The seventh episode of Season 10 of Hell's Kitchen aired on Fox on June 25, 2012. In that episode, the Hell's Kitchen Fashion Show service took place, one chef tried to convince their teammates to perform a suicide mission, and another made a very passionate plea during elimination that impressed the opposing team.
Before service[]
Continuing from the previous episode, the models were in a last-minute prep for the Fashion show, and both teams were getting pumped for service. However, Ramsay caught Clemenza cooking scallops before service even began. After reminding the blue team that nothing was to be cooked until the first catwalk, which Roshni and Guy confirmed, Ramsay demanded an answer from Clemenza. Clemenza admitted it was a mistake but said that none of his teammates said a word despite watching him do it. At the same time, Ramsay was further dismayed when it was revealed four servings were wasted. That led to an annoyed Guy saying that Clemenza needed to pay attention. Despite that, Ramsay asked James to open Hell’s Kitchen.
Dinner service[]
For the Fashion Night dinner service, there would be three mini-shows featuring the designs of Ina Solanti, Amanda Che, and David Meister. It would be only after each show when both teams could start firing orders. To make sure the dishes were sent out quickly and on time, Royce and Kimmie helped with plating the dishes. Patrick reminded the blue team about the models that would be shown that night, and Brian said Ramsay would be his blinder. After Ramsay called out the red team’s first order, he informed them about a two-minute warning so they could start firing the appetizers. Tiffany was confident on fish as she did not want to get yelled at or kicked out that night. Soon after, the first mini-show began as James introduced the first group of models from Solanti’s collection. After seeing them, Brian felt it would be a hot night. At the same time, Dana did not like them looking at their work, even asking why they were in a restaurant if they did not eat. Kimmie herself believed she could pick one of the models up and snapped them in half with one hand, and Tiffany said that if she were to drop 500 lbs and stop eating, then maybe she could become a model. Then, Ramsay gave the red team their two-minute warning, and as Dana knew they were only cooking three appetizers that night, she said it would be pretty lame-o if they could not pull it off. Barbie tried to help Tiffany out on fish by giving her direction. Still, Tiffany was unappreciative even though Barbie felt the former had no finesse. Then, a small argument erupted between the two when Barbie found Tiffany’s scallops sticking to the pan due to low heat. Tiffany was fed up listening to Barbie and said she sucked for being unable to work on a line. As Robyn told the two to stop bitching, Barbie sent the scallops up to the pass, only for Kimmie to see they lacked any color. That led to an angry Ramsay showing the women the poorly cooked scallops, ranted how they were still messing up on a dish they made a hundred times before, and Barbie said that she told Tiffany. However, Tiffany claimed she had no idea who cooked them, frustrating Barbie. Ramsay refused to serve the scallops as they were a joke as Tiffany shouted profanity at Barbie. In the blue kitchen, Justin, Roshni, and Clemenza got their first order of appetizers out the kitchen. While Roshni felt it was all clockwork, Clemenza soon got overloaded on scallop orders, making a worried Brian fear it would get nasty. In the red kitchen, Tiffany got the refire accepted and confidently called herself the shit. When Robyn offered to help Dana and Christina out on appetizers, they rejected it, frustrating the former even though Christina told her to back up. That led Robyn to accuse Christina of having a big ego problem and felt that she would need help one day and not get any. Despite that, appetizers were being pushed out.
Twenty minutes into dinner service, all the red diners were thrilled with their appetizers as Sous Chef Andi told the women to standby for entrées. In the blue kitchen, the Clemenza brought up the final serving of scallops to complete the appetizer course, but they were overcooked and rubbery. Then, Clemenza complained there was only so much space he could work with, had six pans firing, and asked if Ramsay wanted him to cook two more pans on his ass. Knowing that Clemenza was getting frustrated, Guy went to help him out. After the Fashion Night producer came up to the pass about starting the next show, Ramsay ordered the two to speed it up. However, Guy’s scallops were overcooked, Ramsay berated him for not cooking with control, and a dismayed Roshni felt they were done for. After, Royce accused Guy of fumbling on the scallops and Clemenza going down like a body on the east river, while Patrick was annoyed by the hold-up on scallops. When Clemenza and Guy announced two minutes on the refire, Ramsay told Royce to inform the producer about a five-minute delay. When Royce came into the dressing room, he was taken aback by the models' appearance before telling the producer and Meister about the five-minute delay. Royce went back to the blue kitchen as he was focused on completing service, winning the $250,000, and taking one of the models on a hot date. Refusing to let Clemenza go down even further, Brian jumped in to help, and the effort paid off as they were accepted. The blue team was finally able to complete their appetizers.
