The second episode of Season 9 of Hell’s Kitchen aired on Fox on July 19, 2011. In that episode, the chefs worked with meat temperatures, a loudmouth started to annoy their teammates, and another loud mouth made the worst mistake possible during service.
Back in the dorms, Jonathon was highly embarrassed about the men's performance at the previous service and said he never had a side item stop one of his entrées in his life. Will said it was a reality check for everybody as they would fight deeper every time they would fight and compared Brendan and Paul to little girls when they fought in front of Ramsay. Then, Brendan called Paul "meatball", arrogantly believed that he was threatened by him, and Jonathon rallied his teammates by saying that they should leave their egos at the door as it was a team competition.
Team challenge[]
The next morning, the chefs were woken up by a young guitarist and very loud amplifiers. Sous Chef Scott ordered everybody to get up and move, Monterray wondered what was going on, and Elizabeth wondered where were her pants. When he got out of the bedroom, Monterray declared that he wanted to smash the guitar on the floor, but Tommy was amused as he thought he would have probably do the same thing if he was a child like him, and Brendan jokingly believed it was a tsunami, before calling the young boy Justin Bieber's evil twin. Everybody went outside, where they were greeted by Ramsay, and Jonathon was excited to see the women in short pants, even declaring that it was making his heart pounding faster. When Ramsay noticed that they looked exhausted, Jennifer told she had a sleepless night, but Carrie revealed she had sweet dreams as she was always happy to see Ramsay, and the latter responded that he had nightmares after the opening night. He introduced the Meat & Grill Challenge, stating that the chefs must go back to basics. Everybody had to work in pairs and cook a medium-rare New York strip, a medium rib-eye, a medium-well filet mignon, and a well-done burger. Also, Will was ordered to work on his own as the men were one man down, and Natalie was excited and confident as she knew how to cook meat.
When the 20-minute countdown began, everybody went to their respective grill with their respective teammate, and Elise was already bossing Carrie by telling her to back off, leading Carrie to reveal that Elise did not let her do anything. Both of them were seen arguing and butting heads, but Jonathon and Brendan were completely relaxed and joking around. Brendan was confident to win the challenge as he thought men had an advantage over women by stating that they were grilling meat since they were cavemen, and Will was the only one who was already done and letting his meat rest. Eventually, everybody cooked and plated their meat in time.
On the first round, while Jamie stated that the red team had to win so nobody would strangle anybody, Krupa and Amanda gave a perfect performance of four out of four, which made Krupa very proud and saying that she would have kissed Amanda on the lips if they had brush their teeth. After, Brendan and Jonathon only scored with their rib-eye and filet mignon. The score was 4-2 for the women, making Will question their professionalism. On the second round, Carrie and Elise only scored with their filet mignon, the latter thought that it was Carrie's fault as she was hanging around and bitching, but Carrie revealed that Elise cooked every single piece of meat. Natalie questioned their place in the competition, and Chino and Tommy scored three points, tying the score at 5. In the third round, Jamie and Natalie scored three out of four points, making Jamie wanting to win the challenge even more, and Paul and Monterray scored only two points out of four, giving the women the lead at 8-7. On the final round, Jennifer, Gina, and Elizabeth scored with their New York strip and burger, dismaying Elizabeth, and the score was 10-7 for the women. After Will went up, Brendan was worried as everybody had problems with the burger. After Will scored with the New York strip, Jennifer was not very worried as she was convinced he would mess up at least one piece. However, Will also scored with the rib-eye and the filet mignon, tying the score at 10, and he arrogantly said goodbye to the girls. Elizabeth believed that he had to have a problem with one of his pieces of meat, but Will's burger was perfect, and he clinched the victory for the men 11-10. Will was proud as he was there to be perfect or nothing, and Natalie was annoyed as she knew that Elise and Carrie were the reason why they lost. Ramsay congratulated the men, and while celebrating, Jonathon was happy and proud to have bonded as a team.
