Hell's Kitchen Wiki

The sixth episode of Season 5 of Hell’s Kitchen aired on FOX, on March 12, 2009. In that episode, Hell’s Kitchen catered for a Bar Mitzvah party, a new rivalry was born, and one team tried to usurp the “Best of The Worst”'s nominees.


Back at the dorms, LA felt terrible about Colleen's elimination as the red team lost their cheerleader. LA wondered if she made the wrong decision, but Andrea reassured the former that she made the right choice and got what she deserved. Andrea said that being up for elimination has humbled her, and she refused to let it happen again. Meanwhile, J looked at a picture of his son and broke down into tears as Giovanni gave him some reassurance. Then, J promised his son that he would never have another terrible service like the previous one.

Team challenge[]

The following morning, both teams made their way downstairs to see Ramsay. He told Lacey that she was starting to shine after the previous service and urged her not to stop. After that, Ramsay revealed that they would be catering for a Bar Mitzvah party for their next service. That news excited Ben as he was of the Jewish faith, and he gave a summary of what a Bar Mitzvah was. Coi said she catered a lot of Bar Mitzvahs and commented how much fun they were. Ramsay added they would take their customer’s favourite dishes and turn them into something special. So, Ramsay invited the Bar Mitzvah boy’s mom and grandma, Brenda and Sally, to help them out. Brenda and Sally explained to the teams that three of his favourite dishes were hamburgers, chicken soup, and brisket. Ben wanted to give Sally a big hug after hearing the dishes. Ramsay announced that for Bar Mitzvah Planning Challenge, each team would have to create gourmet versions of those dishes in 45 minutes.

Once in the kitchens, both teams quickly delegated who was cooking what and got to work. Robert wanted to do the hamburger dish since he knew what made up a good burger. Andrea asked Coi what she would do with the brisket in the red kitchen, and the latter said she was going to barbecue it. Coi knew what she liked when she was thirteen, while Ben told Lacey he had made upscaled Jewish food before. Ben thought he could shine for his people on the brisket. In the red kitchen, Carol said she wanted to do a blue cheese stuffed burger as she made those for her kids. Andrea wondered if a milder cheese was more appropriate. Still, Carol ignored the former as she wanted to sew Andrea's lips for talking too much. Coi echoed Andrea's concerns as the latter got annoyed by Carol's stubbornness. LA saw that Carol had a huge chip on her shoulder and thought she was better than them. Ten minutes left, J said it was nonstop cooking for the chicken soup as Lacey tripped while carrying the cutting board. Eventually, both teams had their dishes cooked and plated in time.

Afterwards, Ramsay revealed he would not be judging these dishes and has invited the Bar Mitzvah boy, Max, for the judging. However, Paula got nervous as they might have made the dishes too fancy for Max. For every dish Max liked, the respective team would score a point. The team with the most points won the challenge. The chicken soup round took place between Andrea and Giovanni. Giovanni presented a traditional chicken soup with pasta and rice balls for the blue team. It was well-received as Sally deemed it excellent. In contrast, Andrea presented the red team’s spring chicken soup with spring vegetables and pasta. As the family tasted the soup, Coi loved how Sally enjoyed their dish. Max liked both dishes but chose the blue team’s soup as he thought his friends would like it more, giving them the lead 1-0. On the next round, Ben presented the blue team’s classic brisket and talked about he was raised in a conservative Jewish family. However, that annoyed Paula. Max liked the dish's sweetness, and after, LA presented the red team’s braised brisket with cherry bbq sauce. As with the last round, Max liked both dishes, but he chose the red team’s dish, tying it at one each. Ben was disappointed as he thought his dish was spot on. The final round was the hamburger round, with Robert serving the blue team’s Kobe beef burger and Carol serving the red team’s blue cheese stuffed burger. Carol was not impressed by the greasy burger from the blue team and thought she had it for the red team. However, Giovanni knew Robert could make a mean burger as Max deemed it excellent. Carol's blue cheese stuffed burger was enjoyed by the family. Before Max could make his final decision, Carol and Robert tried to present their dishes as the better ones. Still, Ramsay told the two not to manipulate Max's decision. In the end, Max gave the blue team's burger the win as he did not like the cheese in the red team's burger. The blue team won 2-1, and Robert was proud they won on a burger. In contrast, Paula blamed Carol for not listening to their warnings on using blue cheese and got aggravated.


Blue Team Red Team
Dish Score Total Dish Score Total
Soup 1 1 Soup 0 0
Brisket 0 1 Brisket 1 1
Hamburger 1 2 Hamburger 0 1
Results 2-1


The blue team was rewarded with a trip to Skin Haven spa for a day of relaxation. As the blue team went to change, Danny was down for a massage even though he never went to a salon. During the reward, J admitted that he never got a facial before as he never spent money on spa days, while Giovanni said he looked twenty-one again. Robert said he considered himself a man for using a loofa, and Danny liked getting pampered. Elsewhere, Ben told Lacey that she really deserved the reward based on Ramsay’s comments, and the latter said she was having more fun with the blue team than she did with the red team.


