Hell's Kitchen Wiki
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I think I'll forever have nightmares about Gordon Ramsay now, but... yeah he's still kinda hot.

Bonnie Muirhead was a contestant on Season 3 of Hell's Kitchen. She was the runner-up of that season.


Season 3[]

Episode 1[]

Main article: Episode 301 - 12 Chefs Compete

The twelve new aspiring chefs were heading down to Hell's Kitchen in SUVs while getting to know each other on the ride. Once they arrived at Hell's Kitchen, Jean-Philippe introduced himself. Before he could go into how he and Ramsay met, the latter appeared and told the former to cut the crap. Afterwards, Ramsay ordered the contestants to cook their signature dishes.

During the Signature Dish Challenge, Bonnie was the fifth person to have her dish judged by Ramsay. She served a contemporary cheese course but was intimidated by Ramsay. Not only did Ramsay call the dish different, he said it showed how inexperienced she was, making her fear about the nightmares she would have of him. After the teams were formed, she did not want the backstabbing to begin until after the first service and after they eliminated the men.

During prep, Bonnie argued with Joanna overcooking the risotto and wanted to hit the latter out of frustration.

Bonnie was on the appetizer station with Tiffany during dinner service. At one point, Joanna found out that she already put the garlic in the risotto when she was not supposed to. That led to an argument between them, with a dismayed Ramsay asking why now on an important night. Despite that, she tried to keep the women's morale up. When Tiffany struggled on eggs, Ramsay told her to help the former. However, her nerves got the better of her as she broke the yolks in the process. The red team lost the dinner service, and Melissa was named "Best of the Worst."

Bonnie was not nominated for elimination. While being dismissed, she thought she was lucky to be in Hell's Kitchen as she hoped to show Ramsay that she was not an idiot.[1]

Episode 2[]

Main article: Episode 302 - 11 Chefs Compete

Back to the dorms, the women met up together with Bonnie voicing her dismay at how much the team argued to Melissa. She especially disliked how Ramsay called them evil and twisted, calling it harsh.

Before the Dover Sole Challenge, Bonnie got excited when Ramsay said they would catch their own fish as she always wanted to do that. She failed to get all of her fish properly cleaned and scored no points. Still, the red team won the challenge 9-8 and were rewarded with a fishing trip in the Pacific and lunch with Ramsay. When the women left for their reward, she told Aaron to get better and take care of himself. During the reward, she called the time with Ramsay priceless. Later that night, the women got into more revealing outfits, which excited Josh and Eddie. They used her to help them with menial tasks.

During dinner service, Bonnie was at the fish station. At one point, she was cooking three orders of scallops instead of the one that was needed, which caused Ramsay to call her a dumb blonde. She felt like an idiot and tried to calm down, as Ramsay called her a Barbie. When Joanna got emotional after a mistake on garnish, she tried to calm the former down. The red team won the dinner service, and she felt it reunited them as a team. After elimination, she felt they were in a good position over the men.[2]

Episode 3[]

Main article: Episode 303 - 10 Chefs Compete

When the Army and Navy arrived to wake the chefs up, Bonnie was in the shower, much to her frustration since she had not washed the conditioner in her hair. During the Army and Navy Service Challenge, she was on an unknown station. As the red team served their meals in great momentum, she felt they were finally bonding as a team after their arguments in the past. However, she got dismayed when Joanna's hash brown incident halted them. The red team won the challenge, and they were rewarded with a helicopter ride and had lunch with Ramsay on the USS Midway. As the women went back to the dorms, she was happy to dress up for Ramsay. She called it one of those once-in-a-lifetime experiences during their reward as the women cracked fun of the men's punishment.

During prep, Bonnie felt that Julia would fall short as there was no room for error after the latter admitted to not knowing how to make crème brulée. During dinner service, she was at the fish station. She sent up her refired ticket order at one point, but Ramsay found out that her scallops were raw and was even angrier at her dumb question about it. When it was revealed that Joanna was using rancid crab, she was shocked the former did not even realize it earlier. The red team lost the service, and Ramsay said he would no longer trust her alone on fish. They were asked to nominate two people for elimination. During deliberation, she agreed to nominate Joanna but brought up Julia's name since her inexperience with the fine-dining food made them believe she could not win, alongside Melissa.

