramsay informed her that Nedra’s short ribs were cold in the middle, and she yelled at her team to pick it up, before knowing that Ramsay wanted a leader and gave Nedra one more chance before she was kicked out. That warning scared Anthony as he knew she had the power to do so, but thankfully, Nedra got the refires accepted. Then, she told Jon he was doing one order of scallops, but not long after, she asked for two, to his confusion until Michael set him straight. However, Jon had to drag on the second-order as she was not clear the first time, and asked her to get her shit together as it was not her first day. Despite that, the order was accepted, and the red team was moving onto entrées as she wanted them to pick it up. She sent out her first order of entrées, and on the next order, she felt like a warrior before telling Michael to add more scallions to his garnishes. When she continually asked Dan for the steaks, he grew tired of her voice and claimed he knew how to cook meat, only to send up an undercooked steak. While she reminded Dan that they were not serving tartare, his refire was undercooked again, and she threatened to kick him out if he served one more cold steak, before calling Dan a problem all day long, and felt she was more his babysitter than his head chef. However, Dan arrogantly argued with her over meat temperatures, while Jon feared the former could single-handedly cost her the victory, although he would not blame her if she ended up hitting Dan in the mouth. After, Dan’s third attempt was cold yet again, and after she berated him for making Nedra work too much and screwing up the ticket system, she made good on her threat and kicked him out of service before reassigning Nedra to meat. However, Nedra had no idea what Dan’s temperatures were on the steaks, but despite that, she told her that she would be ready in one minute, and she sent out an incomplete table. Unfortunately, all the steak Nedra sliced were overdone, and she grew frustrated over the mess Dan left her, but thankfully, she found a decent serving to send out. Afterwards, Ramsay pulled her and Ja'Nel to the middle, and told them they were doing a good job so far while adding on that they needed to keep their standards for their final six tickets. Later, she worked frantically and did not notice the pork belly and halibut Nedra and Jon left at the pass until they told her. That led Mary to call service crazy and was running on adrenaline, but despite that, entrées were leaving the red kitchen. She ended up completing service first.

Back at the dorms, Mary was flipping out and tried to keep it together as she gave everything that night. Later, she and Ja'Nel were called into Ramsay's office, and there, the latter deemed her improvement remarkable and praised her assertiveness that night. After, Ramsay had the finalists stand in front of the doors, and after a countdown from three, both turned their handles, but her door did not open. She was named the runner-up, causing her to tear up as losing was a hard pill to swallow, but called it the most amazing experience of her life as Hell’s Kitchen changed her as a chef, and announced that "Mary the butcher" was gone, and in her place was "Mary the chef". During the celebration, Dan approached her and apologized for both his poor behavior and performance, promising he would make it up someday while getting congratulated by Zach.[21]

Nomination History[]

Week 1 Win
Week 2 Nominated
Week 3 Safe
Week 4 Nominated
Week 5 Nominated
Week 6 Safe
Week 7 Win
Week 8 Safe
Week 9 Safe
Week 10 Safe
Week 11 Win
Week 12 Safe
Week 13 Win
Week 14 Safe
Week 15 Safe
Week 16 Nominated
Week 17 Safe
Week 18 Runner-up

Post Hell's Kitchen[]

  • After her appearance on the show, Mary returned to Whole Foods Market as a Butcher.
  • She remarried, also has two children, and is now known as Mary Delusa.
  • She became fully vegan around 2019 and now works as a Plant Based Nutrition Coach.


