Kimberly "Kimmie" Willis was a contestant on Season 10 of Hell's Kitchen. She ranked in 8th place.
Season 10[]
Episode 1[]
- Main article: Episode 1001 - 18 Chefs Compete
The eighteen chefs arrived at Hell's Kitchen via SUVs and police escort, and as they walked in, Sous Chef Scott told the chefs he shaved his head to prove his commitment to Ramsay and showed a picture of him with a full head of hair, before deciding to shave the chefs' heads. After two chefs got their heads shaved, really Sous Chef Scott's friends, the latter was about to shave Danielle's head until Ramsay stopped him and told her to get back in line. He told the chefs to get in the kitchens to cook their signature dishes.
During the Signature Dish Challenge, Kimmie revealed that she came from the hood part of Memphis, had no proper training as a chef, but knew she worked her ass off to be there. When Tiffany claimed that she poured the sauce in hurry, she was confused about what went through a blonde bitch's head like the former. When Clemenza started to cough a lot, she imitated hyperventilating. She was the fifth person from the red team to have her dish judged by Ramsay and went up against Brian. She made a Fisherman's Trio, Ramsay said there is no way he would take that to Vegas, and neither she nor Brian scored that round. The red team eventually won the challenge 5-3, and they were rewarded with a steak meal at the patio cooked by Season 3 winner Rock Harper and Season 6 winner Dave Levey, leaving her speechless.
During prep, Danielle complained to Kimmie how frazzled and unfocused she was, and when Briana struggled to name the entrées, she feared how screwed the women were. During dinner service, she was on the appetizer station with Danielle and Barbie. She was not seen that night and when Christina served Wellingtons with raw pastry, a fed-up Ramsay shut down the red kitchen. Despite this, the red team won the service as they served all their appetizers compared to the blue team's zero.[1]
Episode 2[]
- Main article: Episode 1002 - 17 Chefs Compete
Back at the dorms, Christina expresses concern to Kimmie that the red team was not coming together as a team. The next day, the chefs were woken up by a rap group, and she asked if the house was burning down.
During the Scallop Challenge, Kimmie was not seen during the scallop collecting, and when Ramsay showed them how to clean up a scallop, she called the process disgusting but knew that in order to win, she had to get down and dirty. She was paired up with Briana, they were not seen getting an attempt ready, and she started to feel the pressure when the blue team was getting some attempts accepted. The red team eventually won the challenge 6-2, and they were rewarded with a trip to Catalina Island with Ramsay on board a yacht, and a zip lining experience.
During dinner service, Kimmie was at the pizza station. While she got her first attempt accepted, she was briefly delayed by Briana's poor risottos. Both teams were named joint losers, and they were asked to nominate two each. During deliberation, she almost went at it on Barbie until Christina intervened, and even wanted to be nominated next to the former. However, she agreed with Dana to nominate Roshni in order to see Barbie go home.
Kimmie was not nominated for elimination, but Barbie called her weakest chef of the red team for bringing the red team's morale down.[2]
Episode 3[]
- Main article: Episode 1003 - 16 Chefs Compete
When the chefs came downstairs, Kimmie felt that the women could not keep fighting any longer, and they had to come together as a team or else they would lose a challenge and get stuck doing a punishment. During the Immigrants Lunch Service Challenge, she was on the pizza station with Barbie and Danielle. After Barbie was caught garnishing pizza when they were not close to entrées, she got pissed, and told the former to communicate with her. Then, she forced Barbie to garnish the pizzas when the latter did not do them. The red team got their orders finished first after she got her final pizza out, they were sent to help the blue team, and they won the challenge. They were rewarded with a trip to San Diego with a safari trip and got to fly in a private jet. During the reward, she was excited to fly in a G4 jet.
During dinner service, Kimmie was on the meat station with Danielle. When Briana's cod burned twice, she was frustrated as she had all her meat ready. Then, she served raw Wellingtons, and it was one of the factors that led Ramsay to kick the women out of the kitchen. The red team lost the service, and they were asked to nominate two people for elimination. During deliberation, she considered Barbie for elimination as she accused the latter of fucking her that night.