Bonnie was not nominated for elimination. While being dismissed, she hoped the women would bounce back from that night.[3]

Episode 4[]

Main article: Episode 304 - 8 Chefs Compete

Back in the dorms, morale was very low as Bonnie knew the women performed horribly, but she managed to comfort Jen after the latter felt bad about the trashed pasta incident. However, she got annoyed at Vinnie when he continued to come down hard on Jen. She admitted that the long nights were getting taxing and believed they were in actual Hell.

During the Blind Taste Test, Bonnie was the third person from the red team to compete and was up against Josh. Before guessing her ingredients, she informed Ramsay that she could hear him. She scored on the bok choy and pear, scoring two points for the red team, impressing Ramsay because she did well for a nanny. The red team won the challenge 5-3 and were rewarded with a special lunch excursion with Ramsay by eating in the dark. Before leaving for the reward, she got grossed out by the offal platter. Back at the dorms, the men were pissed that she could hear Ramsay before the tasting began, and Vinnie accused her of cheating. However, she argued against it, accusing the men of making excuses. When the red team drove to the reward, she told the women about Vinnie's accusations and said that any sympathy she might have had for the men was gone. During the reward, she complimented Ramsay's nice voice in the dark, making the women laugh in response.

When the red team came back from their reward, Bonnie was happy that the men had to prep their kitchen as she could rest up. During dinner service, she was at the meat station. At one point, she found that Julia's scallops were overcooked, but Melissa ignored the two's pleas. Later, she worked on her meat, but Melissa butted in and found that her chicken was still raw. Then, Ramsay discovered that she sliced the chicken in half and placed it back in the pan. After giving an unconvincing answer, Ramsay derided her performance as she had given him nothing but dumb blonde answers and declared that the chicken was now dry. Then, Ramsay got angrier when she mistakenly lied about a refire and ordered the women to work together. Then, she needed three more minutes for her Wellingtons to rest but admitted that she had no idea what she was doing. Melissa and Julia checked on them. They turned out to be raw and medium, causing more frustration for her as Melissa was not helping. Ramsay complained about three cooks at the meat station and that none of her Wellingtons were ready. She got frustrated by the lack of communication with Melissa and told a dismayed Ramsay she had to restart. After, she announced that she needed eleven minutes for the next order due to not having a chicken ready. However, she already had the Wellington ready, leading Ramsay to say he should simplify his words so she would understand him better. That caused her to feel distraught that Ramsay disliked her and nobody took her seriously. Then, she served a dry chicken, and when Ramsay went to her station, he found a torn-up serving, making him more wounded up. When the red team cleared down, she broke down and believed she did not deserve to be in the competition anymore, as she was not experienced enough. However, Julia tried to calm her down.

Both teams lost the dinner service, and Ramsay further criticized Bonnie's lack of straight answers. Jen was named "Best of the Worst." During deliberation, she packed her bags as she knew she would be going home.

Jen did not nominate Bonnie, but she was eventually called down after Ramsay overruled both teams' formal nominations. Vinnie from the blue team joined her. When Ramsay asked her why Jen did not nominate her, she was surprised as well. During her plea, Ramsay told her that she was bad that night, and she admitted that she needed help with services as she was crap, even pointing out that Ramsay made mistakes in the past. She survived elimination. While being dismissed, she still wanted to learn but wondered if she was ready to be a chef.[4]

Episode 5[]

Main article: Episode 305 - 7 Chefs Compete

Back at the dorms, Bonnie confronted the woman for ignoring her after she was nominated and felt she was the elephant in the room before feeling she should have gone home that night. Melissa reminded her that they were in a competition and felt the latter was a failure to happen. That caused her to believe that she may not have what it takes to be there.

Before the Wedding Planning Challenge, Bonnie felt the pressure as they had to get it right. During the cooking, she was insulted by Melissa when the latter told Julia not to listen to her. After the cooking, she told Ramsay that the red team had a tough time because they were arguing a lot. While she did not present any of the red team's dishes, she expressed embarrassment over the red team's overcooked duck breast being served to the wedding couple without any sides. The red team lost the challenge 1-2 and were punished by decorating the dining room for the wedding reception under the supervision of Francisco the Party Planner. Back at the dorms, she was pissed at the embarrassment they faced over Melissa's actions, and Julia knew the latter made the wrong decision to put the duck breast back in the oven. She wanted to mutiny over Melissa and vented her problems just as the latter came in. She told Melissa not to take the reins as she did earlier, but the latter deflected her criticisms, making Julia feel Melissa was disrespecting them. However, Melissa rudely told Julia to grow some balls next time, making her coming close to strangling her. During the punishment, she got annoyed by Melissa's attitude, wanted to strangle her with chiffon, and asked what happened to her as she was not the same person that started. Melissa argued that she was only trying to help, but Julia said she was talking more than helping, and she finally snapped at Melissa.

