Hell's Kitchen Wiki

The fifteenth episode of Season 10 of Hell's Kitchen aired on FOX on July 24, 2012. In that episode, a simple relay challenge turned into an epic failure for both teams, one of them made a comeback, and a funny fan favorite was eliminated.


While going back to the dorms, Clemenza felt that Robyn was very close to being eliminated that night, knew that she had to bounce back in the next dinner service, and told her to get her head out of her ass. While a stressed Robyn felt she could have gone home that night, Clemenza reassured her that he had been in her position before, but she wondered how she could bounce back after a service like that. Then, Barbie noted that the red team was down three compared to the blue team’s four. Still, Christina felt that fewer people in the kitchen were better and did not care as she believed in her team. However, Dana felt that a three-person team with Barbie would be difficult and would prefer if it was just herself and Christina in the red kitchen.

Team challenge[]

The next day, both teams came downstairs, ready to put last night’s dinner service behind them. Once everybody was in the dining room, Ramsay announced the Relay Challenge, where both teams had 30 minutes to cook dishes from the menu. Still, only one person from each team would be cooking at a five-minute interval. Once the five minutes were up, the next person from the team would come in and get a 15-second briefing before that person continued where the previous one left off. The team with the most accurate dishes would win, and Brian felt that this challenge should be easy for them.

Justin and Dana were called into the kitchens first, where Ramsay told them that the dishes they were cooking were risotto, rack of lamb, and cod. As the challenge began, Dana knew the lamb had to be worked on first and started searing it. While Justin wanted to get things ready for Clemenza, he noticed the risotto was not ready yet. So, he put the ingredients next to the stove in the hopes somebody would start it for him. After the first five minutes were up, Clemenza and Christina entered for their teams. Still, Clemenza took more time trying to put his apron on than cooking, irritating Robyn as she wanted him to move faster. In the red kitchen, Christina found out that Dana never told her about the risotto being raw and started to work on it as it needed 20 minutes to cook. At the same time, Clemenza ignored the risotto and worked on garnishes, much to Robyn’s annoyance. Barbie and Brian came in on the third round, but the latter tried to work out through the mess he was left. In the fourth round, Dana and Robyn came in. Robyn burned her first portion of cod due to placing it on a hot pan, and Clemenza tried to keep calm as it would be Justin and himself who would finish for the blue team. Meanwhile, Barbie felt that Dana was running around frantically with nothing accomplished and was getting frustrated. In the fifth round, Justin did not get a good briefing from Robyn, whom he called useless. At the same time, Christina discovered that the risotto was burned at the bottom due to Dana cooking at a hot temperature, leaving her pissed at the lack of organization. Then, Justin tossed both the lamb and the cod into the oven as they were raw, while Christina pulled the cod out of the oven before Barbie felt it was ready. On the final round, Clemenza and Barbie went in. Clemenzar could not understand Justin’s instructions due to the latter speaking too fast. Barbie had a lot of stuff she still needed to work on before calling it a hot mess. Eventually, both Clemenza and Barbie got the dishes plated on time.

As the judging began, Barbie and Justin presented their teams' risottos. Ramsay was not impressed with the presentations as Clemenza compared them to a football-looking pile of shit and a frisbee-looking pile of shit, respectively. Then, Ramsay forced the red team to taste their burnt risotto and criticized the blue team’s risotto for tasting crunchy. While Clemenza knew he should have cooked it from the start, he also blamed Justin for not starting it. As a result, neither team scored that round. For the cod round, Ramsay noticed that Clemenza forgot the damchee broth, much to Robyn’s annoyance as it was a bad choice to pick him last. The red team’s cod was raw, with Barbie blaming Christina for messing it up. Like the previous round, neither team scored that round, leaving the lamb round the final chance for either team to score a point as Clemenza was confident the blue team had it. However, Ramsay criticized the lamb dish for having a disgusting sauce, leaving Dana hopeful. Unfortunately, Barbie revealed that she improperly sliced the red team’s lamb as Ramsay said looked chewed up, leaving an agitated Dana to accuse her of cutting it with a spoon. After Ramsay bitterly tasted the red team’s dish, he angrily felt that things would have improved at this stage of the competition. Since neither team scored a point on any dish, he named both teams joint losers in a team challenge for the first time.