She was not nominated for elimination.[3]
Episode 4[]
- Main article: Episode 1004 - 15 Chefs Compete
Back at the dorms, Kimmie and Tiffany were pissed that Barbie was still around, feeling she was dragging the women down. The next day, a group of dogs was let loose in the dorms, and their loud barking woke up the chefs, confusing Barbie. Once up, Sous Chef Scott gave them overalls to put on, she realized they were going to a farm, and once the chefs got to their destination, she saw Ramsay in a pen waiting for them, and as she was from Tennessee, she was down to be dirty and country.
During the Creative Lamb Challenge, Kimmie was paired up with Roshni on the ground lamb, and she wanted to do a curry sauce their dish. They were the second pair from the red team to have their dish judged by Ramsay and went up against Patrick. Roshni presented their lamb balls on top of coconut curry, and told Ramsay it was her idea to do the curry. Despite Ramsay not being thrilled about being their guinea pig, he did like the taste, pleasing her. They won that round over Patrick, and she declared that she, a Memphis bitch, made a fucking curry.
The red team eventually lost the challenge 2-3, and they were punished by washing off the paint from the sheep, eating sheep testicles, and clean up both kitchens along with prepping them for that night’s service. During the punishment, she called Danielle a bitch for not eating the testicles, and told her to suck it up and put the balls in her mouth. As she was downing the testicles, Danielle did not react with amusement. Later, the women were beginning to prep both kitchens, but while Christina thanked her for eating most of the testicles for her, she commented that she had to because the rest of the women refused to. Then, Danielle went to her to ask what she did to upset her, but said she was felt like giving her attitude, angering Danielle, leading to a shouting match annoying Christina.
During dinner service, Kimmie was on the meat station with Roshni. When Danielle momentarily forgot their first order, she accused her of trying to have the dumb blonde look going. After both Roshni and Danielle got kicked out of the kitchen, she took over the meat station. Both teams were named joint losers, and they were asked to nominate two each. During deliberation, she considered Roshni for elimination.
Kimmie was not nominated for elimination, and after Don's elimination, she said goodbye to Roshni as the latter was reassigned to the blue team.[4]
Episode 5[]
- Main article: Episode 1005 - 14 Chefs Compete
Back at the dorms, Kimmie told Robyn, Barbie, and Tiffany that Dana and Danielle were strong together, before believing that Christina was following the duo as Robyn felt things were going to get dirty really soon.
During the Mexican Cuisine Challenge, Kimmie said that she did not care if Danielle had problems as a burrito was not a hard dish to make. She made the tacos, was the first person from the red team to have her dish judged, and went up against Royce. She made a shrimp fajita taco, it was praised for having an abundance of vegetables and filling, even though John Sedlar questioned why she used a flour tortilla instead of a corn tortilla, and it had strong flavors. So, she won that round over Royce. Before Dana's dish was judged, she prayed for the latter to win. The red team won the challenge 3-2, and they were rewarded with a gourmet lunch at John Sedlar’s Rivera restaurant, and salsa lessons. During the reward, she said she never danced except for bouncing, as that’s what they do in the South.
Later that night, Tiffany told Kimmie and Robyn what Royce said about her taco, how that a Memphis girl like her could not make a better taco than himself, only using his complaints to blame Danielle, Dana, and Christina. That irritated her as she scored a point compared to Christina and Danielle. The next day, the trio denied saying anything bad towards her, but when the entire red team gathered, she called the trio pieces of shit for bad-mouthing her. However, Dana and Danielle argued that she never said anything poor about her dish and that she heard it from somebody and making assumptions. Then, she told Dana to kiss her fucking ass, and called her a bitch, while Dana called her a bitch in response.
During the Mexican Night dinner service, Kimmie was on the fish station with Dana. After getting their first order, Kimmie knew how important getting appetizers out were, and hoped for Barbie to pull it out, only for the latter to serve mussels with no seasoning. Later, Dana asked her if she wanted to put their meat and fish on the same tray for the pass, and she agreed to it. However, Ramsay was not happy about that as the steaks and snapper were dripping into each other, but when he demanded who sent it like that, she was waiting on Dana to accept the blame as it was her decision. However, Dana argued that she should take responsibility as it was her station, while Ramsay grew more frustrated at the lack of an answer. Eventually, she took the blame even though Dana was responsible, and was pissed she got in trouble before kicking Dana off fish, and telling Robyn that she was not responsible for the incident. However, Robyn asked Dana if she was, but the latter denied it until Tiffany yelled that nobody fucking cared, and ordered the two to shut up and cook. However, Dana called her a big baby as she did not need to deal with a person like her. After Danielle served raw pork twice, she expressed shock over it. After several ejections from the red kitchen, she was one of the four remaining members from the red kitchen who managed to get the first order of entrees out and get a groove going.