During the Wedding dinner service, Bonnie was at the fish station. At one point, she sent up scallops to the hot plate, but Ramsay told her he could not accept them since he needed the blue team's appetizers for the newlyweds first. However, she was pissed at the men for causing the women to start slow. The red team eventually lost the service, and Jen was named "Best of the Worst." During deliberation, she felt that she knew more than Julia and feared that she would be sent home if she were up against Melissa.

Bonnie was Jen's second nominee for elimination, with Melissa being the first. During her plea, she stated that she had only started to realize her potential because the chef inside her was emerging. She survived elimination and then said goodbye to Melissa as the latter was transferred to the blue team. While returning to the dorms, Jen revealed that she put her up because she knew she would survive. She felt that it was their time to shine without Melissa.[5]

Episode 6[]

Main article: Episode 306 - 7 Chefs Compete (Again)

On their way back upstairs, Jen told Bonnie that she put her up with Melissa because she knew she would be passed over. Back at the dorms, the red team gathered for a meeting and coldly shut out Melissa, with her calling the latter a bitch. With the three bullies gone from the red team, she believed that it was their time to shine, and they needed to step up, to which Julia agreed. Even though she knew they would be pushed harder than before, she felt the red team could pull through as they hugged it out.

During the Lobster Challenge, Bonnie grew nervous over the covered object. When it turned out to be a lobster tank, Ramsay noticed how distraught she looked, and she said she hated killing one as it made her cry, something Rock snidely made fun of. As everyone laughed at her, she said she hated killing one. During the cooking, she wanted Jen and Julia to get the lobsters so she would not have to get one herself. However, Jen and Julia pushed her to do so, successfully conquering her fear. She was the first person from the red team to have her dish judged by Ramsay and went up against Melissa. She made a grilled lobster salad with baked apples, which Ramsay noted was pretty ambitious grilling the lobster. She knew it was the first time in a while she could show Ramsay what she could make and was nervous. Still, Ramsay told her the dish was nice and praised her for taking the risk. She won that round over Melissa, and the red team won the challenge 2-1. She knew that Ramsay liked their simpler tastes.

The red team was taken to a photo shoot for In Touch magazine with Ramsay. That excited Bonnie as the opportunity was too hard to pass. During the reward, she felt like a rock star. But, after a pissed Rock was forced to grab trash from In Touch due to the punishment, she felt bad for him and diverted her eyes from him.

Bonnie was a little freaked out during prep because they had more work to do with one less person. Ramsay had both teams lined up five minutes before service and told her that her grilled lobster salad would be on the menu that night. Even though she knew the blue team was glaring at her, she knew they were starting to see her skills and called it an honor.

During dinner service, she was at the meat station. She noted that Jen could lead well on appetizers after Jen became vocal. However, her pan soon caught fire and was uncertain what to do, forcing Ramsay to come in and put the pan in the sink. Then, Ramsay lectured her on fire safety as she should have stepped back rather than burn the restaurant down. Despite that, she got her dishes praised by Ramsay. Later, an argument between her and Julia over Bonnie’s meat erupted. She felt Julia's inexperience was starting to catch up, and the latter broke down in tears over the stress. The red team won the service. After elimination, she thought the women were more prepared than the men.[6]

Episode 7[]

Main article: Episode 307 - 6 Chefs Compete

Heading back to the dorms, Bonnie expressed surprise that Melissa was eliminated so quickly and compared it to seeing a character unexpectedly die in a movie on their way back to the dorms. Later, she expressed surprise that she was up against two Sous Chefs and an Executive Chef and was ready to beat them.

During the Leftovers Challenge, Bonnie pitched ideas for the women's dishes when they struggled on ideas. She was the first person from the red team to have her dish judged by Ramsay and went up against Brad. She made a rustic chicken stew but did not feel confident after seeing Brad's dish. Despite that, Ramsay praised it for tasting nice, and she tied that round with Brad.

