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Chef Ramsay's big on scallops and cooking them perfectly, but I'm not scared of him.

Dana Cohen was a contestant on Seasons 10 and 17 of Hell's Kitchen. On Season 10, she ranked in 3rd place, and on Season 17, she ranked in 8th place.

Season 10[]

Episode 1[]

Main article: Episode 1001 - 18 Chefs Compete

The eighteen chefs arrived at Hell's Kitchen via SUVs and police escort, and as they walked in, Dana was in shock over being in the restaurant. Sous Chef Scott told the chefs he shaved his head to prove his commitment to Ramsay and showed a picture of him with a full head of hair, before deciding to shave the chefs' heads, although she refused to have her hair shaved off. After two chefs got their heads shaved, really Sous Chef Scott's friends, the latter was about to shave Danielle's head until Ramsay stopped him and told her to get back in line. He told the chefs to get in the kitchens to cook their signature dishes.

During the Signature Dish Challenge, Dana was the eighth person from the red team to have her dish judged by Ramsay and went up against Tavon. She made pan-seared scallops, said that Ramsay is big on scallops and cooking them perfectly, but was not scared of him. Ramsay praised her dish for having perfectly cooked scallops, and she won that round over Tavon. The red team won the challenge 5-3, and they were rewarded with a steak meal at the patio cooked by Season 3 winner Rock Harper and Season 6 winner Dave Levey.

Later that night, Christina playfully spanked Dana when the women were studying. During, she felt overwhelmed on the menu items as she knew Ramsay would not expect anything that was not perfect. After Briana struggled with remembering the entrées, she imitated a gunshot to her head. During dinner service, she was on the garnish station. She was not seen much, except for accusing Christina of killing them due to the latter's poor Wellingtons. When Christina served Wellingtons with raw pastry, a fed-up Ramsay shut down the red kitchen. Despite this, the red team won the service as they served all their appetizers compared to the blue team’s zero.[1]

Episode 2[]

Main article: Episode 1002 - 17 Chefs Compete

The next day, the chefs were woken up by a rap group, but Dana got annoyed by that and flipped the group off in response. She was not seen during the scallop collecting of the Scallop Challenge and was paired up with Robyn. They got two attempts accepted, and after the first one, she ecstatically yelled boom goes the fucking dynamite. The red team won the challenge 6-2, and they were rewarded with a trip to Catalina Island with Ramsay on board a yacht, and a zip lining experience. During the reward, she called the best as she took in the view during her zip line trip, and found it funny when Roshni got stuck during the latter's turn.

During dinner service, Dana was on the meat station with Robyn. She was not seen that night, both teams were named joint losers, and they were asked to nominate two each. During deliberation, she decided that, to see Barbie go home, nominate Roshni as she felt the latter would not be in trouble, with Robyn, Tiffany, Briana, and Kimmie agreeing with that decision. However, Roshni was not happy to learn that.

Dana was not nominated for elimination, but when Roshni told Ramsay the only reason she was nominated was to fill out the two required nominations, he asked her if that was true. She claimed they could not come to a consensus on who was the worst that night.[2]

Episode 3[]

Main article: Episode 1003 - 16 Chefs Compete

When the chefs came down to see a group of immigrants get sworn in as Americans, Dana was confused about what was happening. During the Immigrants Lunch Service Challenge, she was on the slider station. At one point, she was seen getting her sliders accepted, but when Barbie sent up a raw pizza, she said that the latter sucked before expressing a desire to see her go home. The red team got their orders completed, helped the men complete their orders, and they won the challenge. They were rewarded with a trip to San Diego with a safari trip and got to fly in a private jet. During the reward, she got kissed by a giraffe and said it was the most action she got in weeks.

During prep, Dana remembered the promise they made to Ramsay the other day on completing a service. During dinner service, she was on the appetizer station with Christina. She was not only late on the spaghetti but served a portion with too much sauce to the point Ramsay compared it to soup. While she knew that one fuck up could set off the entire night, she refused to be the person who sent her team down and got her refire accepted. When Roshni served raw dumplings, she was distraught that the latter failed on an easy thing. The red team lost the service, and they were asked to nominate two people for elimination. During deliberation, Barbie and Christina considered her for elimination as she got crushed from the start, but she hoped for Barbie to go home as she made several errors in the previous services and would continue to vote for Barbie every time she messed up.

Dana was not nominated for elimination, and while being dismissed, she called it annoying for Barbie to still be around.[3]

Episode 4[]

Main article: Episode 1004 - 15 Chefs Compete

The next day, a group of dogs was let loose in the dorms, and their loud barking woke up the chefs, confusing Barbie. Once up, Sous Chef Scott gave them overalls to put on

During the Creative Lamb Challenge, Dana was paired up with Christina on the lamb steak, they were the final pair from the red team to have their dish judged by Ramsay, and went up against the pair of Brian and Royce. She presented their braised lamb steak with sautéed spinach, and while Ramsay praised them for brazing their lamb as it worked, they lost that round to Brian and Royce. The red team lost the challenge 2-3, and they were punished by washing off the paint from the sheep, eating sheep testicles, and clean up both kitchens along with prepping them for that night’s service. During the punishment, she sarcastically thanked Robyn and Barbie for making them clean up sheep for fucking up their lamb. Later, she and Danielle discussed Kimmie's poor attitude.

During dinner service, Dana was on the fish station with Tiffany. She was not seen that night, both teams were named joint losers, and they were asked to nominate two each.

Dana was not nominated for elimination, and after Don's elimination, she said goodbye to Roshni as the latter was reassigned to the blue team.[4]

Episode 5[]

Main article: Episode 1005 - 14 Chefs Compete

Back at the dorms, in the hot tub, Dana complained to Danielle and Christina that Robyn blamed others for her mistakes, and predicted that some shit would go down between the latter and Kimmie.

During the Mexican Cuisine Challenge, Dana said the balls for the ingredients were everywhere. She cooked the tostada, was the final person from the red team to have her dish judged and went up against Roshni. She made a seared ahi tuna tostada was praised for the watermelon and mango combination, for having the tuna complement the heat of the jicama, and Kimmie prayed for her to pull out a win. She won that round over Roshni, it was deemed the best overall dish of the day, and the red team won the challenge 3-2. They were rewarded with a gourmet lunch at John Sedlar’s Rivera restaurant and received salsa lessons. During the reward, she was ready to indulge herself in fine dining as Sedlar presented the women with a tasting spread of his signature dishes, but feared doing the salsa lessons.

Later that night, Tiffany told Kimmie and Robyn what Royce said about Kimmie's tacos, saying that a Memphis girl did not make a better taco than himself, only using his complaints to blame Danielle, Dana, and Christina. The next day, Robyn brought up what Tiffany told her last night, but when she and Christina denied saying anything bad towards Kimmie, the entire red team gathered as the latter called the trio pieces of shit for bad-mouthing her. However, she and Danielle argued that she never said anything poor about Kimmie’s dish and that she heard it from somebody and making assumptions. Then, Kimmie told her to kiss her fucking ass, and called her a bitch, while she called Kimmie a bitch in response.

During the Mexican Night dinner service, Dana was on the fish station with Kimmie. At one point, she asked Kimmie if she wanted to put their meat and fish on the same tray for the pass, and the latter agreed to it. However, Ramsay was not happy about that as the steaks and snapper were dripping into each other, but when he demanded who sent it like that, Kimmie was waiting on her to accept the blame as it was her decision. However, she argued that Kimmie should take responsibility as it was her station, while Ramsay grew more frustrated at the lack of an answer. Eventually, Kimmie took the blame even though she was responsible, and was pissed she got in trouble before kicking her off fish and telling Robyn that she was not responsible for the incident. However, when Robyn asked her if she was, she denied it until Tiffany yelled that nobody fucking cared, and ordered the two to shut up and cook. However, she called Kimmie a big baby as she did not need to deal with a person like her. After Danielle sent up her refired pork, she and Christina told the former to get another pork fired immediately as they feared it was raw, but it became a reality, and Danielle was kicked out. As chefs were getting kicked out of the kitchen, she was scared shitless about their situation. After several ejections in the red kitchen, she was one of the four remaining members from the red kitchen who managed to get the first order of entrees out and get a groove going.

