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I'm gonna give some pointers about how Dan, the Hebrew Hammer, works: One, I'm cocky. Two, I'm good at what I do. Uhh... I'm also awesome.

Daniel "Dan" Ryan was a contestant on Season 11 of Hell's Kitchen. He ranked in 14th place.

Season 11[]

Episode 1/2[]

Main article: Episode 1101 - 20 Chefs Compete Part 1
Main article: Episode 1102 - 20 Chefs Compete Part 2

When the chefs arrived in Los Angeles, they got on the Hell's Kitchen bus, but Dan got annoyed when it was not departing from the airport, stating that he came to Los Angeles to cook, and not to ride circles in bus. Then, Ramsay surprisingly told the chefs to meet him in Las Vegas. Arrived there, they were greeted by showgirls, which he absolutely loved, got on a double-decker bus for a tour of the city, and eventually got tricked in believing they would go on a Las Vegas 4D experience. However, they arrived in front of a live audience, where Ramsay was waiting for them.

During the Signature Dish Challenge, Dan was the fifth person from the blue team to have his dish judged by Ramsay, and went up against Gina. He served eggs Benedict with champagne hollandaise sauce, tomatoes, and sautéed spinach, but the presentation shocked Ramsay who asked him if he threw up on the plate. He revealed that he used whole butter for his sauce, adding that if it was good for Julia Child, it was good enough for him. However, Ramsay said that Julia Child would turn her grave if she would see that, and added that anybody who would eat that would get the craps while calling it a joke. Neither he nor Gina scored a point, and Ramsay added that he should be embarrassed.

The blue team eventually lost the challenge 4-5, and they were punished with an eight-hour school bus ride from Las Vegas to Hell's Kitchen, in the desert, without air conditioning. While entering the bus, Dan felt like a dumbass and was not looking forward to an eight-hour ride in an old bumpy school bus back to Los Angeles, while adding that if anyone sang "Wheels on the Bus", he would lose his mind. During the punishment, he was annoyed by Sebastian's constant talking.

The next day, during prep, the blue team was really focused and working as a team, and Dan was determined to not get another one on the chin like they did the previous day.[1] During dinner service, he was on the fish station with Zach. At one point, he asked Sebastian what he was doing when the latter was trying to come back after being kicked out, and at another, he was annoyed by Michael serving lamb with more bone than meat on it, saying that he was not serving a dog's chew toy and that there had to have meat on it. Before Jeremy was kicked out, he corrected him when he was struggling to repeat the order, and after Jeremy was kicked out, he was dedicated to the garnish station. When he brought the chicken garnish to the pass, it was undercooked, and because of that, he was the fifth person from the blue team to be kicked out of the kitchen, along with Jon. Back in the dorms, he reminded Jeremy that he had to be able to repeat the tickets and that communication was crumbling. The blue team lost the service, and they were asked to nominate two people.

He was not nominated for elimination.[2]

Episode 3[]

Main article: Episode 1103 - 19 Chefs Compete

Back in the dorms, Dan comforted Jeremy, who felt humbled after surviving elimination, by saying he had a second chance.

The next morning, some soldiers from the US army came in Hell's Kitchen, went to the dorms, and gave a very brutal wake-up call to the chefs by screaming and yelling to get up. When the teams were challenged to climb up the wall, Dan stayed on top of the wall to help his teammates getting over. At one point, he told Anthony to be careful after the latter sprained his ankle. The blue team managed to get 37 lobsters in their bucket, compared to the red team's 31, but did not win anything as that was only the first part of the challenge.

Before the Lobster Cleaning Challenge, Dan was asked by Anthony to help him get his chefs jacket, and during the challenge, he was paired with Zach. He was annoyed by the fact that the women were really fast as they were already done with their second while the men were halfway with theirs, and motivated his teammates. The blue team eventually lost the challenge 8-11, and they were punished by taking a delivery of thousands of pounds of halibut and branzino, prepping them for the next service, and eating fish head soup for lunch. When he learned the punishment, he ironically congratulated Jon and Jeremy for their terrible performance. When the delivery truck arrived, he said they would get intimate with the fish, while calling it fucking gross, and compared the situation as being in a Greco-Roman wrestling match without winning.

During dinner service, Dan was on the garnish station with Barret. At one point, when Ramsay berated Christian for constant mistakes, he was seen drinking water very casually. Later, he tried to help Christian, along with Barret but was annoyed as Christian was not doing anything to correct his situation, and said that he must do something. Eventually, the blue team was kicked out after a lot of mistakes. Both teams were named joint-losers, and they were asked to nominate two people each.

