The fourth episode of Season 8 of Hell’s Kitchen aired on FOX, on September 29, 2010, airing as a double feature alongside the third episode. On that episode, one chef felt alienated by their team, an Italian themed service was a disaster for both teams, and an explosive argument occurred in the dorms.
Back in the dorms, the blue team were extremely happy that Raj was finally gone, and Rob even said it felt like he lost a 100-pound gorilla from his back. The men got beers out and toasted to a new beginning. Meanwhile, Jillian knew that the red team was pissed at her for defending Sabrina, but she did not care. Sabrina did not care as well as she believed she was improving more than the rest of the women. Also, Melissa told Gail that she was fearing things would get dirty now as they were supposed to be a team, and the two of them agreed not to let anything get too dirty inside the red team.
Team challenge[]
The next morning, the chefs headed down to the kitchens and met Ramsay, who asked if anybody was smoking. When almost half of the chefs confirmed that they were indeed smoking, Ramsay asked if they would stop for the next 48 hours as smoking could ruin their palates. Louis, who has been a smoker for the last 10 years, agreed to do so, but Trev felt that it was not the time or place to quit smoking. Then, Ramsay explained that a great chef could take something simple and turn it into a stunning dish. For their next challenge, Ramsay announced that the chefs would be working with ravioli, and gave them a demonstration on one of his own ravioli dishes that he made back in London. For the Ravioli Challenge, each team would have to make a unique ravioli dish, using any of the ingredients on the hot plate, with 30 minutes to cook them. After, Ramsay said that both teams would taste their dishes and rank them from first to last.
During the challenge, Sabrina had a hard time with the pasta maker, and a reluctant Melissa showed her how it was working. Then, Sabrina had a hard time opening up the kitchen fridge and asked Gail for help, leading Gail to refer to Sabrina as an immature 12-year-old. In the blue kitchen, Trev was helping out Louis, Russell, and Vinny with their dishes, calling himself a team player. However, Louis considered Trev a tool to be used and not a chef at all. Eventually, both teams cooked, plated their dishes, and began to taste their dishes for ranking, but Trev's dish was ignored by the blue team and was ranked sixth, much to Trev's dismay.
Before tasting their dishes, Ramsay asked if everybody was happy with the ranking, which they all were, but Trev. Gail told Ramsay that she wanted to move down to the sixth ranking as she had no confidence in her dish, and a reluctant Ramsay agreed, being surprised that Gail did not have a lot of confidence despite being an Executive Chef. The first pair up was Vinny against Melissa, who presented her chicken and pancetta ravioli with walnut cream sauce. Despite Ramsay getting concerned about the walnut sauce, he said that it worked well, and praised the dish for being balanced. Vinny presented his Swiss char bacon and mushroom ravioli with fontina cream, and while Ramsay praised it for tasting delicious, Vinny's ravioli were busted, and Ramsay chewed out Vinny for talking over him. So, Melissa scored for the red team, giving them the lead 1-0. The next pair was Rob against Jillian, who presented her eggplant, spinach, garlic, shallots, and ricotta cheese ravioli, which Ramsay praised the pasta for tasting good and Jillian for making the ricotta cheese exciting. Rob revealed his shrimp mouse ravioli with lemon zest and chive, and Ramsay said it tasted good despite being concerned by the word mouse. Because it was a hard choice, Ramsay decided to award both Rob and Jillian a point, making it 2-1 for the red team, making Rob happy that he made something Ramsay liked. The third pair was Russell against Nona, and while Nona’s bruschetta and quail egg ravioli was praised well, Russell's whipped ricotta and chili ravioli won over her, making it a tie at 2. The fourth pair was Emily against Louis. Emily's duck confit ravioli was praised for its flavor, but Louis' salmon mouse pine nut ravioli was spat out, and Ramsay called it the worst ravioli he had ever seen. So, Emily won the round, making it 3-2 for the red team. The fifth pair was Boris against Sabrina, and Ramsay warned the blue team that if Sabrina would score on that round, the red team would win the challenge. Boris’ feta spinach ravioli was deemed delicious, and while Sabrina's shrimp and oregano ravioli were also deemed delicious, it had busted ravioli. So, Boris won the round, making it a tie at 3. The final pair was Trev against Gail, who presented her braised short rib ravioli with sun-dried tomato paste. Ramsay said that the dish tasted nice, and after, Trev revealed his duck and arugula ravioli with mozzarella, with Russell thinking that the blue team was doomed as he had no confidence in Trev, due to the latter being a bartender. Despite Russell's concerns, Ramsay called Trev's attempt a bold move and liked it. Then, Ramsay revealed that one of the dishes was under seasoned, revealing that it was Gail's dish. So, Trev scored the point, and the blue team won the challenge 4-3.