Red Team Blue Team
Dish Score Total Dish Score Total
Risotto 0 0 Risotto 0 0
Cod 0 0 Cod 0 0
Lamb 0 0 Lamb 0 0
Results 0-0


The reward would have had one team spending a day at a beach in Santa Monica with a helicopter ride and a beach club for the afternoon, leaving a downed Dana to comment that they were making history for the tenth season, only because they sucked. Instead, everybody was punished by cleaning up the front of the restaurant and detailing the SUVs. Then, Ramsay announced that he was opening the restaurant that night as he hoped for a great redemption service. Otherwise, he would not wait until the end to eliminate deadwood.

As the chefs went out for their punishment, Robyn knew Ramsay had every right to be pissed at them, even feeling embarrassed to be wearing a jacket right now. Out at the front, James showed both teams the convertible that would have driven one team to the supposed reward. After a dismayed Justin imagined what could have been, James gave them the supplies they needed to clean. During the punishment, Robyn started bickering with the blue team about whether they should be cleaning the inside while she was washing the outside, even rudely closing the doors and barking out orders. That annoyed Clemenza as she wanted her to shut the fuck up. Meanwhile, Dana complained that she did not want to be working on a beach day, but even though Christina knew it was a long day, she hoped they could bounce back from the failed challenge and have a great dinner service.

Before service[]

Later that evening, Ramsay had both teams lined up. After commenting on how embarrassing the challenge was, he was determined to see them bounce back and have an incredible dinner service. Ramsay pulled out a covered silver tray to inspire them, and while Brian thought it was a cake, it turned out to be a black jacket, with Christina calling it the best thing she saw under a dome since she got here. After, Ramsay told the chefs that they were each fighting for a black jacket that night and hoped that it would be the night they would perform strongly before asking James to open Hell’s Kitchen.

Dinner service[]

As service began, everybody was pumped and refocused on what to do. When the blue team was working on their first order, Clemenza did not respond to Ramsay's time until prompted. Clemenza did not feel the pressure and sent up strong lobster capellini to Ramsay’s approval. Christina sent up perfect risottos in the red kitchen, only for Ramsay to comment that she made too much for the order and warned her not to mix an old risotto with a fresh batch. While Christina argued that she did not want to waste food, Ramsay reminded her that there were two different risottos at two different cook stages, leaving her to question why she thought that. Despite that, the red diners enjoyed their appetizers, and Justin and Clemenza were still going strong on appetizers in the blue kitchen. Clemenza had to cook five risottos for a six top on the next order, but as Justin felt that it was too much for one person, he offered to help the former out. Clemenza rejected it, only to send up three pans with three different colors. Ramsay lectured him to cook in one pan for an order that big as the blue team reminded him as well. In the red kitchen, Barbie tried to offer Christina some help, but the latter rejected her as she wanted to get through her rhythm, with Barbie getting annoyed. Then, Christina sent up a burnt risotto as her pans were hot, and Ramsay accused her of going out of control. Barbie felt that if Christina was too proud to ask for help, then she would not make it far in the competition. Fortunately, Christina got her refire accepted, and the red team was moving onto entrées.

One hour into dinner service, Clemenza got his refire accepted, and the blue team was moving onto entrées. Unfortunately, Brian’s meat tray included a raw and not rested properly New York striploin, a slice of perfect pork, and Wellingtons sliced like door wedges. As Brian beated himself up, he called out five minutes on the refire as Ramsay ordered Robyn to pull off her cold mashed potatoes from the pass. Robyn accused Brian and Clemenza of sinking the blue team. Then, Ramsay caught Robyn putting pans of garnishes into her oven. When Robyn claimed her teammates told her to do so as a holding oven, they all denied it even after she accused them of sandbagging her. That aggravated Justin, who never lost his shit before, and called Robyn an idiot for lying to Ramsay and making him look bad before telling her to own up to her mistakes. Despite Clemenza trying to get the blue team reorganized, Robyn and Justin continued to argue as she claimed things were done differently in the red team. Justin suggested that Robyn go back to her old teammates, all while a dismayed Ramsay watched. When the blue team sent up their refire, Ramsay discovered that Justin sent up the sea bass that was cooked five minutes ago, meaning it was now dry. Robyn found it funny despite being told off. While Justin knew it was not his best, Ramsay asked him why he did not cook a fresh sea bass for the refire, even after a flare-up distracted him. While he admitted it was a dumb mistake, the blue team was ordered to wake up. While the blue diners were growing restless, the red diners were receiving their food to top speed, with Ramsay praising Barbie for her perfect Wellingtons. With the three women now on their final ticket, Ramsay caught Dana cooking three sea bass in different pans, lecturing that she should use a big pan instead and questioned her common sense. Then, Ramsay went over to fish and showed Dana what he was talking about, but she was not appreciative as she felt his way was no different than what she was doing. Despite that, the red team completed their final ticket, and the only thing left was desserts.