During the post-mortem, Kimmie revealed to Ramsay that it was Dana’s fault for the steak and snapper incident, but she argued that it was not how she recalled the situation as she asked the former if they were doing it. Both teams were named joint losers, and they were asked to nominate two each. During deliberation, she tried to defend Danielle but knew it was a choice between the latter, Barbie and Kimmie. As she did not want Danielle to go home, being that she was her friend, she took Christina and Danielle back to the bedroom and wanted the three to stick together.

She was not nominated for elimination.[5]

Episode 6/7[]

Main article: Episode 1006 - 13 Chefs Compete Part 1
Main article: Episode 1007 - 13 Chefs Compete Part 2

After Danielle’s elimination, Dana started tearing up, and when Ramsay took notice, she revealed how upset she was. However, Ramsay told her that she was nowhere near upset as he was over the embarrassing performance that night. On their way back to the dorms, she was upset that Danielle, her best friend, was gone, and later that night, she and a tearful Christina reconfirmed their strong bond together with Danielle as she knew that the Kimmie-Tiffany-Robyn alliance were not going to put themselves up for elimination and that she would be their next target. However, she felt it was more of a game than competition, before declaring that she was on against Robyn, Tiffany, and Kimmie.

Before the Fashion Night Planning Challenge, a confused Dana wondered if they were going to upscale TV dinners after seeing a model carry one. After the judges let the chefs know what they wanted for the dishes, she annoyingly knew the judges cared more about their image than liking food. She was paired up with Christina on the appetizer dish, and during the cooking, she directed Christina on how to cook their lobster appetizer dish as she wanted it done properly. While Christina preferred that she let her do her job, she felt that if the former screwed up on their dish, it would be reflected at her as she wanted to prove to Ramsay why she should be here. They were the first pair from the red team to have their dish judged and went up against the pair of Justin and Brian. She presented their chilled mango broth with jumble crab meat, and while the dish was criticized for having a clumsy presentation, the judges noted how interesting the taste was as there was a hint of a mango aftertaste, and they scored that round over the pair of Brian and Justin. After Tiffany revealed that she and Barbie had a fried eggplant on their dish, she asked the former if the former was in the bathroom during the menu discussion as healthy and deep-fried did not go together.

The red team eventually lost the challenge 1-2, and they were punished by decorating the dining room ahead of the Fashion Night dinner service, hand-build a runway, and making centerpieces under the guidance of a fashion producer. During the punishment, while Dana commented on how the blue team’s life was good, it was the complete opposite for the red team and was jealous of how the blue team got to spend thousands of dollars on clothes they probably did not need, while she needed new clothes. As the women struggled to carry a part of the runway, she compared lifting it to carrying Clemenza up the fucking stairs as her back was already starting to hurt. When she sarcastically commented on how fun it was to put together a runway, Christina snapped at her to help her out, causing her to call the latter scary when she was pissed and suggested that Christina needed to relax. Later, she got disgusted when Tiffany farted and burped. Back at the dorms, she said that a big girl like Kimmie needed to step up to herself and that there were good reasons why the red team did not respect her properly.[6]

During the Fashion Night dinner service, Dana was on the appetizer station with Christina. During the first model show, she did not like them looking at their work, even asking why they were in a restaurant if they did not eat. After Ramsay gave the women their two-minute warning, she knew they were only cooking three appetizers that night, and said it would be pretty lame-o if they could not pull it off. When Robyn offered to help her and Christina out on appetizers, they rejected it, and during the second course, she prayed for the former's steaks to be perfect as they had no extras. When Christina and Tiffany served a cold swordfish, she knew that while the former cooked them, the latter left them out for a long time to get cold as the latter did not answer Ramsay’s question on who cooked it, accused Tiffany of not taking responsibility for her mistakes and called it fugly. The red team won the service.

At elimination, Dana and the red team gave Clemenza a standing ovation after being impressed with his passionate plea, and for surviving elimination.[7]

Episode 8[]

Main article: Episode 1008 - 12 Chefs Compete

During the Dome Challenge, Dana grabbed veal chop, herbs, celery root, and lemons for her dish. She took the celery root Tiffany wanted as it was first come first serve and wanted Ramsay to see her individual skills. She was the fourth person from the red team to have her dish judged, and went up against Brian. She made a lemon herbed veal chop, it was praised for having everything on the plate work, and she scored 6 stars. The red team won the challenge 30-29, and they were rewarded with a spa day and brand new Demeyere cookware for each of them. During the reward, she called the spa relaxing and rewarding as everything was white.

During dinner service, Dana was on the fish station. She was not seen much, except for telling Robyn to stop talking with Sugar Ray Leonard as nobody cared. The red team won the service by a mile after completing both their own tickets and the blue team's tickets.[8]

Episode 9/10[]

Main article: Episode 1009 - 11 Chefs Compete Part 1
Main article: Episode 1010 - 11 Chefs Compete Part 2

Before the Creative Steak Challenge, Dana did not care for Ramsay's statement about Las Vegas as she wanted to know what was behind the sheet before it was revealed to be a slot machine. When the red team had to sit out somebody, she knew that nobody wanted their dish to be sat out. She went up against Patrick and their ingredients were flat iron, potatoes, mushroom, spinach, and blue cheese, although she did not like the flat iron as she never bought that cut back home. She was the third person from the red team to have her dish judged by Ramsay and presented her grilled flat iron with sautéed spinach with cabernet mushrooms. It was criticized for a messy presentation as Ramsay drained the sauce out as he refused to eat food swimming in liquids. That dismayed her, but while she hoped the flavors were good, it was criticized for having ragged meat, being overcooked, and Ramsay deeming it her worst dish so far. So, neither she nor Patrick scored that round.

The red team lost the challenge 2-3, and they were punished by taking in delivery of a side of beef, and prep it for Steak Night. During the punishment, Dana called it ridiculous and said this should have been a punishment for the men as she had no idea how the fuck the women were supposed to get it in the kitchen. Later, she showed concern about Kimmie after the latter was wheezing heavily.

The next day, Dana did not like Robyn sleeping over and told her to sleep on the sofa next time, pissing the latter off. During prep, she noted both the Tiffany-Barbie and Kimmie-Robyn conflicts, and while she knew they may not end up as friends, they had to drop all their drama at the dorms to win service. Before service began, she was scared for Kimmie’s fate as the red team needed her that night due to the latter getting a serious burn,[9] but she was happy when Kimmie came back to the kitchen.

During the Family-Steak Night dinner service, Dana was on the appetizer station with Tiffany. When she showed concern about the state the blinis were in, Tiffany rudely told her off, and after seeing Robyn's dry fish, she called it nasty. When Robyn and Kimmie continued to argue all night, she dismayingly compered the women to a fucking anchor on a ship that was sinking, and when the three men were called in to help, she was embarrassed as it meant the red team lost. Eventually, the red team was kicked out after multiple mistakes, and back at the dorms, Kimmie and Robyn continued to argue, which not only did she call ghetto, but found it funny how the two used to be BFFs and were now arch enemies. Both teams were named joint losers, and they were asked to nominate two each. During deliberation, the Kimmie and Robyn feud intensify, and she wondered who would throw the first punch.

Dana was not nominated for eliminated, and after Patrick's elimination, she said goodbye to Robyn as the latter was reassigned to the blue team.[10]

Episode 11[]

Main article: Episode 1011 - 10 Chefs Compete

During the Craps Challenge, when the blue team had four ingredients and no protein, Dana mockingly told them to make a salad. She rolled a B and chose Brussel sprouts. During the cooking, Barbie wanted to input ideas for all their ingredients, but she reminded the former to cook the lamb as it had to sear immediately even though Barbie was confident on the lamb. With two minutes left, Barbie told her not to put the crispy leaves on the plate as Ramsay might hate them, but she got upset as they were her favorite. The red team was the first to present, and she presented the red team’s herb-crusted rack of lamb on top of crispy roasted Brussel sprouts and braised endives and chicory. Ramsay praised the cook of the lamb for being perfect, with Barbie feeling more confident and told her that she told her so but criticized the Brussel sprouts for being a disappointment as they were too crunchy. That led Barbie to call her a dumbass for worrying more about the lamb than her Brussel sprouts.