He was not nominated for elimination.[3]

Episode 4[]

Main article: Episode 1104 - 17 Chefs Compete

Back in the dorms, Dan was still confident about Jeremy but called him a liability.

The next morning, all the chefs went outside for the next challenge and saw Ramsay, dressed in a running suit, and a lot of runners waiting in front of a start/finish line. When Natalie Coughlin was introduced as a guest of honor, Dan said she was beautiful, and blew her a kiss. Ramsay introduced the HK3K Service Challenge and asked for a volunteer from each team to run the course with the runners. He volunteered and got chosen, along with Mary from the red team, which he was confident that he could run backwards and still beat her. When the race began, he was already going faster than everybody, leading Ramsay to ask him to slow down. He gave his first checkpoint before Mary, and Barret and Michael were there to check on him. Near the end, he declared he could skip, take his time through a mellow, and still win.

Dan was the first who arrived in the kitchen, and he asked to be caught up on the menu, which Barret agreed to do. During the challenge, he was not seen much, except at one point when he helped Zach bringing salmon to the hot plate, and the blue team eventually lost the challenge. When the red team came in to help the blue team finish their entrées, he declared there was no silver lining as the team went to a great start, but collapsed, while putting all the blame on Zach. After the challenge, when the blue team lined up to learn their punishment, he was annoyed by Michael asking stupid questions.

They were punished by cleaning the HK3K course, including erasing the paint, breaking down the checkpoints, picking the trash, and finally, prepping both kitchens ahead of the next service. When the women rubbed salt in the men's wound while going to their reward, Dan was annoyed by it, and when the women came back from their reward, he declared there was a skink parade coming through the kitchen.

The next day, during prep, Dan angered Michael for leaving his stuff on the latter's station, but he talked back by saying to Michael that he was breaking his balls. Then, Michael landed him a metal container by asking what was inside, which he answered it was watercress. However, Michael revealed he was incorrect, and he corrected himself by saying it was Swiss char. Then, Michael padded him on the shoulder while saying he should not fuck the team, but he declared that Michael was a pain in his ass, and asked him to not make him look like an asshole. A little argument erupted between the two of them, where Michael reminded that they had a service to pull off, but he responded that Michael could suck his dick, leading Ray to calm the situation down.

During dinner service, Dan was on the meat station with Zach. At one point, he expressed dismay towards Ray who was holding the whole team down. Later, he gave one minute for his lamb to be ready, but when Michael sent his lamb garnish to the pass, he noticed his lamb was still undercooked. He revealed the problem to Ramsay, much to the latter and Michael's dismay. Then, he mocked Michael by comparing him to a whiny baby and told him to wait as he got it. He finally sent his lamb to the pass, but it was not sliced properly, and Ramsay schooled him for that mistake. He was asked what was that by being shown the lamb, which he answered it was shit. Because of that, he had to start his lamb over. After that, Ramsay asked him for the lamb twice as he did not answer the first time, and when he did, he said there was one minute remaining. Michael urged him to hurry up as he did not want to do his garnish once again, and then, he asked Zach to take a look at his lamb, but Zach acknowledged it was still undercooked. He told that he could not do anything about it other than put it back in the oven, and when he asked Zach for a time, Michael lost his patience and went to the convection oven himself. At the convection oven, Michael angrily ordered him to go back to his station, and when, Michael got back to his station, he bumped into him on his way. He did not appreciate and challenged him to a fight before Ramsay pulled both of them in the pantry room. There, Ramsay asked what was going on between both of them, and Michael angrily told him that he had to talk, but when he requested Michael to stop yelling, he got ignored and insulted by Michael who told him to talk or go the fuck home. Ramsay ordered both of them to talk to each other, and they got out of the pantry room calmer than when they entered. However, Michael did not understand well what he said about being ready on garnish, but when he corrected himself by saying he was ready with the garnish, Michael told him to speak English. He got back on his station but called Michael a baby, and Ramsay asked for a time, which he answered that he needed one minute on his lamb. Michael smiled and asked him to do the same, but he said that sarcasm was not appreciated at the moment. After, Michael asked him to not even talk and just cook, which he mimicked he was. When he finally sent his lamb, it was accepted, and he called that redemption. The blue team eventually won the service for finally showing some progress.[4]

Episode 5[]

Main article: Episode 1105 - 16 Chefs Compete Part 1

Back in the dorms, the men toasted to their victory, with Dan saying how amazing it was about winning.