Ramsay found it weird that Trev and Gail's dishes did not taste like the worst of either teams, and Trev revealed that the blue team did not even taste his dish, though Rob thought that Trev threw the entire team under the bus. Then, Ramsay had the blue team taste Trev's dish, and revealed that their next service was Italian Night, while telling Vinny that his ravioli dish, despite not scoring any points, was the most inspirational dish of all the chefs. So, Vinny's ravioli would be added to the following service’s menu, but Ramsay told him not to bust it.
Red Team | Blue Team | ||||
Chef | Score | Total | Chef | Score | Total |
Melissa | 1 | 1 | Vinny | 0 | 0 |
Jillian | 1 | 2 | Rob | 1 | 1 |
Nona | 0 | 2 | Russell | 1 | 2 |
Emily | 1 | 3 | Louis | 0 | 2 |
Sabrina | 0 | 3 | Boris | 1 | 3 |
Gail | 0 | 3 | Trev | 1 | 4 |
Results | 4-3 |
The blue team went on a trip to Palace Verde’s to an Oceanside resort, and got to travel there by helicopter, much to Boris’ excitement. During the helicopter ride, Louis compared it to flying as Superman, and Rob was able to cross off that experience from his bucket list. At the resort, the men played some golf and Vinny, despite having no interest in it, managed to get the closest to the pin, much to Rob’s amazement. At dinner, the men celebrated their victory, but Trev was not happy and felt that they did not act like a team during the challenge. Russell, who knew that Trev was still mad about them not tasting his dish, asked Trev if he would have won against Melissa in the first round, and while Trev said he thought so, he argued that he just wanted to be part of the team. However, Rob told Trev to stop stinking up their moment, but the argument continued. After calming down, Vinny told Trev that it was an honest mistake and apologized to him. After toasting again, Russell hoped that the blue team would regroup and win the next service. When the men got back to Hell's Kitchen, Vinny asked Trev if he would stop acting like a whiny bitch, and Trev, who had enough with the men, decided to befriend the women. Trev vented his problems to Gail and said that he would rather be on the red team. After, Trev jokingly asked Gail if she wanted to make out, but she refused to.
The women had to prep both kitchens for the following night’s service, and make pasta and mozzarella cheese from scratch. Sabrina blamed Gail's under seasoned dish as the one who lost the challenge for the red team, despite herself losing out as well, as Melissa pointed out. Jillian hoped that the red team's punishment would be a bonding experience as everyone of them was hating each other, and also felt that it was herself and Sabrina versus the other four. Later in the day, Sous Chef Andi informed the women that their milk delivery has arrived, but much to the shock of the red team, cows were brought for them to get farm fresh milk. Of the women, Nona had the least amount of problems milking her cow and felt that she should be on a farm. Sabrina was the only one who did not try and milk the cows, much to Emily and Melissa's annoyance. After milking their cows, Sous Chef Andi called the team back inside to progress prep. Later that night, Sabrina's constant questions continued to piss off Melissa and Emily, as they believed nothing they have said to Sabrina was registering with her. Sabrina even stated it was hard to do prep with people she did not like. Later that night, the women continued to prep as the men came back to Hell’s Kitchen and annoyed the women with their questions and trying to steal their food. Jillian told the men to make something delicious upstairs, leading Vinny to jokingly call himself delicious.