During the post-mortem, Ramsay reminded Kimmie about the steak and snapper incident, but when she revealed to Ramsay that it was Dana’s fault, the latter argued that it was not how she recalled the situation as she asked her if they were doing it. Both teams were named joint losers, and they were asked to nominate two each. During deliberation, she accused Barbie of fucking the red team with the mussels early on, but when the latter reminded her that she was kicked out for only using a meat thermometer, that set her off as she felt Barbie was the weakest link on the team, and claimed that the latter would have been beaten the fuck down if they were in the hood. However, Barbie felt she did not deserve to be nominated, and accused her of failing on her station.
She was not nominated for elimination.[5]
Episode 6/7[]
- Main article: Episode 1006 - 13 Chefs Compete Part 1
- Main article: Episode 1007 - 13 Chefs Compete Part 2
Back at the dorms, Kimmie felt that Dana and Christina were going to blame them for nominating Danielle, but was ready to pluck the bitches out as they already got one of them out. The next day, Royce tried to flirt with her by suggesting she use him as a loofah on her next shower, but the latter playfully flipped him off.
Before the Fashion Night Planning Challenge, Kimmie asked if they were going to make a dish from the eras they just saw, referring to the '50s, '70s, and 90's, before dismayingly commenting how fucked they were. During the cooking, she was paired up with Robyn on the seafood entrée, but the latter did not want to cook with the swordfish as it reminded her too much of tuna, even though she reminded her that it was one of David Meister’s likes. However, Robyn pushed for sea bass instead, and she realized that being quiet and letting people walk over her was her downfall. Then, Robyn wanted to let the sea bass’s natural flavors come out more rather than season their fish, but she knew that a basic salt and pepper were not going to work as much as paprika or cayenne. After seeing the judges harsh criticisms during the appetizer round, she was stunned, remarked how difficult the judges were being, and was scared for the red team. They were the final pair from the red team to have their dish judged, and went up against the trio of Clemenza, Guy, and Royce. Robyn presented their seared sea bass with grape sprouts and micro basil, but while Amanda Che was drawn to the dish because of the pink and green colors, Meister felt the presentation needed to be sharper and precise. After tasting it, the grape taste was praised, but overall, it was deemed bland as a disappointed Ina Soltani wanted spiciness and a kick from the dish liked she asked earlier. They lost that round to the trio, and while Ramsay reminded Robyn how the judges asked for a spicy dish, she was pissed as she told Robyn multiple times.
The red team lost the challenge 1-2, Ramsay reminded Kimmie and Robyn on how the judges requested for spice, but when she said she tried to tell Robyn and that the latter ignored her, Ramsay told her to put her own input out, not let Robyn bully her, and take the risk. However, she was so pissed by the defeat she did not feel like talking to anybody now. The red team was punished by decorating the dining room ahead of the Fashion Night dinner service, hand-build a runway, and making centerpieces under the guidance of a fashion producer. During the punishment, she initially helped Robyn with putting the runway together, but came to help her teammates when they were struggling with carrying a piece. Later, she got annoyed when Tiffany farted and burped. When the blue team came back from their reward, that only pissed her off as she really wanted to win, and was trying to ignore Robyn as she was still pissed at the latter for costing them the challenge. Back at the dorms, Robyn talked smack about her as she walked by.
