Hell's Kitchen Wiki
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I’m a rock, I deserve to stay here. I deserve it so much.

Jessica Vogel (October 18, 1983 - July 30, 2018) was a contestant on Season 12 of Hell's Kitchen. She ranked in 12th place. On July 30, 2018, she unfortunately passed away after suffering from ulcerative colitis.

Season 12[]

Episode 1[]

Main article: Episode 1201 - 20 Chefs Compete

The twenty new chefs rode on a bus on route to Hell's Kitchen and during this time they had the opportunity to get to know each other. Jessica asked if Ramsay was on the bus with them, but they all laughed at that thought. Upon arrival, they were greeted by Jean-Philippe who walked the chefs into Hell’s Kitchen only to walk into a service already going on with the food receiving positive comments and Ramsay expressing that the chefs in the kitchen were doing a splendid job. That confused the chefs, and once the service ended, Ramsay approached them and welcomed them. Ramsay explained that he did a soft opening to showcase the chefs what his expectations were, and asked if they could perform a service like the one they saw. Everybody promised they would, and Ramsay revealed that the winner would become a Head Chef at one of his restaurants, but first, they had to survive Hell’s Kitchen in Los Angeles, a place he deemed the capital of entertainment. Shortly after, patrons of the restaurant began putting on a performance. Afterwards, Ramsay announced it was time for the Signature Dish Challenge.

During the Signature Dish Challenge, Jessica was the last person from the red team to have her dish judged by Ramsay, and went up against Scott. Before judging, she revealed that it was her birthday. She made a rosemary crusted venison loin, with potatoes and brussels sprouts. Even though Ramsay commented how difficult it was to cook venison, he felt she nailed the protein. She won that round over Scott, the red team won the challenge 5-4, and she was excited to win it for her team, even claiming it was better than an orgasm. They were rewarded with dinner at one of Ramsay’s Los Angeles restaurants.

During prep, Jessica was ecstatic after receiving her J.K. Henkel knife kit, and wished to marry them. During dinner service, she was on the dessert station. When Joy and Sandra argued about communication, she compared it to hens in a hen house squawking at each other. Later, she said the pressure was on when Joy was cooking her lobster tail in a promised 45 seconds. Eventually, the red team got kicked out of the kitchen after multiple mistakes. Both teams were named joint-losers, and had to nominate two chefs for elimination.

She was not nominated for elimination.[1]

Episode 2[]

Main article: Episode 1202 - 19 Chefs Compete

The next day, at 4:33 AM, the chefs awoke to the sounds of dirt bikes revving in the dorms, with a confused Jessica yelling what was going on. Sous Chef Andi told the chefs to meet Ramsay outside.

During the Basics Relay Challenge, Jessica was paired with Beth, they were the second pair from the red team to compete, and they were tasked with breaking down two whole chickens. As they rode to their station, she felt she was driving like a drunk driver. They managed to get their first attempt accepted. The red team lost the challenge 4-5, and they were punished by picking carrots at a local carrot farm, prep them for the following night’s service, and make both kitchen’s stock in addition. After hearing about the men's reward, she got pissed off, and during the punishment, she struggled to get a carrot out of the ground.

During dinner Service, Jessica was on the garnish station with Joy. She was not seen much, except for wondering why Beth and Bev could not pull it out after the latter served a raw halibut, and it was that mistake that got the red team kicked out of the kitchen. Both teams were named joint-losers, and had to nominate two chefs for elimination.

She was not nominated for elimination.[2]

Episode 3[]

Main article: Episode 1203 - 18 Chefs Compete

The next day, at 5:45 AM, the chefs were woken to the sound of pigs squealing and a farmer yelling very loud, but Jessica called the sound annoying. During the Potato Challenge, she was not seen during part 1, and the red team lost 90-100. On part 2, she was in the top five, was the first person from the red team to have her dish judged by Ramsay, and went up against Richard. She made an orange and maple bacon sweet potato succotash, Ramsay deemed the dish fragrant and delicious, and she scored 4 points. The red team won the challenge 18-16, and they were rewarded with a day onboard an 80-foot sailboat in the Southern California coastline. During the reward, she called their win monumental.

During dinner service, Jessica was on the fish station with Simone, but it made her nervous, especially when the latter had no idea how to properly cook fish on their station. At one point, Ramsay barged into her and Simone’s work to see scallops overcooked and raw in the same pans. When Ramsay asked her if she wanted to leave, she said she did not, and blamed Simone for making her look bad. Then, she announced two minutes on her salmon despite Rochelle and Bev not ready on garnishes. Later, she and Simone sent up their refires, but the salmon came out raw and Ramsay sarcastically congratulated the two for being the worst two cooks to grace the fish station, before kicking them out of the kitchen. As they walked back to the dorms, she felt she should not have given Simone any responsibility as the latter was clueless about the station and accused her of not working in a service before. Eventually, the rest of the red team were kicked out of the kitchen. Both teams were named joint losers, and they were asked to nominate three each. During deliberation, she considered Bev for elimination as she deemed the latter dead weight.

