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The third episode of Season 15 of Hell's Kitchen aired on Fox, on January 27, 2016. In that episode, Ramsay tested the chef’s communication skills, one team threw more food to the trash than they served at dinner service, and one chef went against their team's nominee choices.


While going back to the dorms, Meese accused Ariel of being a bitch since the beginning. While Meese wanted to forget the snapper incident after that night, she told Ariel not to touch other people's food or call out people's numbers. However, Ariel argued that they needed to bring out dishes and said that Meese could not even be a dishwasher at her own restaurant before suggesting she should be a telemarketer to talk about irrelevant things.

Meanwhile, Jared openly told Ashley everybody has been asking when they were going to sleep together, the latter revealed she got some work on her boobs, and Jared offered to open them up for her. Then, Jared admitted he was a flirt and that his vice was women before giving Ashley a foot massage, much to the bemusement of the rest of the chefs.

Team challenge[]

The next day, the chefs came downstairs, where Ramsay greeted them in French. While the chefs could not understand what Ramsay was saying, Chad was able to translate Ramsay called the previous service an embarrassment. However, Alan was not impressed Chad could speak French and called him a kiss ass. After, Ramsay explained he trained in France as a young chef and got his ass kicked as he had to communicate with the other chefs non-verbally because he could not speak French at the time. Then, Ramsay pointed out despite the fact the chefs could speak English, last night proved they could not communicate and introduced the Jacket Challenge to fix it. Sous Chefs Aaron and Christina gave the chefs jackets that had recipes on the backs, and Ramsay said the only way to execute the dish properly was to have their teammates describe it to them.

The chefs had 40 minutes to cook their dishes, and Jackie was able to decipher Ashley's recipe as cheeseburger sliders. Frank 's dish was the same, but he felt that a regular burger was not impressive and decided to add smoked paprika to the dish. Vanessa and Frank were able to decipher Ariel and Jared's dishes as spaghetti carbonara, while Chad and Meese deciphered Hassan and Kristin 's dishes as spanakopita, but the latter was concerned as she never made a spanakopita before. Then, Ashley deciphered Jackie's dish as eggplant parmesan, and the latter got confident as she made that dish before. Meese's dish was revealed to be a fish sandwich, and while Alan deciphered Eddie 's recipe as taquitos, Dannie incorrectly deciphered Manda 's dish as a burrito. Fifteen minutes left, Joe and Ashley deciphered Kevin and Vanessa's dishes as cheesesteak, but while the latter was confident about it, Ramsay told her she was cooking with no gas on. Seven minutes left, Kristin had Meese read out her recipe again as she was not sure her spanakopita looked correct, and it turned out that Meese failed to read out that Kristin had to lay out the pastry into strips first. Kristin was angry at Meese for failing to communicate with her and was forced to start over, but Meese felt that it was Kristin's fault the dish was not made properly. Eventually, the chefs got their dishes cooked and plated on time.

Before judging, Ramsay announced that he would be judging each dish head to head, and Kristin and Hassan were up first with their spanakopita dishes. However, Ramsay was shocked that Kristin only had one spanakopita on her plate, called the presentation disgusting due to it being soggy, and Kristin declared that she epically bombed liked the Titanic. After Hassan's spanakopita was deemed delicious, he scored a point, and the men led 1-0 as Kristin sarcastically thanked Meese. On the next round, Ashley's cheeseburger sliders were deemed good, but Frank arrogantly believed that the former's burgers were too basic. However, Frank's sliders were criticized for the added liquid smoke as Ramsay only wanted him to recreate the recipe that was on his back, and an annoyed Jared claimed that he wanted to shake Frank by the neck for that. So, Ashley scored that round, the score was a 1-point tie, but Frank arrogantly claimed that Ashley only won because he lost. In the third round, Manda's burrito was disqualified as the recipe was for taquitos, and she got mad at Dannie for messing her up. Eddie's taquitos were praised for the right heat, he won that round, and the score was 2-1 for the men. While Meese's fish sandwich was praised for being glistening and moist, Alan's was criticized for not having a lot of color. So, Meese won that round, and the score was tied at 2. On the fifth round, Vanessa's cheesesteak was criticized for tasting bland, with Ramsay asking her if she was allergic to salt, while Kevin's dish scored that round, and the score was 3-2 for the men. While Ariel's spaghetti carbonara was deemed tasty, Jared's dish was praised for being cooked properly, both tied that round, and the score was 4-3 for the men. On the seventh round, Joe and Jackie presented their eggplant parmesan's, and she needed to score to keep the women afloat. While Joe's dish was praised for being crunchy and delicious, Jackie revealed that she cooked hers in the pizza oven, but Ramsay pointed out that it was still raw in some places. So, Joe won that round, and the men won the challenge 5-3. Ramsay handed back Jackie her diapers, and she felt disgraced as she did not execute an eggplant parmesan properly despite being Italian.


