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The sixth episode of Season 16 of Hell’s Kitchen aired on Fox on November 4, 2016. In that episode, the chefs cooked by the alphabet, a Family Night dinner service took place, and one team conspired to sabotage one of their own.


While going back to the dorms, Devin claimed that he was not trying to throw either Andrew or Johnny under the bus, but the former was annoyed that Devin was still around as he felt that he sucked at cooking, before accusing him of still being hostile towards him. Then, Devin said he hated being attacked by his teammates, which he deemed were part of a clique, and declared he would watch his own back as nobody else would.

Team Challenge[]

The next day, both teams came downstairs to find Ramsay standing in front of library books, and after he welcomed them to the Hell’s Kitchen library, he revealed the one connection cooking and kitchens had were cookbooks. For the Ingredient Crossword Challenge, each team would be using books to decide what they would be cooking as they would be spelling out their ingredients. However, Devin revealed that he sucked at spelling words as English was not his strongest subject at school. One at a time, each chef would grab a book that had a letter on it, spell out what ingredient they wanted to cook with, and then the next chef would spell out the next ingredient by sharing the letters on the board. That excited Heather as she deemed the men dumb as rocks.

The chefs had five minutes to spell out their words, and Johnny and Aziza were the first chefs from their teams to spell. While Kimberly wanted tenderloin, Shaina convinced Aziza to use chicken, much to the former’s annoyance as it was versatile but a boring ingredient, before recalling how Shaina kept calling out chicken during the Protein Identification Challenge. Meanwhile, Matt told Johnny to lay out the letters in a good place. Johnny spelled out ribeye while Aziza spelled out chicken. However, Wendy got dismayed as the latter spelled it out on the center of the board, meaning that they had very little side to work off from. Matt decided to spell out crab, but that dismayed the men as they wanted rice instead. As the spelling continued, Ryan spelled out carrot, Paulie spelled out yam, Wendy spelled out lime, which Heidi deemed an ingredient she could work with, Kimberly spelled out beans, and Andrew spelled out bacon. While the women wanted Heidi to spell out bacon, she had no idea where to place it as the intersection letters would not work out. Meanwhile, Devin struggled to find out where to spell out onion, and Paulie deemed him not the sharpest tool before accusing Devin of performing Japanese algebra. Eventually, Devin managed to spell out onion, while Heidi decided to spell out turnip, and while Koop spelled out okra, Heather struggled to find a place to spell out snap peas before deciding to leave it as snap on the board. As time was running out, Shaina spelled out pea, and while Johnny decided to spell out pea as well, he dropped the A on the board but managed to get it back up on time. After the time was over, the men questioned the women’s word choices for snap and pea, and Ramsay disqualified that ingredient.

The chefs had 45 minutes to create an entrée dish using their chosen ingredients and could choose to use how many of them they wanted. While the women had different ideas on what ethnicity they wanted to cook their chicken, Devin’s idea was poorly received by Andrew, who called it an awful-sounding dish but decided to let Devin cook it as he wanted the latter gone. In the red kitchen, Kimberly had no idea what to make with the women’s ingredients and wondered how they could use them to make seven chicken dishes that stood out from each other. Paulie came up with crab-stuffed okra in the blue kitchen for his dish as he wanted to do stuff more technical. In the red kitchen, Aziza discovered that her chicken was not properly cooked but was forced to plate it. Eventually, both teams managed to get their dishes cooked and plated on time. Because the women had an extra person, Ramsay asked for one of them to step down. After a short discussion, Aziza’s dish was pulled off for having raw chicken, even though she was annoyed she had yet to show Ramsay her creativity.