Before the second show began, Ramsay pulled both teams together, scolded them for their dreadful timings, and told them that he wanted the first table of entrées served when the final model did her walk. While Guy correctly remembered the blue team’s order, four beef and two swordfish, Barbie struggled on the red team’s order as, while she knew it had swordfish and pigeon, she struggled on the numbers. Robyn spoke up, four beef and two pigeons, and told the know-it-all to get it right as Barbie got under her skin before criticizing her fake glasses. After, Patrick promised Ramsay they would redeem themselves and wanted the second part to be better than the first part. Soon, James announced the second show featuring Che’s swimsuit line, and the models showed up. A shocked Brian called them sexy, Patrick’s eyes widen, and Justin asked how he could work with the show going on. Despite trying his best to focus on his work and get the beef ready, Guy was mesmerized by the models until Ramsay informed him about a burning pain. That resulted in a charred filet as Ramsay reminded the blue team how it needed proper searing due to a lack of fat. As Patrick accused Guy of tuning out on such a simple thing, Ramsay ordered the blue team to wake up. Eventually, the second show was nearly over. Still, Robyn felt she could not get her filets ready in three minutes as she had a lot on order, and Dana prayed for them to be perfect as they had no extras. Then, Robyn started freaking out about how her beef was not ready and feared that Ramsay would yell at her for that, but despite her fears, she got a perfect beef up on the pass. Clemenza asked Royce to double-check his swordfish count in the blue kitchen, which the latter said 17. The blue team seemed to be in sync and focused as Clemenza felt focused, while Patrick felt there should be no problems the former could have on his own challenge dish. Unfortunately, one of Clemenza’s swordfish was overcooked and rubbery to the point of sticking to the tray, dismaying Roshni as the former was screwing up that night. When Clemenza struggled to find a tray for the refire, Justin called him a lost cat. Patrick walked the refire up, it was accepted, and while Clemenza admitted to being frazzled, he knew how to bounce back.
Robyn found out her beef was overcooked in the red kitchen and asked the women to go into the blue kitchen and ask for two more portions. While Tiffany was too frightened to do it, and Dana refused to go at the risk of getting her ass reamed by Ramsay, Robyn called her teammates out for not backing up their talk. Christina reluctantly agreed to do it, knowing it would be too obvious for a red chef to be in the blue kitchen. Before Christina could come in, Ramsay walked into the kitchen, and she backed out of it. When Ramsay asked Robyn for the beef, she was forced to tell Ramsay the truth and that she wanted two pieces from the blue team. However, Ramsay lectured to her that they never go into the other team for stuff they wanted as it was a competition before warning her and the red team that it would be the last time he would say that. That relieved Tiffany as she made the right decision not to go into the blue kitchen. At the same time, Ramsay ordered Robyn to go into the dining room and tell James what happened. When Robyn went to the affected table, they wanted a pigeon instead. She immediately told her teammates and Ramsay the revised order. Then, Tiffany asked Christina to help watch over her swordfish. Still, Barbie commented that it was Tiffany’s station before concluding it was all strategy for the latter as she could let others do the work and see them fall. Guy sliced his beef in the blue kitchen, but it was raw and cold, even though he argued it was warm, while Patrick was annoyed how they were making rookie mistakes. In the red kitchen, the swordfish was sent up, but one of the pieces was cold. Even though Dana knew Christina cooked them, Tiffany left them out for a long time to get cold as the latter did not answer Ramsay’s question on who cooked it. Christina revealed she grilled them, but when Ramsay demanded to know who oversaw fish, Tiffany still did not answer to Barbie’s annoyance as, regardless that Christina helped, it was still Tiffany’s station. Eventually, Tiffany told Ramsay that Christina grilled the fish, and she sent them up. After Ramsay refused to send up any more fish without approval, Dana accused Tiffany of not taking responsibility for her mistakes and called it fugly. Despite all their problems, the red team was able to finish up the remainder of their final entrée orders. Still, a nervous Kimmie struggled on plating as Ramsay urged her to speed up. Fortunately, the effort paid off as Ramsay praised Kimmie’s plating skills. While Guy got his refire accepted in the blue kitchen, Royce was plating the food awkwardly as he felt intimidated by Ramsay’s presence. Then, Ramsay caught Royce cleaning the plates with a dirty cloth, showed him a clean one he could have used. After putting him at the chefs' table for a bit, Ramsay threatened Royce with elimination through the front doors if he ever did that again. Despite that, the blue team completed their entrées, the final show featuring Meister’s line took place. While Christina was happy to have completed service with everybody still in the kitchen, it did not erase the tension present in the red team. However, Christina also added that she did not care what happened if they could do their jobs. Then, Clemenza felt that he served half the diners that night and was proud of himself. However, Ramsay discovered a tray of eleven wasted swordfish, dismaying Roshni and Brian, and asked Royce why Clemenza cooked that much. Royce claimed that he told Clemenza to cook 16 plus 1, but an angry Clemenza retorted that the former told him 17 and asked what was wrong with his brain. After, an angry Ramsay ordered the two men to trash the swordfish, with Royce holding the trash bin and Clemenza throwing the fish into the bin.
