“ | If I think Chef Ramsay's being an asshole to be an asshole, I'll be an asshole myself. | ” |
Garrett Telle was a contestant on Season 2 of Hell's Kitchen. He ranked in 5th place.
Season 2[]
Episode 1[]
- Main article: Episode 201 - 12 Chefs
During the intro, Garret was one of the three chefs seen to compete. The twelve contestants arrived in Hell's Kitchen on a bus and were greeted by Jean-Philippe. They celebrated with some champagne glasses, got to know each other, and had a first look at the restaurant. Afterwards, Ramsay walked through the hallway, opened the dining room doors, and greeted the contestants by introducing himself and announcing that only one of them would win the competition. The only way that person would win, though, was to impress him and he asked all of them to cook their signature dishes.
During the Signature Dish Challenge, Garret was the eighth person to have his dish judged by Ramsay. When he went up, Ramsay asked him where he learned how to cook, and he said in prison during his sentence. He explained that he was arrested for stolen checks, served five years in prison, and declared he would be an asshole if Ramsay was one to him. He made an unknown meat dish, but before Ramsay tasted it, the latter called down Gabe and had him taste his dish. Wanting to use that to showcase his weakness, Gabe told Ramsay it was overcooked. While he accused him of lying, Ramsay confirmed Gabe’s opinion by calling the meat dry, praising the latter for his honesty. After the challenge, he was placed in the blue team because Ramsay declared that, for the first time, the teams were divided by gender, men in the blue team and women in the red team. When they were at the dorms, he arrogantly believed the men would become the strong team.
The blue team finished prep hours after the red team. During dinner service, Garrett was at the dessert station. He was not seen that night, and Ramsay shut down service after three hours when customers started shouting, "I want some food!" in the dining room. The blue team won the dinner service. After elimination, he knew why it was called Hell’s Kitchen, as it was trying to break him.[1]
Episode 2[]
- Main article: Episode 202 - 11 Chefs
Back at the dorms, Garrett talked with Gabe about eliminating the women one by one before eliminating each other.
The following day, after only two hours of sleep, the contestants were woken up by Sous Chefs Scott and Mary-Ann playing cowbells at 5:24 AM. They were told to go outside immediately, and once outside at the loading area, Ramsay recalled how the previous service was embarrassing. Afterwards, Ramsay wanted them to know how much food they wasted last night as a restaurant would never survive with a lot of waste. To get his point across, Ramsay ordered the chefs to jump into the dumpsters and pull out all the garbage from last night. After that, Ramsay told the contestants that he did not want another large amount of waste in the competition ever again. Now that the chefs understood the lesson, Ramsay ordered them to clean up because they stunk.
During the Perfect Steak Cut Challenge, Garrett wanted to defeat the women even more and was the second chef from the blue team to have his attempts judged. He could only get one accepted, and the blue team lost the challenge 11-12. They were punished by cutting all the steaks for the next dinner service, as a steak special would be featured. During the punishment, he felt that even though they dropped their guards against the women, they would beat them in service with more intensity.
During dinner service, Garrett was at the fish station. After 45 minutes, he reached over to Gabe and helped him with appetizers, answering for him. Apart from that, he was not very noticed during that service, which Ramsay shut down after he made both teams have a look in the dining room to see it almost empty. The blue team lost the dinner service, but because he was the only one on the team that did not have a bad performance, he was named "Best of the Worst" by Ramsay and was asked to nominate two of his teammates for elimination. During deliberation, he deemed being “Best of the Worst” a double-edged sword and said he could not nominate Keith for not being responsible for the problems in the kitchen. While Giacomo told him to do what felt right to him, he tried to look at which of the three remaining men stunk the worse. However, he wanted to cut off the weak links to help him win the competition.
Garrett nominated Giacomo and Tom for elimination, but Ramsay sent the latter back in line after his plea, told him that there was one more person he wanted to speak to, and brought Gabe up. While being dismissed, he felt that America should go to Las Vegas and bet their money on him because he would win.[2]
Episode 3[]
- Main article: Episode 203 - 9 Chefs
Back at the dorms, Garrett jokingly compared his nominations of Tom and Giacomo to a kick in the nuts because Gabe was eliminated instead of the two.
