“ | I don't care who stands in my way. You're done. | ” |
Heather Williams was a contestant on Seasons 16 and 18 of Hell's Kitchen. On Season 16, she was the runner-up and on Season 18, she ranked in 5th place.
Season 16[]
Episode 1[]
- Main article: Episode 1601 - When the Wall Comes Tumbling Down
On the bus ride to Hell's Kitchen, the chefs were expecting to arrive at the restaurant, but it instead pulled up to an army base. After leaving the bus, the chefs lined up in front of their own duffel bags, and as the Drill Sargent was barking out orders, a tank pulled up behind him, and Ramsay came out of it. Then, Ramsay explained that before the chefs could enter Hell’s Kitchen, he wanted to make sure that they all had the discipline to survive, noting that the army was the perfect example to prepare them. After, Ramsay said that if they could survive boot camp, then he will be convinced that they were worthy of competing. After changing into their uniforms, the chefs were put through an obstacle course and jogged over to Ramsay who was in front of a giant wall, which he called the toughest challenge. After the chefs claimed that they were ready, Ramsay was happy to hear it as the wall fell on him, revealing the front of the restaurant, and a large crowd waiting for them. Now that he saw the chef’s commitment and desire to compete, Ramsay announced that it was time for them to cook their signature dishes.
During the Signature Dish Challenge, Heather was the third person from the red team to have her dish judged by Ramsay and went up against Paulie. She made a seared ribeye, it was deemed spot on for both looking and tasting delicious, and she scored a perfect 5. The red team won the challenge 28-25, and they were rewarded with a ride on a stretch Hummer limousine, dinner at the Takami Restaurant with Ramsay, and a chance to meet Christina (Season 4) and Scott (Season 12). After hearing their reward, she deemed it her best first night of the competition. Back at the dorms, she was excited about getting Henkel’s.
During dinner service, Heather was on the meat station with Gia. She was not seen much, except for having her entrée accepted, and the red team won service by a mile. While being dismissed, she compared the blue team to little bitches, and loved that she was going to dominate them.[1]
Episode 2[]
- Main article: Episode 1602 - Crepe Grand Prix
Back at the dorms, Heather and Jessica diverted their eyes from the blue team’s nude hot tub session.
During the Crepe Grand Prix Challenge, Heather was paired up with Gia. After Gia accidentally cut herself, she annoyingly deemed the former a high maintenance bitch, and threatened to flip out if Gia was responsible for the red team losing the challenge. Later, she ridiculed Gia’s driving through the course, even comparing her to a taxi driver in New York City. They were seen getting three of their attempts accepted, and when the team of Aziza, Jessica, and Shaina failed to get their third attempt accepted, she annoyingly said that they were a team of three despite that.
The red team lost the challenge 9-10, and they were punished by participating in fish delivery day which included taking in seafood, prepping them for the following service, and drinking a fish gut milkshake. During the punishment, Heather complained that she had Wendy and Aziza puking on both of her ends, and Gia bitching a lot about drinking the shake.
During dinner service, Heather was at the fish station with Gia. After Jessica forgot to add shallots and garlic to her carbonara, she annoyingly called the former a person who knew everything but could not work in a line. Later, she got concerned over Gia’s nerves. The red team won the service after completing the blue team's orders, and she was very proud of her teammates.
After elimination, Heather boasted that the red team was here to stay, and declared that they would receive the black jackets in no time.[2]
Episode 3[]
- Main article: Episode 1603 - The Yolks on Them
During the Ostrich Meat Challenge, Heather wondered how big a bird could be to shit out an egg that big. She was not seen during the first part and was part of a three-person team with Heidi and Kimberly. They were the second team from the red team to have their dishes judged and went up against Aaron and Koop. She made a top loin medallion with purple cauliflower purée, it was criticized for looking like a generic-looking steak, and she did not score for that round. The red team won the challenge 3-1, and they were rewarded with a zip lining at Big Bear Lake and got to fly in a private jet.
During prep, Heather told Ryan that she would not mind losing service if it meant getting rid of Gia. During dinner service, she was at the dessert station. She was not seen much, except for complaining that she did not want blood over everything after Gia announced that she cut her finger, the red team lost the service, and were asked to nominate two people for elimination.
She was not nominated for elimination.[3]
Episode 4[]
- Main article: Episode 1604 - Surf Riding & Turf Fighting
During the Protein Identification Challenge, Heather asked where the fuck was the turf element was after Aziza and Shaina used trout and octopus. She was paired up with Wendy, they were the final pair from the red team to compete, and they randomly picked buffalo and monkfish. Because the two immediately thought it was lobster instead, their first attempt, lobster and beef, was incorrect, and Kimberly suggested that they try monkfish as it was a poor man’s lobster. On their second attempt, the two were half right with elk and monkfish, but they managed to get the buffalo and monkfish pairing correct on their third attempt. The red team lost the challenge 13 minutes and 41 seconds to 9 minutes and 46 seconds, and they were punished by making sausages from scratch and eating unknown proteins for lunch. During the punishment, she complained that while the men were enjoying a four-star lunch, she was stuck hacking down a pig, grinding them down, and making sausages out of them.
During dinner service, Heather was on the appetizer station with Kimberly. On their first ticket, she admitted how hard it was to be away from her son, but wanted to make their lives better. During Gia's struggles on garnish, she called it a sin to wait for garnish. The red team won the service.[4]
Episode 5[]
- Main article: Episode 1605 - Walking the Plank
While going back to the dorms, Heather called losing Gia a huge weight lifted off the red team and believed that they would become a force to be reckoned with.
During the Seven Seas Seafood Challenge, Heather went up against Devin, she picked the Arctic Ocean, and their fish was arctic char. She was the sixth person from the red team to have her dish judged by Ramsay and presented her brown sugar-coated arctic char and pineapple salsa. Ramsay deemed a rarity as it had pink fish despite being coated in the sugar, and she tied that round with Devin. The red team eventually lost the challenge 4-5, and they were punished by taking in deliveries of vegetables, and prep them for a special seafood chowder appetizer the following service along with both kitchens. During the punishment, Kimberly asked her a lot of questions, but that annoyed her as she felt that the latter should know all of that by now.
During dinner service, Heather served a clam chowder appetizer tableside. She was not seen that night, and the red team won the service. While being dismissed, she was torn about the decision to eliminate Aaron and believed that it would bite back on the blue team.[5]
Episode 6[]
- Main article: Episode 1606 - Let the Catfights Begin
Before the Ingredient Crossword Challenge, Heather deemed the blue team dumb as rocks. She struggled to find a place to spell out snap peas, before deciding to leave it as snap on the board. However, Ramsay decided to disqualify that ingredient as it was not properly spelled out. She was the fourth person from the red team to have her dish judged by Ramsay and presented her honey ginger lime chicken. It was heavily criticized as it was hard for Ramsay to swallow, and she scored only one point. The red team lost the challenge 16-17, and they were punished by helping Marino prep for Family Night, which included inflating balloons, resetting the dining room, baking a special batch of cookies for the kids, and organizing crayons. During the punishment, she and Ryan shared their hatred of baking.
