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I am the epitome of Jersey. I'm tough, I'm beautiful, I'm sexy, I will kick your ass and suck your dick all in the same time.

Jackie Fuchs was a contestant on Season 15 of Hell's Kitchen. She ranked in 8th place.

Season 15[]

Episode 1[]

Main article: Episode 1501 - 18 Chefs Compete

When the chefs arrived at Hell's Kitchen, Jackie believed that her competition would get overwhelmed as she was going to destroy them and no-one was going to come anywhere close. Then, they found out that they had to go to Las Vegas immediately. After participating in a parade, the chefs met Ramsay at the BLT Steak, which was the prize-winning restaurant, and they were asked to cook their signature dishes there.

During the Signature Dish Challenge, Jackie was the sixth person from the red team to have her dish judged by Ramsay and went up against Kevin. Before tasting her dish, she called herself the definition of New Jersey as she claimed she was tough and sexy. She made a grilled scallop with corn salad, but Ramsay asked her if she was on a diet due to her only having one scallop on the plate, even remarking how New Jersey girls were generous with portions, and she received 3 points.

The red team lost the challenge 22-24, and they were punished by peeling 50 pounds of shrimp and making 1000 pounds of truffle mashed potatoes at Sterling Buffet. Jackie was pissed that they lost, and claimed that if she was an octopus, she would have used her eight legs to make everybody else’s dish and would have won it for them. During the punishment, she now knew why it was called Hell’s Kitchen as punishments were brutal.

During dinner service, Jackie was on the garnish station. At one point, she called Vanessa's performance embarrassing and told her to bounce back. When the entire team was forced to help Vanessa on appetizers, she joked that it took everybody but the latter to make one order of appetizers. The red team won the service.

While being dismissed, while Jackie was happy the red team did not have to send somebody home, she knew that their service was not perfect, and compared it to walking to the base.[1]

Episode 2[]

Main article: Episode 1502 - 17 Chefs Compete

Back in the dorms, Jackie agreed with Kristin that they did not want to go through another service like that ever, and told Vanessa that she should bounce back after the latter's poor performance.

During the Dumplings Challenge, Jackie was paired up with Dannie. While making her dumplings, she got annoyed that her teammates were getting distracted, and after the 20 minutes were over, she was happy that she and Dannie got a lot of baskets completed. They managed to get six of their baskets accepted. After the team of Kristin, Manda, and Meese had a poor performance, she got annoyed by it.

The red team won the challenge 13-12, and they were rewarded with a helicopter trip to Geoffrey’s in Malibu for a seafood lunch with Ramsay. During the reward, Jackie claimed that she was about to shit her fucking pants while on the helicopter ride. At lunch, she was amazed over the white beach and called it the best reward yet.

During prep, Jackie brought the women together for a huddle, reminded them to communicate, and believed that they were calmer. During dinner service, she was on the appetizer station with Ashley. She was not seen much, except for calling Ashley a dumbass for cooking with her flat-top off, and for finding the one spot with no fire. The red team lost the service, and they were asked to nominate three people for elimination. During deliberation, she got insulted when Ashley claimed she was trying to stop her from moving around a lot.

She was not nominated for elimination.[2]

Episode 3[]

Main article: Episode 1503 - 16 Chefs Compete

During the Jacket Challenge, Jackie learned that her dish was eggplant parmesan, and she got confident as she made that dish before. She was the seventh and final person from the red team to have her dish judged by Ramsay and went up against Joe. She revealed that she cooked her eggplant parmesan in the pizza oven, but Ramsay pointed out that it was still raw in some places. She lost that round to Joe, the red team lost the challenge 3-5, Ramsay handed back her diapers, and she felt disgraced as she did not execute an eggplant parmesan properly despite being Italian.

The red team was punished by taking in delivery of 100 pounds of sea bass, prepping it for the following service, zesting lemons, and eating a fish head soup for lunch. During the punishment, she was the only person that liked the fish head soup despite never eating it before, but was called disgusting by Ashley for that. Later, she said that she just burped up her lunch, Meese called her gross, and she mockingly repeated that comment back. Then, she called Ashley a dirty hooker and criticized her high-pitched voice.