Each dish would be scored on a 1-5 ranking based on presentation, creativity, and taste, and the team with the most points at the end would win the challenge. The men were up first, and Paulie presented his grilled ribeye with crab-stuffed okra. Ramsay noted that the presentation looked strange, the okra was criticized for being improperly prepared and raw, the purée was deemed slimy, and he deemed the horribly cut ribeye the worst he saw that year. So, Paulie scored only one point, and he was annoyed as he was not used to being at the bottom. However, Ramsay warned Paulie that while he could get defensive, he would not kiss his ass over raw okra. When Paulie asked if anything was redeeming about the dish, Ramsay said that the plate was that aspect before telling him get back in line. That led an annoyed Devin to tell Paulie to stop acting that he was better than anybody else, and when he presented his dish, Andrew felt that Devin’s critique would be interesting. However, Devin’s grilled ribeye with mustard glazed sautéed crab was praised for looking like an actual ribeye, having a delicious taste to it, having a good mustard component, and he scored 4 points. Then, Matt’s ribeye topped with crab imperial was praised for being delicious but criticized for having a clumsy plating on the crab, and he scored 3 points, while Johnny’s sweet and spicy grilled ribeye with a fried egg and fried okra was praised for having a perfectly cooked steak, and he scored 3 points as well. Then, Koop’s southern style ribeye Oscar and yam hash were praised for having a béarnaise sauce along with a delicious hash, and he scored 4 points. Andrew was the final person from the men to compete, and he presented his seared ribeye with a pea and truffle purée. However, Ramsay called it the most meniscal dishes he has seen so far, and when he asked Andrew why he did not add okra or yams to the dish, the latter answered that he felt they were not needed. Then, Ramsay criticized the sear for being insufficient, the dish for being plain, Andrew scored 2 points, and Devin smugly said that he beat the latter that day. In the end, the men ended with 17 points, which made Ryan feel like it should not be a difficult task for the women.

Kimberly was the first chef from the women to have her dish judged, and she presented her Asian-inspired chicken infused with ginger, lemongrass, and cilantro. Ramsay deemed the dish delicious, praised the presentation for looking colorful, and Kimberly scored 4 points. Then, Heidi’s curry chicken breast with brown butter carrot was praised for the fragrant ginger smell that matched well with the spice, and she scored 4 points as well. However, Wendy’s Latin-inspired chicken was criticized for an unsexy presentation despite having crispy skin, and she scored 2 points. Then, Heather’s honey ginger lime chicken was hard for Ramsay to swallow, and she scored only one point, while Shaina’s southern fried chicken was criticized for being cooked to hell and being dry, which annoyed Kimberly as the latter was the one that pushed for that protein, before declaring that Shaina sucked. So, Shaina scored only one point, and Ryan was the last person on the women to have her dish judged. She presented her Asian-inspired chicken breast, and while she hated her teammates for leaving it all up to her, Ramsay praised the dish for being tasty. In the end, while Ramsay deemed Ryan’s dish the best of the women, he gave her only 4 points, and the men won the challenge 17-16. While Devin was happy the men won the challenge, he was waiting for a thank you from Andrew and Paulie.


Blue Team Red Team
Chef Score Total Chef Score Total
Paulie 1/5 1 Kimberly 4/5 4
Devin 4/5 5 Heidi 4/5 8
Matt 3/5 8 Wendy 2/5 10
Johnny 3/5 11 Heather 1/5 11
Koop 4/5 15 Shaina 1/5 12
Andrew 2/5 17 Ryan 4/5 16
Results 17-16


The men were rewarded with a bumper car experience on ice and eating a steak dinner, which excited Devin as he was looking forward to a great steak. During the reward, while Koop called bumper cars a thing he liked to do back home, he deemed bumper cars on ice a first for him, and Johnny felt like a six-year-old again before calling it awesome. During dinner, Koop said that it was great to spend some time outside the restaurant but knew that the men still had a lot of work to do. Despite winning challenges, they looked like rejects come dinner service. While Devin suggested that they tone down the yelling in the kitchen, Paulie and Andrew disagreed with that idea, and an annoyed Devin felt that the two acted like they were better despite having the worst two dishes in the challenge. However, Andrew said he was loud due to being from Philadelphia and told Devin to get out if he did not like his yelling, and Matt commented they could not work together despite thinking that they were.


Ramsay informed the women that the following service would be Family Night, and their punishment was to help Marino with his chores which included inflating balloons, resetting the dining room, and baking a special batch of cookies for the kids. Then, Ramsay called Marino out to the dining room, and after the latter dumped a whole container of crayons to the floor, Ramsay added that the other thing was to organize the crayons into packs with one of each color. During the punishment, Shaina complained about her aching back.

