Hell's Kitchen Wiki

The third episode of Season 11 of Hell's Kitchen aired on Fox on March 19, 2013. In that episode, lobster was the main ingredient, a shocking departure occurred before the challenge, and a serious injury occurred during the challenge.


Back in the dorms, Zach was upset that Jeremy was still around as he got a lot to prove and would not be so lucky next time. Zach concluded that next time, it would be "Sara-Nara." Then, Zach requested his team to win next time. Jeremy said he was still confident about winning the competition and felt humbled. He was comforted by Dan, who told him he had a second chance, and Jeremy continued by saying he had to try a hundred times harder.

On the red side, Nedra said she did not want to go to sleep angry, so she decided to solve her problems by saying to Gina not to throw her under the bus. However, Gina disagreed about that, and the two of them had a very intense argument over the scallops incident, where Nedra thought that she said that the reason why the scallops were rejected was because the risotto was not good. Still, Gina threatened her by saying that nobody would say she said something when she did not. Then, Nedra laughed at her, which Gina did not appreciate, started to mimic her. Gina said Nedra should watch her Ps and Qs as she did not know her, but Nedra said she knew she was crazy, which Gina did not appreciate once again. Then, Gina mocked Nedra by mimicking a couching face. Nedra said they must cross the line while calling her bitch, which Gina did not appreciate yet another time. Gina told Nedra that she was dealing with the wrong person, but Nedra was not intimidated and said she was dealing with a crazy, deranged person. After, Gina went to her bedroom while saying that Nedra was acting like a baby, and mocked Nedra's "throwing under the bus" rant, and slammed the door while breaking the ceiling, making everybody laugh.

Gina's exit[]

The following day, some soldiers from the US army came to Hell's Kitchen, went to the dorms, and gave a very brutal wake-up call to the chefs by screaming and yelling to get up. When that happened, Ray felt like he was at boot camp. Gina was annoyed that they were screaming for her to catch up with her team. She did not feel her teammates, which she called little bitches, treated her as a team member and declared that she was finished with them.

Arrived outside, the chefs lined up in front of Ramsay. Just as he was about to introduce the next challenge, Gina interrupted him and declared that she would not be there for the challenge as she would be leaving. Ramsay asked her if she was happy to throw the towel in that quickly, which she answered she was having some personal issues. Ramsay granted her request and allowed her to pack her stuff before leaving. On her way out, Nedra was unsympathetic, saying that Gina must get out of the kitchen if she could not stand the heat, and concluded by saying that she folded like a piece of wet paper towel. Gina left by the delivery door with her luggage.

Team challenge[]

After Gina's departure, Ramsay reminded the women to stand strong as they were one member down. After, he said that he saw very little teamwork in both kitchens during the previous service. Everybody agreed, and Ramsay added that the service could have been a lot easier if they had trusted each other. Then, the soldiers standing in line made a demo of climbing up the wall, which impressed Barret, who asked what they had to do next. After the demo, Ramsay declared to the chefs that they had to do the same thing themselves, which Nedra was not happy about because of her weight, and declared that it was not happening. However, the soldiers flipped the wall over, revealing a shorter wall divided into blue and red sections, reassuring the chefs, except Ray. He acknowledged that even though the wall was shorter, it still was eight feet tall and that they would have to get over it. But after, Ramsay revealed a live lobster cage, indicating that the chefs would climb the wall and get in that cage to get one lobster each. That challenge excited Jessica as it was a physical challenge.

Each team had to climb the wall as a team effort, enter the lobster cage, and pick one lobster at a time, with five minutes to get as many lobsters as possible. When the countdown began, Jeremy and Christian, from the men, decided to push their teammates over the wall. For the women, Nedra and Cyndi took charge of that responsibility. At the same time, Mary stayed on top of the wall to help her teammates getting over. Both teams rallied and collected many lobsters in a few minutes. When it was Christian's turn to go over the wall, he declared there was no way he would succeed but was willing to trust "big boy" Jeremy to help him. Christian was also supported by Michael. For the women, Ja'Nel acknowledged it was close but was determined to beat the men and get it done. At the last minute, when it was his turn to go over the wall, Anthony landed very awkwardly and sprained his ankle, with Dan telling him to be careful. Still, Anthony was determined to finish the challenge despite having a possible injury as he did not want to lose, which he did in excruciating pain. When Zach went over the wall, he lost his balance when he landed and fell over Jacqueline. With a lot of energy, both teams rallied to bring the remaining lobsters in their respective buckets. Zach fell on the ground when the time was over, while Anthony was suffering because of his ankle.