Two hours into dinner service, Brian was dismayed to learn that one of his New York striploins were overcooked and wanted their first ticket to be done but sliced into a raw steak. After a frustrated Ramsay asked if Brian was serious, some of the blue diners decided to walk out. Then, Brian served overcooked Wellingtons. Having enough, Ramsay went into the red kitchen and called Barbie over to take over meat from Brian, leaving the latter furious about his situation and threw a temper tantrum. With Barbie’s help, the blue team was finally able to send out their entrées, and she was proud that Ramsay called her over to help the blue team.


As the red team was cleaning up, Ramsay came in with the silver dome and praised them for redeeming themselves as a team and their strong performance that night. So, Ramsay handed the three women their black jackets, leaving Christina ecstatic. At the same time, a pissed Robyn was not happy about the blue team’s situation, feeling she would have been better off with the red team. After the blue team lined up, Ramsay deemed their performance embarrassing as they failed to redeem themselves compared to the red team. As the blue team was named the clear losers, Ramsay tasked them with naming two people who did not deserve a black jacket, although he felt all four did not deserve one.

Justin called it a bad day for the blue team during deliberation as Robyn called him a liar, while Brian wanted to get it over with. Robyn immediately felt she redeemed herself and refused to let the men deprive her of a black jacket before warning them that they were messing with the wrong crazy bitch. While Brian tried not to be personal, he felt the three men deserved black jackets over Robyn, which she took very personally, only for him to declare she was not a better chef than them. After Justin called Robyn a seventh-grader due to her attitude, she named the former and Brian as her nominees. Clemenza nominated Brian and Robyn, and Brian nominated Clemenza and Robyn as he refused to nominate Justin. After Justin named Clemenza as his nominee, the latter pointed out that it was a two-way tie between himself and Brian on nominees and did not believe he deserved to be up for elimination.


Clemenza announced Robyn as the blue team’s first nominee but admitted that the second nominee was tied between himself and Brian. Frustrated that the blue team failed to deliver on a simple request, Ramsay decided to call the entire team down to the front. During their pleas, Robyn felt she deserved a black jacket due to having passion, drive and felt she redeemed herself. Brian felt he deserved to stay in Hell’s Kitchen as he was capable of a black jacket. Clemenza said he has been a team player 100% and learned from his mistakes. Justin said he has been focused and pushed himself through levels he never thought of. After listening to their pleas, Ramsay asked both Clemenza and Justin to take off their jackets, only to give them black jackets due to their performances throughout the competition. After, Ramsay asked Robyn and Brian to take off their jackets. After a tough decision, he gave Robyn the final black jacket and eliminated Brian for his poor performance on meat and giving up after Barbie came into the blue kitchen. During his exit interview, Brian was shocked that he was going home as he felt he was going up in the competition and thought he had a shot at winning.

After Brian left, Ramsay warned Robyn not to make him regret this decision, but she promised him that he would not. While being dismissed, Robyn told off the haters for believing she was not going far, Barbie was ready to knock out five more of her competitors. Clemenza felt like Arnold Schwarzenegger now that he had a black jacket.

Ramsay's comment: "Brian had a lot of energy and was a funny guy. But after tonight's performance, I wasn't laughing. And that's why he has to leave Hell's Kitchen."


  • This episode features the first, and to date, the only time both teams lost a team challenge and the first time everybody participated in a punishment.
  • This episode marks the new record for a team with the most consecutive losses in dinner service, with nine.
    • Along with Season 6's red team, this also marks this season's blue team hold the record for the least dinner service wins, with one.
  • With their eleventh dinner service loss, the blue team has set the record for the most dinner service losses in a season.
  • This marks the third time Ramsay nominated an entire team for elimination after Season 2 and Season 9. It is also the first time the entire blue team was nominated.
  • This episode features the largest amount of nominees from one team, with four. This record would hold until Season 20.
Hell's Kitchen Season 10 Episodes
18 Chefs Compete17 Chefs Compete16 Chefs Compete15 Chefs Compete14 Chefs Compete13 Chefs Compete Part 113 Chefs Compete Part 212 Chefs Compete11 Chefs Compete Part 111 Chefs Compete Part 210 Chefs Compete9 Chefs Compete Part 19 Chefs Compete Part 28 Chefs Compete7 Chefs Compete6 Chefs Compete5 Chefs Compete4 Chefs Compete2 Chefs CompeteWinner Chosen