Before service[]
The next morning, both teams began prep for service, and Vinny revealed that he put in extra gel in his hair for Italian night. Both teams would be working with a new menu for that night, and Vinny found out that the ravioli filling was not prepared correctly, and compared the taste to glue. Then, Vinny showed Jillian how to properly make the ravioli filling, but Jillian thought that Vinny was throwing a fit about it.
When the teams were lined up, Ramsay asked how the 48-hour smoking fast was going. Trev revealed that he was still smoking, but Vinny stated that he stopped. Nona revealed that she has not smoked since yesterday as well, but Gail sheepishly admitted she smoked one cigarette the previous night. Ramsay reminded the chefs that it was Italian Night for that night’s service, and with a simple menu, Ramsay was hoping for all of them to complete service. After, Ramsay told James to open Hell’s Kitchen.
Dinner service[]
For Italian night, Ramsay created a menu that featured shrimp scampi, grilled pork chop, and chicken parmesan, along with Vinny's ravioli dish. Jack Osbourne was in attendance that night. The blue team got their first orders, and Russell wanted to prove how strong he was on the appetizers. Because of him, the blue team was off to a great start. In the red kitchen, Melissa brought up her appetizers, but forgot another order of ravioli needed. Melissa brought the second order up, but it was undercooked, and Ramsay lectured her on rushing it out and treating him like a fucking idiot. Sabrina said that Melissa's mistake made her look like a dumbass, and Ramsay urged one of them to help Melissa out. While the red team had not send any appetizers out, James came to the pass and told Ramsay that one of the blue diners was going to propose that night, and Ramsay told James to look after that table for the night. Because of Russell's strong efforts on appetizers, the blue team began to work on their entrées. Louis sent up his salmon to the pass, but it came out stone cold, and Ramsay told him to do better. Russell got annoyed as Louis could not grill salmon despite being a camp cook. In the red kitchen, Melissa hoped to redeem herself from her earlier mistake, but she failed to do multiplication when she said that three times three equaled six. That dismayed Ramsay, and warned Melissa that he would be watching her as she was scaring him for failing math. In the blue kitchen, Louis brought his pork out of the oven, but realized that he failed to get another pork chop ready for the ticket. Then, Ramsay saw Louis’ burnt pork chop and asked Sous Chef Scott if that was how they were cooking a pork chop, which Sous Chef Scott answered it was not.
One hour into dinner service, and Louis’ poor performance on the grill station was affecting the customers. In the red kitchen, Melissa has managed to bounce back from her earlier mistakes and her appetizers were being sent out to the dining room. Soon, the red team began working on their entrées, but Sabrina struggled on giving times to both her teammates and Ramsay. Then, Sabrina felt that her pork chop was not ready yet and told the team that she needed eight more minutes. Then, Melissa said that if Sabrina would sunk the team that night, she would be going home. Sabrina's inability to call out proper times frustrated Ramsay and asked if anyone could help her out. Melissa went over to help Sabrina out, but she was frustrated that Sabrina could not get her timings correct. Because of Melissa, the red team was finally able to send out their first table.
In the blue kitchen, Louis made a comeback and entrées from the blue kitchen were being sent out. Unfortunately, James’ brought back one of Rob's rock shrimp pizzas that was burnt on the bottom. Ramsay chewed Rob for hiding it from him, and sent him out to the bar area to eat it. Trev felt that it was not much of a punishment, but Rob was humiliated. In the red kitchen, Gail tried to communicate with Sabrina, but Sabrina's inconsistent timing confused Gail. While Sabrina admitted she might not be a team player as Ramsay said in the beginning, she also admitted she was a manipulative bitch. Sabrina brought up her pork, even though Gail was not ready with her pasta, and Sabrina knew that it made Gail look bad. Gail brought up her pasta, but it was raw and crunchy and Ramsay berated Gail for her comical performance despite her experience. In the blue kitchen, the men were still struggling with entrées and James informed Ramsay that the proposal table has been waiting a long time. So, Ramsay warned Louis not to let the couple break up before they got married, and Louis sliced his pork. Unfortunately, it was pink and Louis carried the pork in his hands to show it to Sous Chef Scott, who berated Louis for carrying it in his hands, and called him both a slob and a pig. Then, a frustrated Ramsay brought the men to the front and berated them for taking advantage of their reward, cooking like fucking idiots, and told them to either get a grip or fuck off. Boris decided to clean the dishes in the sink, but Ramsay was not happy about that as they were still cooking at the moment. So, Ramsay decided to eject Boris from the kitchen to wash the dishes in the back store and yelled that LA Market was not looking for a head chef in pans.