Ramsay praised the teamwork when both teams lined up. Everybody applauded, with Christian acknowledging it was a hell of a drop. Then, Sous Chef Andi revealed the women collected 31 lobsters, while Sous Chef James revealed the men collected 37 lobsters. The men celebrated, with Ray saying they needed that win and defeating the girls and could not wait to take the day off. However, Ramsay revealed that they did not win anything as it was only the first part of the challenge. Then, he ordered the chefs to get changed into their chefs' jackets and come down in the kitchen, much to Cyndi's amusement as she was convinced the men could not cook and the women could not lose the second part of the challenge.

Arrived inside, Anthony was struggling to walk on both legs and was carried by Michael and Jon. He clearly described how his injury happened, and back in the bedroom, Ray was very empathic and felt the pain for Anthony, who started praying, while being emotional. Then, a medic came over and revealed he might have to go to the hospital to get x-rays. Still, Anthony was determined not to be taken down while being very scared.

Everybody changed very quickly to get down in the kitchen while Anthony was still lying in bed, suffering. Then, he asked Dan to give him his chef's jacket, got changed, and got down in the kitchen with his team, while saying the blue team could not go three losses in a row. He added that he could still cook despite having only one leg. While going in the kitchen, he was carried by Michael and Jeremy. When both teams were lined up, Ramsay asked Anthony if he was okay, which he answered that he was feeling good, but his ankle was very swollen, much to Ramsay's praise, who told him he was admiring his dedication.

Ramsay introduced the Lobster Cleaning Challenge, where each team would have to clean as many lobsters as possible. After Ja'Nel revealed she never cleaned a lobster before, Ramsay quickly demoed how to do it properly. During the demo, Ja'Nel expressed surprise when she had to take the meat out of the legs as she did not even know there was meat in there, and she declared she was a little bit nervous. After the demo, Ramsay explained that each team would have to extract all the meat from the lobster, come to the pass, ring the bell, and if it were correct, it would give a point. Ramsay also reminded that the red team had to be a little bit more careful as they caught fewer lobsters than the blue team. Ray was confident as coming from Boston, lobster was all his life while calling the challenge a no-brainer.

When the 10 minutes countdown began, all the chefs formed pairs. They went working on their first lobsters, with Ja'Nel being very confident that she and Jessica banged it just like that. When they rang the bell at the pass, it was accepted. Seconds later, Susan and Cyndi brought their first attempt, and it was accepted as well, giving the women a 2-0 lead. Dan was annoyed that the women were fast as they were already done with their second while the men were halfway with theirs. Ramsay urged the men to get something up, and Dan motivated his teammates. Barret and Anthony scored the first point for the blue team, closing the gap at 2-1. Still, Jacqueline, working on her own, scored the third point for the women, which Jon was annoyed as he and Jeremy did not score a single point yet. Christian and Michael closed the women's lead at 3-2, but Jeremy struggled to take out the meat from the lobster and start over, much to Jon's dismay. Ramsay urged both of them to get something for the team, to which Jeremy responded that they were going fast. Ray scored a point, and with the score at 6-5 for the women, Nedra was worried because the blue team's bell was ringing a lot. The pairs of Barret and Anthony and Jon and Jeremy gave the men the lead at 7-6. While Nedra acknowledged that the women needed to push harder to finish strong, Susan and Cyndi tied the score. Michael and Christian scored, as well as Jacqueline, Mary and Amanda, Zach and Dan, and Danielle and Nedra, all while Zach was motivating his team. When the time ran out, Nedra rang the bell for Ja'Nel and Jessica, but Ramsay rejected their attempt as it was too late. Finally, the official score of the challenge was 11-8 for the women, making them the winners of the challenge. They celebrated by jumping up and down, cheering, and hugging each other, while the men were highly disappointed.