She was not nominated for elimination.[2]

Episode 4[]

Main article: Episode 1204 - 17 Chefs Compete

During the Lobster Ravioli Challenge, Jessica was paired up with Melanie. They had their first attempt rejected due to it being on the wrong plate, but afterwards, they got their three other attempts accepted. As the women kept sending up perfect ravioli dishes, she felt they were on a role. Their fifth attempt was the challenge winning point, the red team won the challenge 10-9, and she called their victory an epic. They were rewarded with a day at a Beverly Hills mansion which included their very own butler. During the reward, she felt as if she had a home, since she did not have one a year ago.

During the Steak Night dinner service, Jessica was on the garnish station. She was not seen that night, and the red team won the service after helping the blue team complete their orders.[3]

Episode 5[]

Main article: Episode 1205 - 16 Chefs Compete

During the Creative Memory Challenge, Jessica was paired up with Kashia, and they were seen matching shitake mushrooms and tomatoes. They cooked the pork chop, they were the second pair from the red team to have their dish judged by Ramsay, and went up against the pair of Chris and DeMarco. They made a pan seared pork chop with corn succotash, but while it was deemed cooked perfectly, it was criticized for having soggy potatoes, and they lost that round.

The red team eventually won the challenge 3-2, and they were rewarded with were rewarded with a day at Laguna Beach which included kayaking on the water, and lunch at the 5-star Studio at the Montage. As the women went up to change, Jessica said that with four challenge wins, it was getting better and better. During the reward, she called it the best reward yet as she never saw sea lions in New Jersey.

During the Wedding brunch service, Jessica was on the lobster scrambled egg station with Sandra. She was not seen that day, and the red team won the service.[4]

Episode 6[]

Main article: Episode 1206 - 15 Chefs Compete

Back at the dorms, Jessica was happy to have a set of tatas as the women were golden, while the men sucked. The next day, Ramsay asked both teams to name a leader for the following service. Melanie was named the red team's leader.

During prep, Jessica felt Beth has completely lost it when the latter angrily ranted in the back hallway. During dinner service, she was on the meat station with Kashia. She was not seen much, except for interjecting seven minutes after Kashia kept rambling in Southern lingo instead of properly answering Ramsay's question. The red team lost the service, and they were asked to nominate two people for elimination. During deliberation, she considered Melanie and Beth for elimination as she felt Melanie was all talk and no game that night.

Jessica was not nominated for elimination, but when Ramsay asked her which of the two nominees should go home, she said Beth, the only one to do so.[5]

Episode 7[]

Main article: Episode 1207 - 14 Chefs Compete

During the Gourmet Pizza Challenge, Jessica was paired up with Joy, and was dismayed when the latter dropped their pizza to the ground, believing that Joy had screwed them. They were forced to make a mini pizza as they had few items. Their pizza was chosen for judging, they were the second pair from the red team to have their dish judged, and went up against Scott and Gabriel. They made a skinny girl pizza, but both Wolfgang Puck and Ramsay said they would not be happy if they served it to them in a restaurant, which Kashia smugly said she told them, and they scored 4 points. The red team lost the challenge 12-15, and they were punished by prepping ravioli by hand, grating the cheese, and prepping both kitchens for Italian Family Night.

During the Italian Family Night dinner service, Jessica was on the appetizer station with Kashia. She was not seen much, except for comparing Kashia like a chicken running with its head cut off. The red team won the service.[6]

Episode 8[]

Main article: Episode 1208 - 13 Chefs Compete

Before the 160th Sorority Anniversary Planning Challenge, Jessica felt that the blonde committee member was very sexed up when she spoke, and tried her hardest not to laugh. She presented the red team's seafood entrée, she was the second person from the red team to have her dish judged, and went up against Gabriel. She presented their traditional shrimp and grits with an orange bourbon sauce, it was praised for delicious flavors and having a hot seasoning, and she scored that round against Gabriel.

The red team won the challenge 2-1, and they were rewarded with a trip to Las Vegas which included staying at Caesars Palace, a $500 shopping spree at the shops in the hotel, meeting Season 10 winner Christina, and dinner cooked by Ramsay's mentor Guy Savoy. When the women went up to pack up, Jessica was excited to get served by Savoy as he was the primo Michelin star chef. During the reward, she felt like a Rockstar as she never went to Vegas, and as the women shopped, she said she never had the opportunity to go into a diamond shop and get serviced. During dinner, she felt that Savoy and Kashia were flirting with each other.