During the Relay Challenge, Garrett was the last of his team to go. During the final 15 seconds relay, he misunderstood Keith and began making a third batch of fresh tortellini. However, he successfully plated all three dishes for his team. The blue team lost the challenge 1-2, and they were punished by participating in Laundry Day. During the punishment, he wanted to test his teammates' knowledge by asking Giacomo what to do when a Wellington was on order and did not seem to mind doing laundry as he used to do it back in prison.
When the women came back from their reward, Garrett made a sexist comment about how they should go back home to cook them dinner. That statement infuriated Heather as she considered it disrespectful and began ranting to the women on the patio about how much that comment angered her. Heather said he had no right to talk to her like that, how he crossed a line, and god help him if he said anything more. Later, he and Heather talked about his sexist comment and how much harder women had to work to get to the same level as men. He explained that he would not let anybody, man or woman, disrespect him. Still, that comment did not make Heather feel better, hoping he was going home next. After Heather left, the rest of the men came in, and he talked about how he was sick of the men vs. women theme. In the next room, the women listened to his rant, and Heather mocked him.
During prep, Garrett refused to lose again after a comment made by Sous Chef Scott. During dinner service, he was at the garnish station. On the first ticket, he was caught whistling, and Ramsay told him to stop. Later, he whistled again, and Ramsay had to tell him one more time to stop. Then, he grabbed Keith a container of tomato sauce when the latter needed some. Moments later, Ramsay made him switch to the appetizer station because of Giacomo's lie to Ramsay. Three hours into service, Ramsay shut down the kitchen after many frustrations from both sides. The blue team lost, and each team member was asked to nominate one person for elimination. During deliberation, Keith asked him if he had decided. While he felt that Tom had quit, he felt that both the latter and Giacomo sucked and hoped that Ramsay would send both home and bring a woman in as a replacement.
Garrett nominated Tom and received no votes for elimination. Therefore, he was not nominated for elimination. While being dismissed, he felt the situation was grim now that the men were down two members.[3]
Episode 4[]
- Main article: Episode 204 - 8 Chefs
Back in the dorms, Tom confronted Garrett as he thought the latter had his back and expected he would have his, but he argued that it was not an easy decision. However, while he admitted liking Tom, he felt the men would be stronger without him.
The following day, Garrett and the blue team welcomed Heather as a new teammate. After a trip to Los Angeles, where the contestants went to Pink's Hot Dogs, they returned to the restaurant to prep the kitchen for the first lunch service of Hell's Kitchen.
During the Lunch Service Challenge, Garrett was dismayed to see a swarm of kids running in the dining room as he predicted that it would be crazy. On the first ticket, he and Tom got into an argument because he was setting the latter's station, which Tom did not appreciate. Heather quickly calmed the situation down. Despite that, the blue team completed their tickets on time and celebrated their first completed service. The blue team was declared winners of the challenge after the children rated their food 9.85 out of 10, compared to the red team's 9.84. He felt great to finally win a challenge, as it was a long time coming. They were rewarded with a day at the Santa Monica Beach amusement park to feel like children again. While changing at the dorms, he jokingly renamed the blue team “Three Men and a Little Lady”.
During prep, Garrett said the blue team needed to win as they had lost the previous two dinner services before feeling that having someone like Heather would help them big time.
During dinner service, he was at the appetizer station. He sent up unsalted risottos, and Ramsay told him to taste his food before sending it. While he finally succeeded in the refire, which impressed Ramsay as it was music to his ears, it was short-lived as a customer sent a lobster spaghetti back because it was too cold. Ramsay schooled him about his mistake of forgetting to taste and asked if he wanted to go back to prison. However, he felt motivated by that as he wanted to bust his ass and prove he belonged in Hell’s Kitchen. After he sent his last lobster spaghetti dish, the kitchen moved on to entrées. Two hours into service, after a lot of frustration in both kitchens and only half of the dining room served, Ramsay kicked both teams out of the kitchen. Both teams were named joint losers, and they were asked to nominate one each. During deliberation, he, along with Heather and Keith, nominated Tom for elimination.