James came back to remind Ramsay that the proposal table had still not received their entrées. Louis brought up his chicken parmesan, but it was raw and a fed up Ramsay expelled Louis from the kitchen while telling him to take Boris with him on his way back to the dorms. Ramsay relocated Vinny to the meat station, and Russell gave the remaining blue chefs a pep talk. Vinny managed to send the table out to the dining room and saved the proposal table. In the red kitchen, they were only three tickets away from finishing. They managed to finish, but Ramsay told them to not celebrate yet, and ordered them to go and help the blue team finish their tickets. Russell was not happy about the red team coming over and even wanted to slap one of them. Despite being in one kitchen, both teams got confused on orders and Russell said that he sent up polenta to the pass despite the fact it was clearly not there. With nothing going on, and the pork chop on the pass dying, a fed up Ramsay ejected both teams from the kitchen, and had Sous Chefs Scott and Andi finish up service. A disappointed Trev thought that the red team's presence would help, but it became the opposite. Despite a miserable night, Ramsay and the Sous Chefs were able to get the proposal table’s dessert out, and the boyfriend proposed to his girlfriend, who said yes.
When both teams were lined up, a disappointed Ramsay said that they were all weak. Despite the fact that the red team completed their service, both teams were named joint-losers, and Ramsay told them to nominate two people for elimination.
Back in the dorms, Jillian asked if they would base their nominations on that night or on overall performance. Sabrina said that despite Melissa helping her out a lot, Ramsay got on her case that night. So, Sabrina voted for Melissa and Gail, but Nona thought that was an ungrateful move. Jillian also nominated Gail and Melissa, but Gail argued that she would fight for her life to stay no matter what. On the blue side, Vinny said that Louis and Boris were a no-brainer on who to nominate. However, Boris tried to argue that he did not do a terrible job and argued that Rob should be up for elimination due to his burnt pizza, but Trev told Boris not to cop out. Meanwhile, Nona told Melissa and Gail that they should not be up for elimination, and that Sabrina should be the only one up for the red team. They told the rest of the red team about their decision, but Jillian and Sabrina disagreed with it. This led to an argument between Sabrina and Melissa, where Sabrina said that she lost all respect for her entire team, even promising that she would make their lives a living hell if she would survive elimination.
Nona named Melissa as the red team’s first nominee, but when she stumbled on why Melissa was nominated, Sabrina told Ramsay that Nona did not nominate Melissa. However, Ramsay reminded Sabrina that he asked Nona for the nominations, and Nona gave a more clear explanation. After, Nona named Gail as the second nominee, but backtracked and said that Sabrina was the real one. Trev named Louis as the blue team’s first nominee, and Boris as the second. Ramsay agreed on the nominees and called all of them forward. During the pleas, Louis said that he would do whatever Ramsay told him to do, Boris argued that he was the most experienced chef on the blue team, Melissa said that she carried Sabrina throughout service, and Sabrina tried to argued that she had more great performances despite her inexperience, but Ramsay sternly warned Sabrina to never use her inexperience as an excuse again. After, Ramsay called Melissa and Boris' name and told them to get back in line, before eliminating Louis for his poor performance at the grilling station, and telling him to get back to camp. After Louis’ exit, Ramsay sent Sabrina back in line, and expressed disappointment that the chefs turned his expected success into failure. Before dismissing the chefs, he urged them to turn it around.
Ramsay's comment: "Louis the camp cook dreamed of fine dining, but the only thing I would trust him with is toasting a marshmallow. Kumbaya, my friend."
- This marks the only time a chef changed their nominee mid explanation during the Elimination Ceremony.
- This marks one of two times the Ranking Challenge was used.
- This marked the first time the red team completed service but still lost service together with the blue team.