  • She is the eleventh contestant who made it to the black jackets after being nominated on their first time their team lost following Virginia (Season 2), Josh (Season 3), Bobby, Christina, Jen (all from Season 4), Jason (Season 7), Trev, Sabrina (both from Season 8), Jennifer (Season 9) and Barbie (Season 10), and the third who made it to finals.
  • She, Ray, Dan, and Nedra (Season 11) are the only four contestants to received the "on-probation" phase from Ramsay. She is also the only finalist to do so.
  • She and Ja'Nel are the first pair of finalists to be nominated for elimination on the same day.
  • She and Kevin (Season 6) are the only two runner-ups to not score a point during the Signature Dish Challenge.
  • She is the only member of that season's black jacket team to have never worn a blue jacket at some point.
  • She is the first finalist ever to kick out one of her brigade members during the final service. She is also the only female finalist to do so.
  • Even though she ran the red kitchen for the final service, every member of her brigade were on the blue team during the competition.
  • She and Cyndi (also from Season 11), are the only contestants to date to win 11 challenges.


  • "I've never been to Vegas, and it is so cool here. Even the air smells good, like they must manufacture delicious smelling air!"
  • "It would be terrible to have to hack up a cow on a beautiful day like this, but I'm not gonna lie, hacking up a cow sounds like fun, too! (laughs)"
  • (About her International Cuisine Dish) "Oh my gosh, they love it! Maybe rice is overrated."
  • (during the Farm Animal Challenge) "Mary had a little lamb!"
  • (After being named runner-up) "It's just hard. I wish that I could cry tears of joy. But it's just not how it is. It's just a hard pill to swallow. This has been the most amazing ride of my life. Even though I didn't win, like I'm still a winner and Hell's Kitchen has completely transformed who I am as a chef. It's bye bye Mary the butcher and hello Mary the chef.


External links[]


  1. (March 12, 2013). "Episode 1101 - 20 Chefs Compete Part 1". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 1.
  2. (March 12, 2013). "Episode 1102 - 20 Chefs Compete Part 2". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 2.
  3. (March 19, 2013). "Episode 1103 - 19 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 3.
  4. 4.0 4.1 (May 30, 2013). "Episode 1114 - 7 Chefs Compete Part 1". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 14.
  5. (April 2, 2013). "Episode 1105 - 16 Chefs Compete Part 1". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 5.
  6. (April 9, 2013). "Episode 1106 - 16 Chefs Compete Part 2". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 6.
  7. (April 16, 2013). "Episode 1107 - 15 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 7.
  8. (April 23, 2013). "Episode 1108 - 14 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 8.
  9. (April 30, 2013). "Episode 1109 - 13 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 9.
  10. (May 7, 2013). "Episode 1110 - 12 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 10.
  11. (May 13, 2013). "Episode 1111 - 10 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 11.
  12. (May 13, 2013). "Episode 1112 - 9 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 12.
  13. (May 23, 2013). "Episode 1113 - 8 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 13.
  14. (June 6, 2013). "Episode 1115 - 7 Chefs Compete Part 2". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 15.
  15. (June 13, 2013). "Episode 1116 - 6 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 16.
  16. (June 20, 2013). "Episode 1117 - 5 Chefs Compete Part 1". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 17.
  17. (June 27, 2013). "Episode 1118 - 5 Chefs Compete Part 2". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 18.
  18. (July 11, 2013). "Episode 1119 - 5 Chefs Compete Part 3". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 19.
  19. (July 18, 2013). "Episode 1120 - 4 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 20.
  20. (July 25, 2013). "Episode 1121 - 2 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 21.
  21. (July 25, 2013). "Episode 1122 - Winner Chosen". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 11. Episode 22.
Hell's Kitchen Season 11
Gordon Ramsay (Head Chef) • James Avery (Blue Team Sous Chef) • Andi Van Willigan-Cutspec (Red Team Sous Chef) • Jean-Philippe Susilovic (Maître d'hôtel)
Gina AloiseRay AlongiJacqueline BaldassariBarret BeyerDanielle BoornAmanda GiblinNedra HarrisSusan HeatonMichael LangdonJessica LewisJeremy MaddenMary PoehneltAnthony RodriguezChristian RosatiSebastian RoyoDan RyanJon ScallionCyndi StanimirovJa'Nel WittZach Womack