Red Team Blue Team
Chef Score Total Chef Score Total
Kristin 0 0 Hassan 1 1
Ashley 1 1 Frank 0 1
Manda 0 1 Eddie 1 2
Meese 1 2 Alan 0 2
Vanessa 0 2 Kevin 1 3
Ariel 1 3 Jared 1 4
Jackie 0 3 Joe 1 5
Dannie NJ 3 Chad NJ 5
Results 5*-3
* Chad and Dannie's dishes were not judged due to the challenge ending prematurely.


The men were rewarded with a trip to Bacara Resort in Santa Monica for mixology classes and foot massages. During the reward, Alan was taken away by the view and called it the VIP treatment, and Chad remarked that he has never been to a spa before and said that Ramsay rewarded those who won. Jared decided to have his foot massage and was amazed by the masseuse's abilities. Later, the men received their mixology lessons, with Joe smitten by the mixologist's accent, and even asked her to marry him, while Chad noticed how she pronounced cucumber.


The women were punished with taking in a delivery of 100 pounds of sea bass and prepping it for the following service. Back at the dorms, Kristin was still angry that Meese did not even attempt to help her with the recipe and asked the women if everybody knew the proper way to make spanakopita, with everyone saying yes. However, an annoyed Meese refused to accept responsibility for it.

During the punishment, Ashley complained about how terrible cleaning out the sea bass was, but Manda did not mind it and was willing to gut out anything. Later, Sous Chef Christina announced that it was lunchtime and introduced a fish head soup for them to eat. While most of the women struggled to keep their lunch down, with Meese commenting that it sucked, Jackie thought that it tasted good despite never eating it before. However, Ashley deemed Jackie disgusting for that. As the women continued their punishment by zesting lemons, Jackie said that she just burped up her lunch, Ariel called her gross, and Jackie mockingly repeated that comment back to her. Ashley tried to calm them down, Dannie told Jackie to find a filter, but the latter felt that they were getting distracted over nothing and that she liked being hyper. However, Ashley got irritated by Jackie's rude attitude, but the latter stated that she did not care and called Ashley a dirty hooker. Ashley said that Jackie was a mess and digging up her own grave, but Jackie criticized her high-pitched voice.

Before service[]

The next day, both teams began prepping for service, and while the women were working in a Zen-like fashion, Jared told the men to do it by the recipe and not on how they would like it. However, Hassan felt that it was a jab against Frank over the challenge, and Alan said that he wanted to break the curse and win service after their challenge victory.

After, Ramsay had both teams line up and announced that because the men won the previous challenge, they had the honor of serving astronaut Buzz Aldrin that night. However, Meese did not know who Aldrin was and asked if it was Toy Story. After, Ramsay asked Marino to open Hell's kitchen.

Dinner service[]

In addition to Aldrin, Terry Fator and Tiya Sircar were in attendance that night, and a sea bass appetizer was served tableside by Ashley and Alan. Ramsay called out the first order to the women, but they responded flatly, and Ramsay asked Vanessa to call back the order. However, Vanessa failed to do so despite being called out 10 seconds ago, and Ramsay urged her to listen, concentrate, and get her head down. In the blue kitchen, Hassan said that while it was a competition and that they were out for themselves, he knew that working as a team would get them as far as possible and gave Jared pointers on his risotto. It paid off as Jared's risotto was accepted, he did a little celebration and thanked Hassan for the help. In the red kitchen, Ramsay urged Dannie to take charge, and she wanted to show him she was a leader. However, Vanessa sent up only one lobster tail when two risottos were ordered, and Kristin compared the former's mistake to a circus. Despite that, Vanessa got her second lobster tail accepted, Ramsay reminded the chefs to multi-task, and Dannie was relieved that her risotto was accepted.

Forty minutes into service, the women were moving onto entrées. Ramsay called out the order, but when he asked Kristin to call it back, she struggled to do it. Then, Ramsay accused her of taking it as a joke and had Sous Chef Christina write the order on Kristin's back. Because of it, Kristin was able to call back the order properly. In the blue kitchen, the men were beginning on entrées, with a special request to make a vegetarian risotto. However, Kevin's risotto was raw, Ramsay yelled that even vegetarians deserved better than that, and that frustrated Joe. Jared decided to help Kevin on the refire, even though he stated that he had no time for that, and he got his attempt accepted. In the red kitchen, Meese's Wellingtons were accepted, and she believed that they had it. On their next ticket, Manda knew that she had to push out orders due to being on garnish but had to tell Meese to wait for two minutes as she was not ready yet. However, that frustrated Meese as she already sliced her Wellingtons and decided to toss her meat into the trash as they would not hold out for long. In the blue kitchen, the men were working on Aldrin's table, and while Hassan was busy on meat, he told Kevin to bring up his cooked Wellingtons. However, Kevin misinterpreted it as meaning to put them in the convection oven, but the men were able to stop him before he did, and annoyed Hassan told Kevin to back up before he got slapped up. After, Ramsay told Kevin that he was a space cadet compared to Aldrin and asked if he was okay. In the red kitchen, Meese and Jackie were still waiting on Manda on garnish, but the latter was still slow on it, and Ramsay reminded her that she was only heating two items, while Jackie accused Manda of screwing them up. Then, Meese decided that she was not comfortable serving her Wellingtons as they may be overcooked, and she trashed them. However, Ramsay saw that and horrifyingly pulled out perfectly cooked Wellingtons from the trash, which Manda deemed insane, saying she would have eaten them caveman-style than trashing them. Ramsay lectured the women that they were 75 minutes into service, had only served one table of entrées and felt they served more food to the trash bin than they had to the dining room. An astonished Ariel asked Meese why she would trash them, and Jackie told the women to focus. In the blue kitchen, the men served Aldrin's table with no problems, and Jared wanted to finish off strong.