The red team lost the challenge and were punished by slow roasting pork for a pulled pork special ahead of the following service, which would take 12–15 hours. After the blue team left, Ramsay reminded the red team that the Brussel sprouts were the biggest letdown of the dish, and Kimmie was pissed at Dana for serving burnt food. While Kimmie was upset they lost, she was unsympathetic and told the former to get over it. Back at the dorms, Kimmie was still pissed at her acting like she ran the red team and after punching the bag by envisioning her face on it, Kimmie felt like wringing her neck as the former wanted to use the punishment as a bonding experience. During the punishment when Tiffany was very comfortable with the pig they were prepping, she felt she was acting creepy around it.

During dinner service, Dana was assigned to wait on David Beckham and was on the garnish station. At one point, she was struggling with flatbread pizza as it was stuck to the pizza oven. Christina tried to help, but her attempt got stuck as well. Despite that, the third attempt was accepted, the VIP table got their order, and the red team began pushing out the remainder of their appetizers. After the red team completed dinner service, she was the only one who did not go to the blue team to help them complete their eleven tickets as she was working on desserts. The red team won the service.[11]

Episode 12/13[]

Main article: Episode 1012 - 9 Chefs Compete Part 1
Main article: Episode 1013 - 9 Chefs Compete Part 2

While Dana did not compete in the Wing Eating Challenge, she hoped Tiffany could eat wings as fast as she could drink beers. During the Blind Taste Test, she said that they all smoked that morning, before accusing Kimmie of wanting to watch them compete after the latter sat out. During the second round, she laughed at Robyn's 0 out of 4 performance, she was the final person from the red team to compete and went up against Justin. She only got fig and radish, and after the red team lost the challenge 6-7, she accused Justin of cheating after the latter scored a perfect run. They were punished by participating in Delivery Day, as well as unboxing all their peppercorns, grind them by hand and mortar, replace the fryer oil for both kitchens, and prep potatoes. During the punishment, she called it the least fun activity she had done and got some peppercorn flakes in her eyes.

Later that day, a truck horn blared, annoying Tiffany as she thought the red team was done with delivery day. However, Barbie opened the box to reveal a tablet, and after pressing play, it opened a prerecorded message from Ramsay. Then, Ramsay announced that he was giving both teams a chance to have their own menus for the following night’s service, and gave them one hour to create a menu with three appetizers, three entrées, and three desserts. After both teams broke away from each other, an excited Dana called it a big opportunity to show Ramsay what they had. As the red team agreed on their menu items, she shot down most of Kimmie's ideas such as mussels and barbecue sauce were shot down, and felt the former was taking things too personally.

During prep, Tiffany asked Christina and Dana to taste her potatoes, but the two felt they were very crunchy. After Ramsay criticized some of their dishes, she hoped they could bounce back.[12] During dinner service, she was on the fish station. After Kimmie served overcooked duck and Ramsay handed the red team pieces to taste, she knew it was never a good sign, before calling it dry and disgusting. After Kimmie's ribeye was overcooked, she yelled she hated losing dinner services. While her leadership allowed the women to push out entrées, James discovered that two of her lobsters on her halibut were raw and sent it back to the pass. As Ramsay disappointingly said he trusted her with the main fish and called the lobster pinker than Paris Hilton’s lipstick, she thought the lobster claws were already cooked before service while Christina knew that was not she was capable of. Fortunately, her refire was accepted, but when Tiffany was caught trying to cook garnishes on a dirty pan, she called her gross. When Tiffany's potatoes came back for being raw, she reminded the former about the crunchy potatoes five hours ago. After Tiffany was kicked out, she was reassigned to garnish, but tried to salvage the gratins to no avail and was pissed at Tiffany for not listening to her. Eventually, the red team finally got the potato problem completed, they managed to complete service, and she was relieved that they did not get kicked out like the blue team as it meant they were not the losing team that night.

Both teams were named joint losers, with Ramsay reminding Dana about her raw lobster, but she was left shocked and confused as she thought the red team won that night. Both teams were asked to nominate two each. During deliberation, she considered Tiffany for the potato fiasco, but while the latter argued she was set up, she knew that nobody sabotaged her as it was her fault, before naming Barbie her second, surprising the latter. While Barbie argued she was not bad-mouthing people, she felt it was on her looks towards them, angering Barbie as it meant the red team was nominating her on her facial structure.

She was not nominated for elimination.[13]

Episode 14[]

Main article: Episode 1014 - 8 Chefs Compete

Back at the dorms, Dana tried to comfort Kimmie after the latter was upset Tiffany was gone.

Before the Southern Cuisine Challenge, Dana was worried as Southern cooking was not her style, but felt it was Kimmie’s time to shine. She and Robyn were automatically paired up, and their dishes were meatloaf and sweet potatoes. During the cooking, while she had no idea how she could reinvent meatloaf, she had to figure it quickly. When Tanya Steel from Epicurious came to guest judge with Ramsay, it shocked as it was a big cooking website. She was the final person from the red team to have her dish judged, and presented her bacon-wrapped mini meatloaf with sweet potato. It was praised for looking posh, even though Robyn disagreed, and praised for an incredible purée, but criticized for having too much of a gamey taste. After Ramsay gave Steel the honor of choosing a winner, she picked her dish, and the red team won 3-1, making her happy that they finally won a challenge after their losing streak. When Ramsay asked Steel who she felt the best dish of the red team was, she said her dish, meaning her dish would be featured on Epicurious.

The red team was rewarded with a photoshoot with Ramsay and Tanya Steel for Epicurious, and lunch at the Four Seasons. During the reward, Dana was ready to get glammed up. During lunch, she bragged about her sweet potatoes, Barbie accused her of being full of herself and was tired of it, making the entire atmosphere awkward.

During prep, Dana felt confident in the red team’s abilities to get food out compared to the blue team but hoped Barbie would keep her bitch attitude under control. During the Southern Night dinner service, she was on the appetizer station. The red team received their first order, and she felt the crab cakes were very easy before getting her first attempts accepted. After Kimmie served catfish dishes were both raw and burnt respectively, she mortifyingly screamed a no before the red team got kicked out of the kitchen. Both teams were named joint losers and they were asked to nominate one each. During deliberation, she struggled to decide on who she wanted on her team as she felt Kimmie was a better team player, but if she nominated Barbie, then the red team was deadlocked.

She was not nominated for elimination.[14]

Episode 15[]

Main article: Episode 1015 - 7 Chefs Compete

Back at the dorms, Dana felt that a three-person team with Barbie would be difficult and would prefer if it was just herself and Christina in the red kitchen.

During the Relay Challenge, Dana went up twice and was the first person from the red team to begin. On round one, she knew the lamb had to be worked on first and started searing it. On round four, Barbie felt she was running around frantically with nothing accomplished. After the blue team's lamb was criticized, she got hopeful, but unfortunately, Barbie revealed that she improperly sliced the red team’s lamb that Ramsay said looked chewed up, leaving her to accuse Barbie of cutting it with a spoon. As neither team scored a point on either dish, Ramsay named both teams joint losers on a team challenge, and after hearing what the reward would have been, she dismayingly commented that they were making history for the tenth season, only because they sucked. Everybody was punished by cleaning up the front of the restaurant and detailing the SUVs. During the punishment, she complained that she did not want to be working on a beach day.