The red team lost the challenge 1-2, and they were punished by participating in spring cleaning and Delivery Day. During the punishment, Bonnie said that the men's reward was better than what she was doing. When they were taking in deliveries, she made sure they had what they needed. But when they brought everything inside, Julia noticed that they took in boxes of turbot skeletons instead of the whole filets. That dismayed her as the truck had already left, and she hated being a dumbass. However, Jen got annoyed by her dramatic attitude. After Sous Chefs Mary-Ann and Scott double checked the list, it was soon revealed that not only did they also take in snapper filets that had no skin on them, they also took in unsalted butter instead of the salted variant they use. Julia deemed their mistake horrible as they should have checked the invoice better. Those mistakes forced the delivery truck to be called in again, and the women had to fix their errors late in the night. While Jean-Philippe was disgusted that the blue team refused to help them out, she knew the men would not lift a finger to help them.

Before service, Ramsay announced that both teams would create their own menus. Jen and Bonnie came up with their ideas, such as ahi tuna. Julia pitched a New York striploin dish back in the red bedroom, but she was not convinced as she felt it was a copout. Instead, she suggested rabbit as they knew how to cook it, but Jen did not know if it was classy. Also, Jen started to get angry at her as she feared it was not good enough. As both teams went downstairs for prep, Jen expressed her concern about their menu, but she told the former not to become a bitch right now, which angered Jen. During prep, she asked for some suggestions for the bacon, but Jen and Julia ignored her. That caused Sous Chef Mary-Ann to remind the women that this was still a team effort. However, Jen retorted that she was okay leaving with or without a friend that night. Despite her feeling that she and Jen developed a friendship, she felt the latter was not as nice as before.

Bonnie was on the garnish station during dinner service and had her bacon-wrapped leg of rabbit featured on the menu. When Julia struggled with the rabbit, Ramsay had her help Julia. That upset Jen as that meant she never made the dish before. As Ramsay suggested an alternate way to cook the rabbit, Julia was upset about getting screwed by her. Later, Ramsay pointed out that she was cooking the garnishes with no gas turned on and mocked her shocked expression. She was disappointed by her incompetence in the competition, and Ramsay told her that she should be ashamed of her poor performance. Then, she had to redo the steak's garnish as she burned the initial one. As the red team's teamwork collapsed, she and Jen were arguing over the desserts as she had no idea what was going out.

Both teams were named joint losers, and for the red team, Julia was named the "Best of the Worst." During deliberation, she felt her creativity was better than her performance. While Julia acknowledged that she knew her food, the former thought she could have improved execution. She hoped she was up against Josh as she had a better chance of surviving over him.

Bonnie was Julia's nominee for elimination and joined Brad from the blue team. She knew she had the makings of being a head chef during her plea but asked for more time. She survived elimination, but Ramsay told her to wake up. While being dismissed, she was shocked that Ramsay spared her but knew he saw something inside her.[7]

Episode 8[]

Main article: Episode 308 - 5 Chefs Compete

As the chefs returned to the dorms, Bonnie asked Julia if Ramsay saved her for entertainment purposes. She told Rock he could be surprised that she survived over Brad. The following day, Ramsay announced that the remaining chefs would be merged into the black jackets, and she got her's from upstairs. She loved the color contrast of her new jacket.

During the Alhambra High School Lunch Challenge, Bonnie made a fried goat cheese over salad and said she wanted to give the students something healthy. When she served it to the students, she told them how she made it. She lost the challenge to Julia and saw that the competition was getting more challenging. Despite wanting Julia to pick her for the reward over the men, she was punished by cleaning the dining room. During the punishment, she and Rock argued over ironing the tablecloths as she said he had an explosive temper. She revealed that her only job as a nanny was to cook and had no idea about cleaning anything.

During prep, Bonnie was nervous about service because they had to cook out of one kitchen with only five of them. She accidentally threw out monkfish that she thought smelled rancid, and Sous Chef Mary-Ann chewed her out as Bonnie threw out all twenty-three of the portions they had for service. Worse, Sous Chef Scott said it did not smell bad. That incident broke her confidence, and she feared she could be going home that night. She went on a tangent back upstairs that Ramsay favored Julia the most and could not believe she lost to a cheese sandwich. Still, Rock argued that Julia succeeded in what she knew best.