After the blue team left for their reward, Ramsay reminded the red team how they lost on the burger. He asked who had the idea of using blue cheese in the burger, and Carol said she did as her kids liked it. However, Ramsay told Carol that blue cheese was forceful, and Andrea got mad because she suggested milder cheeses earlier. The red team was punished by decorating the dining room for the following night’s service. During the punishment, Brenda introduced Jean-Philippe to the party planner of the evening, Francisco the Party Planner. Jean-Philippe was unhappy about this and sternly told Fransisco not to interfere with his job. Fransico agreed to respect Jean-Philippe's boundaries as the red team came downstairs. Jean-Philippe introduced them to Fransico as his flamboyant attitude endeared the women. Coi called him fabulous, while LA called him parade gay compared to herself.

As the red team set up a dance floor based on a basketball court, Carol called it confusing as everyone went their own way. Andrea was annoyed by Carol's constant instructions while the latter revealed that they faked getting along since the beginning. Carol accused Andrea of being a stubborn leader. As the bickering continued, an annoyed Paula called it a headache as it was ruining the morale. When the red team hammered the floors together, Fransisco suggested they imagine hammering someone they hated.

Before service[]

Later that day, the blue team came back from their reward and saw the red team in the middle of their punishment. Paula was not impressed that they wore sunglasses inside as they went out of style ten years ago. The blue team went to the hot tub as Lacey liked sticking it to her former team.

The following morning, both teams went downstairs to begin prep for service. In addition to the regular menu, the winning dishes from the last challenge would also be featured on that night's menu. After both teams were finished, Ramsay had both teams lined up. He reminded them that this was Max’s special night and they must complete that night’s service no matter what. Ramsay was impressed with the dining room behind him, while Coi said she never knew Hell's Kitchen could look pretty. Francisco opened the doors to let people in, but Jean-Philippe was not impressed with his sports-themed Yarmulke. Both teams were on standby at their stations as orders were being taken. Then, Francisco introduced Max and service began.

Dinner service[]

Andrea sent up her first orders of risotto, but Ramsay wanted more mushrooms in them. Carol offered to help out, but Andrea said she did not want any help. That annoyed Carol as she felt Andrea was not a team player, but the latter said she had to relax and cook like normal. Andrea's next attempt was accepted, but Ramsay told her to wake up. As the red team’s appetizers were coming out, Jean-Philippe came to the pass and told Ramsay that Brenda had a request for the horah dance. Ramsay told the red team that they must participate in the horah dance and lift Max up in his chair as part of their second punishment. As they did so, Paula snarkily said this would be the only time Max got lifted up by girls. At the same time, Andrea knew there would be hell to pay if they dropped Max. The red team's punishment gave the blue team a chance to get ready for their tables, though Ben was jealous that he did not participate in the horah. The red team finished the dance and went back into the kitchen while the blue team pushed out their appetizers. J brought up his salads, but he accidentally dressed two salads when one was not supposed to be dressed. That caused Ramsay to order J to snap out of his funk while the latter called the screaming intimidating.

An hour and a half into service, all appetizers have been served. However, Ramsay did not want any entrées out until Max got his entrée served. After Ramsay called out Max’s table to the red team, Coi went into the pantry room to grab the burgers as she forgot about them, much to Ramsay’s frustration. Coi admitted that she did forget the burgers, but she argued that it happened to the best of them. Meanwhile, the younger diners were playing games in the dining room, but Jean-Philippe caught Francisco playing the basketball game instead of doing his job and reminded him that the games were meant for the children. Coi was getting her burgers ready in the red kitchen but found out they were sticking to the grill. When Coi set the burgers up, LA found out they were still rare and told her to put them back on the grill. When Ramsay impatiently asked for the burgers, Coi and Carol were forced to send them up. As feared, Ramsay felt they were cold and pushed the red team to touch them. LA went to help Coi out as the latter was not communicating with the team, but Coi claimed that they were hot when she pulled them off the grill. The second attempt on the burgers was deemed acceptable, and Max finally received his entrée. With Max’s table being served, the rest of the table could be served now. In the blue kitchen, Danny sent up his burgers, but Ramsay noticed that he got the bottom of his plates dirty. Danny claimed they were clean at his station, but they got dragged through different items when he brought them to garnish. Ramsay lectured Danny to check his plate and clean it before bringing it to the pass, while Ben called the latter a pig for not doing so. Coi brought up her brisket in the red kitchen, but Ramsay asked for more brisket. Carol tried to help Coi out on meat, but too many people were hovering around the station. Ramsay told the red team to spread out as there were many people on the meat station, and an annoyed Coi said she was close to blowing up. Then, LA and Coi bickered over how to slice the brisket. Lacey sent up her brisket in the blue kitchen, but it was stone cold. Ramsay reminded Lacey that all she had to do was reheat the meat, and most of the team said it was not difficult. As Ramsay kept asking Lacey, Robert tried to look for the old woman from the Wendy's commercial.