During prep, Heather noted that Wendy was the only chef in the red that was not a mother, and wanted to make the kids happy as that would make the parents happy. During the Family Night dinner service, she was on the fish station. After Aziza was caught stacking garnishes, she annoyingly asked her what she was doing as they had no proteins ready. Later, Ramsay caught her cooking the salmon refire with the skin side up instead of down, but she argued that she did not want to ruin the skin, hoping to bang it out with no more mistakes. However, her salmon was raw and cold, Ramsay berated her for that, and reminded the red team that it should be cooked skin side down as he smashed it to bits. Despite that, her third attempt was accepted. Both teams were named joint losers and were asked to nominate two people each. During deliberation, she argued that she had only one fish sent back that night.
She was not nominated for elimination.[6]
Episode 7[]
- Main article: Episode 1607 - Don't Tell My Fiancé
Back at the dorms, Andrew and Heather started cuddling together, and she said that she could talk to him about anything, before saying that it was hard to find someone that understood her.
During the Southern Cuisine Challenge, Heather decided to go up against Andrew as he did not have somebody behind him, wanted to throw down with him as he talked a lot of shit, and their dish was pork chops. She was the fifth person from the red team to have her dish judged and presented her pan-seared pork chop with fried green tomatoes and country-style gravy. While it was praised for having lovely green tomatoes, it was also criticized for tasting dry, she lost that round to Andrew, and the two shook hands out of respect. The red team eventually won the challenge 3-2, and they were rewarded with a horseback riding experience at Gibson Ranch and lunch from the Wings and Waffles food truck.
During dinner service, Heather was on the garnish station. After Kimberly's carbonara was accepted, she proclaimed that the red team was going to shut out the blue team. After Wendy's catfish came out raw, she annoyingly asked how the former could have failed on her own dish that won them the challenge. The red team lost the service and were asked to nominate two people for elimination. During deliberation, she considered Shaina and Wendy for elimination.
Heather was not nominated for elimination, and later, said goodbye to Shaina and Wendy as they were reassigned to the blue team while welcoming Andrew and Matt as new teammates. While being dismissed, she was glad to have Andrew as they were growing closer.[7]
Episode 8[]
- Main article: Episode 1608 - Dancing with the Chefs
During the International Ballroom Planning Challenge, Heather was paired up with Heidi on the chicken entrée, they were the first pair from the red team to have their dish judged, and went up against Devin and Wendy. She made a sweet chili glaze over pan-seared chicken and Asian pear slaw, it was criticized for having too much of a kick and being intense, barely having the chicken taste, much to her dismay, and she lost that round to the blue team. After Andrew's dish was revealed to have a lot of blood, she annoyingly asked how that could happen when the former worked in a steakhouse. The red team won the challenge 2-1, and they were rewarded with a kayak trip at the Santa Barbara Mountains, and a seafood lunch at The Lark. During the reward, her and Andrew's flirting irritated the red team.
During the International Ballroom Planning Challenge, Heather was at the dessert station. After Matt's scallops were seriously burned, she warned the former that his first service on the red team could be his last. During one of the finalists' turns, she said that she could not dance to save her life. When the red team was sent over to complete the blue team's orders, Ramsay told her to stay on desserts. The red team won the service by a mile.[8]
Episode 9[]
- Main article: Episode 1609 - Spoon Fed
Before the Blind Taste Test, Heather realized that they would have food flung at them after seeing the highchairs and catapults. She was the fifth person from the red team to compete and went up against Shaina. She got asparagus, banana, and broccoli, and saved Matt from being splattered. On Andrew's turn, she was spared, but on the sudden death round, she got splattered twice. The red team lost the challenge after a tie at 13, and they were punished by participating in delivery day, and prep both kitchens for that night’s service. Back at the dorms, Andrew jokingly thought that it looked good on her, and the two joked about licking the baby food off her body.
During prep, Heather agreed with Heidi's statement that the red team had confidence in their teammates, unlike the blue team. During dinner service, she was on the appetizer station with Kimberly. After receiving their first ticket, she was ready to get out strong and got her risotto accepted. The red team won the service.
After Koop's elimination, Ramsay told the red team that he would need a volunteer to move over into the blue team to even up the numbers the next day. While being dismissed, Heather felt that nobody was comfortable going into the blue team at that point as they were too broken, before believing that they were unfixable.[9]
Episode 10[]
- Main article: Episode 1610 - Dancing in the Grotto
While going back to the dorms, Heather stated that there was no fucking way she was going into the blue team as she did not want to support or carry them through the rest of the competition. Later, she voted for Ryan to go over to the blue team.
Before the Creative Sliders Challenge, Heather said goodbye to Ryan as the latter was reassigned to the blue team. During the first part, she told Andrew to stop wasting time looking for yogurt as they were losing time. She was responsible for the beef slider, she was the second person from the red team to have her dish judged, and went up against Shaina. She made a truffle rosemary beef slider, it was praised for having the tomato element standing out, and for the choice of a pretzel bun, and she scored that round over Shaina. The red team won the challenge after a tie at 3, and they were rewarded with a day at the Playboy mansion. During the reward, she said that she saw the mansion in movies and pornos, before saying that she never thought she would be there in person, before calling it amazing.
During prep, Heather noticed that Andrew borrowed her parrying knife from her kit, and she got called a dull person by him. During dinner service, she was on the appetizer station with Heidi. At one point, she told Matt to drop his ego, but he retorted to watch how she dressed her salads, only for Andrew to yell at them to stop arguing. At the pantry room, she and Matt continued to argue about their situation, Andrew tried to calm them down, and Kimberly suggested that they start over. Now forced to start over, she offered to help Matt out, but he rudely refused it as he wanted to do his own thing. Both teams were named joint losers and were asked to nominate two people each. During deliberation, she reminded Matt that there was no communication from him, and told him to stop blaming everybody else for his mistakes.
She was not nominated for elimination.[10]
Episode 11[]
- Main article: Episode 1611 - Aerial Maneuvers
During the Taste It Now Make It Challenge, Heather was paired up with Andrew, and she was the taster. During the cooking, she was glad to be partnered with Andrew as they worked well together, and the latter had her change her original choice of veal to pork. Then, she told Andrew to use apricots as she recognized the taste of it. They used pork, apricots, and Swiss chard to recreate Ramsay's dish. They were the only ones that got the Swiss chard correct, but they failed on the remaining ingredients, and the red team lost the challenge. She was pissed at Andrew as she should have trusted her gut earlier. The red team was punished by rearranging the dining room for that night’s closed dinner service, make beet flowers, and prep both kitchens. During the punishment, she felt that Andrew had an ego problem, but knew that it would be easier to manipulate him.