During the Protein Identification Challenge, Dan was paired with Zach, and they were the second pair to compete for the blue team. They landed on the chicken tacos, and because of a great guess by Zach, they succeeded to get the right protein on their first attempt. When the blue team's clock stopped at 10:33, he wished that the red team would struggle as much as they did after acknowledging they could have done it in 5 minutes. During the red team's last turn, he hoped that they would screw up really bad. However, the blue team eventually lost the challenge 10:33-6:37, and they were punished by taking deliveries of wheat flour, grinding it, and making bread from scratch.

When the red team left for their reward, Dan stated that he was tired of verbal slipovers after Jeremy angrily yelled at them to get out of the way. During the punishment, the men were using mortars & pestles to grind the wheat, and he said that he felt like a caveman, and jokingly asked Ray if that was like grinding when he was a kid. Later, when Jeremy was rushed to the emergency room, he wished he would be all right.

During breakfast service, Dan was on the smoked salmon station. At one point, he was not ready when Jeremy brought his croissant to the pass, and when the latter brought a sample plate, he was berated by Ramsay, along with Jeremy, who said they could have killed somebody. Later, when Jeremy was clapping his hands prematurely celebrating, he stopped him by telling him not to do it. The blue team won the service as they served all their tickets before the red team, and celebrated by hugging each other.[5]

Episode 6[]

Main article: Episode 1106 - 16 Chefs Compete Part 2

During prep, Dan was annoying Michael and Barret as he was asking a lot of questions to them. Michael questioned his food knowledge, and Barret said that he should either man up or get the fuck out. When both teams were lined up and the waiters of the restaurant told them how much crap they had to deal with, he was unapologetic as he was hating waiters, and even though he acknowledged they were going through some crap, cooks were as well.

During dinner service, Dan was on the fish station with Ray. He was annoyed by Barret being slow to deliver a ticket as he was eager to begin cooking, but when the first ticket was called, he was confused as he did not remember if one or two orders of scallops were called. So, he asked Ray and Michael, but the latter was annoyed. Ray was also annoyed, by his constant requests, and he was asked for a pair of tongs by him, which he gave, much to his annoyance as he wanted to cook as well. When the team moved on to entrées, he was extremely annoyed by Ray taking total control of the fish station and not letting him do one single thing, and the two of them had an argument, much to their teammates and Ramsay's annoyance. After Ray forgot what was on the order, he wanted to cook along with him but was pushed away one more time, leading Ramsay to call them "dumb and dumber" and fuckwits, and to order them to talk to their teammates. After Ray sent an overcooked halibut, he was berated by Ramsay for fucking him after waiting for a long time. He declared that he was sinking with the ship despite not cooking at all, and both of them started over one more time. After they served raw halibut, the entire team was kicked out of the kitchen.

Both teams were named joint-losers, and they were asked to nominate two people each. During deliberation, Dan put all the blame on Ray, saying that the latter would never let him cook anything, and was called a bitch by the latter for just standing there. He heard him, did not appreciate it, but Zach convinced him not to argue with him. Then, he came out of his bedroom, told Ray to shut the fuck up, and after telling that he was not sounding like a child, Ray responded that he sounded like a little bitch. The two of them argued over the disorganization of the fish station, with Barret taking a little part of it at one point, before they were calmed down by Zach. Finally, he declared that if Ray wanted to throw him under the bus, it would be on like Donkey Kong.

Dan was the blue team's first nominee for elimination, with Ray being the second, and they joined Mary and Nedra from the red team. During his plea, he said that he was a team player and tried to support Ray on fish. However, he and Ray had another argument, before Nedra stepped in. Then, Zach intervened and said that he was only talking and not accomplishing anything, he flipped the bird to Zach behind his back, and after telling Ramsay, the latter added that the team was sick and tired of his attitude. In the end, he was asked to give his jacket to Ramsay along with the three other nominees, and after Ramsay declared that he would do something he never did before, the episode ended as a cliffhanger.[6]

Episode 7[]

Main article: Episode 1107 - 15 Chefs Compete

Continuing from the previous episode, Dan became on probation, along with Mary, Nedra, and Ray, where he would have to earn his jacket back by the end of the following service, or he would be history. On the patio, he was thrown under the bus by Anthony for fucking up the fish station, but he was listening behind the wall, told that all of his teammates could go fuck themselves, and revealed himself while smoking a cigarette. He was told by Jon to go fuck himself, called a piece of shit by Zach, and after an awkward silence, he told his teammates that they would never earn his respect back and that he would get his jacket back the next day. After, he was urged by Jon to back up his talking really fast.