Two hours into dinner service, the red team struggled to get their last entrées out. Coi called out that she needed four minutes on her burgers, but the red team and Ramsay argued that it should not take that long. Then, Andrea and Carol got into an argument over the fries as the latter said they were not ready. Sous Chef Gloria stopped them before it would escalate, but Carol said she wanted to punch Andrea in the face. Everyone was having a great time in the dining room, and Francisco brought the cake over, only to accidentally drop it. That infuriated Jean-Philippe, and when Francisco tried to blame the former for turning around and startling him, Jean-Philippe said he had enough with him and called him ridiculous. Robert saw Jean-Philippe give Fransisco an ass whopping but thought the latter enjoyed it. In the meantime, both teams got their desserts out in great momentum. Paula said there was no choice but to complete service, while Giovanni noted there was great teamwork from the blue team. Near the end of service, Ramsay revealed to Max that he invited the Harlem Globetrotters for the party for his Bar Mitzvah. Danny called it unbelievable, and Robert said he remembered them from Scooby-Doo. Max had a special session with them and received his own personal Globetrotters jersey at the end. Andrea saw how happy Max was, and Carol noticed Ramsay laughing along with everyone. Lastly, LA thought Max would remember this moment for a long time.

Andrea apologized to Carol about their fry argument when the teams cleared down. However, Carol thought Andrea was trying to make her look bad due to the risotto incident and said she wanted to punch the latter in the neck. That angered Andrea, and she called Carol a bitch.


When both teams were lined up, Ramsay said he was happy that they made Max and his family happy with that night’s service despite the ups and downs. Despite that, Ramsay was still going to send someone home and based on the level of determination and performance; he named the blue team the winners. Then, Ramsay named Andrea “Best of the Worst” for the red team as she bounced back on her earlier mistake that night and told her to think of two people for elimination.

Back at the dorms, Carol got confused by Ramsay's decision as he picked what she thought was their weakest chef to be the “Best of the Worst.” LA disagreed with Ramsay's decision as she claimed Andrea messed up on every station in previous services. Coi told Carol that they had to tell Ramsay the truth about Andrea's performance that night if they were nominated. Later, Andrea confronted Carol about her threatening to punch her in the throat, but the latter argued she was joking even though she still stood by her word. Carol argued that she was treating Andrea like a co-worker, but the latter snarkily said she felt bad for the former's co-workers. Another argument occurred between them, while Paula felt no one stood out that night. Andrea was surprised that the rest of her team did not like that she was the “Best of the Worst,” and she had no idea who to nominate.


When Ramsay asked Andrea who her nominees were, she said she had no idea and called it challenging to single out people for mistakes that reflected on herself. An irritated Ramsay asked Andrea if she was mad as he gave her the responsibility to make the commitment. Eventually, Andrea named Coi her first nominee for elimination and LA as her second. Andrea claimed she nominated LA because the latter was cooking more like a line cook and not as a leader. However, LA found that funny as she gave it everything in services and challenges. Still, Ramsay accepted Andrea's nominations and called Coi and LA down.

During their pleas, LA said she had yet to show Ramsay her best side and called cooking her life. While not being a loud person, LA wanted to show Ramsay what she had. Then, Coi said she was a team player and a strong motivator for the red team. Before Ramsay could make his decision, Coi told him that Andrea was the worst performer on the red team that night. Ramsay asked Coi if she was trying to play mind games on him, but the latter stood by her word. LA and Carol agreed with Coi's statement that Andrea was the weakest performer. However, Paula did not and said Coi had the weakest performance. In the end, Ramsay eliminated Coi for her poor performance at the meat station. During her exit interview, Coi felt Andrea should be gone and was still angry that Ramsay did not see the latter as the worst.

After Coi left, Ramsay said that night was good but not perfect, and he expected a fresh start the following day. While being dismissed, LA promised to go in and show she was a leader, while Carol still said Andrea was the weakest chef on the red team. Then, Lacey called the red team a bunch of bitches, and she was happy they were focusing their anger on each other instead of herself. Lastly, Andrea was angry that everyone pointed fingers at her and called it uncalled for.

Ramsay's comment: "When this competition began, I thought Coi was gonna be a really strong chef. But tonight, she was exposed when she couldn't even cook a bloody burger."


  • This marks the final appearance of Fransisco.
  • Amongst the Harlem Globetrotters were Flight Time and Big Easy. They competed in three seasons of CBS' "The Amazing Race."
  • This marks the only time a team tried to mutiny off the "Best of the Worst."
Hell's Kitchen Season 5 Episodes
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