Team Score Team Score
Red Team 11 Blue Team 8
Results 11-8


The women were rewarded with a day on an 85-foot luxury yacht, a master sushi chef preparing them lunch, and a massage. Arrived there, they were greeted by Ramsay and Jean-Philippe holding champagne glasses. Nedra said they were going down on the yacht. Aboard, Susan called the yacht massive, gorgeous, beautiful, and felt like a VIP. While eating lunch with Ramsay, Nedra declared that she gave name to her breasts, making everybody laugh. Ja'Nel declared it was absolutely incredible to have a conversation with Ramsay as he was giving some great advice and funny, especially when he told not to let Jean-Philippe get into his speedos. Ja'Nel concluded by saying that having champagne with Ramsay was awesome. After lunch, Ramsay left the yacht while the women were waving at him.

Everybody enjoyed their sushi lunch, with Cyndi saying it was a gorgeous day, and the day was unbelievable. She concluded by saying that the women had complete momentum and that they would not stop anytime soon.


The men were punished by taking a delivery of thousands of pounds of halibut and branzino and prep them for the next service. When Zach learned the women's reward, he declared that he wanted a massage as well, as his back was hurting. Before their punishment, Ramsay reminded Jon and Jeremy that they only got one lobster in ten minutes, which Dan ironically congratulated for. When the delivery truck arrived, Dan said they would get intimate with the fish while calling it fucking gross, and Zach saying the fish stunk. Dan compared the situation to being in a Greco-Roman wrestling match and that he was not winning.

Barret declared he was starving for lunch, but the men were served fish head soup, disgusting them. Everybody found the soup terrible and almost threw up, but still managed to laugh about the situation. Jeremy asked what was fish head soup, who would eat that, and concluded by saying that it would look the same if he would throw up.

Before service[]

The next day, both Sous Chefs pushed their respective teams to have a very productive day of prep. Everybody was very confident, but Nedra discovered that Danielle completely butchered three racks of lamb in the red kitchen, asking if she knew how expensive lamb was. Nedra gave a lesson to Danielle, saying how she should make love to the meat instead of butchering it. After, Nedra said that she would run over Danielle if it came down to it while driving a bus a couple of times if she would not get her shit together. Nedra concluded by saying to Danielle that if Ramsay saw that, he would cuss their asses out.

In the blue kitchen, Jeremy was as lost as during the opening night prep and was motivated by Sous Chef James, who told him he was walking around with his head up his ass. Michael was annoyed by Jeremy's slow pace and declared he needed him to pick it up. Sous Chef James told Jeremy to get moving. Ramsay told the men to get a grip as they were opening in thirty minutes. Michael emerged as a leader while acknowledging it was time to move. Jeremy said he was waiting for Sous Chef James to come back so he could finish prepping his mushrooms, annoying Michael, who told him he had to do that half an hour before. Zach reminded his teammates they could not screw up, and Jeremy told everybody to tell him to do something he was already doing. Then, Michael started to lose his temper and told Jeremy to shut up and focus on his shit. Still, Ray calmed the situation down, saying it was not time to talk about shit as the shit needed to be done. With that, Michael toned down his voice and calmly said to Jeremy that what was important was that the job needed to be done, with Jeremy understanding. The latter declared that he had to show his team that he was there to stay and that he would bust it, so hopefully, he would do better. Then, he went to see Zach and told him he would grab some water, which Zach approved. After, Jeremy declared to his team that he was there and focused.

When both teams were lined up, Ramsay revealed that he was expecting a much better service from the men while telling the women to prove and show that their performance on opening night was not a fluke. He concluded by asking to show some great teamwork from both teams. After everybody was ready, Ramsay asked Jean-Philippe to open Hell's Kitchen.