During dinner service, Bonnie was at the meat station. After seeing Josh and Rock struggle, she found it comical that the men were not doing well. Later, she brought up her Wellingtons, and Ramsay said they were well cooked. An hour into service, Bonnie asked him for a time on his turbot, but he forgot about it and snapped at her when she told Ramsay his mistake. Rock called her a teacher's pet, but Ramsay noted that he hit rock bottom. When it came time for desserts, she tried to stop Rock and Jen from arguing.

After service, Bonnie was named "Best of the Worst" by Ramsay for having the best night that service. She was told to nominate two of her teammates for elimination. Even though she did not like to be placed in that position, she was glad to be in the final three. During deliberation, she was concerned that Rock could not control his temper and deemed him her first nominee. However, she was torn between Jen and Julia as the second nominee. Julia pleaded her case as she did not want to go home. She revealed she wished the three women would continue together. Still, Julia was not sure of what she would do.

Bonnie named Rock as her first nominee and Julia as her second. While being dismissed, she did not think she would make it that far and was shocked at how well she improved.[8]

Episode 9[]

Main article: Episode 309 - 3 Chefs Compete

Back in the dorms, Bonnie and Jen were upset that Julia was eliminated. Still, she hoped that Julia would take Ramsay’s offer and would miss her smiling face. She expressed surprise they went from five to three in one night and that she never expected to make it to the final three.

Before the American Classics Challenge, Bonnie wondered who chef Ramsay talked about was and was surprised it was his mother. She got Frank and Beans for her dish but thought it was a British classic. Ramsay said it was an American classic, but she did not know how to make hot dogs and beans gourmet. She asked Sous Chef Scott what Frank and Beans looked like during the cooking, much to his disbelief. Rock saw her struggle again and mocked her whining in the confessional. She later swore in frustration, though Ramsay sternly warned her not to. She said she never ate hot dogs with beans before unless it was a chilli dog. Forty minutes left, she had an idea after seeing the vast array of ingredients. She made an Italian version of Frank and Beans, which had mini bruschetta and a mushroom wheat cream sauce. Ramsay had her mother come in and judge the dishes, along with Rock and Jen's moms. She called it a reward of its own and called it a treat to see her mother eat the dish even though she was not a big gourmet person. Her dish was the final one to be judged.

Bonnie lost the challenge to Jen but was allowed to spend time with her mom before she left. She was punished by cleaning the dorm rooms. After hearing Jen's reward, she expressed a bit of jealousy that the former went with her mother for lunch, but she knew Jen deserved it. During the punishment, she revealed that the only cleaning stuff she knew how to do was making beds and using Windex. That surprised Rock, given that she worked as a nanny, but she revealed that her job as a nanny only consisted of cooking and babysitting. Her bossy attitude, along with her complaints, mildly irritated Rock, but he did not mind it too much even though it was a long day. Rock ended up telling her to stop complaining as it would conserve her energy into cleaning. When Jen came back, the former caught up with her as Rock watched from afar. She said she would be happy to get through service as she did not want to go home.

During prep, Bonnie knew that winning that night's service ensured her a spot in the final two and was not worried about the two other chefs. When training with Ramsay, she left Ramsay surprised at her anger, and Rock got a little happy to hear her swear at the latter. She called it fun to yell at Ramsay and not get yelled back at.

During dinner service, Bonnie was at the meat station. When she saw Rock plate slowly, she expected better of him due to being an Executive Chef. She was the last chef to run the pass. She messed up when calling her first ticket out, which confused the chefs. Rock called her scattered as it made it hard to focus on what was going on. Still, she noticed that the pigeon Sous Chef Scott sent up did not have crispy skin and knew why Ramsay got mad at them. Then, she called out Jen for not adding enough salt to the risotto and questioned the latter's palate. Jen soon revealed that she ran out of risotto as she overcooked the rest of her rice, much to Ramsay’s dismay. While Jen cooked more rice for the risotto, she completed her run with no further problems.

After service, Ramsay asked the final three to explain why they deserved to be in the finale. Back at the dorms, Jen asked Bonnie if she still wanted this. She said she did, but Jen feared her heart was not in the right place. She admitted being initially terrified of taking a giant step in her career but was confident she could do it after being pushed to her limits.

