Here are the photos of Behind the Scenes transition from Hell's Kitchen (U.S.. TV Series).
HK logos[]
Meat Cleaver (with the HK logo appearing in the center)
Meat cleaver (with the HK logo appearing in the cleaver)
Cooking oil (HK Logo variant)
Cooking oil (Stretched HK logo variant)
Flaming pan (Normal variant)
Flaming pan (Stretched variant)
Turn on stove (Normal blue HK logo variant)
Turn on stove (Stretched blue HK logo variant)
Burning ticket (Slow burning variant)
Branding iron (Meat variant)
Branding iron (Cow variant 1)
Branding iron (Cow variant 2)
Tomato slice (Normal variant)
Tomato slice (Stretched variant)
Eggplant slice (Colorful)
Meat juice (HK logo variant)
Meat juice (Stretched HK logo variant)
Cooking scallop (One scallop variant)
Cooking scallop (Four scallops variant)
Cooking chicken (HK logo variant)
Oven (Adjusting the heat)
Weighing scale (Calculating the weight)
Weighing scale (HK logo reveal)
5-layer cake (With photos from the past episodes)
Bubbly stove (Normal variant)
Bubbly stove (Stretched variant)
Oil bottle (Normal variant)
Oil bottle (Stretched variant)
Cooking oil (Pitchfork variant)
Cooking oil (Stretched pitchfork variant)
Turn on stove (Normal orange pitchfork variant)
Turn on stove (Stretched orange pitchfork variant)
Candle smoke (Normal variant)
Candle smoke (Stretched variant)
Bill holder pin (Normal variant)
Bill holder pin (Stretched variant)
Meat juice (Pitchfork variant)
Meat juice (Stretched pitchfork variant)
Cooking chicken (Pitchfork variant)
Draining liquid (Normal variant)
Draining liquid (Zoom in variant)
Tipping salt shaker (Colorful)
Tipping salt shaker (Red)
Brick oven (Normal variant)
Brick oven (Zoom in variant)
Splattering sauce on the wall
Knife sharpener (Without the HK logo)
Turn off stove (HK smoke)
Burning ticket (Before burning)
Burning ticket (After burning)
Sides (Chefs grabbing the four sides)
Sides (Scattered yellow powder)
Fountain (Pitchfork symbol formation)
Fountain (After the formation)
Boiler meter (Before reaching to the end)
Boiler meter (Glass shattered)
Mystery food reveal (Pitchfork)
Mystery food reveal (Question mark)