During prep, Kimmie was still pissed at Robyn for not listening to her and costing the red team the challenge, but while she wanted to drop it, Robyn wanted to discuss it. However, that only led to an argument as she left to the patio to blow off steam, said she was done with Robyn walking over her and really wanted to hit her as she hit the punching ball. Eventually, she returned to the kitchen but now declared Robyn her enemy.[6]
During the Fashion Night dinner service, Kimmie was on the plating station with Ramsay. When the first show of models was seen, she believed she could pick one of the models up and snapped them in half with one hand. When Barbie sent the scallops up to the pass, she saw that they were lacking any color. Later, she was nervously struggling on plating as Ramsay urged her to speed up. Fortunately, the effort paid off as Ramsay praised her plating skills. The red team won the service, and Ramsay praised her plating for being brilliant and perfect. When going back to the dorms, she and Robyn reconciled as, even though she acknowledged their fight, she felt the latter was proud of her performance. Back in the kitchen, she was relieved they did not have to deal with elimination again.
At elimination, Kimmie was seen giving Clemenza a standing ovation due to his passionate plea, and when he survived elimination.[7]
Episode 8[]
- Main article: Episode 1008 - 12 Chefs Compete
Before the Dome Challenge, Kimmie was discouraged by the challenge as it could be anything under the dorms. She grabbed turkey breast, lasagna sheets, and eggplant. She had no idea what to do with her turkey breast, was not happy with her lasagna sheets, and decided to fight for her ingredients if nobody would discuss them. She was the third person from the red team to have her dish judged and went up against Roshni. She made a Cajun-spiced turkey pasta, it was a little bland, and she scored 3 stars. After Royce's dish had a long hair in it, she asked what the fuck the former was doing, before expressing hope for the red team. The red team eventually won the challenge 30-29, and they were rewarded with a spa day and brand new Demeyere cookware for each of them. While she admitted to not being a girly girl that went to a lot of spas, she knew the red team needed that win.
During dinner service, Kimmie was on the garnish station. She was not seen that night, and the red team won the service by a mile after completing both their tickets and the blue team's tickets.[8]
Episode 9/10[]
- Main article: Episode 1009 - 11 Chefs Compete Part 1
- Main article: Episode 1010 - 11 Chefs Compete Part 2
Back at the dorms, Kimmie felt the women’s confidence was high as they murdered the men that night. The next day, she revealed to Tiffany, Justin, Royce, and Robyn that she was bored the previous day and wrote a rap, before saying she had a passion for food and rapping, before performing it. In it, she claims that it started with eighteen chefs, and they had eleven left, before saying soon there would only be seven, challenged Clemenza, Patrick, Royce, Justin, and Brian, said the red team always won challenges, the men would eventually feel powerless, said the red team would make history as the first full-girl black jackets, and telling them wisely not to argue with Chef.
During the Creative Steak Challenge, Kimmie voluntarily sat out of the slots as she knew it was pointless to speak out when her teammates bickered a lot, and dismissively told Dana and Christina to show off after the former bragged how the two performed strongly in the past challenges. However, Ramsay told her that while she did not get a chance to spin, she was still cooking a dish for the challenge, asked her to pair up on one of her teammate’s ingredients, and informed the red team that they would be picking one of the two dishes for judging. Immediately, she said Robyn as she felt confident on the rib eye as they cooked it in the south, and during the cooking, she decided to fry both her parsnip and bacon. After the dishes were cooked, the red team had to decide between her's and Robyn's dish. Despite trying to describe her dish, the women were more focused on Robyn’s dish, she was not chosen for judging, she was pissed as she believed they made up their minds before, and that she worked her ass off for her dish. When Ramsay took notice of her being upset, she claimed she was okay. The red team eventually lost the challenge 2-3, but Ramsay wanted to taste her dish as he was curious about the thought process the women had. After she presented it, Ramsay deemed it delicious as it almost tasted like a barbecue short rib, with Robyn knowing he would say that, before having the women taste the dish While she felt redeemed and that she proved to her teammates that she could cook steaks, Ramsay condemned the women for their poor decision as her dish could have challenge Clemenza’s dish more seriously.
