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You know, I still think I'm the best.

Bradley "Brad" Miller was a contestant on Season 3 of Hell's Kitchen. He ranked in 6th place.

Season 3[]

Episode 1[]

Main article: Episode 301 - 12 Chefs Compete

The twelve new aspiring chefs were heading down to Hell's Kitchen in SUVs while getting to know each other on the ride. Once they arrived at Hell's Kitchen, Jean-Philippe introduced himself. Before he could go into how he and Ramsay met, the latter appeared and told the former to cut the crap. Afterwards, Ramsay ordered the contestants to cook their signature dishes.

During the Signature Dish Challenge, Brad was the seventh person to have his signature dish tasted by Ramsay. He served a scallop terrine with prosciutto and a vanilla lemon crème. They were judged alongside Eddie's scallop dish. When he tasted Eddie's dish, he claimed that they were cooked right, but Ramsay made him admit that it was raw. When Eddie tasted his dish, he thought that while they were cooked well, it was otherwise ruined with an unneeded vanilla sauce. Ramsay found it the most sensible comment he heard all day. After hearing the grand prize, he called it a phenomenal prize, and the last thing he wanted to do was to fuck it up.

During prep, Brad showed some leadership skills by having the blue team organized. He was initially at the dessert station during dinner service. Ramsay placed him on the appetizer station after Vinnie tried to replace vegetable stock with water in the risotto. He called it a relief to be called over as the appetizer station was going down. Because of his strong efforts, the blue team sent out at least twenty-nine tables of appetizers. After seeing Aaron starting to get dizzy, he unsympathetically wanted the former to get better at cooking and felt that Aaron gave up when the latter walked outside. The blue team won the dinner service.[1]

Episode 2[]

Main article: Episode 302 - 11 Chefs Compete

During the Dover Sole Challenge, Brad cleaned three fish, but only two of them were deemed acceptable to Ramsay's standards. The blue team lost the challenge 8-9, and they were punished by cleaning the remaining Dover Sole for the next service. During the punishment, Aaron contemplated quitting the competition due to his poor health, but he disagreed as it would leave the men down a member.

Before dinner service, Ramsay asked the blue team who would debone the Dover sole, and he immediately said Aaron. During dinner service, he was on the appetizer station along with Eddie. As Eddie tried to get his spaghetti ready, he and Rock butted in despite the former trying to push them away. That resulted in more than spaghetti cooked that was unnecessary, and Ramsay told him and Josh to leave Eddie alone. After Eddie served an overly peppered risotto, he took over, but his risotto was as peppery as the former's. It was that mistake that led Ramsay to kick the blue team out of service. The blue team lost the service, and Rock was named the "Best of the Worst."

He was not nominated for elimination.[2]

Episode 3[]

Main article: Episode 303 - 10 Chefs Compete

When the Army and Navy woke up Brad, he and Rock helped Aaron get dressed as he was cramping, and they refused to leave a man behind. During the Army and Navy Service Challenge, he saw Aaron struggling on the omelet station and declared him the blue team's weakest link. He and Josh took over for Aaron and were able to get some food out to the Navy, but he soon had a few of his omelets rejected for being cold. That led Ramsay to ask if he was consistently bad. When Julia came from the red kitchen to help the men, he knew that they lost. The blue team lost the challenge. They were punished by doing KP duty, which included prepping a thousand pounds of potatoes and onions.

After their punishment, Brad was chosen to take the leadership role for the blue team after a discussion. The following day during prep, he wanted to lead the men to victory, but Rock wanted to see how he would handle that position for that night.

During dinner service, Brad was at the meat station. At one point, he tried to scrap the burnt parts of a Wellington he just cooked, but Ramsay saw this and threatened to shove it up his ass if he tried to serve it. The blue team won the service, but Ramsay criticized his performance and poor leadership skills that service.[3]

Episode 4[]

Main article: Episode 304 - 8 Chefs Compete

During the Blind Taste Test, Brad was the first from the blue team to participate and went up against Julia. Before tasting anything, Ramsay tested the headphones and the blindfolds by calling him a sack of crap and waved his hand in front of him. He only scored on the fried chicken, and Ramsay noticed that by telling him he lost to a Waffle House Cook. However, he blamed the blinders and headphones for. The blue team lost the challenge 3-5 and had to prep both kitchens for the next service and eat an offal platter. After hearing that, he got annoyed about prepping both kitchens as it was annoying. During the punishment, he was concerned when he thought Rock would throw up, and it would cause a domino effect. So, he gave Rock a barf bag.

During prep, Brad yawned out of fatigue from the punishment. During dinner service, he was on the garnish station. He was not featured too much as he did not have any problems. Both teams lost service, and Rock was named "Best of the Worst" for the blue kitchen.