When both teams lined up, Ramsay admitted that Fashion Night was not perfect as there was some carelessness throughout the night but named the red team the winners for having the edge all night as they completed their appetizers 10 minutes ahead of the blue team. Ramsay reminded Clemenza how he cooked four servings of scallops before service even began as his teammates watched him and told Royce that if he could see Kimmie’s plating that night, it was brilliant and perfect. After, Ramsay asked the blue team to name two people for elimination.
As both teams walked back to the dorms, Kimmie and Robyn reconciled. Even though Kimmie acknowledged their fight, she felt Robyn was proud of her performance. Then, a defeated Justin felt the blue team was strong with their bounce back but felt the red team was better than them that night. In the kitchen, Kimmie was relieved they did not have to deal with elimination again. The red team celebrated, and Christina did the chicken dance.
During deliberation, Patrick considered Clemenza for elimination. While that angered Clemenza, Patrick used the scallop hold-up as his deciding factor. However, Clemenza argued there were only so many scallops he could cook at a time and felt he was an easy target despite being responsible for serving half the dining room that night. Royce also considered Clemenza, feeling the latter was the kid who would be sent to the corner in kindergarten for coloring outside the line. The rest of the blue team unanimously agreed. However, Clemenza refused to believe he was the weakest chef on the blue team as he pulled his weight while they struggled on who their second nominee would be. Meanwhile, Robyn pulled Christina away from the team. An annoyed Barbie felt the former was starting shit even after they won. In the bedroom, Robyn asked Christina why she would not let her help out on appetizers. While Christina explained that she and Dana had a rhythm in the middle of that course, she felt Robyn was taking things too personally and was done with the drama. Then, Robyn said there was no I in team and frustratingly told Christina to have fun with her services.
Meanwhile, Justin considered Guy as the blue team’s second nominee, and Patrick agreed to that. Fearing that the wind was changing for him, Guy tried to push for Brian instead as he could have help Clemenza out on scallops, to which Royce agreed. However, Brian argued that he did help Clemenza as best as he could and got pissed because if it were not for him, they would have been fucked before hitting the punching bag in anger. Then, Clemenza suggested Patrick as a nominee for not helping when fish got hit the most, despite helping everywhere else, but that irritated the latter as he felt he was vocal that night. That made Royce agree with Clemenza as he felt Patrick was not leading the blue team and did not like a leader who did not lead. That left Roshni the final person to vote on, but she struggled with a decision, not helping the men’s impatience as Brian asked her to be decisive.
Roshni announced Clemenza as the blue team’s first nominee. Still, while she said that it was a near tie between Brian and Guy as the second nominee, it was ultimately the latter who had the most votes. During their pleas, Ramsay reminded Guy that it was the second time in a row he was standing in front of him. Still, Guy felt he was not done as he fought every day despite being the least experienced chef in the competition and had enough energy for five chefs. When Ramsay asked Guy if he was better than Clemenza, he said he was. Then, Clemenza felt he had been an asset to the blue team since the beginning based on challenge performances, but then, Ramsay asked the safe blue chefs they felt should go home that night. All of them said Clemenza, but that angered the latter as he played 100% that night, gave it all every single time despite chasing animals and digging up trees, and never once stopped to let his guard down before calling out his teammates for trying to get rid of him despite putting out better food than them all. Afterwards, Ramsay told Clemenza that he had done well in the competition despite a bad night before asking if he was done. Clemenza said he was nowhere close to being done. In the end, Ramsay called up Clemenza’s name but sent him back in line, with the red team giving him a standing ovation after being impressed with his passionate plea as Robyn high-fived him on his way back. Then, Guy was eliminated for his poor performance on meat and being on his second nomination in a row. Before leaving, Ramsay thanked him for his hard work. During his exit interview, Guy did not think he would be eliminated that early, felt Ramsay made the wrong decision and stood by for what he did and what he sent out.
After Guy left, Ramsay told Clemenza to use his passion. While being dismissed, Robyn felt that Clemenza had more heart than anybody from the blue team before saying he needed to look after himself when nobody else will. Then, Royce acknowledged Clemenza’s passion but said that finesse and organization skills were better. At the same time, Clemenza felt he had more love from the red team than his own teammates.
Ramsay's comment: "Guy's performance in Hell's Kitchen was extremely inconsistent. That is why I know he is not the guy to run Gordon Ramsay Steak."