The final three made it downstairs to meet Ramsay, who asked each of them why they deserved to be in the finals. Bonnie said it was because of her growth in the competition. She was named the second finalist, with Rock as the first. After Jen left, Ramsay congratulated her and Rock for being the final two and how they were very close to winning the grand prize. Then, Ramsay surprised the two of them by revealing their loved ones were standing behind them, and she reunited with her parents. Ramsay told the final two that they had come a long way since the beginning, and they both deserved to be here. However, Ramsay announced that their biggest challenge was about to start, soon as a giant curtain dropped down separating the dining room, ending the episode on a cliffhanger.[9]

Episode 10/11[]

Main article: Episode 310 - 2 Chefs Compete
Main article: Episode 311 - Winner Announced

Continuing from the previous episode, Ramsay revealed their most significant challenge after the curtain dropped between Rock and Bonnie. They both had to create new restaurants on their half of Hell’s Kitchen, with her cooking out of the red kitchen. She said the competition could change her life. Ramsay said that both could become the head chef at the Green Valley Ranch Resort in Las Vegas and allowed them time with their families. Her mother told her that she and her dad were very proud of her. She was happy to share the moment with her parents, as they were her biggest supporters. Eventually, the loved ones left.

Before dismissing them for the evening, Ramsay told the finalists to start imagining what their restaurant should look like, from design to the menu. Back at the dorms, Rock and Bonnie celebrated their biggest milestone and congratulated each other. She said she came a long way since the start and knew she had a gift, something Rock did not know about. She told Rock that the other chefs underestimated her, which was their downfall. That shook Rock a bit, and he even feared that he might lose to her, while Bonnie was determined to beat Rock.

The following morning, Bonnie began working on her restaurant idea. She compared her half to a life-sized dollhouse with a charge card. When talking with Jon Janavs, her vision was a more classical approach with mismatched china. When discussing with Jean-Philippe what the waiting staff would be wearing, she wanted all the waiters dressed in black, with the women wearing fitted pants. While working on the menu with Sous Chef Mary-Ann, she had a clear vision for her menu, as it featured a lot of her favorite foods. She said they reflected herself, and she told Sous Chef Mary-Ann her favorite dish on the menu, a linguine pasta.

Ramsay later took Bonnie and Rock over to Las Vegas. As the final two excitedly went up to packed their bags, she said that Vegas would represent her future home. On their private jet flight, Ramsay expressed surprise to her on how much she improved despite failing to cook quail eggs on the opening service and her impressive anger during the assertiveness training before the previous service. They landed in Las Vegas and made their way to the Green Valley Ranch Resort & Spa, the grand prize for the winner. Seeing the marque caused her to realize how real the prize was. The final two made it to their room and saw a promo clip of their time in Hell’s Kitchen on the Television, which excited them. Later that evening, Ramsay took her and Rock outside and told them they would be getting drinks. When they went through the VIP area, they saw a huge crowd of people. She was shocked and compared it to a surprise party.

Bonnie cooked her shrimp and lobster pasta during the Final Signature Dish Challenge and said the pasta represented herself on a plate. Still, she said it was difficult to cook a dish that people in the industry would judge. She scored on the first round, and on the second round, she tried to explain the story behind her dish, but Ramsay told her not to charm Gerald Chin. That caused Rock to accuse her of trying to strategize during the challenge. During the third round, she was stunned that the people were tasting her dish and got annoyed when the crowd chanted Rock's name. Still, she scored that round. On the fourth round, she recalled watching Robin Leach's show and called him a legend. She scored that round. On the fifth round, she deemed Rock a great smoocher because he tried to sell his dish to Michael. When Chris Fearnow and Bob Finch tasted her dish on the final round, she saw the former like her dish. She scored that round and won the challenge 4-3. She said winning the challenge boosted her confidence while crushing Rock's.

After the challenge, Ramsay told Bonnie that she would learn her reward later. He took her and Rock to a skyscraper and celebrated with champagne. She called the view symbolic as it was in reach for one of them. As they looked over the strip, Ramsay invited them to New York City and eat at the chef's table at Gordon Ramsay New London NYC while spending a few days in the city, which they accepted. When the final two returned to Hell's Kitchen, they shared one last meal. She said she was on the eve of her important night and did not want to walk away a loser. As the two ate, Rock admitted that he changed a lot in the competition and sometimes doubted his skills. However, she knew he was trying to use psychological warfare against her and did not want to waste her time on that.