One hour and a half into service, Manda brought up her garnishes, but Ramsay was waiting on Jackie for the arctic char, and when she did send it up, it was raw and stone cold. After Ramsay yelled at Jackie that they were stuck in neutral, she feared that she could be eliminated immediately for that. Ramsay warned Jackie to get it together before being forced to send out an incomplete table. When Jackie announced that she needed three more minutes, Ramsay reminded her that the rest of the table was already eating. While Jackie was confident in her refire, it was cold and raw again, and a fed-up Ramsay kicked the women out of the kitchen. Back at the dorms, Ashley called it unacceptable and believed that somebody deserved to go home that night, with Ariel pointing out that they were hitting walls. The men completed their final entrée order back in the blue kitchen, and Ramsay ordered them into the red kitchen. Chad felt on top of the world for not only completing their service but the women's as well, and the men completed the women's tickets.


After service, Sous Chef Christina told the women to meet Ramsay downstairs and suggested that they thank the men for completing service for them. However, Ramsay stopped the women in the back hallway, said they were dominated that night, named them the clear losers, and asked them to nominate two people for elimination.

During deliberation, Kristin was upset that the women wasted their chance at redemption and believed they had two jokes on their team that needed to go home. Dannie considered Meese and Manda for elimination for being responsible for the trashed Wellingtons. Still, Meese argued that she cooked them properly, though Jackie said it was not personal. Then, Meese considered Jackie and Vanessa for elimination as the raw arctic char pushed Ramsay over the edge, but Jackie argued that she was doing good until the slowdown on garnish, to which Vanessa agreed. Manda argued that while her timings were off, she did not feel she was the weakest chef and that Meese should have never thrown her Wellingtons into the trash. When Meese argued against it, Ariel got angry that everybody was not accepting responsibility for their mistakes. Ashley considered Jackie and Vanessa for elimination, but Dannie argued against it as she believed Vanessa knew what she was doing. In the end, the women agreed on Meese and Manda as their nominees.


Before asking for the nominees, Ramsay deemed the women's performance an embarrassment and that they all took a huge step backward. Ariel announced Meese as the first nominee, but instead of naming Manda as the second, she named Vanessa as the second, much to the women's shock. Despite that, Ramsay agreed with that decision. When he asked Meese if she was the weakest chef on the women, she denied it and believed that Vanessa was the weakest. However, Vanessa retorted that she did not throw out expensive items into the trash as Meese did. During their pleas, Meese said her heart was in the competition and promised never to make a mistake like that ever again. At the same time, Vanessa claimed that her dream was to run BLT Steak and win. In the end, Vanessa was eliminated for being the weakest chef on the women so far, and Ramsay felt that she did not believe in herself. During her exit interview, Vanessa was disappointed over being eliminated and that she wanted to win for her mother.

After Vanessa left, Ramsay remarked that he was still waiting for somebody to emerge after three services and three challenges. While being dismissed, Meese stated that even though her teammates hated her, she knew that Ramsay had the final say. At the same time, Alan believed that the men were solid and that the women were garbage. Then, Ariel argued that Ramsay asked her who the weakest chefs were, and she would not change the fact that she nominated Meese and Vanessa.

Ramsay's comment: "Vanessa had a lot of heart. But as far as her cooking was concerned, she made food only a mother could love."


  • It's unknown what the eighth dish would have been in the Jackets Challenge as there was no footage seen of Chad and Dannie cooking the dish.
Hell's Kitchen Season 15 Episodes
18 Chefs Compete17 Chefs Compete16 Chefs Compete15 Chefs Compete14 Chefs Compete12 Chefs Compete11 Chefs Compete10 Chefs Compete10 Chefs Again9 Chefs Compete8 Chefs Compete7 Chefs Compete6 Chefs Compete5 Chefs Compete3 Chefs CompeteWinner Chosen