During dinner service, Jackie was at the fish station with Vanessa. When Manda was slow on the garnishes, she accused the latter of screwing them up, and after Meese's trashed Wellingtons were revealed, she told the red team to focus. Later, she was late on the arctic char, and when she did send it up, it was raw and stone cold. After Ramsay yelled at her that they were stuck in neutral, she feared that she could be eliminated on the spot for that, and Ramsay warned her to get it together, before being forced to send out an incomplete table. When she announced that she needed three more minutes, Ramsay reminded her that the rest of the table was already eating. While she was confident in her refire, it was cold and raw again, and a fed-up Ramsay kicked the red team out of the kitchen.

The red team lost the service and were asked to nominate two people for elimination. During deliberation, Jackie told Meese that the latter's nomination was not personal. Then, she was considered by Meese and Ashley for elimination, but she argued that she was doing good up until the slowdown on garnish, which Vanessa agreed with.

She was not nominated for elimination.[3]

Episode 4[]

Main article: Episode 1504 - 15 Chefs Compete

During the Duck Challenge, Jackie was in a canoe with Frank, and while she felt that he was a strong competitor, she felt that she was strong as well, and believed that her dish would be better than his. During the cooking, she decided to purée her wax beans for an experiment, and while she was nervous, she had a plan in motion. She was the third person from the red team to have her dish judged and went up against Frank. She made a duck with wax bean purée, it was criticized for having no finesse, and she scored 5 points.

The red team lost the challenge 30-32, and they were punished by prepping ducks for the following service and eating a duck feet sandwich for dinner. Jackie was pissed as she thought the red team was getting better, but instead, they were getting worse. During the punishment, she ate her dinner with no problem, but her obnoxious attitude irritated Meese, and was called both a joke and a shame face for the red team.

During prep, Jackie decided to rename the prep list as “The Fuckin List”, but was berated by Sous Chef Christina for doing that, and lectured the red team that anybody who did that again would be finishing the list. But, when she tried to argue that it was not disrespectful, a livid Sous Chef Christina sent her to the chef’s table, warned her that she would have fired her if it happened in her own kitchen, and accused her of not even caring, before deeming her the cancer of the red team. While on break, she claimed that she was a jokey person who did get serious at services, but believed that these morons did not see it. However, Manda sternly told her to never talk back to Sous Chef Christina, but while Jackie argued that she did not want to get disrespected herself, Kristin reminded her that Sous Chef Christina was their boss, and suggested that she get back in her good graces. When they went back to work, she took Sous Chef Christina to the pantry room and apologized for writing profanity on the prep list. Sous Chef Christina accepted her apology, though sternly told her to prove she could be a reliable chef.

During dinner service, Jackie was on the meat station. While she was confident on meat, Ariel was a little concerned as chicken and Wellingtons had to cook at the same time, and the former did not drop the chicken with the Wellington. Despite claiming that meat was not that hard, her chicken was pink, and Ramsay was angrier that she did not see it after she sliced it. However, she claimed she would have sent it out in her restaurant despite the pinkness. While she got her re-fire accepted, she got annoyed by Meese's lack of communication as it was difficult to cook without times. When Sous Chef Christina suggested that the women thank the men for helping them out twice now, she did, but mutter angrily over her team’s poor performance.

The red team lost the service and were asked to nominate two people for elimination. During deliberation, Jackie considered Manda and Ashley for elimination due to their poor performances, and when she voiced out how pathetic the red team was, Kristin argued that she screwed up a couple of tables, with Ariel asking her why she never told them about the pink chicken earlier. When she yelled that she would have served it regardless of the cook, Ariel remarked that they could not have someone on their team that was okay with serving raw chicken. Then, Kristin told her that she has been embarrassing the team all day, but she argued that she at least apologized with Sous Chef Christina, and felt that her dumb-ass teammates were not letting it go, before calling everything fucked up on the red team.