The red team was punished with taking in a delivery of a side of beef, and prep it for Steak Night. Kimmie was pissed that if her dish was chosen, they could have won, before grimacing how long their day would be. During the punishment, the women were shocked by the size of the beef in the truck, and she claimed that even herself and Clemenza lying together still would not have matched the size of the beef. As the women tried to get the beef side into the restaurant, she felt she was carrying 250 lbs. from the ass alone and struggled to breathe as she was wheezing, much to Dana’s concern. Later, Christina told her to sell her dish better, but while she argued that she tried, she accused Robyn of talking over her. When Robyn accused Barbie of stealing her knife kit, she felt the former said it too aggressively, but Robyn bitterly said she was not going to change ways. That led her to feel that Robyn was angry she outshined her, while the latter refused to have her talk to people due to her size. While she was not in the mood to argue, she was close to bitch slapping Robyn as the two continued to trade insults with each other. After the punishment, she did not understand how she and Robyn went from friends to enemies but wanted to let it go and kick ass in dinner service as she was done with childish games. When everybody was sleeping, she kept Robyn up with her snoring.
During prep, Kimmie was pumped about service, but nobody else from the red team was. When Tiffany threatened to hit Barbie in the head with something, she told her they had no time to argue. Before service began, she felt the pressure as she was on meat for Steak Night, but wanted to show Ramsay she was there to win. However, she accidentally burned her hand after touching a hot pan and getting splattered with grease, and after Ramsay ordered Clemenza to take her to the medic, they treated both her fingers and arm.[9] As the medic worked on her, she flatly told her that she cannot return into the kitchen with her condition, Ramsay asked her how she was able to burn her hand all the way up, and she tearfully feared that it would mark the end of her time in the competition. Despite feeling her hand hurting like hell, she refused to leave as she came to win, and after getting patched up by the medic, she returned to the red kitchen. However, while Barbie, Tiffany, and Dana were happy to see her back, Robyn was not before calling her a baby. Afterwards, Ramsay told her to concentrate, and she was ready to rock with a burn.
During the Steak-Family Night dinner service, Kimmie was on the meat station. Christina reminded both Kimmie and Robyn about their first entrée order, but when the latter snapped at the former, Kimmie accused Robyn of acting crazy, before accusing her of still being jealous about the challenge. While Robyn impatiently wanted to walk her hanger steaks, she needed to slice her filets as they were very thick. That led to a pissed Robyn flipping her off, accused her of not knowing what she was doing, and when the two walked their dishes, Ramsay saw something wrong. While an ecstatic Robyn felt it was her mistake, Kimmie presented a perfectly cooked and sliced filet, making her feel happy. The tension between her and Robyn was still high as Christina hoped the two could work together, or else they would be screwed. However, the two still argued over timings as Robyn was ready on fish, but she was not ready on slicing, leading Ramsay to pull the two women aside and sort it out. Even though the two still bickered, the red team was still serving entrées. Later, she and Robyn were still arguing over timings, and while Ramsay was dismayed by the lack of teamwork, Robyn said she had a problem with her as she could not stand her ass any longer. Eventually, Ramsay called over the blue team to help out, but she and Robyn continued to argue. The red team was soon kicked out of the kitchen after multiple mistakes. Back at the dorms, Christina told her to defend herself from Robyn’s bus throwing. Indeed, she defended herself, but it led to a fierce argument that Dana called ghetto. Then, Robyn said she kept her close because she keeps her friends close and her enemies closer. Eventually, the arguing ended when Robyn told her to suck a dick.
Both teams were named joint losers, and they were asked to nominate two each. During deliberation, Kimmie went with Tiffany for the burnt pizzas, and Robyn for the lack of communication, but the latter nominated her for the same reason. That led to the two to argue again about communication, she yelled at Robyn that none of her steaks came back, and when Robyn reminded her that her call was off, they got dangerously close, Dana wondered who would throw the first punch, only for Barbie and Christina to restrain the two.
Kimmie was not nominated for elimination, but when she used Robyn’s timing fib as the main reason for her nomination, the latter argued she did not lie, and that it was all miscommunication before challenging her for another fistfight, and saying there are no friends in the competition because she wants to work for Ramsay, leaving the latter more dismayed. When Robyn claimed she had to drop her standards for her, she denied that as Robyn did not look out for her on the Creative Steak Challenge, and that led to another argument. After Patrick's elimination, she said goodbye to Robyn as the latter was reassigned to the blue team, and while being dismissed, she sarcastically wished the blue team luck with Robyn.[10]
Episode 11[]
- Main article: Episode 1011 - 10 Chefs Compete
Back at the dorms, Kimmie agreed with Christina that they had to come together.