During the Charity Night dinner service, Heather helped Andrew on the plating for his course. During Heidi's course, she asked where the former went as she was louder than that. She was responsible for the 12-ounce New York striploin with truffles course, she reminded the red team what they were supposed to do, and declared that meat was her forte. During the plating, she told the red team to serve the asparagus with the tips pointing in the same direction, and soon after, they were able to serve their course first. The red team won the service.
While being dismissed, Heather believed that the blue team’s morale was shit, and compared Ryan and Paulie to two pimples going at each other, before declaring that the red team was going to pick the blue team off like blueberries.[11]
Episode 12[]
- Main article: Episode 1612 - Fusion Confusion
Before the Fusion Cuisine Challenge, Heather wondered if she will ever go to Hawaii after that day while seeing a Hawaiian dance show. She went up against Ryan, their countries were French and Japanese, and she was later joined by Heidi. During the cooking, she and Heidi discussed their dishes together, and she was confident in her orange blossom vinaigrette. They were the second pair from the red team to have their dishes judged, and she presented her French and Japanese New York striploin with orange blossom vinaigrette. It was criticized for having the vinaigrette taking away the flavor of the rest of the dish, with Ramsay comparing the taste to a mouth full of perfume, and she lost that round to Ryan. The red team lost the challenge after a tie at one each, and they were punished by taking in a delivery of a side of beef, breaking them down for a hanger steak special the following service, and taking in deliveries of potatoes. During the punishment, she annoyingly told Andrew and Kimberly that they had to work as a team after they were arguing, and told the two to get it together.
During dinner service, Heather was on the garnish station. She was not seen much, but after a kale salad came back due to having a hair in it, she did not know whether it was her hair or Heidi’s hair, before calling gross. The red team won the service.[12]
Episode 13[]
- Main article: Episode 1613 - Black Jacket Lounge
Back at the dorms, Heather and Andrew were seen cuddling together, with her playing with his bald spot. The next day, she received a visit from her son, mother, and grandmother, but felt a little awkward after seeing Andrew's girlfriend. After, she revealed that it was her goal to earn a black jacket, and warned the other chefs that she was out for blood.
During the first Black Jackets Challenge, Heather grabbed chicken, rice, broccoli, and two unknown ingredients. She was the final person to have her dish judged by Ramsay, and she presented her French chicken breast with rice and broccoli. Ramsay praised the dish for its stunning presentation, and for nailing the chicken protein. She was awarded the first black jacket, and she called it amazing to receive one, before realizing that just joined an elite club. At the black jackets lounge, she admitted that while she knew she would receive a black jacket, she never thought she would be the first one to receive one.
During the second challenge, Heather and Heidi wondered when the next challenge was about to begin as the anticipation was killing them, and asked the latter who she thought would go home that night. After Ryan received a black jacket, she was surprised when the former told her how Andrew screwed up that round. After Paulie received a black jacket, she did not care if the former wore a black jacket as she felt he was easy to beat, before wondering how pissed Andrew was.
During the third challenge, Heather was hoping for Andrew to win, and when thought that it was Andrew by the door, Ramsay made his presence known and took her back to the dining room to judge the two dishes blindly. While she knew that she wanted Andrew in the black jackets, she unknowingly voted for Kimberly’s dish for tasting better than the latter's. While being dismissed, she admitted that as much as she wanted Andrew in a black jacket, Kimberly's filet was just a better dish.[13]
Episode 14[]
- Main article: Episode 1614 - Playing Your Cards Right
During the King of The Hill Challenge, Heather got excited when chicken was the main ingredient as she nailed it in the previous challenge, before saying that the other chefs did not stand a fucking chance against her. She buzzed in for egg, peas, and pecorino cheese. After Paulie said that he was learning from everything, she asked him to get his shit nose out of Ramsay’s ass. She was the final person to have her dish judged and presented her rustic egg and pecorino cheese crusted chicken breast with potatoes and peas. It was praised for a beautiful presentation, being very flavorful on top of it being rustic, and having charming. Her dish was deemed better than Paulie's, she won the challenge, and called it amazing to have won the first black jackets challenge.
Heather was rewarded with an overnight trip to Las Vegas, which excited her as she never went to Vegas before, and got to stay in the Presidential Suite at The Venetian hotel. Then, Ramsay allowed her to have one chef to join her in the reward, she decided to pick Heidi instead of Kimberly, and deemed Heidi her strongest competitor, before wanting to keep her enemies more closely than her friends. During the reward, she and Heidi were seen riding a limo to The Venetian, and she declared that she and Heidi were going to tear shit up that night. At the hotel, the two received a gondola ride, and at their suite, she said that she never thought she would ever book a room like that before. Then, their butler invited them to the balcony for a champagne toast, and Heidi thanked her for choosing her for the reward.
When Heather and Heidi came back from their reward, she deemed herself and Heidi in an alliance and warned the other three chefs to watch their backs. During dinner service, she was the first person to serve as Ramsay's Sous Chef. She rejected Kimberly's risottos for tasting crunchy and undercooked and felt that she was proving herself to Ramsay as she went to Vegas for a reason. Her solid performance continued as appetizers were making their way to the customers. After her turn, she was reassigned to the appetizer station, and after Kimberly's turn, she was reassigned to the fish station. After Paulie's poor leadership at the pass, she was annoyed and said that she would have punched Paulie in the throat if she could. Then, she ignored Kimberly's communication, sent up overcooked and mushy scallops, and was chewed out for not listening to Kimberly. After being forced to start over, she sarcastically thanked Kimberly for making her look like an ass. Later, she sent up a cold sea bass, knew that she could be going home if she screwed up anymore, and Ramsay sternly told her that he was done with her sending up shit. When Kimberly wanted to quit due to feeling overwhelmed, she urged her not to.
The black jackets got kicked out of service due to multiple mistakes and were asked to nominate two people for elimination. During deliberation, Heather was considered for elimination by Paulie and Kimberly, but she argued that she was trying to crawl out of a hole Paulie made that night. Then, she considered Paulie for elimination.
Heather was not nominated for elimination, and after Paulie claimed that he was the unanimous decision based on being the last man left, she called it a cop-out excuse. After Kimberly and Paulie's elimination, Ramsay announced that their next challenge began now, ending the episode as a cliffhanger.[14]
Episode 15[]
- Main article: Episode 1615 - Tequila Shots?