The next day, both teams went in the dining room, where Ramsay introduced the Chinese Dish Creation Challenge, along with the Samurai statue that was placed there. Dan was extremely confident as he lived in Asia for one year, and when the countdown began, everybody ran to the plate of fortune cookies that was in front of the statue, but when they arrived, it started moving, making everybody flinch and laugh. Then, Sous Chef James brought the blue team's basket of giant fortune cookies that would be carried with chopsticks, and he volunteered to be manning the board, along with Ray, as he knew that big risks were giving big rewards. Ramsay was concerned about that news, but he was confident as the ingredients were picking themselves so he could not fuck up.

During the first part of the challenge, he was annoying Ray with his questions about which ingredients would go where as he was supposed to have lived in Asia for a year, but in the end, they succeeded to put five ingredients for all of the dishes, with the dumplings even having a sixth one. During the second part, he was responsible for the fried rice course, and he was the first person from the blue team to have his dish judged. He was extremely confident that he would get his jacket back as he lived in Asia for a year, served his fried rice with mushrooms, coconut milk, peanuts, and sweet and spicy prawns, which the presentation was praised, but the rice was deemed undercooked, much to Zach's dismay, and he lost the round to Jacqueline, with Anthony suggesting that he should go back to Asia for another year.

The blue team won the challenge 4-3, they were rewarded with a paintball activity, and Dan, along with Ray, earned his jacket back, which he was very excited about. When they went to the red kitchen to go to their reward, he declared that what was going around was coming around for the red team. During the reward, he was targeted by everybody, before being shot at by Barret.

During dinner service, Dan was on the meat station. At one point, he reminded Barret that he should not fuck up the chefs table's order, but he was called an asshole by the latter, and when Barret's shrimps were raw, he told that he was not as good as he thought. Later, he revealed how excited he was about working on the meat station by himself, his lamb was accepted, and he rubbed it in Michael's face. Then, he arrogantly told that it was perfect because he cooked it, compared himself to Charlie Sheen was he was always winning, was praised by Michael, and his Wellingtons were beautifully cooked as well. Moments later, he served other perfectly cooked Wellingtons, and eventually, the service was completed.

Both teams were named joint-losers, and they were asked to nominate their two weakest chefs each. While going back to the dorms, Dan was happy as he was one of the few who performed well, which he called a victory for him, and during deliberation, he agreed with Jon about nominating Barret. However, he was considered by Anthony and Jon for being dead weight, much to his confusion, he called it back-handed shit and reminded that everything he sent was perfect, before daring his teammates to nominate him so they could see how it would go.

Dan was the blue team's first nominee for elimination, with Ray being the second, and they joined Jessica and Susan from the red team. During his plea, he said that his performance spoke for itself, considered that Barret should have been nominated instead of him, and he survived elimination because of the fact that he could cook, despite his teammates believing that he was not a team player. While being dismissed, he declared that he would not be a team player anymore and just thinking about himself, before adding that his cooking would speak for itself.[7]

Episode 8[]

Main article: Episode 1108 - 14 Chefs Compete

Back in the dorms, Dan knew that he could cook, rubbed about how good he felt after Ramsay told him he could cook in front of everybody in Jon's face, asked if he would be taken more seriously from that moment on, and padded himself on the shoulder. Before going to bed, he was still rubbing his good performance, in Barret's face.

The next morning, both teams went to the dining room, and they were taken outside by Ramsay, who introduced the Farm Animal Challenge. During the first part of the challenge, Dan was the first person from the blue team who entered the pen, and he chose a goat and risotto combination. During the second part, he was not seen much, his dish was chosen to be dropped in favor of Michael's, much to his frustration, to the point that he flipped the bird to his teammates. After the blue team officially lost the challenge 2-3, he was asked to bring his goat dish so it would be judged, served his rough-cut goat with roasted red pepper risotto cake, it was deemed better than Michael's dish, and he said that all of his teammates could go fuck themselves as they were not stopping to underestimate him.