He was not nominated for elimination.[4]

Episode 5[]

Main article: Episode 305 - 7 Chefs Compete

Back at the dorms, Brad felt the blue team could succeed without the excess weight.

During the Wedding Planning Challenge, Brad felt that sending back some of their items due to overcharge would hurt the blue team because some of those ingredients were needed. During the cooking, Rock told him to use all the ingredients they had, and he told Josh to turn his overcooked lentils into a purée. He presented the blue team's appetizer and went up against Melissa. He presented a crab salad with thyme and grapefruit aioli, scoring that round over Melissa. The blue team won the challenge 2-1 and were rewarded with a day of pampering and relaxation at the Exhale Spa. Ramsay asked Brad when he last had a massage, but he said not until now. During the reward, he got some stretches in and was in bliss after letting go. As the blue team celebrated, he and Rock thought the red team would be at each other's throats during the decorating.

During the Wedding dinner service, Brad was at the meat station. At one point, Ramsay called him over to help Josh out on the appetizers to move quicker, but that called a hold on the women’s first order. However, Ramsay reminded Brad to work on appetizers instead of meat like he ordered. When Melissa came in for some saffron sauce, he said no as he needed them for the men. The blue team eventually won the service.

At elimination, Brad and his team welcomed Melissa as a new teammate, much to their dismay.[5]

Episode 6[]

Main article: Episode 306 - 7 Chefs Compete (Again)

During the Lobster Challenge, Brad was down for the lobster and was seen making his own dish. However, he got pinched by his own lobster. He was the final person from the blue team to have his dish judged by Ramsay and went up against Jen. He made a lobster bisque with Disaronno Chantilly, calling it a modern twist. While it was praised for having great taste. He lost to Jen, even though Ramsay told him that it was a tough decision on his end.

The blue team lost 1-2. They were forced to participate in Recycling Day, which meant going through the garbage and sorting out the recyclables. As the blue team cleaned up the kitchen, Brad told the blue team to take their loss with grace, but when Rock went off in anger, he was shocked as he never saw him that angry. Melissa asked him and Josh if Rock always got that mad, but neither said they did not. He knew it would both stink and suck during the punishment as the blue team saw all the trash in front of them. After Rock came back from In Touch, he noticed how angrier he was than earlier. After the punishment, he decided to leave Rock alone and have his space.

During prep, Brad made sure Melissa was focused as it was her first time cooking in the blue team. During dinner service, he was at the appetizer station. Ramsay noticed that their pot of water was not boiling. He revealed they just put in freshwater five minutes ago, much to Ramsay’s dismay. Later, he sent up his risotto, but he made too much as three dishes were brought instead of two needed. One hour later, he sent up another order of risotto, but it turned out to be overcooked. Ramsay brought him to the front and whispered that it had been his worst service yet. He agreed with Ramsay but felt Melissa screwed him by overcooking the rice earlier. After a six top order was sent back for being overcooked, Ramsay sarcastically thanked him for being a twat and closed down the kitchen.

The blue team lost the service, and Ramsay told Brad that this service was his worst yet. He deemed it the worst service in his life. They were asked to nominate two people for elimination. During deliberation, he asked Rock if they were basing it on that night only, which would mean himself and Melissa, or overall, which would mean Melissa and Josh. He did not think he should be nominated for one bad night.

Even though Melissa was eliminated before the nominations were named, Brad, along with Josh, was called down by Ramsay. During his plea, Ramsay told him that his performance was worse than shit and that he complimented shit. He admitted that he was humiliated by his performance. When he made excuses for his performance, Ramsay cut him off. He survived elimination, and while being dismissed, he knew he had to win with his actions.[6]

Episode 7[]

Main article: Episode 307 - 6 Chefs Compete

Back at the dorms, Josh declared that it was game time now that the battle of the sexes was back on, but Brad felt it was more than that.

During the Leftovers Challenge, Brad immediately grabbed ingredients. He was the first person from the blue team to have his dish judged by Ramsay and went up against Bonnie. He made a curry bass with crustacean tomato pasta. Ramsay praised him for the amount of work he placed into his dish, and ended up tying with Bonnie as Ramsay could not decide which dish was better. However, he thought his dish was better than Bonnie's The blue team won the challenge 2-1 and were rewarded a paintball match against Ramsay. During the reward, he felt pumped but was taken out first. Still, he had fun.

Before service, Ramsay announced that both teams would be creating a menu. Brad took the lead and pitched ideas but rejected Josh's Tuscan bean soup. He felt his teammates were thinking too basic and took Rock's macaroni and cheese suggestion into a cassoulet. However, Rock knew that would not work and thought he should keep the naming simple. During prep, he voiced hope that the customers would order from their menu the most.