Continuing from the previous episode, Ramsay announced the Tableside Portions Challenge, and during the shopping, Heather had an idea for a seafood Diavolo. She made a seafood fra Diavolo, and during round one, she revealed to Steve Samson how she hated shellfish before as she used to be anaphylactic, but her description of her allergies disturbed the table despite believing she had a great personality. Near the end of round one, she was rushing to plate her dish. During round two, she decided to flirt with Alessio Biangini as she felt he was hot but knew that she had to make her tomato sauce on point. During round three, Bruce Kalman asked her if she felt that Ryan and Heidi were more seasoned chefs than herself as she worked at a college, but while she disagreed, Kalman caught her double-dipping her spoon. That dismayed her as it was the most disgusting thing she could have done at tableside, and knew that she had to make four portions out of what she had left. After finishing, she felt confident about her chances despite her earlier mistake.
Heather lost the challenge to Ryan but annoyingly said that if she were able to get her tables drunk, then she could have won as well. After hearing Ryan’s reward, she said that the former could take it as she still had Vegas under her belt. She was punished by making gift bags for the staff in honor of wait staff appreciation day, iron and press their uniforms, and polish their shoes. During the punishment, she admitted that while punishments sucked, she was looking forward to spending time with Heidi as she never got along with females before.
During dinner service, Heather was on the fish station. At one point, her scallops were rejected by Heidi for having inconsistent searing. However, despite annoyingly telling Heidi to tone it down, the latter ordered her for one more scallop as one of them was broken, even though she argued that it was not broken when she sent it up. After, Ramsay asked her what she was doing, but she managed to get it accepted on time. She was the second person to run the pass and was given an improper ticket from Marino. However, she read out the order until she saw snapper on the ticket, which they did not have, and Marino gave her the correct ticket for the chef's table. Then, she knew how nerve-wracking it was as she had to get everything noticed, and despite accusing Heidi of not being as good as she was, or sabotaging her after the latter forgot the seafood for the carbonara, she asked Heidi to get it together, the latter managed to get the refire accepted on time, and she was able to deliver the chef table’s order. As orders continued to go out to the customers, Sous Chef Andi gave her an arctic char instead of salmon, but she failed to realize the mistake until Ramsay pointed it out. Despite that, she felt that she did a better job running the pass than Heidi, and felt that Ryan had no fucking chance to be better. Near the end of service, she knew that with one of them leaving that night on a strong night, it was going to be stressful.
After service, Ramsay asked the final three to name one person that did not deserve to be in the finals. During deliberation, Heather was considered by Ryan due to being too young to become the head chef at Yardbird, and Heidi reminded her about her relationship with Andrew as it was not a good one. However, she felt that the two were threatened by her and that they were trying to find reasons to send her home, before refusing to go out like a bitch, and accused Ryan of shutting down during services.
At elimination, Heather said that she deserved to be in the finals because she was strong and that she fought back, and that Ryan did not deserve to be in the finals due to her weak voice while receiving votes from Ryan and Heidi. She was announced as the first person that would be in the finals, Ramsay praised her for her rising strength in the competition, and she was joined by Ryan. While being dismissed, she was shocked to be in the finals and knew that she was not going home that night.[15]
Episode 16[]
- Main article: Episode 1616 - Leaving It on the Line
Back at the dorms, Heather declared that Ryan was not a threat to her, after claiming that she would snap her like a twig. The next day, the two receive breakfast from their Sous Chefs, and after, she and Sous Chef Andi discussed her menu and wanted her menu to be like a home cook meal. Later, the two received makeovers and a new wardrobe at the Ken Paves Salon, followed by a musical with Ramsay. When Ramsay arrived at the salon, he said that they would get a chance to meet Rob Morrow, the star of the musical, backstage. Arriving at the venue, Ramsay took her and Ryan straight to the backstage area and introduced them to Morrow. After Morrow left to do some stuff, Ramsay knocked on the dressing room door, and it was revealed that they were on a stage in front of a live audience, which included her loved ones. After, Ramsay admitted that there was no musical, thanked Morrow for his help, and announced that it was time for their final challenge.
During the Final Menu Challenge, Heather wanted to win the challenge and knew that there was no room for error. After hearing that they would get to pick their brigades after every round won, she deemed it sneaky and made her more determined to win the most rounds as possible so she could pick the strongest returning chefs. During the appetizer round, she presented her shrimp, salmon, and crab cakes with frisée and microgreen salad and a lemon vinaigrette, and it was praised for being balanced well, and crispy. She won that round over Ryan, and she picked Andrew as her first pick. During the fish entrée round, she presented her seared arctic char with a brown sugar rub, Swiss chard, and parsnip purée, and while it was criticized for lacking any salt in the components, it was praised for the Swiss chard’s brightness. She lost that round to Ryan. During the beef entrée round, she presented her dry-aged ribeye with collard greens and sweet potato goat cheese au gratin, and while Susan Feniger felt that the fat could have been seared off more, it was praised for the presentation. She won that round over Ryan, rubbed it in the latter's face, and picked Kimberly as her second pick. During the chicken entrée round, she presented her pan-seared airline chicken breast with truffle butter, sage, butternut squash, and mashed potatoes, and John Kunkel praised the dish for having a nice bite to it and having a perfectly cooked chicken. She won that round over Ryan because her dish had a refined presentation, and she called it amazing that she won three out of the four rounds. She picked Shaina and Devin as her final two picks.
Back at the dorms, Heather took in suggestions from her brigade, and during prep, she and Andrew resumed their flirting. During dinner service, her menu featured a pan-seared arctic char with parsnip purée, a chicken breast with Israeli couscous, and roasted sea bass and farro. At the start of service, she received Grossman’s order, and after calling out the order, she decided to call out another four-top order. However, that caused Devin to get confused on orders, Ramsay commented on that situation, and it soon backfired when Andrew sent up his scallops early, Ramsay reminded him that they would go cold on the hot pass due to the wait, and she dismayingly said that it was not a time for her to commit a stupid error. After, Ramsay ordered her to get a grip, and perfect one table at a time as her brigade’s timings was terrible. Despite that, she was able to send out her first table of appetizers. After learning from Ramsay that she and Ryan were neck and neck, she wanted to push it. However, Shaina sent up raw sea bass, Andrew sent up under-seasoned asparagus, and after she said that her team should be better than that, Ramsay discovered that Kimberly’s ribeye was overcooked. After, Ramsay asked her what happened to the strong girl that ran the pass the previous night, brought her into the pantry room, and there, Ramsay lectured to her that her brigade was dictating her and that they should be responding to her, before telling her that the moment of truth was now. After agreeing with Ramsay that she could do better, she declared that she was in full-on bitch mode, called out the refire order with more authority, and knew that her brigade had to respect her to give her cooked food. While Shaina’s refire was accepted, Kimberly was late on her refire, and she was forced to send out an incomplete table. After Kimberly's refire was raw again, Ramsay told her to do the honorable thing, and she demoted Kimberly to desserts and put Devin on meat, knowing that while she could not undo the mistakes that night, she could finish strong that night.