The following morning, Rock and Bonnie were relaxing in the dorms when the six previous eliminated chefs returned. Everybody was excited to see each other again and caught up. Brad was shocked that Rock and Bonnie were the finalists, but he was rooting for Rock to win despite being upset about losing. She and Jen reconnected as she called her her buddy, and the latter rooted for her to win. As she was checking out the gift basket, Julia ended up breaking into tears, much to Brad and Rock's concern. She knew that Julia was triggered seeing her in the final two. A phone call from Ramsay occurred, and he told her to bring everybody down to the kitchen.

Once downstairs, Ramsay told Bonnie that she got the first pick of her team since she won the last challenge. Bonnie immediately chose Jen, with the latter saying she had the former's back. For her second choice, she picked Melissa due to being nervous about Julia's emotional state. For her final pick, she picked Julia as she wanted the girls back together. However, Bonnie was unaware that Julia was secretly rooting for Rock to win. Ramsay sent everyone back upstairs so she and Rock could get their teams up to speed. As the chefs went back upstairs, she said the battle of the sexes was back on as she knew the women worked better as a team than the men.[10]

Back at the dorms, Bonnie revealed to her team that she picked them because they had always beaten the men, much to their happiness. Melissa promised her they would do their best as she was happy she got her wish. Even though Julia said she would work for her like any other boss she had, the former was still rooting for Rock to win. She took a more relaxed approach to make her team catch up and surprised Melissa when she admitted that she never cooked most of her menu items before. She was concerned about that and admitted she was nervous.

During prep, Bonnie and Julia argued as the latter thought the former was treating her like an idiot. While she knew Julia thought she would be in the final two, she hoped the latter would put her problems aside for that night. Three hours before service, Jon Janavs pulled her aside to inform her that they ran out of the initial wallpaper for her restaurant and had to use another kind. She was upset by that news and soon noticed bubbles on the walls, though Jon promised to try and remove them. Then, Melissa sent over the prawns to her in the red kitchen, but they turned out to be overcooked. She told Melissa not to brown them too much and hoped she did not supervise the latter a lot. The second batch was overcooked as well. One hour before service, she was ready to show Ramsay the dishes from her menu. These included a herbed breaded goat cheese appetizer, an egg fettuccine with sautéed prawns entrée, and an assortment of chocolate truffles dessert. Ramsay tasted the dishes but noted that the prawns were slightly overcooked, something she blamed Melissa for. Also, Ramsay said that the truffle dish looked too small. After Ramsay's comments, she took them to heart and decided to change the dishes. Thirty minutes before opening, her restaurant was finished and ready for Ramsay to tour her Neighborhood Hideaway. Ramsay liked how it did not look intimidating and was relaxing, almost like a neighborhood restaurant. She said her restaurant was what she wanted and believed everyone would be happy. With five minutes left, Ramsay called her and Rock over for one last meeting. He reminded them that their service would test how well they would run their own restaurant, and afterwards, he gave them head chef jackets. After they got changed, she felt like she graduated with her head jacket.

During dinner service, Bonnie said her brigade were not her friends that night as she wanted them to listen to her and did not want them to screw her. She got her first order and called out with authority. Her team got their first appetizers out together and received positive reviews from the customers. When she called out the next order, she noticed that none of her team responded and felt they were not respecting her as a leader. She asked Julia for a time on the cauliflower soup. Still, the latter refused to answer until she called her name several times. Still, Julia wanted the dinner service to be over with and said it was nothing personal. Then, she tried to push Jen to get more vocal even though the latter was already doing so in the red kitchen. That annoyed Jen as she thought she was loud enough, while she ignored Julia’s warning that she did not have the okra ready. Julia accused her of going into her own head for not listening to her. When she was still not listening, Ramsay warned her she was losing momentum because she was not listening to Julia. An hour and a half into service, she succeeded in getting all her appetizers out, and the team moved onto entrées. However, Melissa told her they had only four orders of her fettuccine pasta left. That angered her because Melissa never told her before service began and was forced to tell Jean-Philippe they would change the dish to a normal pasta dish. She was devastated because that was her signature dish. Ramsay asked how many portions she had at the start of service. She admitted that she did not know how many portions they started with, causing Ramsay to ask how she could be underprepared. Later she was pissed off when Melissa warned her there was only one order of prawns left. Things got worse when two of her pasta dishes were sent back for being cold and undercooked. She revealed that not only were there no more prawns left, they had no other seafood ready as a replacement. She called it a nightmare, but Jean-Philippe told her that the customers were okay with just the pasta. When she told her team the news, she realized her voice was not being heard again as nobody responded. Julia rudely retorted that she was only doing her job of cooking her food. When they moved to desserts, Julia ignored her orders to wrap up the goat cheese and told Jen to do it. That angered her, which led to an argument between them, which led her to believe Julia was really bitter about the situation. A dismayed Ramsay watched on and reminded her to run her kitchen. After service, she and Julia made up.