Red Team | Blue Team | ||||
Chef | Score | Total | Chef | Score | Total |
Krupa and Amanda | 4/4 | 4 | Brendan and Jonathan | 2/4 | 2 |
Carrie and Elise | 1/4 | 5 | Chino and Tommy | 3/4 | 5 |
Jamie and Natalie | 3/4 | 8 | Paul and Monterray | 2/4 | 7 |
Jennifer, Gina, and Elizabeth | 2/4 | 10 | Will | 4/4 | 11 |
Results | 11-10 |
The men were rewarded with a lunch on the top of Palm Springs with Ramsay, which made Monterray excited and feeling good to win, and being taken there in a private jet, which made Paul declaring that he was the big deal, so he deserved a private plane.
Arrived at the runway, the men were greeted by Ramsay, excited to enter the jet, and Brendan rubbed it in the women's face. Will revealed that he had a fear of flying during the ride, thought that he would poop himself, and Ramsay joked that he could cook meat temperatures perfectly, but not fly. When the men arrived at Palm Springs, Jonathon was eager to go on the tram while being happier that the team bonded, and during the tram ride, everybody found the view amazing. Then, they arrived on top of the mountain, where they were waited for an outdoor lunch, and Ramsay suggested that they give a thought about the red team, before toasting with their glasses.
During the lunch, the men opened up about their personal lives to Ramsay, and Monterray revealed that he entered the competition for his wife and six children, with Paul being amazed about his many children. Then, Will revealed that each generation in his family had to step up to the family name, and that he took it very seriously. After Will was excited to see Ramsay from a badass in the kitchen to a normal human being outside, Brendan started to brag about the fact that he came from an accomplished family, containing doctors, lawyers and astrophysicists, and that his family loved the very first meal he cooked in his life. He continued to brag about his exceptional life and family for a long period of time, leading Will to mock his constant talking, and telling him to shut up. When the men received their meals, Ramsay declared that the competition was a journey, that they had to get better at every service, and to have their game face every time, before reminding that they could not get a single entrée out during the first service.
The women were punished by cleaning the grills, and taking a delivery of a whole cow. When she learned the blue team's reward, Carrie was disappointed, and Ramsay acknowledged that she and Elise screwed it for the red team. During the punishment, Krupa was already angry at Elise for letting her ego get in the way of the win, targeted her for being the next one nominated, Elise bashed against Carrie, annoying Natalie who told she should just focus on cooking and nothing else, and continued by saying that just seeing Carrie was making her want to punch her.
Later, the women sat down around a table for their lunch, Sous Chef Andi brought a blender in which she put all the meat used for the challenge, and everybody was disgusted, with Gina describing the texture as ungodly. While drinking, everybody came close to throw up, except Carrie, who drank her whole glass without complaining, leading Elise to believe that she had plenty of meat in her mouth.
After their lunch, the women changed into their chefs jackets, and received the cow delivery. Elizabeth was dismayed as it was very heavy, but the women succeeded to carry the cow to the kitchen, with Jennifer reminding that she had a cow's leg on her shoulder, which she called a "claustrofuck". After putting the cow down on the counter, Sous Chef Andi tasked the women to cut it with the saw, and Carrie mimicked a gun to her head. Only she, Jennifer, Amanda, and Jamie were seen cutting the meat, and when they were done cutting one part of it, they celebrated.
Later, the women were prepping their kitchen, and Elise rallied her teammates to review the menu. Krupa revealed that despite being punished all day long, they also studied very hard because they did not want to lose the service. However, when Elizabeth revealed that she did not know what was in the egg batter put over the Wellingtons, Elise whistled contemptuously, but did not feel at a disadvantage as she knew that the men were not thinking about the next service while being drunk. Finally, the women were confident that the men would not do what they were doing at that moment when they would come back.
Before service[]
When the men came back from their reward, the women were extremely focused on studying the menu, except Carrie, who wanted to have a glass of wine and talked with Brendan as she was tired of being punished. Both of them talked in a very flirtatious manner, Jennifer wondered what was up, Elizabeth knew that Carrie did not have her priorities at the right place, and when they got up to get something in the fridge, Carrie wished sweet dreams to Brendan by hugging him from behind. Seconds later, Carrie asked Brendan to come and see her, which he did, and when she revealed that she was not getting any exercise, he responded that he thought of a way for her to burn calories, which made everybody turning their heads towards them, before they went in the bedroom and closed the door.