Back at the dorms, Heather called that night mind-wracking, and while waiting, she called it crazy. At Ramsay's office, he praised her for being the most consistent performer in the competition, having a great palate, and being the first person to win a black jacket. Then, both stood in front of a door each, both knowing that it would open if they were the winner. After Ramsay’s countdown, both turned their handles, but her door did not open. She was named the runner up, said that she might need tissues, but knew that she made it to the finale, before saying that she was proud of her performance and that nobody has heard the last from her after that night. During the celebration, Andrew comforted her.[16]
Nomination history[]
Week 1 | Win |
Week 2 | Win |
Week 3 | Safe |
Week 4 | Win |
Week 5 | Win |
Week 6 | Safe |
Week 7 | Safe |
Week 8 | Win |
Week 9 | Win |
Week 10 | Safe |
Week 11 | Win |
Week 12 | Win |
Week 13 | Safe |
Week 14 | Safe |
Week 15 | Safe |
Week 16 | Runner-up |
Season 18[]
Episode 1/2[]
- Main article: Episode 1801 - Rookies vs. Veterans
- Main article: Episode 1802 - A Fond Farewell
Heather, along with the other veterans, were in disguise when they arrived at Hell's Kitchen, unknown to the rookies. When they arrived at Hell's Kitchen, they were welcomed by Marino and the Sous Chefs and were given butternut squash risotto for lunch. She was the third veteran to reveal herself, explained that she was the runner-up back in Season 16 where she lost to Ryan in the finals, and Ramsay reminded her of how close she was.
During the Signature Dish Challenge, Heather was challenged by Gizzy on her dish, and she complimented the set of balls the former had before accepting her challenge. During the cooking, Sous Chef Jocky asked her how it felt to be back, with the latter commenting that it was almost like she never left. Then, she said that she felt confident cooking Gizzy’s dish, but if she could not cook scallops by now, there was no reason for her to be back, before warning Gizzy that she was going to make her dish ten times better. She was the final person from the blue team to have her dish judged by Ramsay and warned Gizzy that she was here to win and that nobody was going to stop her from opening the door again. Before tasting her dish, Ramsay asked her if she and Andrew were still dating, referring to the affair the two had back in Season 16, but she revealed that they were no longer on speaking terms. She made seared scallops with a cucumber gazpacho, it was praised for being delicious, and she scored a perfect five. The veterans lost the challenge after a tie at 29, and they were punished by prepping both kitchens for the following service, shelling sunflower seeds, and prepping the mushroom duxelles.
The next day, the chefs were called downstairs to find Ramsay with bagpipes, and Heather asked who died.[17] Before the Creative Risotto Challenge, she said that if she had the punishment pass, she would never have to drink another fish milkshake ever again. She presented her roasted carrot and parsnip purée risotto to Sous Chef Jocky, but expressed dismay over her dishes color and commenting how blank the latter’s stare was. When Jen tasted her risotto along with Sous Chef Jocky, she believed that the former did not taste her dish earlier, and annoyingly remarked that they were being held at the highest degree that season. After T's name was called up, she called the latter her biggest completion as they were both runner-ups before. She lost the challenge as her dish did not make the top four of the veterans.
During prep, Heather deemed the rookies’ lateness the 1st very big mistake, and that the veterans were not going to give the rookies any pointers. During dinner service, she was on the appetizer station with T. At one point, she told Bret to calm down after he apologized for slicing the lamb, and later, she expressed concern over Jen's pork as it may have been overcooked. The veterans won the service.[18]
Episode 3[]
- Main article: Episode 1803 - Hell's Riders
Back at the dorms, Heather admitted that they needed fucking redemption after that night due to their inconsistent performance.
During the Marine Service Challenge, Heather was on the garnish station with Kevin. When Jen was struggling on the salads, she decided to help her out on the salads, while wondering how the former could become an Executive Chef if she could not dress a salad. Then, she remarked that she was supposed to be on the fryer instead of helping Jen out, and when the veterans moved onto entrées, the former discovered that nobody got fires ready for her, sarcastically thanking her team for that as three people on that side could have done it while she was busy. Later, Ramsay was still waiting on her for the fries, and while she wanted another 20 seconds on them, Kevin pushed her to send them out now. Unfortunately, the fries were undercooked, and Marino sent them back to the pass, with a pissed Ramsay showing the veterans them, before telling them that they were behind the rookies now. Despite that, she got the fry refires accepted.
The veterans lost the challenge, with Heather feeling embarrassed over their poor performance, and they were punished by prepping squid for a calamari dish in that night’s service. While she felt that Bret should not use his punishment pass as the rewards would get better while the punishments would get worse, the latter decided to use it. Despite Bret telling the veterans that he would find out the rookies’ secrets, she said that the former looked ridiculous and that she cared more about their own performance as they were screwing up big time.
Before service began, Heather was getting nervous over Jen's emotional attitude, before believing that the veterans needed to lose dead weight from their team to become an unstoppable force, even if it meant the latter. During dinner service, she was at the fish station with Bret. After Jen sent up under-seasoned mashed potatoes, she decided to help the latter out, tasted Jen’s potatoes, deemed them disgusting, told her to put pepper in it, and asked why Jen could not season food properly. Both teams were named joint-winners, and while being dismissed, she said that with Jen gone, the dead weight from the veterans was removed, and believed that they were growing more together.[19]
Episode 4[]
- Main article: Episode 1804 - Hell Freezes Over
Before the Winter Soup Challenge, Heather was paired up with Trev on the sledding, they were the first pair from the veterans to sled down, and the veterans won a ten-second advantage. She was the second person from the veterans to have her dish judged and presented her lobster corn chowder. It was praised for the combination of the ingredients, having a nice spice to it, and she scored eight points. After Bret revealed that he used canned tomatoes for his soup, she dismayingly commented that he was an Italian. After Chris's poor performance, she was relieved as it meant that one rookie was terrible. The veterans lost the challenge 41-51, and they were punished by cleaning all 30 tons of the snow off the front entrance. During the punishment, she deemed Bret a roller coaster of emotions due to his behavior on the snow, and that she did not want to be on that ride.
During dinner service, Heather was on the appetizer station with Roe. She was not seen much, but after Kevin struggled on the lamb that night, she said that after that service, she was no longer comfortable with him on the team. Both teams were named joint-losers and were asked to nominate two each.
Heather was not nominated for elimination, said goodbye to Bret, Kevin, and Trev as they were reassigned to the red team, and welcomed Gizzy, Kanae, and Mia as new teammates as Ramsay decided to end the Rookies Vs. Veterans team format, and bring back the battle of the sexes.[20]
Episode 5[]
- Main article: Episode 1805 - Fish Out of Water
During the Seven-Way Cooking Challenge, Heather received pan-seared as her cooking method, was the sixth person from the red team to have her dish judged, and went up against Motto. She made a pan-seared halibut with butter baste and parsnip fennel purée, and while it was praised for the purée aspect, and the citrus taste, it was criticized for not having the fish seasoned enough, and she lost that round to Motto. The blue team eventually won the challenge 5-3, and they were rewarded with a VR experience at VR Territory and received Vitamix blenders. During the reward, she won her zombie round and declared herself as the zombie apocalypse queen.
