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The fifth episode of Season 21 of Hell's Kitchen aired on October 27, 2022. In that episode, the chefs served breakfast for emergency workers, a smelly punishment occurred, dinner service had minimal errors, and no one from the losing team was sent home.


While returning to the dorms, Mindy was not happy that the women nominated her for elimination, nor was she happy about losing every service and challenge. Mindy teared up as she refused to leave and let anyone down. Meanwhile, Billy confided in Abe that he felt Alex did not like him, but he did not care as he was not there to make friends. Abe knew that Billy’s attitude rubbed Alex the wrong way, and he did not like the latter as he was a wild person like Billy. Also, Abe said that while Alex might kill it in the challenges, the way to win Hell’s Kitchen was through services.

Team challenge[]

The following day at 6:13 AM, half of the chefs were awake while the others were still asleep. Suddenly, the fire alarm went off, and everyone ran outside, fearing the restaurant was on fire. Once outside, they see fire engines and ambulances at the front entrance, with emergency workers lined up on both sides. Ramsay said there was no fire, but he pointed out that the firefighters and EMTs put their lives on the line to keep others safe. So, Ramsay decided to reward the midnight shift workers by giving them breakfast, and it was up to the chefs to cook for them. Tara said her sister was an EMT for the army and said cooking for the emergency workers was an honor. Also, Sakari said his parents were retired police officers, and they gave him a sense of respecting the community and discipline. Ramsay said that the first team to serve all their dishes in the Emergency Workers Breakfast Service Challenge and ring the bell won.

After both teams changed into their jackets, Mindy said the challenge was important as she worked as a breakfast chef, and she wanted to win. Tara refused to go through another punishment, and the Sous Chefs went through the menu for the challenge. Each table would receive a pear salad, a pitcher of passion fruit cooler, and a plater of firehouse potatoes. The entrées included steak and eggs, pancakes, and a breakfast sandwich. The women received their first order, but Sommer refused to have anyone help her as she wanted to handle the appetizers alone. Still, Sous Chef Christina reminded Sommer that it was a speed challenge. In the blue kitchen, the men began cooking their first order, and Sakari revealed that he had started cooking with breakfast meals. Sakari wanted everything to go out perfectly, and he got his salads to the dining room. In the red kitchen, Ileana told Alyssa to help Sommer out with the salads, but Alyssa felt that the latter’s attitude was unnecessary when Sommer kept barking orders. In the blue kitchen, the men began firing entrées while the women were still on salads. Fortunately, Sommer got her salads accepted. Vlad walked up the steaks in the blue kitchen, but they were raw, as Ramsay said he wanted mid-rare. Still, Vlad felt Alejandro dropped the ball, as he knew they were better than that. In the red kitchen, the women began firing entrées, but Ileana burned the pancakes due to the stress of the challenge. Mindy told Ileana to turn down the heat as Ramsay demanded the pancakes. Fortunately, they were accepted, and the women pushed out entrées.

Alejandro asked Alex for a second opinion on his steaks in the blue kitchen and had Brett walk them to the pass. However, the steaks were mid well, and Billy told Alejandro to get it right. In the red kitchen, Dafne did not know how consistent Tara was due to the latter being new, only for Tara to see that Dafne built the sandwiches incorrectly. Tara decided to build them herself while Cheyenne got worried. In the blue kitchen, Ramsay demanded the New York striploins, but the third attempt was accepted. In the red kitchen, Tara and Dafne continued to bicker about the sandwiches, causing Ileana to say they should not be difficult. Still, the sandwiches were accepted, and both teams raced to finish first as they made it to their final tickets. Alex felt the men had it while both teams worked on their final ticket. However, the women got their final order out first, and Sommer rang the bell. The women won the challenge, making Abe angry that the men lost due to poorly made steaks.