After service, Bonnie admitted that she would have double-checked everything if she had another chance, as being short on the prawns might have hurt her chances. Still, she thought she did well and was proud of herself, felt she had the better team and was willing to wait and see what happened. While waiting upstairs, she and Rock hugged each other for a job well done while admitting that they both had a rough night and could have done better. Still, she felt she proved she had a talent. Rock admitted that she probably won as the two were waiting, but the latter knew he was a strong competitor.

Later that evening, Rock and Bonnie made their way to Ramsay’s office. Ramsay praised her as she surprised him with her assertiveness. Then, Ramsay had both of them stand in front of one door and revealed that only the winner's door would open. After they nervously waited for Ramsay’s countdown, both turned their door handles, but her door did not open. She became the runner-up, but she took her defeat graciously, telling Rock she was happy for him and still expressed hope that the right opportunity would come to her eventually.[11]

Nomination History[]

Week 1 Safe
Week 2 Win
Week 3 Safe
Week 4 Nominated
Week 5 Nominated
Week 6 Win
Week 7 Nominated
Week 8 BoW
Week 9 Safe
Finale Runner-Up

Season 6[]

Episode 1[]

Main article: Episode 601 - 16 Chefs Compete

Bonnie made a cameo during the opening of that season, where she gave a rule to the contestants about what not to do. She said that she broke some rules during her appearance on the show, and then, a clip of her cooking with her stove off during the seventh dinner service was shown. Finally, she revealed the rule "Always turn the stove on before you start cooking!" to the contestants.[12]

Season 10[]

Episode 16[]

Main article: Episode 1016 - 6 Chefs Compete

Bonnie returned to Hell's Kitchen as part of a team of returning runner-ups. She was joined by with Russell (Season 8), Jay (Season 7), Kevin (Season 6), Paula (Season 5) and Virginia (Season 2). During prep, she called that night redemption as she wanted to win and did not want to be a number two again.

During dinner service, Bonnie was at the dessert station and served as a floater. She was not seen much, except when Russell asked if he could help her by calling her sweetheart. The runner-ups won service over the black jackets, and she was excited as it felt good to win.[13]

Post Hell's Kitchen[]

  • After her appearance on the show, Bonnie moved to New Zealand, where she became Sous Chef at Crab Farm Winery in Hawkes Bay and made cooking demonstrations. She is now married and changed her last name to Berkett. In 2014, she became Head Chef at Ormlie 1899.
  • She left Ormlie 1899 and became a school teacher at Patoka School in New Zealand. She also has a three-year-old son named Conrad.


  • She participated in the first-ever different gender finals of Hell's Kitchen.
  • She and Aaron are the first contestants from the state of California.


  • (About Ramsay) "He makes me wanna pee my pants because he's scary! I feel like I am going to pass out!"
  • "I think I'll forever have nightmares about Gordon Ramsay now, but... yeah, he's still kinda hot."
  • (About the red team's lame-duck) "There are no words to say how humiliating it was serving a piece of shit duck to a husband and wife to be. I really wanted to disintegrate."
  • (About the monkfish) "I binned that. It smells."
  • (After being named the runner-up) "I am so happy for Rock. I think chef Ramsay did make the right decision. I'm not worried about myself; I think that the right opportunity will find me."


External links[]


Hell's Kitchen Season 3
Gordon Ramsay (Head Chef) • Scott Leibfried (Blue Team Sous Chef) • Mary-Ann Salcedo (Red Team Sous Chef) • Jean-Philippe Susilovic (Maître d'hôtel)
Joanna DunnVinnie FamaMelissa FirpoRock HarperEddie LangleyBrad MillerBonnie MuirheadTiffany NagelAaron SongJosh WahlerJulia WilliamsJen Yemola