During dinner service, Heather served a mussel in saffron broth appetizer tableside. At one point, she was seen accidentally dropping a mussel onto the ground. When Mia was caught slicing raw Wellingtons, she stated that while the latter was strong cooking her own dishes, she got frazzled come dinner service. The blue team won the service.[21]
Episode 6[]
- Main article: Episode 1806 - Hot Potato
During the Potato Challenge, Heather was the second person from the blue team to have her dish judged and went up against Trev. She made a surf and turf potato pancake, and she scored 6 points. The blue team lost the challenge after a tie at 40, and they were punished by prepping 100 pounds of potatoes for Steak Night. During the punishment, she noticed that there were a bunch of Mr. Potato Heads watching them prep the potatoes.
During the Steak Night dinner service, Heather was on the meat station with T. At one point, their first steak was very rare, and she knew that Ramsay expected more from her and T as they were former runner-ups. However, their next two attempts were overcooked and rare and she was shut out by T because of that. Then, T bitterly ordered her to walk the steaks up, but she commented that a please would have been nice, and the refire was finally accepted. On their next ticket, she asked T for a time, but the latter did not respond to her, leading her to comment that T could not lead if she was acting like a bitch and not communicating.
The blue team lost the service, and they were asked to nominate two people for elimination. During deliberation, T blamed Heather for being the weak link, but she argued that she was not the issue that night. However, that led to another argument between T and her over who had more control over the meat, with her refusing to be intimidated by T, and reminded the latter that it was her steak that got them kicked out.
Heather was named the blue team's second nominee for elimination, with T as the first. During her plea, she said that she was better than T due to keeping communication with her teammates no matter her mood, explained that she was shut out by the latter despite offering help, and compared T’s attitude to her son when he did not get anything from the toy store. She survived elimination, and while being dismissed, she said that despite being on the bottom rung of the totem pole, she was ready to fight for her life no matter who was in her way.[22]
Episode 7[]
- Main article: Episode 1807 - Last Chef Standing
While going back to the dorms, Heather asked Roe if she could puke now as she never felt the stress of being nominated before since Season 16, but knew that it was enough fuel for her not to fuck up anymore, before asking where the Jack Daniels was.
Before the Last Chef Standing Challenge, Heather believed that time management was the key element for a kitchen to run smoothly. She was the second person from the blue team to leave the kitchen, she was the first person from the blue team to have her dish judged by Ramsay, and went up against Motto. She made shrimp & grits, it was criticized for being anemic, and she lost that round to Motto. The blue team eventually won the challenge 4-3, and they were rewarded with a go-karting experience. During the reward, she called the reward amazing.
When the chefs came downstairs to find the dining room filled with farmer’s market stations, Heather knew something was going on as it was not normal. Because she was the second person to leave the kitchen during the previous challenge, she was forced to participate in the Cook For Your Life Challenge along with Gizzy and Roe from her team, and Bret, Jose, and Scotley from the red team. After learning that, she wanted to kick herself after leaving the kitchen during the previous challenge. During the cooking, she wanted to send a male chef home, said that she wanted to be part of Ramsay’s empire as she wanted a better future for her son, before expressing confidence that she was not going home. She was the third person to have her dish judged by Ramsay, and while she knew that Roe set the bar high, she was confident that her dish would raise it higher. She made a coconut curry poached lobster tail and claw, it was praised for its presentation, and having a wonderful taste, with the only criticism being that the French beans were out of place. Despite that, Ramsay deemed her dish better than Roe’s, and she became the second chef sent back upstairs to safety, much to her relief as she called it the biggest high in her life.[23]
Episode 8[]
- Main article: Episode 1808 - One Hell of a Party
Before the Tilly Sweet 16 Planning Challenge, Heather's graduation picture was shown. She was part of a team with Ariel and Mia, and they went up against Bret, Jose, and Trev from the red team. She made a filet mignon and red onion jam, it was placed on the menu, and the blue team won the challenge 4-2. They were rewarded with a day at a Malibu mansion and received ice cream from an artisan food truck.
During the Tilly Sweet 16 dinner service, Heather was on the garnish station. After Kanae's ahi tuna was sliced improperly, she decided to take over the former's job of slicing the tuna, sarcastically thanking Kanae for that, and the refire was accepted. After Row's first steaks came out raw, she admitted to being nervous about the former but hoped to gain back some momentum, though that soon came untrue. After Mia served raw fish, she called their situation ridiculous. The blue team lost the service, and they were asked to nominate two people for elimination. During deliberation, she asked where to start, before considering Roe and Mia for elimination.
Heather was not nominated for elimination, but when Mia tried to blame Kanae for not setting up her station properly, she backed up the latter's argument.[24]
Episode 9[]
- Main article: Episode 1809 - What Hapoens in Vegas
Back at the dorms, Ariel and Heather told Kanae and Mia to cease the arguing.
During the Chinese Cuisine Challenge, Heather chose to go up against Bret, and their protein was black cod. She was the second person from the blue team to have her dish judged and presented her black ramen miso soup. It was criticized for tasting too sweet, and she lost that round to Bret. The blue team eventually won the challenge 3-2, and they were rewarded with an overnight trip to Las Vegas, with a stay at the Nobu Hotel in the private villa, and flew in a private jet. During the reward, she called the villa breathtaking.
The next day, Trev talked to Heather about how Scotley was a complete douchebag during the punishment, which she sympathized with him as Scotley had a huge chip on his shoulder. During dinner service, she was on the appetizer station. She was not seen that night, and the blue team won the service after completing the red team's tables.[25]
Episode 10[]
- Main article: Episode 1810 - Poor Trev
Before the Blind Taste Test, Heather said that she would end her Italian meal with tiramisu. She was the first chef from the blue team to compete and went up against Trev. She got mango and tomato correctly but incorrectly guessed carrot and ginger, resulting in Kanae only receiving the spaghetti cannon punishment. During Mia's turn, she was spared from the punishments. The blue team won the challenge 10-6, and they were rewarded with a spa day at Southern California’s Premiere Korean Spa. Before leaving, she tried to encourage Trev not to give up after the latter was down for his poor performance and told him that it was not over yet.