Jackie was the red team's first nominee for elimination, with Meese as the second. During deliberation, she said that she had the passion and was a team player, and believed that the red team was turned off by her jokey personality, but Manda believed that she was a distraction, and made the entire team look bad for disrespecting authority. She survived elimination, and later, welcomed Hassan as a new teammate.[4]

Episode 5[]

Main article: Episode 1505 - 14 Chefs Compete

While going back to the dorms, Jackie flipped off her team in response to being nominated, but Manda reminded her that Sous Chef Christina called her the cancer of the red team, even though she denied it, and told them to ignore her if they did not like her jokey attitude.

During the Holiday Platter Challenge, Jackie was paired with Kristin on the Fourth of July platter, they were the first pair to have their platter judged, and went up against the pair of Joe and Frank. Her first dish, a beer-poached sausage with pickled red onion and apple was criticized for not working, and that dish did not score. Her second dish, a cheeseburger with apple slaw, was criticized for being raw and failed to score as well. The red team eventually won the challenge, which made her happy that they finally won a challenge, and they were rewarded with a trip to the Santa Barbara Sunstone Valley for wine blending lessons, and lunch. During the reward, she revealed that she was more of a beer person, but made her own Jersey juice, and planned to sell it for $5.99 a bottle.

During the Family Night dinner service, Jackie was on the grilled cheese station with Ariel. At one point, she sparked up a conversation with Millie Bobby Brown, even calling the 10-year-old girl smarter than she due to the latter’s British accent. Both teams were named joint-losers and were asked to nominate two people for elimination. During deliberation, she considered Manda for elimination but got annoyed when Kristin nominated her.

After Alan was eliminated, Jackie was considered the weakest chef on the red team by Ashley, much to her annoyance, and she announced that Manda and Kristin were the weakest chefs on the red team based on the majority, therefore was not nominated for elimination. Later, she said goodbye to Manda as the latter was reassigned to the blue team.[5]

Episode 6[]

Main article: Episode 1506 - 12 Chefs Compete

Back at the dorms, Jackie angrily stated that Ashley showed her true colors that night, called her an ugly two face, and asked why she was full of shit. While Ashley argued that she spoke the truth to Ramsay, she was angry that she called her the weakest chef on the red team, despite stating earlier that Kristin and Manda were the weakest, before calling her fake as her fake tits and threatening to break her face. Before leaving, she told Ashley that she could never run a kitchen, but Ashley refused to take that comment seriously. At the patio, she continued to rant how she was not the weakest, citing how she scored higher than Ashley on the Signature Dish Challenge.

During the Shopping Cart Challenge, Jackie claimed that she was sweating off a couple of pounds as a result of running after the carts. During the cooking, she left her halibut unattended, and as a result, it was burnt. However, she decided to cut off the ends to make it look presentable. She was the first person from the red team to have her dish judged and presented her unknown halibut dish. While she confidently presented her halibut dish, Ramsay compared the cut off halibut pieces to a dog’s chew toy, and she revealed that she cut the end off due to her belief that it was too big, and scored 2 points. The red team won the challenge after a tie at 22, and they were rewarded with a day in stunt planes, which excited Hassan as nobody allowed his people on stunt planes. During the reward, she and Ashley made up from their argument last night.

During prep, Jackie argued with Ariel on how much cream for the Berblanc was needed as she did it by eyeing instead of using a measuring cup. During dinner service, she was on the garnish station. She did not respond to Dannie’s communication until Ariel spoke up. Then, she sent up her garnishes before Dannie was ready, and when the latter did send up her steak, it was well done, and Dannie blamed her for the lack of communication as it caused her steak to cook longer. Later, she did not know what was going up, and despite retorting that she did not need help, she received help from Kristin. Both teams were named joint-losers, and for the red team, Ariel was named the Best of the Worst. During deliberation, she learned from Ariel that she was going up for elimination for being cocky on garnish when she needed help, and was reminded that she needed to take responsibility for her mistakes.

Jackie was Ariel's first nominee for elimination, with Kristin as the second, and they joined Eddie and Joe from the blue team. During her plea, Ramsay asked her if she was taking the competition seriously, and she answered that she was due to believing she was a leader and could focus. She survived elimination, and while being dismissed, she remarked that she learned that her nomination was key to making herself stronger.[6]

Episode 7[]

Main article: Episode 1507 - 11 Chefs Compete

While going back to the dorms, Jackie was relieved to be still in the competition and felt that if he was nominated again, she could be going home.