During dinner service, Dana was on the fish station. On the red team's final ticket, Ramsay caught her cooking three sea bass in different pans, lecturing that she should use a big pan instead and questioned her common sense. Then, Ramsay went over to fish and showed her what he was talking about, but she was not appreciative as she felt his way was no different than what she was doing. The red team won the service, and Ramsay awarded them with the first three black jackets.[15]

Episode 16[]

Main article: Episode 1016 - 6 Chefs Compete

Back at the dorms, Dana and Robyn celebrated but said that she looked in black even though it felt weird to celebrate with the latter. The next day, when tasting Quinn Hatfield's seafood pasta, she thought he used potatoes.

During the Taste It Now Make It Challenge, Dana was paired up with Clemenza. They used veal, prosciutto, white bean, horseradish, and Madeira to recreate Ramsay's dish. They were the first pair to have their dish judged, but she was scared by Ramsay’s tasting as she wanted to know the correct answer. They got all but the purée correct, and they won the challenge. They were rewarded with a trip to Silverwood lake to have a gourmet picnic and drive on their own jet skis. As the two went up to change, she said the only thing that would make things better was having her boyfriend over instead of Clemenza. During their reward, the two went on the jet skis as she wanted to smoke Clemenza out on the water. Once the two drove their jet skis to the picnic, Dana noticed how they had their own private cove, while Clemenza was in awe of her bikini as the two toasted to their win. When they came back from their reward, she teased Justin by asking if he could iron her dress next.

Before dinner service, Ramsay announced that the black jackets would compete against former runner ups. When Jay revealed himself, Dana revealed her disdain for the former due to his blue hair. During dinner service, she was on the fish station. After Robyn and Clemenza cooked food not on order, she called it an embarrassment. Later, she got timings mixed up, and Barbie asked her if she was stupid as fish cooked faster. Afterwards, a frustrated Ramsay told her to ask for help as neither Clemenza nor Robyn was doing anything now, but she did not trust them for not being at her level, before reluctantly letting Clemenza cook the scallops. However, Clemenza sent up boiled scallops, frustrating her as Clemenza was supposed to help her, not fuck her. After being ordered to take control, she asked Robyn for help on the scallops. When Ramsay found raw seasoned scallops., she claimed to have no idea who did that, but Ramsay lectured to her that seasoning them raw will cause them to try out and overcook. Eventually, Robyn admitted to doing that mistake to help her, but as Christina was four minutes away from her pasta, Ramsay demanded an explanation from the two. When Robyn argued that there were too many cooks in the kitchen. Ramsay angrily agreed with the former, but while smugly felt that Robyn was getting kicked out, Ramsay ordered her into the pantry room. There, Ramsay warned her that she was sinking, urged her to command her station if anybody touched her fish, and told her to find a voice. Agreeing with Ramsay, she decided to do the scallops herself, and finally got the order of appetizers out.

The black jackets lost the service against the runner ups, and they were asked to nominate two people for elimination. During deliberation, Dana said there should be no reason for her to be nominated as she did fine until Clemenza and Robyn fucked up her station. Then, when she brought up the scallop incident, Robyn immediately tried to defend her actions as she did not cook them, but Christina asked the latter if that meant she walked away from it. However, Barbie felt that she should not be blaming others as it was her second night on fish, and deemed it an error of judgment. After, see nominated Clemenza for sending up raw scallops, but the latter felt she should be nominated for making fish slow that night.

Dana was not nominated for elimination, but when Robyn tried to blame her due to not communicating and asking for help when she needed it, she argued that she had everything under control until Clemenza and Robyn screwed her on the scallops. While being dismissed, she said there were only four people in her way, before proclaiming that she was going to win.[16]

Episode 17[]

Main article: Episode 1017 - 5 Chefs Compete

While going back to the dorms, Dana admitted that while walking back after elimination was depressing, they were all happy to Robyn go home. While Justin added that he did not want to work with Robyn for a while, she pointed out that the men now knew what the red team had to go through with Robyn.

The next day, when the final five came down to the kitchen where Ramsay decided to cook them chicken parmesan, Dana was watching closely as there was no reason the former would cook them chicken parmesan, before wondering if it was a test. When Ramsay revealed the Cooking School Challenge, she said that she loved teaching. When Ramsay introduced them to the Miss Teen USA winners, she felt the women were not dressed to cook. She taught with Allie Laforce of 2005, and during the cooking, she noticed that Barbie and Cruz were struggling to dice the onion. She was the third person to have her dish be judged by Ramsay, and their attempt was praised for a beautiful presentation and a delicious sauce, but criticized for an overabundance of mozzarella, even though she argued that the cheese was the best part and that there was no such thing as too much cheese. Ramsay asked Cruz and Laforce to bring up their dishes again, and while she wondered who he would pick, she hoped for a tie with Barbie. When Barbie claimed that patience was a virtue, she bitterly asked Barbie if being mediocre throughout the competition was her strategy.

She lost the challenge to Barbie and was punished by prepping for Italian Night. During the punishment, she bitterly mocked Barbie’s comments from earlier and felt that the latter and Justin were falling in love. Later, she was seen struggling to roll the dough, much to Clemenza’s annoyance, telling her to crank harder. Then, Dana complained that she did not want to do prep work anymore as her whole body was hurting, and yelled that she wanted it to end. When Justin made spaghetti, she was not thrilled about what they made pasta for the last six hours.

During prep, Dana was concerned about Clemenza pounding the chicken too thin but was ignored. When Clemenza announced that half of their chicken was ruined, she was left angry as now she had barely any orders of chicken for that night, and whined that it was not cool.

During dinner service, Dana was on the meat station. When Barbie sent up a risotto that had raw wine, no salt, and hard as a rock, she frustratedly yelled that they should get a risotto right by their fourteenth service. When Barbie sent up a risotto that had no salt and was raw, she deemed it disgusting as it looked like rice soup. When they moved onto entrees, she was worried about trying to sear off the filets for the number of orders, but Ramsay discovered that one pan had burnt filet due to being on a high temperature, and while she admitted that she should have thrown those filets out, Ramsay asked if she wanted to go home due to being out of control, before warning her to a grip. When Barbie promised to get the refired appetizers done in three minutes, she was frustrated as they had to wait for appetizers to finish.

During deliberation, when Christina was disappointed about her performance, Dana told her to relax as she only made one mistake that night. In the bedroom, Christina wanted to vote for Clemenza, but she leaned more to Barbie as she disliked her, felt that she sucked that night and reminded Christina of all the times they wanted her gone from the red team, and they both struggled to make a final decision.

Dana was not nominated for elimination, and she revealed to Ramsay that it was between Barbie and Clemenza before they ran out of time. Back at the dorms after Clemenza left, she felt that the cash prize was in her reach as they toasted to their victory. Then, Dana noticed a note, and after mysterious people came to them, much to her shock and excitement, and the episode ended as a cliffhanger.[17]

Episode 18[]

Main article: Episode 1018 - 4 Chefs Compete

Continuing from the previous episode, Dana was reunited with her parents, and while reuniting with them, she and Christina called themselves the dynamic duo.

Before the Budget Challenge, Dana begged Ramsay to fork over more cash as she felt $15 was not enough and was forced to get five ounces of halibut after complaining that New Jersey never sold her $39.99 a pound for fish. During the cooking, she noticed how quiet the kitchen was as there were only three chefs left and there was nowhere left to hide, but Christina helped her by telling her to watch her cream. However, Barbie reminded the two that it was a challenge, and they were not in teams. After seeing the guest judges, she got scared as it could be their toughest challenge yet. She was the third person to have her dish judged, was surprised that Barbie got a high average with a pork chop, and was worried that her halibut was smaller compared to the bigger pork chop. She made a panko encrusted halibut over a shaved fennel salad and citrus Berblanc, it was praised for having the seafood as the star of the show, being fresh and elegant, and she scored a $34 average. She won the challenge and was happy she won a challenge during the final four.