Later, both Ryan and Heather shared a hatred of baking, and when Shaina refused Heidi’s request of counting their cookie batches and whipping down a dirty counter, Kimberly complained that she was not used to working with lazy people like the latter and commented that she would have fired Shaina’s ass already if it was her business. That led to an argument between Kimberly and Shaina as the former accused the latter of following her around and reminded Shaina that they were in the kitchen because she could not cook chicken. However, Shaina argued she was not watching over Kimberly and tried to keep her voice down so she would not stoop to the latter’s level.

Before service[]

After completing their punishment, the women decided to go to bed early at 9:32 pm, while Devin decided to sleep around that time as well. Later that night at 11:44 pm, Koop asked how the men could win dinner service, and Andrew suggested that everybody had to take care of their own station before declaring that if any of them messed up, they would be nominated. The rest of the men agreed with that idea, and Andrew deemed it a turning point for the men.

The next day, both teams began prepping for Family Night and reviewed the kid’s menu for that night. While most of the women were excited to see kids as they loved them, Heather noted that Wendy was the only chef in the red that was not a mother and wanted to make the kids happy as that would make the parents happy. After reminding both teams of what to do, Ramsay asked Marino to open Hell’s kitchen for Family Night.

Dinner Service[]

Lauren Lapkus and Ciara Hanna were in attendance that night, and in addition to the kid’s menu, a special quesadilla station was manned by Andrew and Kimberly. Recalling how his teammates threw him under the bus after the previous service, Devin wanted to prove to them that he was a top competitor. However, Devin was late on his grilled cheese, and when he sent it up, it was raw, causing an annoyed Paulie asked how Devin could mess up on a grilled cheese. In the red kitchen, Heidi pushed Shaina to put her pizza in the pizza oven, and despite her warning about it needing a few more minutes, Shaina ignored Heidi and sent it up to the pass. However, the pizza was raw, and an annoyed Heidi felt that Shaina should listen to her next time as Ramsay asked the latter if she fed her children raw dough. Despite neither team serving any appetizers, the kids were distracted by the activities in the dining room, and in the red kitchen, Shaina’s refire was accepted. With the women pushing out appetizers, they moved onto entrées, and Aziza decided to be ahead by having all her garnishes ready for the entrées to be served. However, Ramsay caught Aziza cooking way too many garnishes stacked further away from her station, and an annoyed Heather asked the latter what she was doing as they had no proteins ready.

One hour into service, Devin’s refire was accepted, and on their next ticket, Paulie said that he liked kids despite owning a dog and a cat and deemed him a kid at heart. However, Paulie sent up a raw burger, Ramsay brought the entire men to the back pantry and yelled that while he may not care for waiting, he cared a lot about waiting for raw food. Johnny asked for somebody to help Paulie out, and Koop said that the latter was losing credibility as a chef. After going back into the kitchen, Paulie was able to get the refire accepted, and the men were starting onto entrées. While Johnny and Matt communicated on times, Paulie sent up his sea bass without telling the two, and Johnny was annoyed as he was not ready on sea bass garnish. Then, while Johnny was able to send up the garnishes, Matt was waiting for his steaks to rest, and then, Ramsay not only discovered that Johnny’s eggs were raw, but so was Paulie’s sea bass. Johnny blamed Paulie for rushing him, Ramsay ordered the latter not to open his mouth unless he wanted something in there and deemed their performance embarrassing. Aziza has recovered from her garnish mishap in the red kitchen and sent them up to Ramsay’s approval. While entrée orders were being sent out, Wendy revealed that she grew up on a farm and did not like the taste of gamey meat before comparing the smell of lamb to a milk cow. However, while Heather gave out a time for her salmon, Wendy did not, and Heidi tried to urge her not to slow down. Then, Wendy’s lamb was raw, Ramsay said that it still had its fur on, and an annoyed Ryan felt that they were falling apart. As a result, a dismayed Wendy was forced to start over, and customers were beginning to grow impatient.