He was not nominated for elimination.[4]
Episode 5[]
- Main article: Episode 205 - 7 Chefs
The following day, Garrett tasted some fine-dining dishes, which included caviar, cheese fondue, pâté, and chicken kebab. After a few minutes, Ramsay revealed all those dishes were fake, and introduced the Blind Taste Test. When he heard what the punishment would be, he was disgusted as all of the pots and pans were left out overnight. He was the final person from the blue team to compete and went up against Sara. Although he correctly guessed scrambled eggs and spinach, he failed to get kiwi. However, it was his mistake of incorrectly identifying braised short ribs as turkey, he lost it for the blue team 6-7. He was dismayed that a man from Texas could not identify short ribs, and arrogantly brushed off Virginia's accomplishment as she got easy guesses.
The blue team was punished by cleaning both kitchens that were left as they were after the previous dinner service. During the punishment, Garrett tried to talk with Heather as he used to be on dish duty when he was in prison, but Sous Chef Scott asked for a volunteer for a job. He volunteered and was told to get some champagne bottles for the photoshoot. When he arrived there, the women, especially Sara, were rubbing salt in the wound by showing him their pedicure, and Ramsay told him to get out as he stank. When he returned, he said that job was crap as he got mocked by Ramsay and the red team, but Keith said he would have rather done that instead of washing dishes.
During prep, Sous Chef Scott was nervous as the blue team was a man down compared to the red team, but while Garrett felt the red team was in trouble, the former warned him not to jinx it. During dinner service, he was on the meat station. When Heather put unordered spaghetti in a pot to cook and was schooled by Ramsay, he tried to comfort her by touching her shoulder. However, Heather aggressively told him not to touch her, prompting him to say she should work with him and not against him. When Ramsay called the first ticket, he did not answer back, and Ramsay told his team he was already nervous, and they had not even sent anything yet. Later, he received unwelcomed help from Heather, who was trying to redeem herself, but he was annoyed by that because he felt the latter wanted to control what he was doing, and it was getting him off track. After a while, because of his poor cooking, Ramsay compared him to a donkey and was suggested to change the Hell's Kitchen logo to Donkey's Kitchen. Later, Heather screwed up his station when she sent up the wrong number of quail orders. He accused Heather of making herself look good, and that caused his station to get all messed up, while Ramsay told them that they were making their final three tickets painful. An hour later, Ramsay schooled him and Keith about their communication problems before asking for the lamb sauce twice. While he sent it, a fed-up Ramsay called him a "fat useless sack of fucking yankee dankee doodle shite". Moments later, both kitchens were shut down because of Rachel's mistakes in the red kitchen. The blue team won the service.[5]
Episode 6[]
- Main article: Episode 206 - 6 Chefs
Back in the dorms, on the patio, Garret talked with Keith about how Heather is not as strong as she thinks. However, he said the red team was done as Heather was their heart, Rachel was their backbone, and with both gone, the blue team had it in the fucking bag.
The following day, at 6:32 AM, Sous Chef Scott and Mary-Ann woke up the contestants with megaphones, shouting all over the dorms and telling them to get outside immediately with their jackets on. During the Three Course Meal Challenge, Keith said he and Garrett would work on both the appetizer and entrée dishes together as he did not want to put too much pressure on the weakest member of the blue team. He was the first person from the blue team to have his dish judged by Ramsay and he went up against Sara. He made a roasted corn scallop and shrimp bisque. Although Ramsay found the presentation nice, he found the shrimp tail very dangerous to leave on the plate as it was sharp, having him and Sara touch the shell. Then, Ramsay warned him that if he ate that, he would be sent to the hospital, but he argued that if the former ordered shrimp, there would be a shrimp tail.