The women were rewarded with a Hollywood Hills party at a local mansion with a Korean Mexican fusion cooked by Kogi. Ramsay asked Tara and Mindy if they were desperate to get out of the restaurant that day, and they said they were after three straight losses. Tara was thrilled to go on a reward and not be in the dorms. As the women went upstairs, Sommer said they needed it as it would build momentum. The women celebrated in the dorms as Dafne claimed she wanted that moment.

During the reward, the women made it to the mansion and took in the scenery before playing horseshoes. However, Alyssa found it hard to bond with the woman due to her personality clashes with Sommer, and she felt like an outcast. Dafne got worried about Alyssa due to the latter’s attitude, but she refused to let that ruin her fun. When Kogi arrived with lunch, Dafne said she wanted everything on the menu, and Ileana gave it 15,000 out of ten. Tara felt all the fat was gone and said she was stress-free for the first time in Hell’s Kitchen.


The men were punished by participating in trash sorting day. Ramsay asked Alejandro and Alex if they wanted to use their Punishment Passes, with Tara threatening to cut either of them if they used their passes on her. Still, Alejandro and Alex decided not to use them. As the men went back upstairs, Alejandro said it sucked to see the women win the reward and said it was time to take the punishment on the chin.

During the punishment, Sous Chef Jason told them where to separate the garbage, as Vlad called it the worst thing he had done. A wind gust caused most to gag from the smell, and Billy said he would stay clear of fish after that day. Then, Billy had a piece of garbage fall into his crocs. Later, Abe and Alex built the compost bins, but Brett felt they were taking too long. Billy told Alex to get in there and help them, but the latter got annoyed by the former’s attitude again. On the other side, Billy got mad that Alex was taking the easy out on the punishment and mockingly called the latter Tim the Tool Man.

Before service[]

After the punishment ended, Abe scolded Billy for running his mouth again, but the latter said he was not trying to burn bridges. Abe told Billy he was losing support from everyone due to his attitude, which the latter tried to brush off.

Later that evening, both teams prepped for service and got themselves organized. Once everyone was ready, Ramsay told Matthew to open Hell’s Kitchen.

Dinner service[]

Loni Love and Cameron Esposito were in attendance that night, along with a bachelorette party. The women received their first order, though Alyssa felt nervous as it was her first time on appetizers. Despite believing everyone considered her a weak chef, she wanted to prove her team wrong. Still, Cheyenne called Tara and Alyssa working at the same station together a nightmare and hoped they communicated. Ramsay saw that Alyssa’s flatbreads did not have cheese, but the latter fixed that mistake, and the women sent their first orders of appetizers.

Twenty minutes into service, Abe said he had never made carbonara before and felt nervous about getting that rhythm. Alejandro tried to help Abe, but the latter pushed him aside. Still, Alex felt that Abe came off combative as the latter served undercooked carbonara. Vlad said that carbonara was the easiest item on the menu as Abe worked on the refire. Fortunately, it was accepted. In the red kitchen, the women began working on entrées, with Ileana getting help from Dafne. Ileana deemed the meat station a rhythmic station due to the three steps, and she got the meat entrées accepted. Ramsay showed Ileana and Dafne a perfectly cooked rack of lamb and urged them to keep the momentum going. Ileana was stunned that Ramsay complimented her food and felt she was on cloud 9. The men worked on their first entrée order in the blue kitchen as Vlad directed Billy on meat. Still, Billy thought he knew meat more than Vlad did, while the latter called the former a ticking time bomb he must control. As the men walked their entrées, Ramsay saw that Billy and Vlad were missing a Wellington. Vlad walked the missing Wellington as Billy accused the former of giving him the wrong order, which he did. Billy accused Vlad of burning him as the order went out. Cheyenne felt they were a well-oiled machine in the red kitchen and hoped to keep the momentum up. However, Cheyenne did not fire a salmon on order and was forced to tell Ramsay and the women the truth. Ramsay feared the New York Striploins would be overcooked in six minutes, but Ileana swore it would not happen. Still, Ileana did not want to drop the ball and wanted that salmon to be perfect.