During the Craps Challenge, Kimmie was pumped as, despite never playing craps for ingredients before, she felt lucky. She rolled a T and picked turnips. Dana presented the red team's herb-crusted rack of lamb on top of crispy roasted Brussel sprouts and braised endives and chicory. Ramsay praised the cook of the lamb for being perfect but criticized the Brussel sprouts for being a disappointment as they were too crunchy. The red team lost the challenge, and she was pissed at Dana for serving burnt food before starting to shake.
The red team was punished by slow roasting pork for a pulled pork special ahead of the following service, which would take 12–15 hours. While Kimmie was upset they lost, Dana was unsympathetic and told her to get over it. Back at the dorms, she was pissed about the crispy Brussel sprouts that cost them the challenge and was more pissed at Dana acting like she ran the red team. After punching the bag by envisioning Dana’s face on it, she really felt like wringing her neck. During the punishment, she noticed that Tiffany was the happiest she saw her, and throughout the night, she got annoyed at the loud buzzer before calling it the worst punishment yet.
During prep, a very tired red team began prepping for service, but they tried their best to keep themselves awake as Kimmie wanted to get ready for service. During dinner service, she was on the appetizer station with Christina. She was not seen that night, except for getting her spaghetti and meatballs accepted for David Beckham’s son. She one of the four red chefs that came into the blue kitchen to help. The red team won the service.[11]
Episode 12/13[]
- Main article: Episode 1012 - 9 Chefs Compete Part 1
- Main article: Episode 1013 - 9 Chefs Compete Part 2
Before the Blind Taste Test, Kimmie volunteered to sit out as the red team had an extra person. Her reasoning was that she smoked earlier that morning, but Dana said that they all smoked that morning, before accusing her of wanting to watch them compete. Then, Robyn felt that she was too scared to compete. The red team lost the challenge 6-7, and they were punished by participating in Delivery Day, as well as unboxing all their peppercorns, grind them by hand and mortar, replace the fryer oil for both kitchens, and prep potatoes. During the punishment, she asked if they kidding her after seeing the number of packages they had to move out. When she asked Barbie for some help, the latter decided to place the ice bags at the edge of the truck instead of on the ground like they wanted, which angered her, and proceed to tell off Barbie. However, Barbie refused to let her talk her down as the two had a fierce argument, where Barbie told her that she never jogged a day in her life and that her ass shows it, which led to an angry Christina yelling at them to knock it off as they had no time. Later, she called it the worst punishment she has ever done after Sous Chef Andi handed them the rest of their punishment.
Later that day, a truck horn blared, annoying Tiffany as she thought the red team was done with delivery day. However, Barbie opened the box to reveal a tablet, and after pressing play, it opened a prerecorded message from Ramsay. Then, Ramsay announced that he was giving both teams a chance to have their own menus for the following night’s service, and gave them one hour to create a menu with three appetizers, three entrées, and three desserts. As the red team agreed on their menu items, Kimmie was stoked about putting her ideas on the menu, but her mussel idea was shot down by Dana, along with a beer batter for the halibut by Barbie, much to her dismay. Then, her barbecue sauce idea was shot down, and Dana felt she was taking things too personal as the red team decided to make something like barbecue sauce.
During prep, Kimmie had no idea what she was doing and asked her teammates questions, leading Barbie to call her the weakest link on the red team because of that. Despite calling prep hectic, she was ready to kick ass with a barbecue sauce, although both Christina and Tiffany found the sauce tasting more Jack Daniels and honey, with the former suggesting to her that she add more soy sauce and expressing concern about her not knowing what to do. Despite that, she got her sauce fixed up. When Barbie was very slow cleaning the mussels, she threatened to hit the former. When Ramsay took a look at the red team's dishes, she was happy her dish received praise.[12]
During dinner service, Kimmie was on the meat station and had her ribeye dish on the menu. While Barbie offered to help her out, she refused as she felt she could handle her shit. However, her duck was overcooked and Ramsay handed the red team pieces to taste, which Dana knew was never a good sign, before calling it dry and disgusting. While she did not want Barbie to eat her food to tell her what was wrong, the latter said that she offered to help. Her refire was accepted as she knew if meat failed, then the rest of the stations failed, before promising to be on point. However, her ribeye was overcooked, Tiffany felt that she should not be here if she failed at cooking easy food, and Ramsay accused her of not caring as Dana yelled she hated losing dinner services. While Ramsay accused her of giving up, she refused as Ramsay retorted that he did not give a fuck if the entire red team went home. As she tried to boost her confidence back, she responded flatly to Ramsay’s callback but managed to get the refire accepted. After Tiffany's potatoes were sent back for being raw, Ramsay accused her of giving up in frustration.