The blue team lost the challenge, and they were punished by taking part in Delivery Day. During the punishment, Garrett angrily said Ramsay made the wrong decision, and the blue team agreed to be the final three and take out the red team. When the red team came out to sunbathe, he bitterly hoped they enjoyed their consolation prize as none of the three women deserved to be in the finale. During the punishment, the red team took off for their reward, and he flipped the birds to them, unaware that Ramsay was inside it. Heather did not think it was a good idea and hoped it would not affect the blue team later.
The following day, both teams were downstairs, where Ramsay reminded Garrett about the bird-flipping incident and asked if he wanted to go. He said he did not, but Ramsay warned him never to flip him off again. After that, Ramsay told both teams to create their own menus. While making the menus, he suggested a lobster Wellington, but when Heather and Keith reacted terribly to that, he rudely took it back. Heather told him to put something up, but he saw no point as every idea he had was shut down. During prep, he was still mad about his lack of input for the blue team and wondered why he was even there.
During dinner service, Garrett was at the meat station. At one point, he sent a raw duck salad and received help from Keith. Before he could do anything more, a truck horn was heard, and the blue team was forced to do one more delivery task on their punishment. All three of them raced outside and took in orders of wine. Afterwards, he sent up another duck salad, but it was raw again, forcing Ramsay to show him how to cook it properly. However, he dismayingly said it was never a good sign when Ramsay spent more time at his station. Then he caused a small fire, causing a disbelieved Ramsay to say welcome to Hell's Shithole. Despite his problems, entrées from the blue kitchen came out, and he received help from Heather. Heather believed he clammed up, which was proven true as he tossed out a burnt chicken. Eventually, the blue team completed their orders, and he thanked Heather for saving his white ass. Afterwards, Ramsay ordered the blue team to help the red team complete their eleven remaining orders. The blue team won the service, but Ramsay reminded him that he was lucky to be on the same team as Heather and Keith, something with which he agreed.[6]
Episode 7[]
- Main article: Episode 207 - 5 Chefs
Back at the dorms, Garrett and Keith promised they would pick each other if one was to win an individual challenge. He wanted to keep his friendship with Keith strong as they were the only male chefs left, and the latter said the two would rise and become the final two.
Before the next challenge, Ramsay announced the remaining five contestants would become one team, which was the black team. Garrett was the last one to receive his black jacket. After that, he went back to the dorms to change with his teammates and knew that since jail, he had it in him to become something. During the 10 Ingredient Challenge, he knew he had to step up to the plate after his miserable performance in the previous dinner service. He was the first person to have his dish judged by Ramsay and made a veal chop over prawns and mushrooms with saffron. After Ramsay asked him if he had ever cooked veal before, he answered he did not very often. Ramsay declared the veal was cooked perfectly, making him feel that the former respected him and that his dish tasted good. However, the saffron on the prawns was too much.
Garrett lost the challenge to Keith and was even more furious when the latter broke his promise and did not pick him to go on the reward. He was punished by participating in Bug Night, which included fumigating the entire restaurant for the following dinner service. During the punishment, he was still pissed and decided to confront Keith at the dorms, leaving a scared Heather to hope there were no knives upstairs. He called Keith a liar, and the latter admitted that if he double-crossed him like that, he would be mad. Keith apologized as he felt terrible, but he refused it and hoped the plane crashed. After the punishment, he told Heather how angry he was about the situation, but the latter admitted that his anger made her uncomfortable. Garrett claimed he would never lay a hand on anybody, explaining how he was removed from home and moved to a youth anger management program when he was young.
The following day, Keith and Virginia arrived from their reward, but the former tried not to say much as he still felt bad about his decision. However, Garrett did not care about what Virginia said, as he would learn what he needed when he won. During prep, he was still furious because he felt Keith stabbed him in the back, but he did not bother as he was professional enough to stay focused.