During dinner service, Brad was on both the appetizer and fish stations. Most of his menu items were featured: turbot and mushroom consommé, lamb chops with herbed gnocchi, and sautéed chicken breast with Rock's truffled cassoulet. He sent up his ravioli dishes, but they soon came back as they were stone-cold. Ramsay ordered him to make a shrimp salad as a replacement and told him to concentrate. However, he said he knew how to cook pasta and argued that his nerves got the better of him. When Rock and Josh bickered about the lamb, he told the two not to snap and wanted to get through service. Still, Rock retorted that he did not wish the lamb to bleed out. When Josh struggled on the lamb, Ramsay asked either him or Rock to help the former. However, he spent more time prepping lamb than cooking, leading Ramsay to accuse him of giving up on Josh. Later, some of his dishes were sent back as his sauce for the turbot was bland and salty, which Ramsay compared to baby vomit. He was ordered to start over.

Both teams were named joint losers, and Ramsay chided Rock and Brad for not even attempting to help Josh as the people who suffered the most were the customers. The blue team was asked to nominate one person for elimination. During deliberation, he argued that he should not go up and accused Josh of being bitter that Rock put him up for elimination twice in the past. Josh argued against it, but Brad said he would feel the same if he were in his shoes. Also, he felt that Josh was Rock's whipping boy more than the team's whipping boy.

Brad was the blue team's nominee for elimination and joined Bonnie from the red team. He thought it was based on the menu, but Rock argued that he tried to take the leadership role that night, but it led them to fail. During their pleas, he felt he tried to do everything when others waited too long, but Rock told him to say his name because that was where he was going. He argued that he wanted to be politically correct about it, but Rock reminded him that this was a competition, leading Ramsay to sarcastically liking the team spirit. Still, he felt he could run a restaurant and that he tried his best. He was eliminated for his poor leadership skills in service. During his exit interview, he felt that Rock and Josh nominated him out of fear he was the better chef on the men and still felt he was the best.

Ramsay's comment: "Brad was a hard worker. Unfortunately, he worked with his back rather than his brain. He lacked finesse to become a great chef." [7]

Episode 10/11[]

Main article: Episode 310 - 2 Chefs Compete
Main article: Episode 311 - Winner Announced

Brad was one of the six chefs who returned for the final dinner service. He was shocked that Rock and Bonnie were the finalists, but he was rooting for Rock to win despite being upset about losing. Later, he got concerned for Julia when the latter broke into tears and asked if they should say something to cheer her up. Ramsay reminded him of his poor performance during the Army and Navy Service Challenge when he came down in the kitchen. He was Rock's first pick for his team due to being the strongest of the five remaining. He was later joined by Vinnie and Josh.[8] While Rock was briefing the team about the menu, he knew that they would have to cram in a lot of stuff to help him succeed. He suggested making a prep list immediately.

During dinner service, Brad was on both the appetizer and meat stations. When service began, he knew the team must bust ass for Rock because if he won, they won. When Josh struggled on crab cakes, he accused the former of losing it as it brought down the team. Rock eventually won the finals over Bonnie.[9]

Nomination History[]

Week 1 Win
Week 2 Safe
Week 3 Win
Week 4 Safe
Week 5 Win
Week 6 Nominated
Week 7 Nominated

Post Hell's kitchen[]

  • After his appearance on the show, he became an Executive Chef at Ox and Son, a consultant for Five Star Senior Living.
  • He appeared on the NBC show "Food Fighters".
  • He's currently hosting his own TV show called "Food Truck Nation" on the Cooking Channel.
  • He also became an expert on Paramount Network's Bar Rescue since Season 9.


  • He was the last person to be eliminated before the black jackets were given that season.
  • Brad is the first person not to have a black jacket and be eliminated on week 7.
  • He and Tiffany (also from Season 3) are the only contestants from Arizona.


  • (About Aaron’s condition) "I’d like to see Aaron get better... get better at cooking."
  • (Guessing boiled carrots) "Uhm... It’s Papaya."
  • (About Rock’s temper) "Rock was pissed! For a second, I thought he was gonna flip out! Oh wait, scratch 'thought', he flipped out!"
  • (After being eliminated) "Rock and Josh knew that I'm the better chef, and I think it was their decision to vote me off because I was the best in the competition. You know, I still think I'm the best."


External links[]


Hell's Kitchen Season 3
Gordon Ramsay (Head Chef) • Scott Leibfried (Blue Team Sous Chef) • Mary-Ann Salcedo (Red Team Sous Chef) • Jean-Philippe Susilovic (Maître d'hôtel)
Joanna DunnVinnie FamaMelissa FirpoRock HarperEddie LangleyBrad MillerBonnie MuirheadTiffany NagelAaron SongJosh WahlerJulia WilliamsJen Yemola