Before the Charity Night dinner service, Heather was excited and honored to cook for those charities. At one point, Ariel accused her of stealing her tongs, even though Kanae pointed out that there were three extra tongs next to her. Then, Kanae was not happy when she discovered that a few of the plates had inconsistent pasta on them, and pushed her for better plating, which annoyed her as it was not rocket science. She oversaw the veal saltimbocca course, and both her and Ramsay were confused at Jose's inconsistencies with timing. Despite that, she led well and manage to her course out with no problems. The blue team won the service.[26]
Episode 11[]
- Main article: Episode 1811 - Devilish Desserts
During the Dessert Challenge, Heather had Kanae taste her sauce for the bread pudding dish she was making, and the latter said it had a potent taste of whiskey, told her to cook it out, and accused her of being tipsy. Because the blue team had an extra person, her dish was chosen to sit out due to a poor presentation, although she did not like it. After Mia's poor performance, she welcomed the former to the real world where she was imperfect. The blue team won the challenge 14-11, and they were rewarded with a $2,000 shopping spree at Sur la Table, along with lunch at Joey Woodland Hills. During the reward, she was still pissed her dish had to sit out, and that she was being disregarded by her teammates, before deciding to get through service as a team until the black jackets came. During the shopping spree, she bought stuff for herself and her son as she missed him.
During dinner service, Heather was on the meat station. At one point, she was not sympathetic over Mia's shellfish allergy, as the latter should know how to cook a risotto regardless of allergies. Later, while she was pumped that night, she was concerned about the thickness of the New York striploins, before serving an overcooked serving. While she struggled on the refire, she got it accepted, despite not resting them, and she compared her feeling to disappointing her parents. After seeing Kanae use a spoon to cut open a portion of salmon to see the cook on it, she got annoyed as the former should have just touched it for that. The blue team won the service. After Trev's elimination, Ramsay asked the blue team to name a volunteer to join the red team.[27]
Episode 12[]
- Main article: Episode 1812 - Break on Through
Before the Black Jackets Challenge, Heather said goodbye to Mia as the latter was reassigned to the red team. During the first challenge, she received duck, dismaying her as she never cooked with duck before, peas, carrots, purple sweet potatoes, and dried porcini. During the cooking, she struggled to get her wine bottle open with wine splattering over her jacket, and while she complained that she hated duck, she also knew that it was all about flavors. She was the first person to have her dish judged by Ramsay and presented her pan-seared duck breast over a purple sweet potato purée and carrots and peas. When Ramsay noticed juice on the plate, she admitted it was from the duck as she did not properly rest it after slicing it. Then, Ramsay criticized the purée for being gummy as she used the Vitamix for the purée, and was disappointed how much of a mess the dish was, even comparing it to her dirty jacket. She lost the challenge to both Ariel and Mia and was forced to compete in the second challenge.
During the second Black Jackets Challenge, Heather spun first for the protein, and landed on quail, but was not happy as she never worked with quail before. During the cooking, she decided to cut the legs and wings off her quail before stuffing the breast. She was the third person to have her dish judged and presented her lemon and parsley stuffed quail breast. It was criticized for having bits of lemon still in there as it made the quail taste bitter, despite all the rest of the components working well, and she dismayingly said that she could not catch a break that day. She lost the challenge to both Bret and Motto and was forced to participate in the final challenge with Kanae. Before it, Ramsay expressed disappointment in her as he saw better from her before and knew that she could do better, and she knew that she was better than that as well, before refusing to give up.
During the final Black Jackets Challenge, Heather wanted the slight edge to beat Kanae, decided to go to what she knew, and cooked a classic filet mignon and lobster tail. When she was about to sauté her onions, she accidentally burned her hand when grabbing a hot pan, and had to see the medic to get it treated. Despite wanting to kick herself in the ass for having a lot of bad luck, she refused to go home now and would rather cook with a singed hand than quit. She was the first person to have her dish judged by Ramsay and presented her classic filet and lobster tail with sautéed broccoli and Yukon gold mashed potatoes. While none of the other chefs were impressed that she kept to her roots and made a boring dish, Ramsay praised the dish for having a perfectly cooked lobster, and having an exact mid-rare steak, but told her that next time, use a round plate to keep the contour exact, leaving her happy at the least. After seeing Kanae's plate, she called the former crazy for making a dish she never made before. In the end, she won the final black jacket of the season as her dish was her best of the day, she was happy that she got to go back up to the lounge again, and left to meet with the others at the lounge. However, while none of them were happy to see her, she declared that she was back with a vengeance. During the celebration, she knew that there was no more room for mistakes and that she would do anything to win.[28]
Episode 13[]
- Main article: Episode 1813 - An Episode of Firsts
Continuing from the previous episode, despite Mia congratulating Heather for making it to the black jackets, she was close to snapping as she was gunning for everybody now, and told Mia to bite her after the latter hugged her.
Before the Taste It Now Make It Challenge, Ramsay asked Heather what was different from Season 16, with her saying that she did not get breakfast last time. During the cooking, she used prosciutto and Canadian bacon, and paprika to recreate Ramsay's dish. Near the end of the cooking time, she compared her sauce to thin cottage cheese, along with her yolks being broken, before asking what she had done to make the cooking gods angry. During the judging, Ramsay noticed that her eggs and sauce were broken, and she was disqualified for having broken Hollandaise sauce.
Heather lost the challenge to both Ariel and Mia, and she was punished by participating in dorm cleaning day. While she lamented her poor performance during the previous challenge, she knew that as a former runner-up, she knew the feeling of making in far, and wanted to execute a perfect service. During the punishment, she compared the clean up to cleaning up after her five-year-old son back at home and deemed people gross. Later, she told Bret that she threw out Mia’s chia pudding for smelling bad, and warned him that while the latter was good in challenges, she failed to work as a team player come service.
During prep, Heather got annoyed by Mia's constant questions, reminded the former that they were all black jacket chefs now, and even told Motto that she was ready to kill Mia. During dinner service, she was at the fish station. When they received their first ticket, she asked Motto for help on her scallops and did not respond to Ariel’s timings on appetizers. After Motto sent up scallops despite Ariel not being ready, Ramsay reminded her to take control of her station, and when the black jackets were forced to restart the order, Mia compared her to a line cook that had no idea what the fuck she was doing as she barely responded to Ariel’s comments. Despite that, the refire was accepted. On entrées, she told Bret and Mia that she needed more time on her halibut after the latter wanted to go out now, told an impatient Mia to wait on halibut garnish as she needed to check on the halibut, and complained about the lack of communication that night before her halibut was accepted. Later, her salmon skin broke of the fish due to her placing it on a cold pan, which Bret called a big no-no, and when she asked Motto for help on the refire, she was forced to tell Ramsay about the skin breaking, and then, had to tell Marino about it. After, she was one of the three people that confused Motto on what was going out.
After service, Ramsay asked the final five to name two people for elimination. During deliberation, Heather was considered for elimination by Bret, Mia, and Motto, but she believed that there was no reason she should go home as her team failed her that night, before considering Bret and Mia for elimination.