During the Chef Andi Wedding Planning Challenge, Jackie was paired up with Ashley on the chicken entrée. During the cooking, she asked her teammates if she should leave the chicken leg whole, but when Ramsay said that he did not what a bone at the reception, she reluctantly decided to switch over to chicken breast. She and Ashley were the final pair from the red team to have their dishes judged and went up against Frank and Joe from the blue team. She made a pan-seared chicken breast with balsamic reduction, it was criticized for looking 1980’s, the reduction’s presentation looked like a dessert aspect, the sauce itself being compared to cement, and she did not score.

The red team lost the challenge 1-2, and they were punished by helping the wedding planner, Kristin Banta, with the finishing touches for the following night’s service, and make macaroons. During the punishment, Jackie called Hassan a creep for staring at Banta, and during the break, she got concerned for Ariel as a broken foot would mean being in a cast, and that could mean the latter's time in the competition was over. Later that night, she was dismayed that they were on their 43rd batch out of 200.

During the Wedding dinner service, Jackie was on the appetizer station with Ashley. While Ashley noticed that her garlic was burnt for the risotto, she decided to keep cooking it until Sous Chef Christina forced her to, much to her annoyance. When she did send up her risotto, it was missing a half portion for two. After Dannie's scallops were stuck to the pan as she did not use a non-stick pan, she stated that they should have called 911 on Dannie for violating the scallops. Both teams were named joint-losers and were asked to nominate two each.

She was not nominated for elimination.[7]

Episode 8[]

Main article: Episode 1508 - 10 Chefs Compete

During the Ingredient Number Challenge, Jackie's “I can’t” attitude started to annoy Ariel, and Ramsay told her to stop panicking. Then, she asked Kristin for help on plating as she was not good at that aspect. After Ariel scored a point, she was happy about it and even claimed that the latter could have no legs and still pull it out. She was the third person from the red team to have her dish judged by Ramsay and went up against Joe in the lobster round. She made a three-ingredient butter-poached lobster tail with roasted Romanesco and roasted corn sauce, it was deemed a great job, she scored that round, and she was proud to have nailed her dish. The red team won the challenge 3-1, and they were rewarded with a paintball excursion. During the reward, she thanked Kristin for helping her plate her dish, before being ecstatic over finally winning something. Later, she was in the zone during the game.

During dinner service, Jackie was on the garnish station. While she was vocal with Ariel on times as she knew communication was key at Hell’s Kitchen, she was struggling with garnish as she needed four more minutes despite the fact Ariel and Ashley's entrées were ready. When Ramsay found out, he reminded her that they should never be waiting for garnish. The red team won the service.

At elimination, Jackie said goodbye to Dannie as the latter was transferred to the blue team, and welcomed Chad as a new teammate.[8]

Episode 9[]

Main article: Episode 1509 - 10 Chefs Again

Before the Bison Cut Challenge, Jackie feared that she was going to shit her pants in fear over seeing Jack the bison. She was paired against Jared on the ground beef, she lost to him in the shootout, and their country was Spain. During the cooking, she announced that she was making Spanish meatballs, but an unimpressed Ashley asked if that was a thing. She was the second person from the red team to have her dish judged by Ramsay and went up against Jared. She made Spanish meatballs with Romanesco, they were criticized for being dry, and she lost that round to Jared.

The red team eventually won the challenge after a tie at 4, and they were rewarded with meeting Hollywood animals and receiving Vitamix blenders. However, Jackie called it a fucking death sentence than an actual reward. During the reward, she was more terrified when playing with the tiger as she was deathly afraid of animals, and even stated that she was more scared than having a gun in front of her face.