Two hours into service, Ramsay caught Heather cooking the salmon refire with the skin side up instead of down, but she argued that she did not want to ruin the skin, hoping to bang it out with no more mistakes. However, Heather’s salmon was raw and cold, Ramsay scolded her for that and reminded the women that it should be cooked skin side down as he smashed it to bits. In the blue kitchen, the men were able to push out entrées, and soon after, Heather’s third attempt was accepted. Despite some bumps, both teams were able to complete service with no other problems.


When both teams were lined up, Ramsay deemed the service an embarrassment. There were problems on every station before naming both teams’ joint-losers and asking them to nominate two each.

During deliberation, Ryan called the previous two days a frustrating experience, claimed her teammates were not pulling their own weight, and felt their poor performance that night was the icing on a cookie. While Shaina asked which station went down that night, Ryan bluntly said every station went down before the former accused Aziza of going down the most. However, while Aziza admitted she was overzealous at the start, Ryan reminded her she was not consistent that night, even though Aziza felt she was getting pinned the blame when others shared it. Then, Heather argued she had only one fish sent back that night, and while Wendy recalled her raw lamb incident, she felt she was doing well for the rest of that night. With the second nominee between Heather and Wendy, Shaina struggled to decide who to put up.

On the blue side, Johnny reminded the men about the promise they made the previous night before deeming Devin and Paulie as the ones who struggled the most that night. However, Koop did not recall what went wrong with Devin, and the latter said that apart from the raw grilled cheese, he did well that night. However, Matt enforced the promise made last night, but Devin had no idea what was going on as he was sleeping around that time and was angry that they did that before confronting them. When the men asked Devin who he would nominate instead, he picked Johnny for the raw spinach and for poor performances in challenges, but Paulie called him delusional, leading to a fierce shouting match.


Johnny announced Paulie as the men’s first nominee, with Devin as the second, and Ryan announced Aziza as the women’s first nominee, with Wendy as the second. During their pleas, Paulie claimed that he brought everything to the table and said no excuse for his poor performance. When asked by Ramsay if he was a better chef than Devin, Paulie said yes as he worked better with a team than the latter. However, Devin believed he was moving up the ladder by not repeating his mistakes, while Wendy felt strong until that point and knew she could fight back. However, Ramsay reminded her that her lamb still had its wool on the pass, and Wendy admitted that she got inside her own head. Then, Ramsay asked Aziza what happened that night, and she believed that she got too far ahead over her sides and that her drive came from the kitchen. However, Ramsay told Aziza that she fitted the definition of the lights are on but no one’s home. After, Ramsay sent Devin and Wendy back in line before commenting on how hard it was to pick either Aziza or Paulie as both had their worst performances that night. In the end, Aziza was eliminated for her poor performance on garnish, but before leaving, Ramsay praised her for being passionate. During her exit interview, Aziza felt she was not the weakest chef but appreciated the lessons she learned during Hell's Kitchen and was ready for the next chapter.

After Aziza left, Ramsay warned both teams that he would not tolerate another service as they had, and he would be cutting chefs at a faster rate if it happened again. While being dismissed, Devin wanted to prove them all wrong and that he was not the weakest chef on the men, while Ryan was unsure of where the women were heading as they should be getting stronger and not worse. Then, Wendy felt that she had a wake-up call before declaring that she was coming back stronger.

Ramsay's comment: "Aziza has four kids at home. I think they need her more than I do unless, of course, they're hungry."


  • Title Reference: The title refers to the women's arguments during the punishment and post-mortem.
  • This marks the final time to date a Family Night service was used.
Hell's Kitchen Season 16 Episodes
When the Wall Comes Tumbling DownCrepe Grand PrixThe Yolkes on ThemSurf Riding & Turf FightingWalking the PlankLet the Catfights BeginDon't Tell My FiancéDancing with the ChefsSpoon FedDancing in the GrottoAerial ManeuversFusion ConfusionBlack Jacket LoungePlaying Your Cards RightTequila Shots?Leaving It on the Line