Both teams were named joint losers, shocking and confusing Kimmie as she thought the red team won that night, and they were asked to nominate two each. During deliberation, she went with Barbie due to her poor attitude at prep and putting them behind. However, Barbie and Tiffany considered her for elimination.
Kimmie was not nominated for elimination, although Ramsay questioned the red team's decision to keep her over Barbie. While being dismissed, she was going to fight for Tiffany and get Barbie gone.[13]
Episode 14[]
- Main article: Episode 1014 - 8 Chefs Compete
Back at the dorms, Kimmie was upset that her best friend was eliminated as she felt Tiffany helped her out a lot, with Dana trying to comfort her, and felt Barbie should have gone home instead, before declaring her intent to get that bitch gone.
The next day, Ramsay had the Southern Voices of Victory gospel choir perform for the chefs, and Kimme felt back at home due to being from the south. Before the Southern Cuisine Challenge, she was very pumped, went up against Brian, and their dishes were pork chop and grits, with her warning him that he was going to get reamed. During the cooking, she knew she had to shine in that challenge. She was the second person to have her dish judged and presented her oregano panko-crusted pork chop with grits containing cream, sautéed bacon, and Monterey cheese. When Ramsay deemed the presentation dull, she annoyingly told him to eat her fucking dish. Despite that, the dish was praised for delicious grits, she scored that round over Brian, Ramsay told her that she made grits glamorous, and she called herself a Southern bitch. The red team won the challenge 3-1, and they were rewarded with a photoshoot with Ramsay and Tanya Steel for Epicurious, and lunch at the Four Seasons. During a reward, she did not want any makeup on her face as she was a tomboy, and during lunch, she called the food amazing and felt like a queen.
Before dinner service, Ramsay told Kimmie that this should be the night she was the shining star on the red team, and she knew as the only person from the South, she had to be on her best and was starting to freak out as the red team tried to calm her down. During the Southern Night dinner service, she was on the fish station. With everybody communicating, she knew it was her time to shine, only to serve burnt catfish, dismaying Barbie as not only was it an easy fish to cook, but she was from the South and should be able to cook. She was struggling on the refire, and had an oil bubble pop on her face. Despite having her face burned, she got the refire accepted. However, because of her earlier mistake, the red team was behind. After Barbie served bland kale, she accused the latter of fucking up again like she had the previous eight services and told her to go home. Ramsay was waiting on the refire as she knew he was pissed off. However, her catfish dishes were both raw and burnt respectively to the point Ramsay was nearly crying, and after Dana mortifyingly screamed a no, the red team was kicked out of the kitchen. As the red team went back to the dorms, Christina blamed her for failing on fish despite it being her night to shine and was frustrated beyond belief.
Back at the dorms, Kimmie was upset as it was the first service she fucked up badly and knew that it was her night to shine as she was from the South despite Clemenza trying to comfort her. Both teams were named joint losers, and they were asked to nominate one each. During deliberation, Christina nominated her for the failure on the fish station, but she argued that it was the first night where she truly fucked up, and accused Barbie of being inconsistent and slacking off, before nominating the latter for bringing the entire mood down.
Kimmie was named the red team's nominee and joined Robyn from the blue team. During her plea, Ramsay reminded her that it was the one service he wanted her to shine and asked what happened, but she said she lost control of her station, did not feel she should go home, and believed she was better than Robyn in a lot of ways. She was eliminated for struggling on what should have been an easy night for her even though Ramsay praised her for her big heart and passion. During her exit interview, she disappointingly felt it was not her night to go and felt Barbie should have gone home instead as the latter was nominated four times compared to her one.