Heather was named the first nominee for elimination, with Mia as the second. During her plea, she said that she has not given up, knew that she did not shut down that night, and claimed that she got no communication from Mia, but the latter argued that she did communicate, leading to a small argument between the two. After her plea, she received votes from Ariel and Motto that she should go home, and Ramsay eliminated her for her poor performance on fish, making excuses for her mistakes, and being unable to repeat her previous run. Before leaving, Ramsay asked her to say hi to Logan for him, and she received a retrospective montage during her exit interview.
Ramsay's comment: “Too many times Heather blamed her mistakes on having a bad day. I’m not looking for apologies. I’m looking for an executive chef!” [29]
Episode 15/16[]
- Main article: Episode 1815 - A Rollercoaster Ride
- Main article: Episode 1816 - The Grand Finale
Heather was one of the eight chefs who returned for the final dinner service. She was Mia's final pick, after Roe, Trev, and Jose, but was not thrilled about that.[30] Back at the dorms, while she recalled not leaving on good terms with Mia, and that she did not like her, she knew what it was like not having people on their back, recalling how poorly her team went during the Season 16 finale and wanted to give her heart and soul to Mia.
During prep, Heather said that it was not a good idea for Mia to get more demanding as she felt the former was becoming a dictator. During dinner service, she was on the meat station. After Roe served raw pork, she got dismayed as the former needed to mark the pork and cook them, before knowing that nobody wanted raw pork. Then, Roe asked her to help her check the refires, but that caused a slowdown in the kitchen. Later, she said that she was here to help Mia win, even if they were not BFF, as she knew how it could hurt for the door not to open as she got her steaks accepted. After Roe sent up broken sea bass, she accused the former of dropping the ball. Mia eventually lost the finals to Ariel.[31]
Nomination history[]
Week 1 | Win |
Week 2 | Win |
Week 3 | Safe |
Week 4 | Win |
Week 5 | Nominated |
Week 6 | Nominated |
Week 7 | Safe |
Week 8 | Win |
Week 9 | Win |
Week 10 | Win |
Week 11 | Safe |
Week 12 | Nominated |
Post Hell's Kitchen[]
- After her first appearance on the show, Heather returned to her position as a sous chef at Marblehead Chowder House in Palmer Township, before becoming Sous Chef at Bon Appétit Management Company.
- She has also done several cookery events and demonstrations.
- She took part in 2018's Reality Rally raising funds for Michelle’s Place Breast Cancer Resource Center.
- After her second appearance on the show, Heather was an Executive Chef at Leaf Cigar Bar, an Executive Chef at Lehigh Valley IronPigs, and Executive Chef at Billy's Downtown Diner in Allentown, Pennsylvania.
- She is currently listed as available Private Chef and working as a package handler at FedEx Ground since late 2022.
- She holds the record for most services won out of any chefs who has been in Hell's Kitchen when combining both seasons, with 14 (8 in Season 16 and 6 in Season 18).
- She and Ariel (Season 6 and also 18), are the two female contestants to hold the record of most challenges won when combining both seasons, with grand total of 15.
- She is the only one so far who scored a 5 on the Signature Dish Challenge in both seasons.
- She the third contestant to win a private dinner service in two different seasons, having won the private dinner service in Season 16, following Nick and Milly who did so in Seasons 14 and 17. She is also the first and currently only female to do so.
Season 16[]
- She holds the record for the most dinner service wins throughout one season, with eight, and is tied with Heidi and Kimberly. She is also the runner-up who holds the record.
- She and Heidi were the first two contestants to enter the black jacket lounge.
- She was part of the third, overall and consecutive, all-female final three of Hell's Kitchen, along with Ryan and Heidi.
- She is the fifth runner-up, and second female runner-up, to completely avoid being nominated throughout the entire season, following Kevin (Season 6), Jay (Season 7), Will (Season 9), and T (Season 14).
- She and Ryan are the fourth pair of finalists to completely avoid being nominated throughout the season, following Dave and Kevin (Season 6), Holli and Jay (Season 7), and Meghan and T (Season 14).
- She is the second runner-up to score a perfect 5 on the new format of the Signature Dish Challenge, following T (Season 14).
Season 18[]
- She is the first contestant to score a perfect 5 on the new format of the Signature Dish Challenge in two different seasons.
- She is the first contestant to participate in the Black Jacket Challenge on two different seasons.
- She is the only returning chef who was runner-up in their first season to earn a black jacket for the second time.
- She is the seventh contestant to receive a black jacket in two different seasons, following Milly, Nick, Michelle, Benjamin, and Robyn (all from Season 17), and Ariel (also from Season 18).
- She is the fourth contestant, and the second female, to make it into the black jackets after competing in the Cook For Your Life Challenge, following Milly, Robyn (both from Season 17), and Bret (also from Season 18).
- She is the first contestant to be involved in another final service as a brigade member after being a finalist in her previous season.
- Coincidentally, in both scenarios, she ended up in a runner-up team.
- She is the only contestant to gain access to the Black Jacket Lounge in two separate seasons.
- She is the seventh contestant, and the third female contestant, that received more nominations during their second run on the show, following Jason (Season 12), Giovanni, Dana, Milly (Season 17), Kevin, and T (both also Season 18).
- She is the only Black Jacket of her season to be eliminated after being nominated.
Season 16[]
- "Uh, okay. I surrender."
- "Paulie don't get comfortable, Thanks for warming up my chair Bro!!"
- (After being named runner-up) "I'm gonna need tissues. At the end of the day, I made it to the finale, so I'm proud of myself and I'm proud of the job I've done here. You have not seen the last of Heather. At all."
Season 18[]
- "Rookie mistake número uno!"
- (After listening Chef Ramsay about the Punishment Pass) "Oh My God. I would never have to drink a fish gut milkshake again."
- (To Chef Ramsay about T's miscommunication during service) "And I've never seen anything like that, except when my son doesn't get what he wants from the toy store."
- (After surviving elimination) "I don't care who stands in my way. You're done."
- (About Scotley) "I feel for Trevor because Scotley, he just...the chip on his shoulder, is like, huge."
- (After getting black jacket) "I'm so excited, Ariel looks like her dog died, Bret looks like WHAAAAAT?, yeah bro, I'm back, I'm back with a fucking vengeance."
- "My. Team. Failed. Me."
- (After being eliminated) "I never thought I'd be leaving without the executive chef position. I came out, guns blazing, and I was ready to prove a point. Coming back to Hell's Kitchen a second time, it mentally challenges you. At the end of the day, I need to show my son that you need to be the one to drive your self-esteem and confidence. Without a doubt, missing my son, it broke me. I thought I was indestructible, but at the end of the day, I just want my kid."
External links[]
Heather Williams on Instagram
Heather Williams's Navbox (Select One) | |||||||||
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