Dinner service[]

Before tickets entered, Ramsay expressed concern about Anthony's ankle. Still, Anthony reassured him by saying he would do it and that it would be all right. In the red kitchen, Mary motivated her team, saying they would do good. Jalen Rose was in attendance, and Nedra and Jeremy were responsible for serving a lobster appetizer tableside. When Ramsay called the first ticket in the red kitchen, Amanda said she needed a two-minute warning for the scallops. Mary said she needed seven minutes for her first risotto. Mary said that she could cook circles around anybody despite being a butcher while adding that she was determined to show Ramsay she knew her flavors. On her first attempt, she put too much white wine in it, and Ramsay ordered the entire team to taste it, much to Cyndi's dismay, who told it was basic stuff. Ramsay asked Mary how much wine did she put, which she answered that she just put in a few spoons, so he ordered her to reduce it. She was disappointed and started over, but Danielle decided to take over Mary's risotto as she knew that in Hell's Kitchen, they had to be 110% spot-on, without mistakes, and knew exactly how it was supposed to be. Christian was ready with his scallops in the blue kitchen. Zach was prepared with his risotto, but Christian's scallops were overcooked. Ramsay berated the men while Dan was drinking water, called Christian a fuckwit, and told the men they were in the shit. Jon acknowledged it was not a good start for the men, even deeming it embarrassing as they restarted the entire table. In the red kitchen, Susan tried to motivate the team by saying they would get through it.

After, Nedra and Jeremy were asked to take care of their tableside lobster. Jean-Philippe warned Nedra to be smooth as she took care of Jalen Rose's table, and Jeremy asked a female customer which lobster she wanted, which she answered a big one. Ramsay asked where Jeremy, who was at the lobster tank struggling to grab a specific lobster with some tongs in the blue kitchen, was. Ramsay saw him and asked what he was doing. Then Jeremy asked a table if they were the other who ordered lobster. He did not know at all where he was going. In the blue kitchen, Zach said he needed five minutes on his risotto. Still, Christian already cooked his scallops without Zach's approval. Christian apologized, and Ramsay asked him another portion of scallops urgently while reminding the men they were opened for an hour, that nothing has come out, and that the teamwork disappeared. Christian acknowledged he was holding back the kitchen and declared that he was dying inside because of it. Zach sent his risotto to the pass, but the scallops were not ready. Christian was helped by Barret and Dan. Dan was annoyed as Christian did not correct the situation. Christian said he would rather die than serve raw scallops, revealed that he must have cooked millions of scallops, and could not believe he was doing that at the moment. When Ramsay asked for the scallops, Christian revealed they were not done, much to Ramsay and Ray's dismay, and Ramsay called it a joke.

One hour into service, no food whatsoever came out of the blue kitchen. Then, Christian served another serving of scallops that were accepted, and appetizers finally came out of the kitchen, with the customers enjoying them. Danielle was working on three risottos in the red kitchen and received help from Susan, who said it was not her job to make sure Danielle was having her shit done. Mary sent the risotto, along with Amanda and her scallops. Still, it was rejected for having too much white wine once again. Ramsay schooled Danielle by asking if she was having a drinking problem, which she answered she was not. Ramsay told Danielle she had to burn the alcohol, and she said she was great at what she was doing, but that was harder than hard. Then, Ramsay asked someone to help Danielle and Mary to make a proper risotto, and Ja'Nel did. In the blue kitchen, Anthony asked Christian for an order of scallops urgently, and then Jeremy offered his help to Christian, but the latter said he was fine. Jeremy was disappointed that his help was denied. When Zach sent his capellini to the pass, Christian was still not ready with his scallops. Seconds later, he finally sent them, but they were rubbery, and Anthony wondered what he was doing. Then, Ramsay called Christian down and asked him to touch his scallops. After, he called Jeremy down because he was supposed to be supporting Christian before he ordered both of them to sit at the chefs' table and eat their mistake while asking for a glass of wine for them. Jeremy disagreed about being put in that situation as it was all Christian's scallops and not his. After, Ramsay asked for an order of scallops urgently.