Dana was rewarded with a trip to Lefevre’s Manhattan Beach Post restaurant for not only lunch, but one on one time, which she felt was great. During the reward, she arrived at Levefvre’s restaurant, which had been closed for only the two of them, and after working with him on some of the dishes, she called it amazing to work with a Michelin Star chef. After cooking the dishes, Lefevre revealed that there were some people they can serve to, but while she complained that she wanted to eat it herself, she changed her tune after seeing that her parents were in the restaurant. As they ate together, she wanted to relax but knew she had to focus to kick ass.

Later that day, Dana came back from her reward, but Christina got annoyed when she described her reward as it was the last thing she wanted to hear after busting her ass that day. When nobody responded to her questions about if they were using the regular menu, she asked what she did to deserve it, especially towards Christina. Then, she declared that there were no more friendships now and that their next service would determine her fate in the competition. After Ramsay announced that they were each running the pass, she called huge as if nobody could do it, then how could they run a brigade.

During dinner service, Dana was on the fish station. On Justin's turn, he called out the order, but everybody but her responded as she felt he was annoying, but Justin got irked when she was dragging fish as it meant she did not care. While most of the entrées were on the pass, Justin was still waiting on her sea bass, but she retorted that it would be ready when it was ready. Catching that, Ramsay told her that her attitude stunk and it was Justin’s time, before ordering her to move her fucking ass, and called her out for being about her own time and not the restaurant’s time while adding a threat of elimination if she had given up. However, she got irked when Ramsay accused her of sabotaging Justin as she worked hard as anybody was on the pass, before finally getting her sea bass out and allowing David Hoenemeyer’s table to receive their entrées. She was the second person to run the pass, wanted to prove to Ramsay he was looking for, and knew she had to step up as the leader he was looking for. However, she read the order out when nobody was paying attention, and Ramsay reminded her that they had to respond to her for her to run the kitchen. After getting the second time better, she declared that she was running the kitchen and not the other way around, and food left at a steady pace. After Justin sent up the risotto, Ramsay added sugar into in without her knowledge, but even after tasting it, she still plated until Ramsay had her taste again. Realizing her mistake, she told Justin to refire two risottos, refused to fail at the pass, and got the refire accepted. During Barbie's turn, she got confused as they had no idea what she asked after the former called the order towards the dining room. During Christina's turn, the former got more forceful when she had to drag on cod due to having her initial orders burnt on the bottom. Then, she sent up a raw cod, and when the latter struggled on the refire, Christina and Ramsay pushed her to get it up quickly. Eventually, Christina decided to throw away friendship if she was performing poorly at that stage of the competition and became more assertive to her, which caused her to finally get the refire accepted.

After service, Ramsay asked the final four to think about who should stay, and who should go home. During deliberation, Dana felt nobody performed that bad, but Barbie felt she was not owning up to her mistakes, and reminded her about dragging on the tickets. While she argued against that, Justin reminded her how she dragged on the very first ticket he was on the pass for, and when Barbie asked her if she ever ran a pass before, she said she did not. However, she called Barbie delusional if the latter thought she would win, but Christina felt she was fucking everything that night, and reminded her about the raw cod when she was running the pass. However, she ignorantly felt she had been on the top of every challenge, and that she should not go home based on one poor service.

At elimination, Ramsay asked the final four why they should stay. Dana said she had been a strong performer in both challenges and services and while she knew it was not her best performance, she did not make the same mistakes. After Barbie's elimination, Ramsay admitted that it was now hard to pick two out of the three remaining chefs as there was a fraction of difference between them and that he could see anyone of them in the finale. Just before Ramsay could announce who the first finalist was, the episode ended in a cliffhanger.[18]

Episode 19/20[]

Main article: Episode 1019 - 2 Chefs Compete
Main article: Episode 1020 - Winner Chosen

Continuing from the previous episode, Dana was eliminated after Christina and Justin were named the finalists. Before leaving, Ramsay urged her to keep her head up high as she had an extraordinary palate and allowed her to keep her jacket. During her exit interview, she received a retrospective montage. Ramsay did not comment on her elimination, and she did not receive the portrait burning sequence.

Dana was one of the eight chefs that returned for the final dinner service. She was Christina's first pick, was followed by Patrick, Kimmie, and Robyn, and was the first pick overall. After being picked, she said it was an obvious choice because they were best friends. Back at the dorms, she got dismayed when Christina announced a risotto and scallop dish as they already had a lot of problems with the two dishes in the past.[19]

The next day, Christina called Dana her savior, and during prep, the former called the latter her buddy once again. During dinner service, she was on the fish station. When Christina called out her first order, the latter urged her and Robyn to communicate for the risotto dish. While Robyn served the risotto, she was trying her best to get the scallops perfect for Christina as she did not want the latter to look bad. However, she served dark scallops, and when Robyn’s risotto was broken, the latter blamed her as it was left sitting at the pass too long. When Robyn brought up her risotto, the latter asked her where the fuck the scallops were, only for her to serve an acceptable refire herself, and was relieved as that meant appetizers were over. One hour into service, Christina checked on her halibut and told her to give the potions a better sear. However, she did not see anything wrong with them, leading Christina to throw away their friendship as she was not able to let it slide and order her to restart the halibut. She argued that she had no time for that, only to send up the halibut that was dead at the station, and they were overcooked. When she tried to argue against that, Sous Chef Andi sternly warned her not to fucking thwart Christina and to do what she says, and Patrick accused her of screwing the pooch big time. Christina decided to give her one last chance to fight back. Later, she walked the refired halibut down, and Patrick noticed the frazzleness in her eyes and prayed that it would happen now. Fortunately, the halibut was done better, and the red diners received their entrées. On the last ticket, while Kimmie and Patrick had their food up on the pass, she sliced into a pork that Ramsay noticed was raw in the middle, which forced Christina to restart the entire table, and she disappointingly wished to have performed better for the latter. Christina eventually won the finals over Justin.[20]

Nomination history[]

Week 1 Win
Week 2 Safe
Week 3 Safe
Week 4 Safe
Week 5 Safe
Week 6 Win
Week 7 Win
Week 8 Safe
Week 9 Win
Week 10 Safe
Week 11 Safe
Week 12 Win
Week 13 Safe
Week 14 Safe
Week 15 Eliminated

Season 12[]

Episode 15/16[]

Main article: Episode 1215 - 7 Chefs Compete
Main article: Episode 1216 - 7 Chefs Again

Dana returned to Hell's Kitchen along with Rock (Season 3) and Paul (Season 9) as their dishes were featured in the first-ever Hell's Kitchen Calendar. Later, they were called to help Ramsay judge the Black Jackets Challenge. Joy ended up winning the challenge and ate a meal with the three returning chefs, which was prepared by the losers of the challenge. During the reward, she told Joy not to take Ramsay’s criticisms too personally as he had a lot of constructive criticisms, and that she never made the same mistake twice.[21][22]

Season 17[]

Episode 1/2[]

Main article: Episode 1701 - All-Stars Arrive
Main article: Episode 1702 - Raising the Bar

During the opening, Dana was one of the five chefs that accepted Ramsay's offer to come back and was seen screaming in excitement. She was the ninth All-Star that arrived at Hell's Kitchen, and while she and Robyn happily reunited, Barbie was not happy to see her. She felt a mutual attraction, before warning the other chefs that while Barbie seemed nice, she was evil. When Christina was announced as the red team's Sous Chef, she felt a little down as the two used to be close before the former became a big deal.

During the Signature Dish Challenge, Dana received filet as her main ingredient but asked Ramsay if he could replace her dome. During Barbie's turn, she and Robyn laughed when the former talked about her multiple nominations, as they were responsible for those. When Barbie believed that it was because she could cook, she retorted that it was not that reason, but Ramsay asked her what the real reason was. However, she struggled to answer that, simply said that things were different now and that they were each getting a clean slate. She was the sixth person from the red team to have her dish judged by Ramsay, went up against Josh, and presented her unknown filet dish, which scored 4 points. The red team lost the challenge 27-28, and they were punished by cleaning up the front of the entrance, tear down the risers and red carpets, and clean up the confetti on the ground.[23]

During the Bar Menu Challenge, Dana felt a little pissed as she did not cook for 40 minutes on a dish that Ramsay himself was not going to taste, and hoped she would be in the top four of the red team. She was called up as the first red chef in the top four, much to her excitement, and she presented her beer-battered lobster tempura taco with pan-seared chorizo. Ramsay praised the dish for having light tempura, and that the avocado crème made it a little more royal. Despite feeling that Milly's cheese fries’ dish was not better than her tacos, she lost the challenge as his dish beat out hers.