The next day, both teams went in their respective kitchens to prep, and in the blue kitchen, Jonathon was happy that Palm Springs brought the team together, before declaring that the wolf pack would bring the A-game and mimicking a wolf scream. In the red kitchen, Elise organized the stations, Krupa was feeling an advantage over the blue team as they studied hard, and Jamie was extremely confident that they would have a great service and that it would be a turning point for the red team. During the day, Elise continued to rally her teammates, and then, Ramsay asked James to open Hell's Kitchen.
Dinner service[]
The Caesar salad was served tableside by Will and Carrie, as well as the prime rib by Krupa and Monterray. When Ramsay called the first ticket in the red kitchen, Gina and Jennifer were working on their first brisket salad, and the latter was determined to win as she wanted to prove that they were meant to be there. However, her first salad was containing squab instead of brisket, and Jennifer was embarrassed to have messed up the first salad, before being comforted by Gina. In the blue kitchen, Brendan sent his first appetizers, but Chino was still not ready with his risotto, and failed to communicate twice. Ramsay berated Chino for having his head in the rice, and Brendan compared him to a chipmunk on meth as he was too hyperactive. Finally, Chino sent his first risotto, but it was burned at the bottom, Jonathon compared it to somebody sitting in it, and when Chino sent his second attempt, it was burned as well. Ramsay trashed the pan in the garbage, asked Chino for a time on his third attempt, and was dismayed when the latter answered eight minutes. So, Ramsay was forced to send an incomplete table, and Chino acknowledged that he had to take the competition more seriously to prove that he belonged there. Ramsay threatened Chino that he would drag him out of the kitchen if he burnt another risotto. In the red kitchen, appetizers were being served at a good pace, but Carrie had trouble finding her way in the dining room, even being embarrassed when she discovered that she went to the wrong table. Ramsay pushed Carrie to serve her Caesar salads as appetizers were waiting, and she wondered what did she do to deserve being pushed like that while being amused at the same time. Because of her slowness, Ramsay asked her teammates to help her, which Krupa did while being dismayed that Carrie was behind only for Caesar salads. In the blue kitchen, Chino's third attempt at the risotto was accepted, Ramsay urged the men to keep the momentum that way, but Brendan was already ready with the sea bass for the following order when nobody else was ready to send their food. Brendan was berated for that mistake and urged to communicate, and Jonathon acknowledged that he forgot to communicate because he was too busy not to mess up. When Ramsay called the next ticket, he reminded the men to work together and communicate and ordered Brendan to drop another sea bass.
One hour into service, the women caught up with the men on entrées because of Krupa's help with Carrie's salads. Everybody sent their food to the pass in the blue kitchen, but Ramsay was suspicious that Brendan sent the sea bass he cooked ten minutes before. So, he asked Brendan if he did, which the latter answered he did not and started a fresh one. However, Ramsay was still suspicious and asked him to show the old one, and Brendan went to the garbage bin to search for it, only to tell Ramsay that he could not find it. Then, Ramsay asked Brendan if he was lying, threatened to turn the whole kitchen upside down, and asked him for the second time if the sea bass was old, which Brendan answered it was, therefore revealing that he lied. Ramsay was dismayed, Paul called a refire on the ticket, and Chino called Brendan an idiot as he was making a fool of himself. Ramsay schooled Brendan for turning him out after searching in the garbage bin. Brendan acknowledged that Ramsay was not a stupid person and was called out to blow smoke up his ass. Ramsay asked the men to start over while threatening Brendan with automatic elimination if he would lie again. In the red kitchen, Elise decided to lead her teammates vocally by yelling orders out loud, annoying Natalie, who told she had an awfully big mouth, and when Ramsay asked for a time, Elise called ten minutes, but quickly corrected herself by calling ten seconds. However, when Elise did, she pointed Ramsay with her tongs, annoying him, who told her he was not a dog. When Elise interrupted Ramsay while he was talking, she was called down, told to shut her big fat mouth and not point at him. When Elise went back to her station, she stayed quiet, and Jennifer thanked Ramsay for making her shutting up.