The blue team was punished by putting together a petting zoo, and making sure that the animals would be comfortable, for the next service. During the punishment, Dan called his teammates jackasses, reminded them that they could not blame the loss on him as he did not even contribute and that they would have won if his dish was chosen despite Barret mimicking and disagreeing with him. However, he said that he did have some talent, but did not care if he was not liked as a person as he was tired of punishments. Later, he was extremely annoyed by walking with a llama, his teammates were laughing at him, and he was very disappointed that the only teamwork that the blue team had was when they were laughing at him and making fun of him. So, he gave the llama back to the farm girl, and when she asked him why he did not give it to one of his teammates, he declared that he needed a time out before losing his mind. Then, he was called a little bitch by Barret, was suggested to eat the food that they prepared to the animals by him as he might be hungry, but he did not find that joke funny, told that he was done after saying "fuck you" to his teammates and their mothers, and he went back to the dorms as he revealed that his strategy from that moment on was to take care of himself.

During prep, Dan was targeted by his teammates for being eliminated if he would have one more bad service. During the Family Night dinner service, he was at the pizza station. He declared that he loved pizza as he was always buying frozen pizzas at the grocery store, but when he sent his pizza to the pass, it was burned, the blue team was berated for that mistake, and they started over. Then, he was told by Jon to slow down and think, but he was caught brushing the oven in front of the pizzas, much to Ramsay's extreme dismay. After, he received help from Michael, but he told him that he had it and suggested to the latter that he get another pizza ready. Later, when Ray sent a cold burger for Ramsay's family, he said that the latter brought a perfect storm their way, and after, he was amused when Barret was berated for sending raw lamb, revealing that he did not say anything because he knew that he would enjoy it. After a lot of mistakes, the blue team received help from the red team, where he declared that he was not enjoying it, and the service was completed.

The blue team lost the service by a mile, and they were asked to nominate their two weakest chefs. During deliberation, Dan was considered by Barret for not being a team player, which Zach agreed with by adding that he did not do anything during prep, and Jon also added that he fucked everybody else because of the first pizza. But, he was not worried as he knew that Ramsay could see what was going on, he was told by Zach to wake the fuck up, and he threatened Barret to punch him in the face after the latter accused him of only complaining.

Dan was the blue team's second nominee for elimination, with Barret being the first. During his plea, he said that he could show he could cook, but Ramsay asked him how he could fuck up a pizza, reminded him that he became an outcast, and he retorted that he did not give a fuck if his teammates disliked him, with Ramsay reminding that he had to work as a team player. He was eliminated for his lack of teamwork and arrogance, and he gave an insulting exit interview where he targeted some of his teammates and flipped the birds to them.

Ramsay's comment: "Dan was just too much of a wild card. There's no way I'm betting a restaurant in Vegas on him." [8]

Episode 21/22[]

Main article: Episode 1121 - 2 Chefs Compete
Main article: Episode 1122 - Winner Chosen

Dan came back for the last dinner service because Barret did not. Although he did not want to be on Mary's team, he was her final pick, followed by Jon, Anthony, Nedra, and Michael, and was the final pick overall.

Back in the dorms, Dan suggested he would do great on meat as his temperatures were perfect, although Nedra hoped he meant it during service. Then, Mary asked him to be a team player with no attitude, but he ignored her, and then, Jon told Mary how he would ignore everybody’s input. However, he rudely told Jon to suck it.[9]

During prep, Dan muttered how much he hated prep before asking Mary how to make compound butter, which worried her as his attitude not only sucked, but he was acting like a dunce. Then, he moved too slow for Mary’s liking, and a frustrated Jon asked how he could be making it look so complicated, before deciding to take over the compound butter. However, he called that bullshit and told Jon and Mary to suck it, while the latter warned Jon she would not hesitate to kick people out as she was not babysitting anyone. When Mary told him to watch the sauce, he criticized her voice for making him envy the dead and compared it to a bag of cats as Mary rejected his initial New York striploin. Then, he had enough and walked out of the kitchen, upsetting Nedra as he called him a dickwad, and threatened to put her foot up his ass if he did not come back. However, he went to the patio for a smoke and arrogantly boasted how awesome he was, but then, he decided not to waste his talents, and went back to the red kitchen as a favor to Mary. However, his return was not met with praise as Mary called him a two-faced jerk, but knew she had better things to do than yell at his face, before declaring she was watching him like a hawk. Before service, Ramsay asked the returning chefs to give the finalists 100%, although he looked like he did not care at all.