During prep, Dana felt like she was shitting her pants over the abundance of menu items in one day. During dinner service, she served a shrimp and pasta appetizer tableside. She was not seen that night, the red team lost the service, and were asked to nominate two people for elimination.

Dana was not nominated for elimination, and when asked by Ramsay on who should be eliminated, she said Elise.[24]

Episode 3[]

Main article: Episode 1703 - Tower of Terror

Back at the dorms, Dana loudly asked where the alcohol was as she was getting annoyed over Elise and Robyn going in circles.

Before the Seafood Tower Challenge, Dana thought the key behind a great chef was imagination. She was paired up with Jennifer, they were the third pair from the red team to compete, and got their first attempt accepted. The red team lost the challenge, and they were punished by taking deliveries of 100 pounds of seafood, prep them for that night’s service along with both kitchens, and eat a bowl of disgusting fish soup. During the punishment, she noticed that Elise refused to take a bite of the dish.

During dinner service, Dana was on the appetizer station with Elise. At one point, she and Elise were seen getting their appetizers accepted. The red team lost the service and were asked to nominate two people for elimination. During deliberation, she called the constant arguing on the line disgusting.

Dana was not nominated for elimination, and when asked by Ramsay on what the red team's problem was, she believed that there was no teamwork.[25]

Episode 4[]

Main article: Episode 1704 - Just Letter Cook

Before the Chance Challenge, Dana got spooked over the concept as she did not want the red team to end up with random ingredients, and hoped that the red team was on their feet. She called out asparagus during the A round but struggled on a P lettered ingredient. During the cooking, Robyn had her taste her rice, but complained about getting dry mouth, said that Robyn always panicked during challenges, and did not want to give the latter advice in case the dish turned out poorly. She was the third person from the red team to have her dish judged by Ramsay and presented her peanut butter lined ribeye with blueberry demiglace. It was praised for the protein being nailed, and she scored a perfect 5. After Robyn's poor performance, she dismayingly said that it was the second time the former only scored a single point in a challenge and feared that things were not looking good.

The red team won the challenge 26-25, and they were rewarded with a private jet trip to Santa Barbara and had an overnight stay at the Belmond El Encanto resort. After hearing that, Dana called it a big win after having four straight losses and called it redemption.

During dinner service, Dana was on the meat station with Jennifer. She was not seen that night, and the red team won the service. During elimination, she said goodbye to Robyn as the latter was reassigned to the red team, and welcomed Josh as a new teammate, much to her dismay.[26]

Episode 5[]

Main article: Episode 1705 - Josh Josh Josh

Back at the dorms, Dana tried to comfort an upset Robyn over the switch into the blue team and urged her to get out of her shell.

During the Wood Plank Cooking Challenge, Dana was paired up with Josh on the barramundi, they were the third pair from the red team to have their dish judged, and went up against Van. They made a cedar smoked barramundi with poblano vinaigrette, it was praised for tasting delicious, and they tied that round with Van. The red team lost the challenge after a tie at 3, and they were punished by cleaning up a stable at Apex Ranch.

During dinner service, Dana was on the meat station with Elise. When Elise was standing around and doing little, she got pissed by that. After Josh got kicked out of the kitchen, she felt that everything was going around for them with even Elise helping. Both teams were named joint winners.[27]

Episode 6[]

Main article: Episode 1706 - A Little Slice of Hell

Back at the dorms, she called Josh's elimination a breath of relief, and at the hot tub, Robyn called her vanilla due to being Jewish despite having a nice ass.

During the Pizza Fusion Challenge, Dana went up against Nick, their country was Greece, and she got excited as it was something she could work with. During the cooking, she complained that there was no room anywhere to cook, and called it utter chaos. She was the fourth person from the red team to have her dish judged, and presented her Greek lamb pizza with feta cheese. While it was praised for the flavors of the toppings, she lost that round to Nick. The red team eventually won the challenge 3-2, and they were rewarded with a tour around Hollywood in a double-decker bus, and a trip to the Hollywood Magic Castle. During the reward, she noticed that the red team was not arguing for once.

During the Italian Night dinner service, Dana was on the fish station. She was not seen that night, and the red team won the service.[28]

Episode 7[]

Main article: Episode 1707 - Trimming Fat

During the Last Chef Standing Challenge, Dana was the second person from the red team to leave the kitchen, although she admitted that she did not like it. When she came back into the kitchen, she got concerned over the pork as it looked cooked but knew that it was deceiving her, and when it was sliced, the pork came out raw. When the red team presented the pork chop, she dismayingly said that they were serving Ramsay pork sushi, revealed that she started on it, and Ramsay commented that the only thing missing was its fucking tail. After the red team lost that round, she argued that the pork chop was not her fault as she got kicked out of the kitchen, and hoped that the rest of the dishes were perfect. The red team lost the challenge 3-5, and they were punished by helping Marino clean the dining room, clean the latter’s shirts ahead of the following service, and clean both kitchens. During the punishment, she asked what Marino did in his spare time after seeing women shoes from his bin, and later, she called Barbie a know it all at shoe shining, before deciding to vacuum in order not to listen to the latter.

Before the Cook For Your Life Challenge, Dana was taking very close notes on the dish Ramsay was cooking. She was not nominated by Michelle, and therefore did not have to compete. Back at the dorms, she asked Michelle what would happen if Elise survived.[29]

Episode 8[]

Main article: Episode 1708 - Welcome to the Jungle

During the Cave Meat Challenge, Dana pierced her ingredient too hard, which led to her spear getting stuck into the floor. She was paired up with Elise on the venison dish, they were the second pair from the red team to have their dishes judged, and went up against Nick. She made roasted venison with yams and pear purée, it was criticized for having under-seasoned meat, and she did not score that round for the red team. The red team lost the challenge 1-2, and they were punished by participating in Spring Cleaning day, which included clearing the bathrooms and bedrooms of the dorms, and ironing the wait staff’s aprons. During the punishment, she called the dorms gnarly as they were living with men.

During dinner service, Dana was on the garnish station. At one point, she came to help Manda out on fish when the latter was struggling, and later, she asked Manda how the pork was doing. Later that night, she wanted to have that night turn around for the red team, but that never came to be as Barbie and Manda's raw proteins got the red team kicked out of the kitchen. The red team lost the service, and they were asked to nominate two people for elimination.

She was not nominated for elimination, and when Elise started throwing Michelle under the bus, she told Elise that she did not like Michelle personally, but the former argued it was nothing personal.[30]

Episode 9[]

Main article: Episode 1709 - Catch of the Day

Before the Fishing Challenge, Dana commented that all she did on fishing trips was drink beer. While the chefs were gathering their ingredients, she found it funny that they as chefs could not catch a fish. During the cooking, she got annoyed with Elise's constant complaining, and when Ramsay revealed the reward, she wanted to go to Vegas and leave Hell’s Kitchen. She received arctic char as her fish, was the fourth person from the red team to have her dish judged, and went up against Benjamin. She made an Atlantic arctic char with chorizo hash, it was praised for the hash component, and she tied that round with Benjamin. The red team lost the challenge 2-4, and they were punished by participating in fish delivery, prep them for the following service, and drinking a disgusting milkshake. During the punishment, she annoyingly thought that they were done with deliveries after the previous one.

During prep, Dana hoped that the Asian fusion night does not turn into confusion night. During dinner service, she was on the appetizer station. At one point, she got annoyed by Elise’s repetitive call outs, and when Barbie sent up ice-cold New York striploin, she commented that it was the sixth time that night where she said that the latter sucked. Both teams were named joint-losers, and they were asked to nominate two each. During deliberation, she said that the entire team got in trouble due to Barbie and Elise's arguments.