In the blue kitchen, the men were struggling to send an entrée out, Paul was angry as he was tired of getting his ass kicked, Will was pissed off as well, but Tommy was relaxed as he wanted to get his thing done correctly. When he sent his duck, it was overcooked. Will called it ridiculous, Paul asked Tommy to start his chicken over, and Ramsay was dismayed because of his mistake. Paul corrected himself by calling a duck refire. Ramsay pulled the team aside to remind them that no entrées left their kitchen before urging the men to get it together. In the dining room, customers started to lose their patience, and in the red kitchen, Ramsay motivated the women to keep their good momentum. Elise was determined to lead vocally as she did not want to lose, and when she did, entrées were leaving the kitchen at a good pace, before Krupa went to the dining room and started to slice the prime rib. Krupa knew that the women were rocking it out, was determined to keep that good momentum, and she finished to slice the prime rib at the same time that entrées arrived at the table. However, after serving the table, Krupa dropped the whole prime rib to the floor, making her feel like an ass. When she told Ramsay, the latter was shocked. He asked Monterray to help Krupa, called the latter butterfingers, and urged her not to drop the men's prime rib. Brendan was ready with his sea bass in the blue kitchen, but it was raw, which infuriated Will who told twice that he sucked. Ramsay berated the men for not serving one entrée before being kicked out of the kitchen. While going back to the dorms, Jonathon thought they were looking like a bunch of little sissy ass bitches, Ramsay asked the women to get four of them in the blue kitchen to complete the entrées, and Paul was furious about the fact that somebody else would finish what he started as he considered it the most infuriating thing that ever happened in his life. Back in the dorms, Jonathon slammed his water bottle on the floor, Will wished to be sent home while calling it the worst experience he ever had, Paul called it embarrassing to be kicked out of the kitchen, and pointed fingers at Brendan and Chino for not knowing how to cook. Then, Will declared that he did not sign up to lose, Tommy declared that he was as pissed as everybody else, before Will continued by saying that he did not come to the competition to be made a fool of, and that they should have taken notes to the women on the red team. In the kitchen, the women were sending entrées out in both kitchens, with Krupa, Carrie, Jamie, and Gina in the blue kitchen, and all of them were dismayed by the men's poor organization. When Ramsay called the last ticket, Carrie felt good about completing the men's tickets, and when she sent her Wellingtons and Krupa sent her sea bass, all of them were accepted. Ramsay congratulated the women for their good service, and Jamie was excited to have rock it out as it was an amazing feeling.
On the patio, everybody was finger-pointing everybody, especially Will, who targeted the communication issues with Tommy and Brendan, and Chino was annoyed that people were just there for themselves and rub salt in the wound by blaming everybody else. Finally, Brendan did not want to talk about it any longer, and the blue team went to the dining room, with Jonathon slamming a chair on his way out.
After Ramsay compared the service to a tale of two kitchens, Will, Paul, and Jonathon announced that Brendan and Chino should be eliminated. However, when Jonathon announced that Chino should be eliminated from those two, that led to an argument between them, where Chino accused Jonathon of clamming up after Ramsay left, and Jonathon to tell off Chino. After the fight, Brendan and Chino were called down, and during their pleas, Brendan told that he still had heart, declared that he wanted BLT Steak, and apologized for lying as it was not a reflection of who he was. Then, Chino declared that he was not done, but also admitted that he might not be as good as he thought, and added that he would get better at something despite his age. After Chino answered that he thought he was a better chef than Brendan, the latter was eliminated for his arrogance and lying during service, which Ramsay deemed unacceptable. During his exit interview, Brendan gave a shoutout to Carrie by telling he was his biggest fan and to call him.
After Brendan left, Ramsay urged Chino to get better, and informed the red team that one of them would have to volunteer to go to the blue team to level the numbers. After Ramsay made that announcement, Monterray interjected by declaring that they did not need anybody, which all of his teammates agreed with, but Ramsay stood his grounds by saying that they would not ruin his reputation. While being dismissed, Monterray was pissed about the idea of a woman coming to the blue team, Natalie was embarrassed for the men as they could not realize that they needed help, and Chino knew that he was Zen and that nobody could penetrate him, before declaring that he did not give care about what other people were thinking of him.
Ramsay's comment: "The only thing bigger than Brendan's ego are the lies that he tells, and I can't have that in Hell's Kitchen."