During dinner service, Garrett was at the meat station. After an hour, he said he was seeing his chicken, and he and Keith sent many entrées out to the dining room. However, he miscalculated the time he needed for the chicken to be ready, asking for three minutes when Sous Chef Mary-Ann gave him one. He felt that he had to block out the pressure from Ramsay as the latter lectured him about being behind, only to send up raw chicken to the pass. Ramsay refused to send it as it could kill someone, and when he gave the former an excuse, Ramsay found it unforgivable, yelling that he should not be in whites. Then, Ramsay made him switch stations with Keith, with him feeling stung by Ramsay’s comments. Later, he got confused when Ramsay called out for carrots, as his name had a similar pronunciation. Afterwards, he served a chewed-up salmon, and Ramsay was furious when he did not answer back if that was his best. Then, Ramsay told him to get a grip and start again. Despite that, he successfully called back an order of salmon, Ramsay welcomed him back, and he knew he had to keep pushing.
After service, Ramsay reminded Garrett about the station switch after the raw chicken incident. Keith was named the "Best of the Worst. During deliberation, he warned Keith not to put him up as he only messed up once and hoped for more time to progress, but admitted that he would be shocked if the latter nominated him after their fight.
Garrett was Keith's second nominee for elimination, with Virginia being the first. During his plea, he promised Ramsay that his next performance would be his best as he had a lot more to offer. Ramsay saw how hungry he was, and he claimed he was foaming from the mouth. He was eliminated for serving raw chicken, which Ramsay deemed unforgivable. He received a retrospective montage of his run during his exit interview.
Ramsay's comment: "I'm trying to find someone here that deserves a restaurant. Each and every step of the way, Garrett fought me and his team. That's why he's not here any longer." [7]
Episode 10[]
- Main article: Episode 210/211 - 2 Chefs/Winner
Garrett came back for the finale as one of the six returning chefs. When the chefs went downstairs, a clip of his poor performance on appetizers in the fourth service was shown. He was Heather's last pick, after Rachel and Sara, and the last pick overall. While being picked last surprised him, he was happy to be on Heather's team. Heather was also happy to have him on her team, as she knew exactly how to get what she wanted from him. While reviewing the menu, he asked if Heather's meat was chicken, recalling that he served raw chicken on the first black jacket service. Heather said it was not and he was thrilled about the former's menu as it felt like she thought it out for the team to succeed.
During dinner service, Garrett was at the fish station. He went unnoticed that night, and Heather eventually won the finals over Virginia.[8]
Nomination History[]
Week 1 | Win |
Week 2 | BoW |
Week 3 | Safe |
Week 4 | Safe |
Week 5 | Win |
Week 6 | Win |
Week 7 | Nominated |
Post Hell's Kitchen[]
- After his appearance on the show, he continued cooking and produced short films.
- Garrett was arrested four times between 2012 and 2016 for driving without a license
- He is the first contestant to have a criminal record before his appearance on the show.
- According to an interview, he said he mended fences with Keith and developed a friendship with Sara after the show ended.
- He and Keith (also from Season 2) are the second and third contestants to be eliminated after their first time nominated, following Jimmy (Season 1)
- He and Jessica (Season 1) have the lowest amount of challenges won for a Black Jacket with 1. He is also the only male for this record.
- "Cook you bastards!"
- "I got in trouble for some stolen checks, the Judge gave me a total of five years. If I think Chef Ramsay's being an asshole to be an asshole, I'll be an asshole myself."
- (About Gabe) "I'm so mad that somebody could just boldly lie to my face."
- "Watch out, girls!"
- (About Ramsay finding a sharp shrimp tail in his soup) "If you order shrimp, guess what you automatically assume: that there's going to be a tail on there ol' GORDO!"
- (After being eliminated) "Keith stabbed me in the back, but the fact is the chicken went out there undercooked, and now I'm leaving. First cooking job I had was in a jail. I'm still not gonna give up, but I wanted this more than anything."
External links[]
Garrett Telle on Twitter
Hell's Kitchen Season 2 |
Staff |
Gordon Ramsay (Head Chef) • Scott Leibfried (Blue Team Sous Chef) • Mary-Ann Salcedo (Red Team Sous Chef) • Jean-Philippe Susilovic (Maître d'hôtel) |
Contestants |
Giacomo Alfieri • Rachel Brown • Virginia Dalbeck • Gabe Gagliardi • Keith Greene • Polly Holladay • Sara Horowitz • Maribel Miller • Tom Pauley • Larry Sik • Garrett Telle • Heather West |