In the red kitchen, Mary and Danielle were ready to send their risotto after being helped by Ja'Nel, and Ramsay said to Mary that it was delicious. Ja'Nel was proud, celebrated with Mary, and said that the red team was back in action. Because of that, food was leaving the kitchen at a steady pace. In the blue kitchen, Jon delivered perfect scallops, and food came out of the blue kitchen as well. After, Christian and Jeremy were allowed to come back on their stations by Sous Chef James, and Ramsay told the blue team they were way behind. Jon and Ray were confident that the lamb was beautiful, even though Ramsay schooled them for inconsistent timing, and then, Jon sent his lamb to the pass. However, it was dry, and Ramsay berated the men because the customers has to wait over an hour and a half for dry lamb. Jon was furious at himself, even stating he wanted to punch himself in the dick, and Ramsay kicked the entire team out of the kitchen. Zach acknowledged it was not called Hell's Kitchen for nonthin and that nobody wanted to be there. Back in the dorms, Jon told his teammates they had to figure out what went wrong. In the red kitchen, Ja'Nel and Susan gave seven minutes on their entrées to be ready. Susan was eager to redeem herself on the lamb after her royal screw-up during her signature dish and knew that she could cook the shit out of the lamb. Jessica brought her garnish to the pass, Ja'Nel brought her Wellingtons, Susan brought her lamb, and Amanda brought her bass. However, Ramsay called Nedra into the dining room. He returned the lamb for being raw while asking Susan if it was a joke for her and reminding her of her signature dish. Then, the women were kicked out of the kitchen, shutting down the service.


When both teams were lined up, Ramsay said he expected a good service, but both teams turned it into a disaster. He declared both teams joint-losers for having two pathetic, disorganized brigades and asked them to nominate two people each for elimination.

While going back to the dorms, Zach was disappointed at his team and asked himself who was the next person he would get out of there. During deliberation, Christian was considered by most of his teammates. Christian acknowledged that he froze but could not wait to bounce back and be given another chance. After, Michael considered Jeremy for being extremely slow during prep, which Jon agreed with by adding that he was always the last one to be ready and that Anthony was faster than him on one foot. Jeremy asked what more his teammates wanted him to do and added that he lifted the whole team over the wall during the previous challenge.

On the red side, Jessica and Ja'Nel said that the most problematic station was the appetizers, targeting Danielle and Mary. Still, Mary retorted that she bounced back from her mistakes. Danielle added that every station had problems, reminding Susan's raw lamb incident. However, Susan blamed appetizers for that, but Jessica said that she must know raw and that she must go if she did not know. That infuriated Susan, who left the conversation before the final decision was made.


Jon announced Jeremy as the men's first nominee for being extremely slow. Still, Jeremy interrupted by saying that he lifted his whole team up the wall during the challenge and did not know what they could ask more. Then, Jon announced Christian as the men's second nominee for completely screwing the fish station. Ja'Nel announced Danielle as the first nominee for her lack of fight and Mary as the second for struggling for the women. The four nominees were called down, and during their pleas, Mary reminded them that she fought back. Danielle gave the excuse that there was a lot to grasp in there. Jeremy said that he knew and understood the stations but did not have the chance to cook yet. Christian acknowledged he brought the whole team down but was willing to learn and try his ass off. After sending Danielle and Jeremy back in line, Ramsay eliminated Christian for being the main reason for the men's collapse. During his exit interview, Christian declared he had his Bill Buckner moment as he was a Boston guy but was pissed that he did not have the chance to fight back. He concluded by saying that Ramsay made a big mistake by eliminating him.

After Christian left, Ramsay declared that Hell's Kitchen was all about fighting back before dismissing the chefs. However, Ramsay called Jeremy and ordered him to stay. Jon was scared about Jeremy being eliminated as they could not afford to lose somebody else. However, Zach did not care if Jeremy would go home. Ramsay asked Jeremy to step forward, and as the latter approached Ramsay, the episode ended as a cliffhanger.

Ramsay did not comment on Gina's departure or Christian's elimination. Neither of them received the coat hanging and burning picture sequence.


  • This marks the earliest a chef withdrew from the competition, and the first time they did so before the challenge.
Hell's Kitchen Season 11 Episodes
20 Chefs Compete Part 120 Chefs Compete Part 219 Chefs Compete17 Chefs Compete16 Chefs Compete Part 116 Chefs Compete Part 215 Chefs Compete14 Chefs Compete13 Chefs Compete12 Chefs Compete10 Chefs Compete9 Chefs Compete8 Chefs Compete7 Chefs Compete Part 17 Chefs Compete Part 26 Chefs Compete5 Chefs Compete Part 15 Chefs Compete Part 25 Chefs Compete Part 34 Chefs Compete2 Chefs CompeteWinner Chosen