During the 160th Sorority Anniversary dinner service, Jessica was on the fried chicken station with Kashia. When Kashia struggled, Ramsay noticed her standing around and not helping before ordering her to do so, and Sandra felt the chicken station was going down with her watching it happen. Then, Kashia sent up raw chicken,, and Ramsay angrily brought her and the former into the pantry room for an explanation. Kashia was accused of trying to kill somebody and was told to put the breasts in early, making her embarrassed before asking her for her back on this. Later, Kashia had her check the chicken as she took southern cooking personal, but she walked up with raw chicken even though she thought it was cooked. After, Ramsay warned her and Kashia that if either of them came up with more excuses, he would kick them out, but while Kashia ranted how she was all alone on chicken, she felt she was getting thrown under the bus for the latter’s fault and specialty.

The red team lost the service, and they were asked to nominate two people for elimination. During deliberation, Bev argued that the most common sense was to nominate Jessica and Kashia for the raw chickens. While Joy knew chicken was a mess that night, Kashia felt that she did little to help her, but she argued that he was helping by checking the chicken. However, Kashia reminded her that she sent up raw chicken, and when Sandra had no idea whose fault it was, Kashia suggested that it was her fault. She refused to accept that, and refused to believe that she was the worse overall that night, which Melanie agreed with.

Jessica was named the red team's second nominee for elimination, with Bev as the first. During her plea, she said she was a fighter, revealed that she came from being homeless a year ago, and that Bev has not stepped up on the challenges. She survived elimination, and while being dismissed, she felt very betrayed by her team, and refused to freeze up as she wanted to win.[7]

Episode 9[]

Main article: Episode 1209 - 12 Chefs Compete

While going back to the dorms, Jessica felt there was a deeper route of problems nobody wanted to talk to her about, and felt very fucked over that night. Then, she tearfully confronted Kashia over calling her the worst of the women, but the latter unapologetically said she was hard to work with as a teammate. Melanie was surprised by her emotions, but suggest that she look at herself in a mirror and ask if she was a fuck up. Joy reminded her that while nobody wanted to put people up for elimination, it was all about listening and bouncing back, and it has been a recurring issue. However, she left the women, realizing that she had to wear a bullet proof vest from now on as she did not know where the shots would be coming from.

Before the Dome Challenge, Ramsay asked Jessica how she was feeling, and she said she was ready to redeem herself and bring the energy. She went with swordfish as she used that protein multiple times before, but unknowingly grabbed ahi tuna. However, both she and Sandra revealed that they have endives for their vegetables, but as the two argued over who would keep it, an impatient Ramsay waited for somebody to drop it. Eventually, she decided to go with beets instead and said fuck you towards Sandra, but the latter did not respond. On the fifth round, she went up against Anton, but was surprised that it was ahi tuna instead of swordfish. She made pepper crusted tuna and roasted beets was overcooked due to being cooked in the oven, but praised for some strong flavors. She lost that round to Anton, and Melanie called her stupid as swordfish was white, not red. The red team eventually won the challenge 4-3, and she was happy as she would have been chewed out by her teammates if they lost. They were rewarded with a trip to the Terranea resort with lunch by the cliffside, and a private beach volleyball lesson with three-time Olympic gold medalist Kerri Walsh Jennings.

After the reward, Jessica felt sleepy from the reward, but Ramsay called the dorms and asked her to bring everybody downstairs into the dining room. Once there, Ramsay decided that with everybody at the halfway point, he wanted to do some individual evaluation reports. She was excited for the evaluation and was ready to soak it in like a sponge. She ended up taking most of Ramsay's calls from the dorms, but Scott felt she was fucking crazy and acting like a nut bar. She was the eleventh chef to take her evaluation, and Ramsay asked her why she was on a downward spiral. She believed its because she gets lost in her panics, but Ramsay urged her to remain strong. After the interview, she she felt rejuvenated and ready to go.

Jessica was deemed the weakest chef by the red team, and was forced to participate in the Cook For Your Life Challenge against Richard from the blue team. She was ready to prove the jerks on her team wrong. During the cooking, she was fired-up and confident as she worked with all three of the dishes before. However, Joy dismayingly saw that she added pepper to the risotto and told her to get it together as you do not put something black in a dish that was to be white. Then, she asked the women if she should add wine to her risotto, but the men told her not to ask her teammates as it was against the rules. After, the red team were all dismayed when she dropped the halibut, breaking it apart. Thinking quickly, she put another toast on top and put it back in the oven. Before the judging began, she was freaked-out as she wanted to win bad and refused to go home. She was up first and presented her dishes to Ramsay, before knowing that she had to remain confident for Ramsay. For the scallops, they were cooked beautifully despite having overcooked onions, but for the risotto, it was piled too high as she plated it too high, which Anton took notice. The risotto itself was too dense as it was 30-seconds overcooked, and she left a toothpick on the lobster tail which Richard was shocked over. For the halibut, she explained about the double crust on the halibut, but it was praised for being seasoned beautifully. After, she was relieved, and felt she was going to win. When Richard's risotto was deemed overcooked, she believed that it was his time was done. After Ramsay's judging was over, she felt she should stay as she had a lot of passion. Before Ramsay could announce his, the episode ended as a cliffhanger.[8]