Ramsay's comment: "As a woman from Memphis, tonight's Southern cuisine menu should've been an easy walk in the park for Kimmie. But it turned out to be a difficult uphill battle, and that is why it was her time to go." [1]
Episode 19/20[]
- Main article: Episode 1019 - 2 Chefs Compete
- Main article: Episode 1020 - Winner Chosen
Kimmie was one of the eight chefs that returned for the final dinner service. She was Christina's third pick due to her experience on meat, was after Dana and Patrick, and was followed by Robyn. When going over the menu, she asked what the fuck Christina was thinking as a 14 oz bone-in veal chop was enormous.[14]
During dinner service, Kimmie was on the meat station. She was not seen at all, except at one point, during the final ticket, she and Patrick had their food up at the pass while Dana’s pork was raw in the middle. Christina won the finals over Justin.[15]
Nomination History[]
Week 1 | Win |
Week 2 | Safe |
Week 3 | Safe |
Week 4 | Safe |
Week 5 | Safe |
Week 6 | Safe |
Week 7 | Win |
Week 8 | Safe |
Week 9 | Safe |
Week 10 | Win |
Week 11 | Safe |
Week 12 | Nominated |
Post Hell's Kitchen[]
- After her appearance on the show, Kimmie got married and is now known as Kimmie Willis-Davenport. They have three sons. Unfortunately, her youngest son, AJ, passed away in the beginning of 2023 after a long battle with kidney disease. He was only 2.
- She and her husband opened a catering company called Lil Bitz Catering and worked as a cook at Chili's.
- She is currently the owner of Premier Crepes.
- During an interview, it was revealed that Kimmie mended fences with Barbie and Robyn after her first appearance show, despite the three of them having an explosive running feuds with each other and expressed regret over the way she acted in her season.[16]
- She is the sixth contestant, second female contestant, and second non-black jacket contestant to be eliminated on the first time being nominated, following Jimmy (Season 1), Garrett, Keith (both from Season 2), Giovanni (Season 5), and Elizabeth (Season 9).
- (About Tiffany) "I don't understand what goes through these dumb blonde bitches heads, I just don't get it."
- "Bitch, I ain't stepping nowhere!"
- "I'm From The South!"
- (rapping) "So we in Hell's Kitchen, to prove we're bitchin' / Started out eighteen, down to eleven / Next thing you know, we'll be at seven / Clemenza, Pat, Royce, Justin, and Brian, set your shit straight before you go home cryin' / Kickin' y'all's asses in all the challenges, boys watch out before you feel so powerless / Never has it been all girls in all black, but me and my girls 'bout to change all that / When you feelin' down, you better look around, 'cause Chef has the last word in every round."
- (To Robyn) "So you trying to throw me under the bus! COOL, BITCH! IT'S COOL!"
- (To Robyn) "It's true what you do, home slice, 'cause I know ain't none of my damn steaks come back."
- (To Robyn) "I didn't fault or I would admit to this shit!!!"
- (To Robyn) "Fuck you, we ain´t friends. FUCK YOU!"
- (After Barbie mistaken grits for cauliflower) "How do you get cauliflower from grits? Grits are so unique!"
- (To Danielle) "I just feel like giving you an attitude today."
- (After being eliminated) "I'm disappointed in myself. It was not my time to go, by any means. Definitely Barbie should be going home right now. You know, she's been up five or six times. This is the first time I've ever been up there. And I have so much fight, and I've learned so much. And I thought I was going to the top, I thought I was gonna be his head chef, and I guess I just didn't accomplish that."
External links[]
Kimberly "Kimmie" Willis on Instagram
Kimmie Willis on Twitter
Hell's Kitchen Season 10 |
Staff |
Gordon Ramsay (Head Chef) • Scott Leibfried (Blue Team Sous Chef) • Andi Van Willigan-Cutspec (Red Team Sous Chef) • James Lukanik (Maître d'hôtel) |
Contestants |
Robyn Almodovar • Justin Antiorio • Chris Carrero • Clemenza Caserta • Patrick Cassata • Dana Cohen • Roshni Gurnani • Tavon Hubbard • Tiffany Johnson • Barbie Marshall • Brian Merel • Danielle Rimmer • Don Savage • Briana Swanson • Guy Vaknin • Royce Wagner • Kimmie Willis • Christina Wilson |