During the Cowboy Steak Night dinner service, Jackie was on the appetizer station with Chad. At the start of service, she was a little concerned with Chad as they just found a flow to services, and hoped that he would integrate well into it, though her concern was unneeded as the latter got his appetizers out. When Ariel struggled on scallops, she volunteered to help, and it was thanks to her that the fourth attempt was accepted. On entrées. Ariel asked her to help her with the tuna, with the former and Ashley warning her not to overcook them. However, her tuna was burnt, with Ariel accusing her of not helping.

The red team lost the service and were asked to nominate two people for elimination. During deliberation, Jackie reminded Ashley about how she was not searing her steaks correctly, and that if the fish and meat station did not fall apart, then they would not have gotten kicked out of service. When Ariel reminded her about her burnt tuna, she felt that she did nothing wrong, Ariel told her that she should have helped properly, and said that she was not strong enough. Then, she was considered by everybody for elimination, but when she angrily asked if Kristin thought Ashley was a stronger cook than her, the latter said yes. However, she argued that everything she cooked was perfect and that everybody was throwing her under the bus, and when Chad nominated her based on that service, she angrily yelled that he should have nominated Ashley and Ariel for fucking up service and that she had a strong service. However, while Ariel agreed with that notion, she reminded her that she struggled more in challenges and that they could not carry her any longer. Then, she retorted that she had only been cooking for three months, much to everybody’s shock, but still felt that she deserved to run BLT Steak, and said that she hated the fact she was not allowed to choke people.

Jackie was named the red team's second nominee for elimination, with Ariel as the first. While she felt that Ashley should have been nominated instead, Kristin explained to Ramsay that they nominated her based on her lack of progress and that they were tired of carrying her forward, which Ashley agreed with. Despite claiming that it was not true, she was called up with Ariel. During her plea, she claimed that she was a natural-born leader and that she did not deserve to be nominated. She survived elimination, and when being dismissed, she refused to believe she was the weakest chef on the red team and was pissed off over what to do now.[9]

Episode 10[]

Main article: Episode 1510 - 9 Chefs Compete

Back at the dorms, Jackie mockingly asked Kristin how it felt to have somebody who just started cooking be on the same level as her, but the latter retorted that she had no idea what the fuck she was doing as the latter had been cooking for three months, and commented that everything about her was a sack of bullshit. Then, Kristin refused to give her a lighter, even threatening to hit her in the face, but she took it from the latter and taunted Kristin to hit her. Then, she threw Kristin’s lighter to the ground, and the latter called her a disgusting ass bitch. That led to an argument between the two with her once again taunting Kristin to hit her, and even dumped the ashtray on the latter’s shoulder. However, Kristin angrily declared that she was done, and left the patio before asking what the fuck was wrong with her. Then, she declared that she was playing mind games with Kristin because she could not strangle her, and called her both crazy and deranged.

Before the Breakfast Challenge, Jackie revealed that her breakfast was two cigarettes. She was paired up with Ariel on the vegetarian dishes, and she decided to do an omelet instead of a crepe as she originally thought about. Then, she decided to scrap her omelet idea, and go for a vegetarian eggs Benedict as Ariel suggested. After the cooking, the red team chose her dish to be the vegetarian representative as it had a nicer presentation. After Chad's poor performance, she accused the latter of not sleeping enough. She was the final person from the red team to have her dish judged and went up against Jared from the blue team. She made a vegetarian eggs Benedict, it was criticized for a confusing presentation despite being pretty, lacking the proper execution, tasting bland, and scored 3 points.

The red team lost the challenge 23-25, and they were punished by cleaning up both kitchens and making mimosas for the brunch service, which included hand squeezing oranges. Back at the dorms, Jackie felt like poop as she realized she was the weak link in the red team. During the punishment, she pulled Sous Chef Christina aside and asked her if she tried to compete too soon as she only started cooking three months ago. Then, Sous Chef Christina told her that the only way she could become stronger was when she started asking for help, but when she said that it would make her weak if she did that, Sous Chef Christina reminded her that if she stopped talking shit to her teammates, then maybe they would respect her more. That led her to realize that Sous Chef Christina was right as opening her mouth has fucked her in the competition, and knew that she could not fuck up her only opportunity.