Episode 10[]

Main article: Episode 1210 - 11 Chefs Compete

Continuing from the previous episode, Ramsay reminded Jessica that despite her highs and lows from her dishes, he was impressed about her getting those three dishes completed by herself. However, she was anxious about her situation, as it was the most important thing she had ever did. In the end, she was eliminated for serving undercooked lobster and overcooked halibut. She tearfully begged Ramsay not to eliminate her and give her another chance, moving everybody including Sandra, but Ramsay was unmoved, instead calling her a great competitor and doing exceptionally well, before saying she should continue with her passion and love for food. Eventually, she conceded to her fate, and during her exit interview, she sobbed that her dream was crushed and felt that she deserved to stay. Ramsay gave no comment on her elimination, and she did not receive the coat hanging and portrait burning sequence.[9]

Episode 20[]

Main article: Episode 1220 - Winner Chosen

Jessica was one of the ten chefs that returned for the final dinner service. She was Scott's fifth and final pick, after Chris, Ralph, Rochelle, and Kashia. Back at the dorms, she was confused by Scott's detailed instructions.

During prep, Jessica was on board to help Scott win that night and do whatever she could, but the latter rejected her prepped potatoes for not meeting his standards. Rochelle knew that she was making a lot of tiny mistakes and begged her to get it together. During dinner service, she was on the garnish station. On entrées, she served broken potatoes that led to a coating on the beans, but while Scott gave her a reminder of how they were supposed to be made, she did not understand why it was a big deal. That forced Kashia and Chris to hold off on walking their entrées as Scott wanted the refired garnishes first, and Ramsay warned her that it was not the night to make mistakes. After receiving help from Rochelle, she got the refires accepted. On the VIP order, Scott found out that she walked up fries that she did not mix. After, she walked up soggy fries, and a fed-up Scott kicked her out of the kitchen despite her begging him not. Scott would eventually win the finals over Jason.[10]

Nomination history[]

Week 1 Safe
Week 2 Safe
Week 3 Safe
Week 4 Win
Week 5 Win
Week 6 Safe
Week 7 Win
Week 8 Nominated
Week 9 Nominated

Post Hell's Kitchen[]

  • After her appearance on the show, Jessica was an Executive Chef at Black Rebel Burger. She also posted recipes on her blog.
  • She competed on Cutthroat Kitchen.
  • She passed away on July 30, 2018.[11]


  • She is the fifth contestant whose input directly resulted in an elimination, with Beth, following Petrozza (Season 4), Paula (Season 5), Suzanne (Season 6), and Nona (Season 8). She is also the first non-black jacket contestant with this detail.
  • She participated in the first ever Cook For Your Life Challenge, and is the first contestant ever to be eliminated after that challenge.
  • She was the second contestant to have a birthday during their time in Hell's Kitchen, following Virginia (Season 2). However, she is the first contestant to mention their birthday on the show.
  • She is the second contestant who begged Ramsay to be kept in the competition after her elimination was officially announced, following Nilka (Season 7).
  • She is the second returning contestant to get kicked out of the kitchen by a finalist, during the final dinner service, following Dan (Season 11).


  • "I just won the challenge for the whole girls' team! It's better than an orgasm!"
  • (About Joy and Sandra) "It's just embarrassing, it's like hens in a hen house, it's like POK, POK, POK, POK, POK, POK, POK, POK, POK."
  • (About Beth's outburst) "Beth has lost it. The hamster has stopped running in that wheel of a brain of hers."
  • "I'm just really pumped up right now. I really feel like I got this."
  • "No Chef I need to go back in line!"
  • (After being eliminated) "This is my dream and it's just so crushing. I have so much passion and I know I'm the person that is right for the job. I deserve to be here. I know I do, I know I do."



Hell's Kitchen Season 12
Gordon Ramsay (Head Chef) • James Avery (Blue Team Sous Chef) • Andi Van Willigan (Red Team Sous Chef) • Jean-Philippe Susilovic (Maître d'hôtel)
Mike ArestaRochelle BergmanScott CommingsMichael DeMarcoChris EversoleMelanie FinchSandra FloresMichael GabrielBev Lazo-GonzalezSimone HammondRalph JohnsonRichard ManciniGaurav NavinNicole RutzBeth TaylorAnton TestinoJoy Parham-ThomasJessica VogelJason ZepaltasKashia Zollicoffer