Ninety minutes into service, the men received their next order, and Ramsay told Billy to fire desserts. Vlad felt confident he could cook meat and bring it home, only to be unresponsive to Sakari’s questions. Sakari felt that Vlad was not listening to anyone and did not have a voice. Then, Vlad’s lamb came out mid well instead of mid-rare, with Billy feeling that Vlad could not handle meat alone. In the red kitchen, the women were working well on getting their orders out as Cheyenne’s salmon was accepted. Vlad had Abe and Brett feel his lamb refire in the blue kitchen, which was soon accepted. Afterwards, both teams finished the service without any problems.


After both teams lined up, Ramsay deemed that night the best service they had since they started, but he deemed the women the winners for having the edge. Alyssa felt good to win and see a man go home. Ramsay told the men to nominate three people for elimination.

During deliberation, Vlad refused to go up for elimination as he felt Billy was the weakest link. When asked about the Wellington incident, Billy told the men that Vlad gave him the wrong amount, but the latter felt he would have been more comfortable on meat without Billy. As for the lamb, Billy said he was not involved with them as he was called to fire desserts and told Vlad to own up to his mistakes. Brett felt that they should nominate meat and nominate the third person they felt was the weakest. Sakari considered Alejandro the third nominee, which Alex agreed with as the latter struggled on steaks that morning. Still, Alejandro nominated Abe for lashing out at him when he tried to help and for being slow on the carbonara. Alex thought Abe’s attitude was a little combative, and Brett voted for the latter. Abe did not understand why he was considered for elimination, but Alex thought the former was abrasive to any criticism he got. Still, Abe accused Alex of having an ego and thought he was better than the latter for having a drive.


After the men came downstairs, Ramsay said that although he was happy to get a good service, they still lost, and the competition must continue. Sakari announced Vlad as the men’s first nominee, Billy as the second, and Alejandro as the third. During their pleas, Billy said he was a fighter who brought much energy to the team, but Ramsay asked him what happened to meat. Billy said they were fine until he went to desserts, but Vlad argued against that. Ramsay asked who was responsible for the overcooked lamb, and Vlad said Billy was. Still, Billy claimed that Vlad told him it was okay. Then, Vlad said he took the leadership role that night and did not want to leave, while Alejandro said he did not want to be judged on one bad day. Still, Ramsay reminded Alejandro that he ran a successful restaurant back home and deemed his performance a letdown. After listening to their pleas, Ramsay sent Alejandro back in line before announcing that no one was leaving Hell’s Kitchen that night.

After Billy and Vlad went back in line, Ramsay said that because the men had their second successful service in a row, he decided to give them a pass. However, Ramsay told them not to go backwards. While being dismissed, Billy was thrilled to stay and said he would bounce back, while Vlad wanted to step up and refused to drop the ball any longer. Then, Tara felt the women would soar over the men as they were the team meant to be.

Ramsay's comment: "Tonight, each who stumbled bounced back, so I'm giving them a second chance. Tomorrow, they might not be so lucky."


  • Title Reference: The title refers to the Emergency Worker Breakfast Service Challenge.
  • This is the first episode since Episode 1804 - Hell Freezes Over where nobody left the competition in any shape or form.
  • This episode was pre-empted in several of Fox's network affiliates in Florida and Maryland due to simulcast Thursday Night Football coverage of the Buccaneers-Ravens game.
  • This is the first time two Punishment Passes were offered to be used.
  • With this episode, Season 21 ties with Season 20 for the most times Ramsay asked for three nominees in one season, with two.
Hell's Kitchen Season 21 Episodes
Let the Battle BeginJust Wingin' ItClawing Your Way to the TopSlipping Down to HellBreakfast 911Til Chef Do Us PartWok This WayGame On!Putting the Carne in CarnivalEveryone's Taco'ing About It21st Annual Blind Taste TestWhat in Hell's Kitchen?The Fab Five Take FlightLights, Camera, Sabotage!A Finale for the Ages, Part 1A Finale for the Ages, Part 2