During the brunch service, Jackie was on the garnish station. On their first ticket, she barely communicated with Ariel on their chicken and waffles by responding with “I got you”, and Kristin remarked that it was not a proper ticket time. While she believed that she had it, Ashley discovered that the chicken was burnt, and reluctantly agreed not to send it to the pass. She was able to get her refire accepted, and later, the remaining red chefs were sent to the blue kitchen to help Frank and Dannie out.

Both teams were named joint-losers and were asked to come up with an explanation of what happened. During deliberation, Jackie called it a shit fest and wondered who was going home. When Chad reminded her about the burnt chicken incident, she refused to hear it as she did well the rest of the service, even though Kristin reminded her that she was inconsistent with timings. However, she argued that she did not perform as poorly as Chad did, before considering him for elimination.

Jackie voted for Chad for elimination and received no votes.[10]

Episode 11[]

Main article: Episode 1511 - 8 Chefs Compete

Back at the dorms, Jackie revealed that she used to be a bartender and that she got a lot of tips from lesbians as they loved her, before claiming that she never met a lesbian that did not want to fuck her. However, Ashley, who was bisexual, claimed that she was not turned onto her, but she did not believe it as she was everybody’s type, and when the former claimed that she would fuck Kristin and Jared, she was offended and claimed that she was a lesbian and bisexual magnet.

During the Relay Challenge, Jackie did not speak up over the ingredients. On the first round, she was told by Ashley to season the lamb, and before the second round, she burnt the Dijon mustard. On the fifth round, she was told by Kristin not to drop the sea bass just yet, only for Ashley to tell her to drop it in the last 5 seconds. The red team lost the challenge after a tie at 2, and they were punished by taking in delivery of two full lambs and prepping them for a special lamb shank dish for the following service. During the punishment, she commented that Dannie looked like she was going to Sunday church, and later, she and Ariel had a spat over where to saw the lamb.

During dinner service, Jackie was on the fish station. After Ashley's risotto was rejected for being soupy, she accused the former of putting snot into it. On their final ticket, she compared the red team to cocaine addicts due to their quick speed and announced that she needed 45 more seconds on her Arctic char. While she got her Arctic char to the pass before Manda, it was still raw, with her calling Ashley an idiot for having her send it up. While clearing down, she angrily ranted that she knew that the Arctic char was raw when she sent it up, but Ariel reminded her that she did not have the other components ready as well, and Sous Chef Christina chewed her out for tossing her water bottle onto the counter instead of the trash bin.

The red team lost the service and were asked to nominate two people for elimination. During deliberation, Jackie was considered for elimination by Kristin and Ashley, with Ariel telling her that she needed to relax after service, but she argued that she was pissed that they were lost, and felt that she was being attacked. However, Kristin reminded her that it was based on both her cooking and professionalism, but that made her more frustrated as people were telling her to change her ways, before considering Kristin and Ashley for elimination.

Jackie was named the red team's second nominee, with Ashley as the first. During her plea, she explained that the raw fish was sent up due to Ashley’s comment and that she sent them up due to trusting the latter. She was eliminated for her inconsistent performances and poor attitude throughout the competition. Before leaving, Ramsay praised her for showing the most improvement of the chefs. During her exit interview, she believed that she was eliminated based on her attitude and not her cooking abilities, and believed that everybody was intimidated by her as they thought she was going to kill somebody.

Ramsay's comment: "Jackie was one of the most outspoken chefs in the history of Hell's Kitchen. It's just a shame her mouth was bigger than her talent." [11]

Episode 16[]

Main article: Episode 1516 - Winner Chosen

Jackie was one of the eight chefs to return for the final dinner service. She was Ariel's first choice, and she was followed by Manda, Dannie, and Jared. She declared that team Ariel was going to kick ass.

During prep, Jackie asked Ariel a question about seasoning before she did so. During dinner service, she was on the fish station. At one point, she decided to cut the sea bass into pieces as most of them were not the same size. However, Ariel caught her doing that, and was to cook what the customers were paying for. Despite that, her sea bass was accepted, and the order was sent out to Ariel’s family. After Dannie sent up an overcooked pork chop, she was worried that the former was going to flip out, and when Dannie left the blue kitchen, she informed Ariel of what just happened. After, she was reassigned to the meat station and got the pork chop accepted. Ariel eventually won the finals over Kristin.[12] During the celebration, she jokingly told Ariel that she better hire her.