During dinner service, Dan was on the meat station. As Mary yelled at them to pick it up, he got annoyed and wanted her to stop. On entrées, he sliced into a New York striploin and found out it was rare, while Anthony looked at his line of meat and asked what he was doing. When Mary continually asked him for the steaks, he grew tired of her voice and claimed he knew how to cook meat, only to send up an undercooked steak. While Mary reminded him that they were not serving tartare, his refire was undercooked again, and she threatened to kick him out if he served one more cold steak, before calling him a problem all day long, and felt she was more his babysitter than his head chef. However, he arrogantly argued with Mary over meat temperatures, while Jon feared he could single-handedly cost the latter her victory, although he would not blame Mary if she ended up hitting him in the mouth. After, his third attempt was cold yet again, and after Mary berated him for making Nedra work too much and screwing up the ticket system, she made good on her threat and kicked him out of service before reassigning Nedra to meat. While kicked out, his presence still lingered as Nedra had no idea what his meat temperatures were, and sliced into multiple overcooked steaks until she found a decent serving. Mary eventually lost the finals to Ja'Nel, and during the celebration, he approached Mary and apologized for both his poor attitude and performance, promising that he would make it up someday.[10]

Nomination History[]

Week 1 Safe
Week 2 Safe
Week 3 Win
Week 4 Win
Week 5 Nominated
Week 6 Nominated
Week 7 Nominated

Post Hell's Kitchen[]

  • After his appearance on the show, Dan went to work at Funky Monkey Bistro & Bar, in Orlando, Florida, along with Ashley (Season 15) before it closed in 2018.
  • He is currently a sauté cook at X20 in Yonkers, New York.


  • He and Jonathon (Season 9) are the only two Head Cooks to compete on the show.
  • He and Ray (also from Season 11) are the fourth and fifth contestant who had a military background before entering the competition, following Bobby (Season 4), Joseph (Season 6), and Guy (Season 10).
  • He, Ray, Mary, and Nedra (also from Season 11) are the only four contestants to received "on probation" phase from Ramsay.
  • Since Barret did not come back for the final dinner service of the season as supposed to, he took his place.
  • He is the first contestant ever to be apart of the final service brigade and kicked out of the kitchen by a finalist, during the final service.


  • "If it's good enough for Julia Child, it's good enough for me!"
  • (To Jeremy after they refuse Zach's help) "Hey! No territory bullshit!"
  • "I don't like waiters! Fuck 'em, they're annoying!"
  • (After give the tongs to Ray) "Here you go, Ray. Here you go, I'm gonna make your life little easier. Dude, I want to cook a few things today too. Why don't you give me some fucking pan time here?"
  • (About Ray) "I keep trying to get in there, and I keep getting shut down! He's acting like this is an NBA game, or at the bottom of the key, he's just boxing me out. Can I cook a little, today?"
  • "I heart showgirls. LOVE 'EM!"
  • "Big risks equal big rewards, so put me on the board!"
  • "There needs to be meat on there. This is not a fucking dog's chew toy, this is lamb!"
  • "Wah! The lamb's not cooked! Wah! Michael, just sit there and wait!"
  • (To the blue team) "Fuck you and fuck your fucking mother!"
  • (After being eliminated) "Barret, you are a weapons-grade douchebag. Zach, you're two-faced as shit! Michael, you are S-T-O-O-P-I-D stupid! My message to the blue team is: (flips the birds) Shove it up your ass!"
  • (Reacting to Mary's voice) "Shut up, bitch."
  • (Describing himself) "I'm gonna give some pointers about how Dan, the Hebrew Hammer, works: One, I'm cocky. Two, I'm good at what I do. Uhh... I'm also awesome."


External links[]


Hell's Kitchen Season 11
Gordon Ramsay (Head Chef) • James Avery (Blue Team Sous Chef) • Andi Van Willigan-Cutspec (Red Team Sous Chef) • Jean-Philippe Susilovic (Maître d'hôtel)
Gina AloiseRay AlongiJacqueline BaldassariBarret BeyerDanielle BoornAmanda GiblinNedra HarrisSusan HeatonMichael LangdonJessica LewisJeremy MaddenMary PoehneltAnthony RodriguezChristian RosatiSebastian RoyoDan RyanJon ScallionCyndi StanimirovJa'Nel WittZach Womack