Dana was not nominated for elimination, and while being dismissed, she called it an intense elimination, before expressing frustration that Barbie was still around.[31]

Episode 10[]

Main article: Episode 1710 - It's All Gravy

Back at the dorms, Dana agreed with Elise that Barbie needed to go, especially after the latter's outburst during deliberation.

When Ramsay announced the Blind Taste Test, Dana was not thrilled about that, recalling how difficult it was due to the headphones and blindfolds. She was the first person from the red team to compete and went up against Robyn. She failed to correctly guess her four ingredients, and that led to Michelle getting all three punishments. During Jennifer's turn, she received all three punishments herself.

The red team lost the challenge 2-8, and they were punished by cleaning up the dining room, separating peppercorn by color, and grinding them by hand. During the punishment, Dana complained that she just took a shower only to be ankle-deep in gravy once again, and while separating the peppercorns, she and Jennifer called it their worst punishment yet. Despite Sous Chef Christina asking for a good service, she refused to make that promise as she did not believe in Barbie.

During the Charity Night dinner service, Dana led the passion fruit soufflé course, knew that it was all down to the soufflés, and hoped that her course went well enough for Ramsay to ignore the previous two courses. The red team lost the service, and they were asked to nominate two people for elimination. During deliberation, she reminded Barbie how the potatoes were burnt.

Dana was not nominated for elimination, and while being dismissed, she was happy that her wildest dream came true, but admitted that the better outcome would have been both Barbie and Elise going home.[32]

Episode 11[]

Main article: Episode 1711 - Trying to Pasta Test

When the Budget Challenge was announced, Dana recalled that she participated in that challenge back in Season 10, how she won said challenge and felt very confident in her chances. During the cooking, she got annoyed when Michelle kept calling her tortellini dumplings. After Lachlan Mackinnon-Patterson and Bruce Kalman revealed themselves as guest judges, with Dana feeling the pressure on that. She was the second person from the red team to have her dish judged, went up against Nick, recalled that she used halibut back in Season 10 as well for that challenge, and wanted to win again. She made seafood pasta with halibut, shrimp, and sautéed peas, it was criticized for being too rolled up, to the point where Kalman’s dish could not break apart easily, the fish being overcooked, and there was too much dairy in it. So, she scored $63, and she got dismayed as it was not the result she was expecting.

The red team eventually won the challenge $320-$313, and they were rewarded with a go-karting experience along with lunch. During the reward, Dana said that Jennifer drove like a grandma, and she and Elise fought for first place. During lunch, she believed that with Barbie gone, they could finally go through a dinner service without fighting. Even though she said that the fighting was the major problem that kept them down, she dismayingly commented that they could not even enjoy a reward without bickering, and the red team continued to eat with the mood soured.

During dinner service, Dana was on the meat station. At one point, Ramsay asked her for an update on the meat, but when she opened the convection oven, she announced that she needed to refire the Wellingtons as her initial batch was scorched and that it may take 20 minutes for her refires to cook. Despite that, Ramsay allowed them to flip to another ticket, but she sent up raw lamb, and Ramsay yelled the red team was currently behind. When both teams were three tickets away from finishing, she said that she was responsible for the last three tickets. On their final ticket, she sent up the Wellington, but while she felt she was under control, it was overcooked. Then, she sent up her backup Wellington, but it was raw, leading a dismayed Ramsay to send the red team to the pantry room, and order them back to the dorms.

The red team lost the service, and they were asked to nominate two people for elimination. During deliberation, Dana was considered for elimination by Elise and Michelle, but when the former accused her of nominating her out of fear, she called Elise a bully.

Dana was one of the three nominees from the red team as they failed to agree on two people, along with Elise and Michelle. During her plea, she said that despite a poor night, she was not the weakest chef on the red team, and added on how Elise fought with everybody in the red kitchen. While Elise denied that, she reminded the multiple fights the latter had with everybody. She was eliminated for her poor performance on meat and being the reason the red team got kicked out of service. Before leaving, Ramsay told her that while he was originally excited to bring her back, she had her worst day in her entire run on the show, and felt she was not leadership material. During her exit interview, she called the red team a disaster, believed that Elise should have gone home instead of herself, and argued that the latter’s bullying nature was a façade for being insecure.

Ramsay's comment: "In two seasons, this was Dana's first time ever being nominated. Unfortunately for her, it was also her last." [33]

Episode 15/16[]

Main article: Episode 1715 - Final Three
Main article: Episode 1716 - All-Star Finale

Dana was one of the seven returning chefs that came back for the final dinner service. She was Michelle's second pick, after Nick, and was followed by Milly and Elise.[34] Back at the dorms, she hoped that Michelle had a plan B regarding Elise’s behavior. During prep, Elise rudely threw a rubber glove at her.

During dinner service, Dana was on the fish station. After Elise got the first order of appetizers accepted, she told the former to thank Michelle's compliment. Later, she was confused on what the Hamachi was supposed to look like, and asked Michelle for help on the first plate, even though Ramsay reminded her that the latter could not afford to off the hot plate a lot. As Michelle wanted to win, she told her to get it done as she showed the latter what was needed. However, she continued to struggle but eventually recovered. After, Michelle sent back a fish for her to reheat, and her refire was accepted. Michelle eventually won the finale over Benjamin.[35]

Nomination history[]

Week 1 Safe
Week 2 Safe
Week 3 Win
Week 4 Win
Week 5 Win
Week 6 Safe
Week 7 Safe
Week 8 Safe
Week 9 Safe
Week 10 Nominated

Post Hell's Kitchen[]

  • After her first appearance on the show, Dana became a fitness instructor and has opened a healthy eatery called Pulse Cafe. She is also a private chef and a food columnist for a local paper.
  • After her second appearance on the show, she returned to her previous roles as a Corporate Marketing Chef at Unilever Food Solutions, a personal trainer and personal chef.
  • On December 2020, she appeared on Chopped.
  • Since leaving Hell's Kitchen, she has gotten married and is now known as Dana Cohen-Mayer.
  • She suffered a miscarriage during her first pregnancy in June 2021, but had a successful second pregnancy and gave birth to a baby girl in 2022.


  • She is one of the Jewish contestants of Hell's Kitchen.[36]
  • She is the first contestant to hold the record for the least nominations who participated in two seasons, with one, and is tied with Jason (Seasons 9 and 12) and T (Seasons 14 and 18).

Season 10[]

  • She is the fifth contestant to keep her jacket after elimination, following Ji (Season 5), Ariel (Season 6), Jillian (Season 8), and Elise (Season 9).
  • She is the second contestant and second female contestant, who finished in 3rd place that completely avoided nomination during the entire season, following Jillian (Season 8).
  • She is the seventh contestant to score a point in the signature dish without being nominated, following Jim (Season 6), Mikey, Jay (both from Season 7), Jillian (Season 8), Jason and Will (Season 9).

Season 17[]

  • She is the only contestant who participated in the Budget Challenge in two different seasons, although her performances in both challenges were vastly different; she won in Season 10 with a $34 average yield ($102 overall yield) whereas in Season 17 she had the lowest score on the Red Team with only a $63 yield. She is also the only contestant who participated in that challenge in both the team format and the black jackets format.
  • She is the thirteenth contestant to be eliminated on the first time being nominated, following Jimmy (Season 1) Garrett, Keith (both from Season 2), Giovanni (Season 5), Elizabeth (Season 9), Kimmie (Season 10), Michael, Anthony (both from Season 11), and Alison (Season 14), Alan, Eddie, and Hassan (all from Season 15). She is also the first returning contestant who got eliminated after her first time being nominated.
  • She is the third contestant and first female contestant that received more nominations during their second run on the show, following Jason (Season 12) and Giovanni (also from Season 17).
  • She is the only contestant to this date to be on the same team during the final dinner service in both seasons. Coincidentally, she ended up on the winner's team and also on the fish station in both seasons.