Nomination history[]

Week 1 Win
Week 2 Safe
Week 3 Safe
Week 4 Nominated
Week 5 Safe
Week 6 Nominated
Week 7 Safe
Week 8 Win
Week 9 Nominated
Week 10 Safe
Week 11 Nominated

Post Hell's Kitchen[]

  • After her appearance on the show, Jackie returned to Brix Restaurant and Bar in Belleville, NJ where she is currently a Head Chef.
  • In 2017, she took part in a Hell's Kitchen pop up event.


  • "I am the epitome of Jersey. I'm tough, I'm beautiful, I'm sexy, I will kick your ass and suck your dick all in the same time."
  • "This is why they call "Hell's Kitchen". You don't wanna lose, 'cause then you get fucked in the ass with potatoes and shrimp."
  • "I feel like we're in, like, a Lucy show or something. (sarcastically) My dish sucked, waah."
  • (About Vanessa) "The girl can't even turn a pizza in a pizza oven. It's just embarrassing. Bounce back now!"
  • "How many red chefs does it take to make an appetizer? Uh, everybody but Vanessa?!"
  • "I know how the red team can be. They're doing something, and they're like, bright light! Sparkle! Sound! Bleh! They get distracted over fucking nothing."
  • (About Ashley) "I mean we're in hell, everything's on fire and that bitch managed to find the one spot with no fire."
  • "Two! Two fucking baskets, three people?! They definitely put the 'dumb' in 'dumplings'."
  • "Sherkenna is burning arctic char over and over and over again. They don't call her Char-kenna for nothing."
  • "These bitches get distracted over fucking nothing. I love being hyper and talking all the time."
  • (In an exaggerated voice) "Focus, focus, focus! Focus on the lemon zesting!"
  • "Eww, what the fuck stinks like dirty pussy?"
  • Ashley: "I'm getting really, really irritated right now." Jackie: "I don't care at this point, okay? Dirty hooker."
  • "At least I don't have, like, a high-pitched voice. That would be super annoying."
  • "Fuck my life! Chef Ramsay is going to eliminate me right here."
  • "Okay, this is the list. I'm gonna put, 'The Fucking List'."
  • "If you guys cannot handle me joking around, don't listen to me and stay your focusedness."
  • "I'm a bad Italian girl. I do not like wine. I'm more of a beer and shots type of girl... But the wine I made was its own species. It's called Jersey Juice, so I'm selling it in every fricking bodega in Jersey. $5.99 a bottle!"
  • (About Hassan) "Hass! You look like you're melting into the lobster. I guess it's the red team's secret ingredient!"
  • "When wild animals sense fear, they eat your fucking face!"
  • "I've only been cooking for three months."
  • (To Ashley) "You know what I should be doing? Breaking your fucking face right now!"
  • (To Ashley) "I just don't like two-faced, fake-ass bitches with fake-ass titties!"
  • (To Kristin) "Put your hands on me."
  • (About Kristin) "CRAZY, DERANGED."
  • (After being eliminated) "I'm standing here not on my cooking ability at all, but on how I get mad. They feels like I'm not professional, and maybe they're just intimidated. I mean, maybe they thought I was gonna kill them all. I don't fucking know."
  • (After being first pick by Ariel) "Yeah bitch."
  • (When Ariel's door opened) "YASS!"


External links[]


Hell's Kitchen Season 15
Gordon Ramsay (Head Chef) • Aaron Mitrano (Blue Team Sous Chef) • Christina Wilson (Red Team Sous Chef) • Marino Monferrato (Maître d'hôtel)
Kristin BaroneJared BobkinSherkenna BuggsFrank CalaMeese DavisJackie FuchsChad GelsoDannie HarrisonEddie JaskowiakAriel MaloneHassan MusselmaniAshley NickellManda PalominoMark ParasAlan ParkerJoe RicciKevin RidlonVanessa Soltero