Hell's Kitchen Wiki

The Last Chef Standing Challenge is a recurring challenge from Hell's Kitchen.


The chefs start the challenge with the knowledge of what dishes they are cooking, and where to delegate. However, at different time intervals, Ramsay will ask one chef from each team to leave their kitchens, which will continue until only one chef from both teams is left. Near the end of the cooking, Ramsay will allow the other chefs back into their kitchens to plate their dishes. After, Ramsay would then judge each dish on the execution, and the team that had the most points at the end would win.

The purpose of this challenge is to test the team's communication skills, as well as improve their multitasking skills when there are fewer chefs in the kitchen.


Season 17[]

Episode 7 was the first time the challenge was used and had it when 12 chefs were remaining, 6 on both teams. For that year, Ramsay had both teams cook a Beef Wellington, salmon, halibut, rack of lamb, duck breast, and double bone-in pork chop in 25 minutes. At different time intervals, chefs from both teams left until Michelle from the red team, and Nick from the blue team were the only ones left. Due to mistakes from the red team, which included raw pork and lamb, and overcooked shrimp for the salmon dish, the blue team won the challenge 5-3. They were rewarded with a rock climbing experience, along with lunch at Bourbon Steak with the Sous Chefs, while the red team was forced to help Marino clean the dining room, along with cleaning up both kitchens.[1]

Season 18[]

On Episode 7, the challenge happened when 11 chefs were remaining, 6 on the blue team, and 5 on the red team. For that year, Ramsay had both teams cook spaghetti and meatballs in marinara sauce, veal Scallopini Piccata, crispy fried chicken, shrimp and grits, and Cioppino. As the blue team had an extra member, Gizzy volunteered to sit out. At different time intervals, chefs from both teams left until Motto from the red team, and Ariel from the blue team were left. The blue team won the challenge 4-3, and they were rewarded with go-karting, while the red team had to participate in delivery day, along with shucking corn.[2]

Season 22[]

In Episode 8, the challenge happened when 11 chefs were remaining, 6 on the red team, and 5 on the blue team. For that year, Ramsay had both teams cook five dishes from the top five ethic cuisines in America: Chinese Prawn Fried Rice, Mexican Steak Tacos, Italian Veal Parmesan, Thai Shrimp Pad Thai and Indian Chicken Curry. Because the red team had an extra member, Donya sat out. At different time intervals, chefs from both teams left until Sandra from the red team, and Ryan from the blue team were left. The blue team won the challenge 5-3, winning a wellness retreat, a lunch from Crossroads Kitchen, and Hexclad cooking sets. The red team sorted through trash.[3]


  • In the three seasons that this challenge was used so far, the blue team has always won this challenge.[1][2][3]
  • In the first two seasons this challenge was used, it was used as a prelude for the Cook For Your Life Challenge.[1][2]


Recurring Challenges
Team Challenges
Attention to Detail ChallengeBlind Taste TestBurger ChallengeConsistency ChallengeExotic Meat ChallengeFarm Animal ChallengeHead to Head ChallengeIngredient Spelling ChallengeJacket ChallengeLast Chef Standing ChallengeMeal Course ChallengeMulti-Way Cooking ChallengePasta Making ChallengePizza ChallengePotato ChallengeProtein Cut ChallengeProtein Identification ChallengeRanking ChallengeRelay ChallengeService ChallengeSpecial Events Planning Challenge
Individual Challenges
Black Jackets ChallengeCook For Your Life ChallengeFinal Signature Dish ChallengeFinal Tasting ChallengeMenu Addition ChallengePortions ChallengeTableside Challenge
Individual/Team Challenges
Alcohol ChallengeAmerican Classics ChallengeBudget ChallengeCooking Method ChallengeCooking School ChallengeCraps ChallengeCreative Dessert ChallengeCreative Steak ChallengeDome ChallengeFlambé ChallengeForeign Cuisine ChallengeFusion Cuisine ChallengeHoliday Dish ChallengeIngredient Number ChallengeKing of The Hill ChallengeLeftovers ChallengeOne Time ChallengesPresentation ChallengeSeafood ChallengeSignature Dish ChallengeTaste It Now Make It Challenge