Season 10[]

  • "Chef Ramsay's big on scallops and cooking them perfectly, but I'm not scared of him."
  • "Damn it! We gotta push out the entrees! Christina's killing us right now."
  • (About Tiffany participating in the wing-eating competition) "If Tiffany can eat these wings as fast as she can drink beers, we'll be good."
  • (After both teams lost the Three-Course Relay Challenge) "Hell's Kitchen season 10 making history! Only we're making history because we suck!"
  • (During the joint-loss punishment) "Today is a perfect beach day. I don't want to be in Hell's Kitchen, working! Ugh!"
  • "Dude, these giraffes wanna, like, make out with us. This is the most action I've gotten in a week! This is nice!"
  • "What's up!! Who's the best on the red team? I AM!!"
  • (During the Fashion Show Challenge) "Guys, like, we get it. You don't like to eat ever, and all you care about is your image."
  • (About Robyn and Kimmie's fight after service) "It is so ghetto right now. JUST SHUT UP!"
  • (About Robyn after failing identify any ingredients during blind taste) "Robyn gets a big, fat zero!!!! (laughs)"
  • "Chef, I can do this, I don't need your help right now! He's been doing the same thing that I've been doing, only he's doing it in a big sauté pan instead of three little sauté pans. It's the same thing, tomatoes, tomatoes, Chef!"
  • "What's up! Who looks good in black? I do!!"
  • "Normally, walking out of elimination, it's a little depressing, but tonight, we are walking out minus Robyn, and it feels so good, it's such a relief!!"
  • "I know I'm getting the point, that meatloaf sandwich ain't got nothing on my mini meatloaf!!"
  • (About Barbie) "Patience is a virtue, being mediocre throughout the whole competition, was that your strategy?"
  • "I don't like Jay!! Why do you have blue hair, do you think it looks good? Because I'll tell you something, It doesn't!!!!"
  • (About Kimmie serving both raw and burnt catfish) "What are you thinking Kimmie?? This is not happening!!! NO!!!!"
  • "Are you guys kidding, you made pasta!!!"
  • (About Clemenza) "You're supposed to be coming over to help me not sink me!!!!"
  • (After being eliminated) "Hell's Kitchen has been so much harder than I ever thought it was gonna be, but I have to say that I think I did pretty well. I've had Michelin Star Chefs who've tasted my dishes and told me how amazing they are. I can leave here and say I got to serve David Beckham! These are all moments that are priceless and I'm just gonna take it away. Even though I'm leaving Hell's Kitchen, I'm leaving with my head held high and I know one thing and that's I'll never stop cooking!"

Season 17[]

  • (About Elise trying to skip punishment) "Somebody has to sit back down and take a bite of their delicious lunch. Yay! Teamwork!"
  • (Seeing Christina announced as the Red Team's sous chef) "Christina's kind of a big deal now. I'm used to talking to her like a friend, and so, you can't do that anymore. And I don't really like it."
  • "YEAH!! My taco!! Number one dish! What's up, ladies?"
  • (About her serving raw pork to Ramsay) "We're serving Chef Ramsay pork sushi."
  • (During Elise and Robyn's fight) "Where's the alcohol?!"
  • (About Elise and Robyn fighting) "They're going in circles and circles and nobody's getting anywhere, like SHUT UP!!"
  • (About Elise doing nothing) "Elise and I are on meat together and she doesn't do anything! Elise is like, 'I'm just gonna stand here until my next order comes in, and I'm not going to help anyone else but myself."
  • "Josh is out of the kitchen, and all of a sudden, things turn right around! Garnish is going up to the window, wellingtons are being sliced, even Elise is acting normal!"
  • Ramsay: "Dana, ever fished?" Dana: "I just sit on the boat and drink, Chef."
  • (About the fish catching challenge) "This is probably the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life. These people can cook, they can handle knives, but they can’t catch a fish. Oh, it's okay, Elise, it’s called water, and um, you'll be fine."
  • "Pretty much five times a day, I say that Barbie sucks. I'm going for number six: Barbie sucks!"
  • (After being drenched in gravy) "I'm feeling a little moist."
  • (After being eliminated) "I mean, let's face it. The red team is a disaster. Elise should be standing here. Elise wants to say she's not a bully, but I think she uses that facade to push people around when really she's insecure about herself. I came into this kitchen every day and gave it my all, so to know that...that wasn't good enough, that hurts."


External links[]


  1. (June 4, 2012). "Episode 1001 - 18 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 10. Episode 1.
  2. (June 5, 2012). "Episode 1002 - 17 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 10. Episode 2.
  3. (June 11, 2012). "Episode 1003 - 16 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 10. Episode 3.
  4. (June 12, 2012). "Episode 1004 - 15 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 10. Episode 4.
  5. (June 18, 2012). "Episode 1005 - 14 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 10. Episode 5.
  6. (June 19, 2012). "Episode 1006 - 13 Chefs Compete Part 1". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 10. Episode 6.
  7. (June 25, 2012). "Episode 1007 - 13 Chefs Compete Part 2". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 10. Episode 7.
  8. (June 26, 2012). "Episode 1008 - 12 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 10. Episode 8.
  9. (July 2, 2012). "Episode 1009 - 11 Chefs Compete Part 1". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 10. Episode 9.
  10. (July 3, 2012). "Episode 1010 - 11 Chefs Compete Part 2". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 10. Episode 10.
  11. (July 9, 2012). "Episode 1011 - 10 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 10. Episode 11.
  12. (July 16, 2012). "Episode 1012 - 9 Chefs Compete Part 1". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 10. Episode 12.
  13. (July 17, 2012). "Episode 1013 - 9 Chefs Compete Part 2". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 10. Episode 13.
  14. (July 23, 2012). "Episode 1014 - 8 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 10. Episode 14.
  15. (July 24, 2012). "Episode 1015 - 7 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 10. Episode 15.
  16. (August 13, 2012). "Episode 1016 - 6 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 10. Episode 16.
  17. (August 20, 2012). "Episode 1017 - 5 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 10. Episode 17.
  18. (August 27, 2012). "Episode 1018 - 4 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 10. Episode 18.
  19. (September 4, 2012). "Episode 1019 - 2 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 10. Episode 19.
  20. (September 10, 2012). "Episode 1020 - Winner Chosen". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 10. Episode 20.
  21. (June 19, 2014). "Episode 1215 - 7 Chefs Compete". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 12. Episode 15.
  22. (June 26, 2014). "Episode 1216 - 7 Chefs Again". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 12. Episode 16.
  23. (September 29, 2017). "Episode 1701 - All-Stars Arrive". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 17. Episode 1.
  24. (October 6, 2017). "Episode 1702 - Raising the Bar". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 17. Episode 2.
  25. (October 13, 2017). "Episode 1703 - Tower of Terror". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 17. Episode 3.
  26. (October 20, 2017). "Episode 1704 - Just Letter Cook". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 17. Episode 4.
  27. (November 3, 2017). "Episode 1705 - Josh Josh Josh". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 17. Episode 5.
  28. (November 10, 2017). "Episode 1706 - A Little Slice of Hell". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 17. Episode 6.
  29. (November 17, 2017). "Episode 1707 - Trimming Fat". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 17. Episode 7.
  30. (December 1, 2017). "Episode 1708 - Welcome to the Jungle". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 17. Episode 8.
  31. (December 8, 2017). "Episode 1709 - Catch of the Day". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 17. Episode 9.
  32. (December 15, 2017). "Episode 1710 - It's All Gravy". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 17. Episode 10.
  33. (January 5, 2018). "Episode 1711 - Trying to Pasta Test". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 17. Episode 11.
  34. (February 2, 2018). "Episode 1715 - Final Three". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 17. Episode 15.
  35. (February 2, 2018). "Episode 1716 - All-Star Finale". Hell's Kitchen (U.S. TV series). Season 17. Episode 16.
  36. http://www.chefdanacohen.com/print.html
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